07-980Council File # Presented By; RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant is for the 2007 SPPD Crime Lab Backlog Reducrion project; and 0"7 -9�D 30A4176 �� 7 WHEREAS, the grant funding will be used to hire a Criminalist, and fund some training for that person as 8 well as provide training for current Lab staff; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE IT RESOLVED, that council accepts this grant and authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John Harrington to implement the attached agreement with the United States Department of Justice. 27 28 29 30 Yeas Absent I� Thune Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption By: Approved B Green Sheet # Fo�Fyh Approved by City Attorney: ✓ `� BY' ��,tiwl,rv�,�.w� Approv " by ayor or Sub 's io to Co cil: s Q:\FiscalAffavsW O&C R�200TPaulCoverde112007backlogpro�ect.zls 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science 2 Improvement Grant from the United States Department of Jusrice, for the period of October 1, 2007 through 3 September 30, 2008; and � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��-�g0 Depar6nenf/officeJcouncil: Date Initia[ed: PD p��1Ce���� , 1�SEP-0� i Green Sheet NO: 3044176 CoMact Person & Phone: Chief John Harrington 266-5588 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-�ocument Requiretl: Y Document Contact: Evette Srarver � Departmerrt Sent To Person � � 0 yolice Depar�ent Police Denarhnent Assign i 1 ' olice De artment Pdice De ent Number 2 �City Attornev i City AttorneY I For Rou[ing 3 vor's OtSce I Mavor Ortler i 4 ,Counc7 ' Council I 5 City Clerk i City Clerk I b iholice Deuar[ment PWice Depar�ent Contact Phone: 266-5541 I I Total # of Signature Pages , (Clip All Locations for Signature) ; Signatures on the at[ached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Depaztment, to en[er into the attached grant ��, agreement with the United States Departrnent of 7ustice for the Paul Coverdell Foiensic Science Improvement Grants Ptogram. �tlallons: Approve (A) or q Planning Commission Cla Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet I InRiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Wtw, What, When, Where, Why): , This grant is for the 2007 Crime Lab Backlog ReducUOn project. This project is to speed up the processing of evidence it receives or j eliminate the backlog of forensic evidence. Specifically, [he grant funding will be used to hire a Criminalist, and fund some training ' for that person as well as provide fraining for current Lab staff. Ativantages If Approved: Opportunity to use gran[s funds [o help reduce the Crime Lab Backlog for processing of evidence. ' Disadvantages If Approved: i None. �' � � G x � � ���' ; Disadvantages If Not Approved: �I Lost opportuniTy to use grant funds to help xeduce the Crime Lab Backlog of evidence processing. �� ��� $95,000 Transaction: Funding so�rce: United States Department of Financial lnformation: �UStiC2 (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number: September 19, 2007 10:13 AM Page 1 -s�-y ��-�go : Department of Joslice Y£ ;. y,; � Office oi lustice Progams Office of the Ass�srant Attomey General wo,n�,g�o�. fl.0 mssr September 4, 2007 ChiefJohn Harnng[on City of Saint Paul l5 W. Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55102-2295 Dear Chief Hamngto¢ On behalf of Attomey General Alber[o Gonzales, it is my pleasure to mfortn you that the Office of Justice Programs has approved your application for funding under the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Fonnula Grant Program m the amount of $95,000 for City of Saint Paul. This Tunding is for the project titled, "FY2007 Paul Coverdell Fotensic Science [mprovement Gcants Pro�ram.' Encbsed you will find Ihe Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. This awazd is subject to att admimstratrve and financial requirements, including the t�mely submission of all financial and progarnmatic reports, resolu[ion of all interim aud�t findings, and the maintenance of a minimum Ievel of cash-on-hand. Should you not adhere to Ihese requirements, you will be in violation of the terms of [his agreement and Ihe award will be subject to [eanination for cause or other admims[rative action as appropriate. If you have questions regarding this awar3, please contact: Pro�rzam Ques6ons, Alan Spanbauer, Program Manager at (202) 305-2436; and Financial QuesGOns, the Office of the Comptrolier, Customer Service Center (CSC) at (S00) 458-0786, or you may contact the CSC at ask.oc@usdo�.gov. Congratula4ons, and we look forward to wOrking with you Sincerely, .�j'�„+.rt,f .�' �,'}'�',�'.`"r"'d7 Regma B. Schofield AssishantAt[omey General Enctosures " � - �'�'a Department of Jusfice ' -� � `' Office of Sustice Programs �_. 1„ ..=.�- f : __:,. - Office for Civi] Ri�u Washmgron.D.0 I0531 September 4, 2007 ChiefJohn Hairington C�ty of Saint Paul I S W. Kellogg Blvd Sain[ paul, MN 55102-2295 Deaz Chief Harrington: Congratulations on your recent award. In establishing financial azsistance programs, Congress hnked the receipt of Fedeml Sunding ro compliancewith Federal civil righb laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Jus[ice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of lustice is responsible for ensuring [hat recip�ents of finanaal a�d from OJP, rts wmponent offices and bureaus, the Office on Viotence Against Women (OVVn, and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Serv�ces (COPS) comply with applicable Federal civil rights staN[es and regulations. We at OCR are available to help you and your orgam�a[ion meet the civil rights requirement5 tha[ come w�th ]ustice Department funding. Ensuring Access to Fede�ally Assisted Programs As you &now, Federal laws prohibit recipients of financial usistance Erom discriminating on tfie basis of cxe, cobr, na[ional ongin, religion, sex, or disability in funded pmgams or activities, not only in respect to employment practices but also in the delivery of services or be�efitr. Federal faw atso proh�bus funded programs or activities finm discriminating on the basis of age in the delivery oF services or 6enefits. Providing Services to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) [ndividuals In acwrdance with Departrnent of Justice Guidance pertaining to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.0 § 2000d, recipients of Federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to thert programs and acnvit�es for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For more mfortnation on the civ�i nghts responsibilities that recipients have in providing language services to LEP mdividuals, please see the website at http:!/www.lep.gov. Ensurins Equsl Treahnent for Faith-Based Organizafions The Departmrnt of Justice has published a regulation spuifically pertaining W the funding of faith-based ora nizations. in generai, the regulation, Partiapation in Justice Departrnent Programs by Religious Or�amzations; Providing for Equal Treahnent of aIl Justice Departrnen[ Program Participants, and known as the Equal Treahnent Regulation 28 C.F.R. part 38, requires State Administenng Agencies to treat these or�anizations the same as any otF�er apphcant or recipient. The regulation prohibits State Administering Agencies from making award or gment admimstration decisions on the basis of an organization's reLgious character or affiltatioq religious name, or the relieious composition of iu board ofdirectors. The regulation also prohibits faith-based organiza[ions from usmg financ�al assistance from the Department of Jushce to fund inherently rcligious activities. While faith-bued orgamzations can engage m non-funded inherently rel�gious activities, they must be held separately from [he Department of Justice funded program, and cus[omers or beneficia�es canno[ be compelled to partic�pa[e in them. The Equal Treatment Regu�ation at5o makes clear [hat organizations participaGng in programs funded by the Deparhnent of JusGce are not permitted to discriminate in the prov�sion of serv�ces on the basis of a beneficiary's religion For more information on the regulatroq piease see OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/etfbo.htm. b7 ! J' a�-��a State Administering Agencies and faith-bued organi�alions should also note that the Safe Stree� Act, as amended; the Vic[ims of Crime Act, u amended; and the Juvenile Iustice and Delinquency Prevention Act, as amended, coniain pwhibiAOns against discriminafion on the buis of religion in employment. These employment provisions have been specifically incoryornted into 28 C.F.R Part 38.1(� and 38.2(�. Consequently, in many circumstances, it would be impersnissible for faith-bued organizalions seeking or receiving funding authorized by these statutes to have policies or pmc[ices that condition hiring and other employmeni-related decisions w the religon of applicanGS or employees. Programs subjeM to these nondiscrimmazmn provisions may be found on OCR's website at http:Owww.ojp.usdoj.gov/ced. Questions about the regulation or the sfatutes that pmhibi[ discnmination in employment may be directed to this Office. Enforcing Ctivil Rights Laws AIl recipients of Fedenl financial assistance, regazdless of the particular funding source, the amount of [he grant awazd, or the rmmber of employees in the workforce, are subject to the prohibifions a�pmst unlawful discrimination. Accordingty, OCR imestiga[es recip�ents [hat are the sub�ect of discrimination complaints from both individuals and g'oups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, OCR setects s number of reapients each year for compliance reviews, audits that require recipients W submit data showingthat they are providing services equitably to all segments of their service population and that their employmen[ p2ctices mee[ equal employment opportumry standards Complying with the Safe Streets Ac[ or Program Requirements In addrtion to [hese general prohibitions, an organization which is a recipient of financiat assistance subject to the noodiscrimination provisions of the Omnibus Crime ConCrol and SaFe Slreets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 U.S.G § 3789d(c), or other Federal gan[ program requiremrnfs, musi mcet two additional requirements:(1) comptying with Fedeal regula[ions pertvmng to the development of an Equal Employment Opportumry Plan (EEOP), 28 C.F.R. § 42301-308, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings of Discrimination (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.205(5) or 31.202(5)). 1) Meetlng the EEOP Requirement In accordance wi[h Federal regulatio�s, Assurance No. 6 in [he Standard Assurances, COPS Assurance No. 8.B, or certam Federal grnnt pzogram requirements, your organization must comply with the following EEOP reporting requvements: If your organization has received an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting bo[h full-and part-time employees bUt excluding pohtical appointees), then it has to prepare an PEOP and submit it to OCR for review within 60 days from the date of this letter. For assistance in developing an EEOP, please consult OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdeeop.hhn. You may also request techmcal assistance from an EFAP specialist at OCR by dialing (202) 616-3208. lf yow organization recerved an award between $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more employees, your organization still has to prepare an EEOP, but it does not have to submit the EEOP to OCR for review. [nstead, your organization has to mamiain [he EEOP on file and make it availabie fo� review on request [n addition, your organiza[ion has to complete Section B of the Certification Foan and reNm it to OCR. The Certification Foan can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. lf your organization received an awazd for Iess than £25,000; or if your organizafion has less than 50 employees, regardless of the amount of the award; or if your organization is a medical insfitupon, educational mstiNtion, nonprofit organization or Indian Iribe, then yo�r o�ganization is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, your organization must complete Section A of the Certificat�on Fovn and retum it to OCR. The Certification Foan can be found at http:Owww ojp.usdo�.�ov/ocr/eeop.htm. 2) Submitting Findings of Discrimination In the e�ent a Federal or State court or Federal or State administranve ageucy makes an advetse finding of discrimination against your organization after a due process heazing, on the ground of race, color, rehgioq national origin, or sex, your organizat�o� must submrt a copy of the finding to OCR for review. �, Ensuring the Compliance of Snbrecipientr If your organiaetion makes subawazds to other agencies, you aze responsible for assuring that subrecipie�ts also comply with all of the appliCable Federnl civii nghts laws, including the requiremenis pertaining to developing and submitting an EEOP, reporqng Findin�s of Discriminatlon, and providing language services to LEP persons. State agencies t}iat make subawards must have in piace standard gcant assurances and review procedures to demonstrate that they are effudvety monitoring the civii nghtr comphance of subru�pients. If we can assis[ you in any way in fulfilling yow civil dghts responsibiliees as a recipient of Federal funding, please call OCR at (202) 307-0690 or visit our website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocd. Sincerely, �--/ a. ��--- Michael L. Alston Director cc. Grant Manager FinancialAnalyst 6 7 �9�0 a��go `�""" � Departrnent of Justice � Office ofJustice Rogmms � t PAGE 1 OF 4 y. ;` .� v National Insritate of Jusrice Grant �� �-RECIPIENTNAMEANDADDRESSpndudingZipCadc) 4.AWARDNUMBER: ZW�-�QBX-0023 Gry o; Saint Paul IS W Kellogg Blvd 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM I W01200] TO 09/302008 Svn[ Paul, MN 551@-2295 BUDGETPERIOD:FROM IWW/200] TO 09/302008 6 AWARDDATE 09/0G200] �,q�70N lA. GRANTEE Ift5/VENDOR NO 8. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER Iniiiai 416005521 pp 9.PREVIOUSAWARDAMOUNT SO 3 PROJECTTfTLH IO.AMOUNTOFTHiSAWARD 395,000 2007 SPPD Cnmc Lab Backbg Reduct�on Grant II TOTALAWARD 595,000 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT IS APPROV ED SUBIECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATfACHED PAGf(S) 13 STANTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This pro�cct �s supportrd undcr42 US C 3797� - 37970 (NU - Coverdcll Porrnsm Sarncc improvcmcnt) IS METHODOFPAYMEM PAPAS - AGENCYAPPROVAL - GRANTEEACCEPTANCE - 16.TYPEDNAMEANDTITLEOFAPPROVINGOFFICIAL 18.TYPEDNAMEANDTITLEOPAUTHORIZEDGRANTEEOFFICIAL Regma 6. SchofieW John Hanmg[on Assis�ent Attomcy Gencral Ch�efofPOLCe 17.SIGNATUREOFAPPROVMGOFFICIAL I�fIC� 7'UREOFAO HOR]ZED IPIENTOFFICIAL 19A DATE '�� � � t �.g� i ;� y//o`0 t � � AGENCY S ONLY 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFlCAT(ON CODES 21. CO07S00010 FISCAL FUND SOD DIV YEAR CODE AQ. OFC REQ SUB POMS AMOUNT X B CD 6� 00 00 95000 O1P PORM 40002 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDRIONS ARE OBSOLETE O1P FORM 40002 (AEV.4-88) G ��9� ,� DepartrnentofJustice Office of Iustice Progcams ; r National Institute of °"°"' Justice K;: :.+' rxaecTwMSeu zoo��co-ex-ooza AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARDDATE 09/042007 SPEClAL CONDITIONS PAGE 2 OF 4 I. The recipient agrees to eomply vrith the financial and adminisaative requiremenu set foRh in the curzent ed�tion of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges tha[ failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opporlunity Plan (if recipient �s required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Secuon 42.302), tha[ is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspeusion or tertmnation of fwiding until such ume as tt�e rec�pientis m compliance. 3. The recipient agrees [o comply with the organiza[ional audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Locat Govemments, and Non-Profit Orgamzations, u further deseribed in [he curtent edition of the O1P Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 4. Recipient unders[ands and agrees that it canno[ use any federal funds, either directly or indirectty, m support of the rnachnent, repeal, modiFcation or adopt�on of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of govemmeny withou[ the express prior written approval of OJP. 5. A. Generafly Aecepred Laboratory Pract�ces. The recipient shall ensure that any forensic labora[ory, forensic laboratory system, medical ezaminer's office, or coroneCs ofHce that will receive any portion of the award uses generally accepted labora[ory practices and procedures as established by acCreduing organizations or appropriate certifymg bodies. B. Extemal Imesngations. The recipient shall ensure that the requirements of 42 U.S.C, sect�on 3797k(4) (which relate to indepe�dent extemal mves4gations into allegations of serious neghgence or misconduct by employees or wntmctocs) are satisfied with respect to any forensic (aboratory system, med�cal exammer's office, corouer's offlce, taw enforcement stoiage faciliTy, or medical faci}�ty in the State tfiat receives a portion of the grant amount. C. Use of Funds; No Research. Funds provided under this award shall be used only for the purposes and types of expenses set forth in the fiscal year 2007 grant announcement. Funds shall not be used for general Iaw enforcement funetions or nonforensic invutigatory funetions, and sha4l not be used for resezcch or statistical pro7ects or activities. Use of awazd funds for conshuc4on of new facilities �s reshicted by statute. Any questions conceming [his provision shouid be directed to the NU Program Manager prior to mcwrmg the expense or commencing the actrviry m question. D. Performance Measures. To e�sure compiiance with the Govemment Perfoanance and Results Act (Pub. L. No. 103-62), program performance under this fiscal year 2007 award is measured by the following (i ) change m the number of days betwern submission of a sample W a forensic science laboratory and delivery of [est results to a requeshng office or agency; (2) the number of backbgged forensic cases ana�yzed with fiscal year 2007 Coverdell Tunds, if applicable to the award; and (3) the number of Corensic science or med�cal exammer personnel who completed appropna[e training or educational opportunities with fisca] year 2007 Coverdell funds, if applicable to the award. Recipients are reqmred to collect and report data re(evant ro these meuures. 6. The recipient shall submit semiannuat progress reports. Progress reports shall be submitted within 30 days after the end of the reporting perwds, which are June 30 and December 31, for the life of the award These reports will be su6mitted to the Office of lustice Progams, on line-through the Intemet at https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/. 7. The recipient agrees to subm�t quarterly financial status reports w[he O�ce of Justice Programs using Standazd Fortn SF 269A on the Intemet a[ https:llgrants.ojp usdoj.gov . These reports shall be submitted on-Gne not later than 45 days aRer the end of each calendar quuter. The final report shall be submitted not later than 90 days following the end of the grant period. O1P FORM 400012 (REV 4-SS) N D�-9�6 P " ` 4f ; G' w,-<<�� Deparenrnt of ]usrice Office of Justice Rograms National Institute of Justice PROIECTNUMBER 200]-CD-BX-0023 AWARD CONTINUATION SAEET Grant AWARDDATE 09/00./200] SPECIAL CONDITlONS PAGE 3 OF 4 The recipien[ agrees to submit a 6na1 report, at the end of [his award, documenting all relevant project activiGes dunng the eotire period of support under Ihis award.'Ihis repoR will include the following: (1) a summary and assessment of the progam camed out with the fiscat year 2007 grant, which shall include a comparison of pre-grant and poshgrant forens�c science capabil�Nes (and shall ci[e the spuiffc improvements in qualiry and/or nmeliness of forens�c science or medical examicer services); (2) [he average number of days behveen subm�ssion of a sample to a forensic sciencc laboratory or forensic science laboratory system in that State operated by the State or by a unit of tocal govemment and the delivery of test resuUs to the requesting office or agency; and (3) an identification of the numbec and type of cases curten[ty ucepted by the forensic scirnce Iabo2Wry or forrnsic science labomtory system. The recipient is required to collec[ data necessary for th�s report. This report is due no later than 90 days followmg the cbse of the award period or the expiration of any extens�on periods. The reports can be filed online thwugh the Intemet at: httpsJlgants.ojp.usdo�.gov/. 9. The recipient shal I transmit to the �'ant monitor copies of all official grant-related press releases a[ least ten (10) workmg days prior to public release. Advance notice pertnits time for coordination of release of informa4on by NIJ where appropriate and to respond [o press or public mquiries. 10. The recipient agees to cooperate wrth any assessments, national evaluatio� efforfs, or infonnaGon or data collection requests, mduding, but no[ limrted [o, the provision of any mfortnat�on required for [he assessment or evaluation of any acdvilies withm this project. 1 I. Recipient acknowledges that the Of£ce of Justice Programs reserves a royalty-free, non-exdusive, and irtevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and authorize others to use (m whole or in part, inctudmg in connection with derivative wocks), for Federal pucQoses (t} tk�e copynght in any work developed under an awacd or subaward; and (2) any rights of copynght to which a recipient or subrecipient p�rchases ownersh�p with Federal support. Rec�p�ent acknowledges that the Office ofJus[ice Rograms has [he nght to (1) obtain, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use [he datx first produced under an award or subaward; and (2) authoriu others to receive, reproduce, publish, o� otheiwise use such data for Fedeml puiposes. [t is tfie responsibiliry of the recipient (and of each subrecipient, if applicable) to ensure tha[ this condition is inctuded in any subawazd under this award I2. To assist m infortnation sharing, [he gzntee shatl provide the gran[ manager wi[h a copy of all interim and Fnal reports and pmposed publications (including those pcepaced for confere�es and other presentat�ons) resuttmg from this agreemen[. Submission of such matenats prior to or simultaneous with their public release aids N[J in responding to any inquiries [hat may anse. A�y p�blications (writteq visual, or sound) - exctudmg press reteases and newsletters - whether pubtisheA at [he grantee's or governmenPS expense, shal( wntain the following statement This projut was supported by Award No. awarded by the National InstiNte of Justice, Office of JusACe Programs, U.S Department of Justice The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendat�ons expressed in this publicationlprogrsmlexhibition are those of the au�hor(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice. NU defines pubhcations u any planned, writteq visual or sound material subsiandvely based on [he projec4 formally prepazed by the grant recipient for dissemination to the public. O1P FORM 4p002 (REV 4-88) ( u ( / � j � V a7-9ga Deparunent ofluslice Office of Jus[ice Programs _� Narional Institute of �� '°"� Justice ``<� PAOIECTNUMBER 200]L0.6X-002i AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARDDATE 09/05/200� SPEClAL CONOITlONS PAGE 4 OF 4 I 3. The Recipient agrees to comply with al l Fedeml, State, and Local environmental laws and regulafions applicable to the development and implementation of the activities to be funded under this award. Categorical Exclusions: Bazed upon the infortnation provided by the Recipient in its application for [hese funds, NU has de[etxnined and the Reapien[ understands tha[ [he proposed acuvifies meet [he definifion of a categorical ezchvcion, u defined in the Departmen[ of lustice' Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Aci found at 28 CFR Part bl. A categoncal exclus�on �s an action that because of the proposed activities' very limi[ed and predictable potential environmen[al impacts, boih on an indrvidual and a cumula[ive basis, does not have a significant impacF on the quahty of the human environment. Consequentty, no further em�ronmenhal impact anatysis is necessary u�der the requirements of the National Environmental Pol�cy Act, 42 U.S C 4321, for these categoncally excluded actrvities. Modificahons� Throughou[ Ihe term of [tns awazd, the Recipient agrees that for any aceviqes [t�a[ are the subjut of this categoricai exclusioo, it will inform NIl of any change(s) Ihat it is cons�dering making to the previoosty assessed utivines that may be relevant to [he environmenhal impacts of [he acfivities. The Recipien[ will not implement a proposed change until Nll, with the assistance of the Rec�pient, has completed any apphcable emironmental impact rev�ew requirements necessitated by [he proposed change and NU has concurred in the proposed change. Th�s approval witl not be unceasonab4y withheld as long as any requested modification(s) is consistent witt� eligible program putposes and found acceptable under an Nll conduc[ed environmental impact review process. 14. The recipien[ agrees not to obliga[e, expend, or draw down any funds unhl a revised budget reflecnng [he final award amount has been recerved and approved by the Nahonat Instrtute of Justice and a Grant Ad�ustrnent Notice has been issued removing this condmon. OJP FOAM 4000/2 (REV 488) D � . ,";� Department of Jusfice �. �� - Office of Justice Pro�ams -�:,� � National lnstitute ofJustice W hmgrom. D C 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Alan Spanbauer, Program Manager Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Saint Paul The Recipient agrees to comply with all Federal, S[ate, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable to the development and implementafion of the ac[ivities to be funded under this award. Categorica] Exclusions: Based upon the information provided by the Recipient in its application for these funds, NIJ has determined and the Recipient understands that the proposed activities meet the definition of a categorical exclusion, as defined in the Department of Justice' Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61. A categorical exclusion is an acfion that because of the proposed activi[ies' very limited and predictable potential environmental impacts, both on an individual and a cumulative basis, does not have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. Consequently, no further environmental impact analysis is necessary under the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for these categorically excluded activities. Modifications: Throughout the term of this award, the Recipient agrees that for any activities that are the subject of this categorical exclusion, it will inform NIJ of any change(s) that it is considering making to the previously assessed acrivities that may be relevant to the environmental impacts of the activities. The Recipient will not implement a proposed change until NIJ, with the assistance of the Recipient, has completed any applicable environmental impact review iequ�rements necessita[ed by the proposed change and NIJ has concurred in the proposed change. This approval wili not be unreasonably withheld as long as any requested modification(s) is consistent with eligible program purposes and found acceptable under an NIJ co�ducted environmental impact review process. 1 % 07 ��a Depamncnt of lusrice GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. L• - k officeoflwticePcogara� PROJECT SIJMMARY ; ;o s f National Institutc of Justice ' "q3.,.:Fr - Grant "� PRO]ECT NUMBER 2007-00.6X-0023 PAGE I OF 1 I This prqcct is supported under 4? U.S.0 399Tj - 37970 (NU - Covcrdell Forrns�c Sc[rnce lmprovemevt) 1. STAFF CONTACT (Name &[cicphone numbcrl 2 PROJECT DIRECTOR (Name, address &[cicphone number) Alan Spanbaucr Amy Brown (?02) 305-2436 Research And Granrs Manager IS W. Kcllogg Blvd Samt Paut, MN SS701-2295 (651)266-5507 3a. TITLE OF THE PROGRAM 36. POMS COOE (SEE 7NSTRUCTIONS Ml FY 07 Paul Coverdeil Forensic Sncnec Improvement Gmnts Progmm ON REVERSE) 4 TITLE OF PROJECT 2009 SPPD Crime Lab Backlog Rcduction Gant 5 NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE 6. NAME & ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE GTy of Saint Peul 15 W. Kcilogg Blvd Samt Paul, MN 55102-2295 7 PROGRAM PERIOD 8. BUDGET PERIOD FROM: IO/012007 TO. 09/30/2008 FROM 10/01/2007 TO: 09/30/2008 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 10. DATE OP AWARD $ 95,000 09/042007 I L SECOND YOAR'S BUDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 73 THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 14. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 75 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROIECT (See mstruchon on revcrsc) Coverdcll funds are to be uud ro improve thc quality and hmcliness of forensic scicncc and medical exammer serv�cw and/or m eLmmatc backlogs m thc analys�s of forrns¢ cvidwce, mc�udmg conholled substances, fircartns cxamivatmq forcns�c pathology, latent prints, qucs[ioned documents, toxmology, and tram ev�dcnce ca/ncf wrr�rcrv�vuwie(ttev o-au) � �