07-97Council File #
Presented By:
Green Sheet #
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, aering through its Minnesota Internet
2 Crimes Against Children Task Force is authorized to enter into the attahed Memorandum of
3 Understanding with the City of Saint Anthony, acting through its Police Department. A copy of said
4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Of£ce of Financial Services.
Requested by Department of:
By: J' �
Approved by <� Date: ��� f d �
By: _
Q:\Fiscal W O&CR�2006Vv10USt.AnthonyP Dcr2006.x1s
Fo�/u� Ap roved by City Attorney:
By .��
Approv M yor for Submission to Council:
Adop6on Certifed by Coyncil Secretary:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
� 7 - �7
! Pp ����-Po�,�e��,;e;,r� ; 14DEC-06 '� Green Sheet NO: 3035411
; Contact Person & Phone:
Chief John Harrington
� 266-5588
E-DOeumerrt Requiretl: Y
Docume'rt Contact: Neil Nelson
Contact Phone: 2665882
ToWI # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signffiure)
0 PdiceDeparhnent Polic¢DeDazhnent I
1 �dice Denarhnent Pdice Deparhnent I �
2 ity Attorncy � C�tS Attorney !
3 avor's Office � MaYOr !_
4 N i CWnci{
5 'tv Clerk I City Clerk i
6 dice Deoaranen[ I Pdice DeoazUnent
Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent to en[er into the attached
Memorandum of Understanding (MOLp with the City of St. Anthony, ac6ng tluough its Police Departrnent.
idations: Approve (A) or R
Planning Commission
CI8 Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
current ciYy employee?
Yes NO
Explain all yes ansWers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The City of Saint Paul, Police Departznent, will participate in the Minnesota Cyber Crimes Task Force (MCCTF� with the City of St.
Anthony Police Department to combat Intemet Crimes Agains[ Children thro�gh prevention, education, and enforcement.
AdvanWges If Approved:
Opportunity [o parinership with outside zgency to investigate and apprehend technologically advanced criminals.
Disadvantages If Approved:,
JAN 2 2 2007
DiSadvaniages If Not Approved:
Lost ogportuniTy to parinecship with a outside agency to combat tecMologicatly advanced criminals to protect ouc' communities and
prevent nadonal security threats involving computers and computer networks.
Funtling Source:
Finaneial Information:
Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
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December 14, 2006 2:03 PM Page 1
� 7-q 7
Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement
This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and
supplements thereto, (hereinafter "AgreemenY') is between the City of Saint Paul, acting
through its Police Department (Grantee) and the City of St. Anthony, acting through its
police department, St. Anthony Police (hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement
Agency") both which are empowered to enter into joint powers agreements pursuant to
Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this
Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and
Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task
force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the
criminai exploiYation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or througJ� the use
of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and
Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to
prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against idenfified violators, as
appropriate; and
WheYeas� the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as
E�ibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Just and Delinquency Prevention
("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in invesfigating and combating
the exploitation of children whicb occurs through the use of computers by providing
funding for equipment, training, and expenses, including travel and overtime funding,
which are incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigafions; and
Whet'eas, the OJJAP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") a Board of Directors
has been established represenring each ofthe existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the
operation o£ the grant and sub-grant recipients.
Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement
Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with
the purpose of implementing a three-pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes .
Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the
033DP ICAC Task Force Prograzn Standards, in addition to state
federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to
ICAC; and
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< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the
Mim�.esota ICAC Task Force Policy Statement (attached to this
Agreement as Exhibit B); and
< All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency
to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or
found by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and
Training to ha�e comparable qualifications; and
< When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement
Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within
the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the
officer's line of duty and course of employment to the same extent as
if the officer had acted on behalf of the officer's employing Agency;
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save
and hold harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from
any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable
attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance
of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's
officer/s/; and
< All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall
continue to be employed by the same Law Bnforcement Agency
employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota
ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed
by the member will be within the course and duty of that employment,
and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of
that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that
employer fringe benefits; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests
for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander
of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP
ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a
written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the
Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original
receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate
records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement
activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota
ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting
purposes; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in
any audits required by the OJJDP; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable
good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional
meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the
multiple entities; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely
responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets
to the Chi1d Pornography Pointer System (CPPS) pursuant to the
OJJDP guidelines; and
< The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the
Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all
investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of
this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer
available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with
the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police
Department, or the Agency breaches the Agreement.
Terms of this agreement:
This agreement shall be effecfive upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall
otherwise limit the jurisdicrion, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an
employee as a member of the Agency.
Terms of tlus agreement:
This agreement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall
otherwise limit the jurisdicfion, powers, and responsibilifies normally possessed by an
employee as a member of the Agency.
John Harrington, �ief of Police
Saint Paul Police D
Ciry Attamey
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Agency cerkifies that the appropnate�person(sl
have executed the Aareement on behalf of the
A¢encv and its iurisdictional eovermnent enritv
as required bv applicable articles, laws,