07-964Council File # �� —� �� Green Sheet # 3043390 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 S1 52 53 54 Presented by RESOLUTtON OF�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 � WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has awazded contracts for constrvcUOn of residential street paving and lighling as part of the 2007 Residential Sueet Vitality Program, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council Resolubon 06-1112, l�own as SU-6600816, and WFIEREAS, there is alley reconstructioq sewer repair, stormwater infiltration and water main work associated with these contracts, necessitating an adjustment [o the spending and financing for this program, and WHEREAS, Jefferson Avenue and FAgcumbe Road (SU-1400762) are being reconshvcted undei the Griggs/Jefferson RSVP contract which requires a transfer of funding from that project to the 2007 Residential Street Vitali[y Program, and WHEREAS, there has been three STAR Grants approved to finance three traffic calming projec[s, [he Raymond/Gordon Project, the Marshall Median and the Shields/Wheeler Traffic Circle, that will be done under the White BearBums RSVP contract, which requires the addition of STAR Grant financing to the program, as well as a transfer of CIB funding from the 2007 Pedestrian Safety Program (SU-6600828) and the 2007 Traffic Calming Program (SU-6600827), so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sain[ Paul, upon recommendation of [he Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $2,994,161.50 is available for appropriation in the 2007 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heietofore adopred and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budge[s, in the following particulazs: FINANCING PLAN 2007 Major Sewer Repair C07-2T931 SewerFvnd SPENDING PLAN 2007 Major Sewer Repair C07-2T931 Construcfion FINANCING PLAN 2007 Pedestrian Safety Program C07-2T782 m Current Bndget Change $1.837,98837 -$380,569A2 $1,837,98837 -$380,569.02 $1,837.98837 -$380.569.02 $1,837,48837 -$380,569.02 50 000.00 $SQ000.00 �7.800.00 -$17,800.00 Amended Budget $1.457,419.35 $1,457,41935 $1,457.419.35 $1,457,41935 32 200.00 $32,200.00 SPENDING PLAN 2��7 Pedesuian Safe[y Progam Co7-2T7sz Conshvction 50 000.00 $50,000.00 -$17.800.00 -$17,800,00 32 200.00 $32,200.00 o� 55 FINANCING PLAN 56 2007 Traffic Calming 57 C07-2T846 58 59 c� 60 61 62 63 SPENDING PLAN 64 2007 Traffic Calming 65 C07-2T846 66 67 Construction 68 69 70 71 FINANCING PLAN 72 7efferson & Edgcumbe Reconstrucfion 73 Co7-2NOi5 74 75 Assessments 76 MSA 77 78 79 80 SPENDING PLAN 81 7efferson & Sdgc�mbe Reconstruction 82 C07-2N015 83 84 Construcuon 85 86 87 FINANCING PLAN 88 Stormwater Quality lmprov. 89 C�6-2T644 90 91 SewerFund 92 93 94 95 SPENDING PLAN 96 Stormwater Qualiry Improv. 97 CO6-2T649 98 99 Construcfion 100 101 102 FINANCING PLAN 1�3 Stormwater Quality Improv. 104 C07-2T650 105 106 Sewer Fund 107 108 109 110 SPENDING PLAN 111 Stormwater Quality Imptov. 112 C07-2T65Q 113 114 Construcrion 115 116 so.000.00 $50,000.00 $50.000.00 $50,000.00 $238,000.00 $937.000.00 $1,175,000.00 -$39.500.00 -$39,500.00 -$39.500.00 -$39,500.00 -$238,OOQ.OQ -$937.000.00 -$1,175,000.00 $ -$1.175,000.00 $1,175,000.00 -$1,175,000.00 $500,000.00 -$500.000.00 $500,0�0.00 -$5�O,OQ0.�0 $500.000.00 -$500,000.00 $500,000.00 -$500,000.00 $500.000.00 -$500,000.00 $500,000.00 -$500,000.00 $500.000.00 -$500.000.00 $SQO,O�O.QQ -$SOQ,000.00 io soo.00 $ ] 0,500.00 $10.500.00 $10,500.00 $� � $0 � $0 � $0 � $0 � $0 � $o C�� - �l l04- 1�� 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 FINANCING PLAN 2007 Residential St Vitality Program C07-2T561 Sheet Impcovement Sonds Assessments SewerFund SPRWS STAR Grant CIB MSA SPENDING PLAN 2007 Residential St Vitality Program C07-2T561 ConstrucROn +�11R �{. �&UI �udg�# G"Om datel — I d _ 0 ip1f81 13rip70V8Q18R� �Yi1S Teqlseat OII ,,,_ and reco�rtmenda �� ---�'�'�"" Requested by I3 a� t of: Public Works K!'ab 8/29/07 By: Adop6on CertiFied by Coun '1 Secretary By: ..// i` i' Approv y aydr� Date ( (3 By: $11,201,DOO.OQ $o $0 $0 $0 $o � $11,201,000.00 $o $56,29923 $1,380,569.Q2 $428,993.25 $134,000.00 $57,300.00 $937.Q00.00 $2,994,161.50 �u.2oi.000.00 �2.99da�i.5o $11,201,000.00 $2,994,161.50 Form By: Form By: Form By: $t 1,201,000.00 $56,229.23 $1,380,569A2 $428,993.25 $134,Q00.00 $57,300.00 $937,000.00 $1 A,195,161.50 $14195.161.50 $14,195,161.50 C, C. �; � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b� '�(.P� PW -Pnbticwo=ks � Cuntact Persoa & Phane: V Paul Kuriz 26&6203 ! Must Be on Council Agen Doc. RESOLUTION W/$ 7RANSAC E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Paul Kurtz Contact Phone: 266-6203 �-A�-o���� � Green Sheet NO: 3043390 � Assign Number For ROUting Order Total # of Signature Pages _ iClip All Locations Mr 5gnature) 1 YublicWorks I DeoarlmentDirector ������1 � 2 '�uancialServices ceFnancialServicesl � i 3 itv Attornep 4 oYS Of6ce h1a orfAssistant 5 �Council ' i Cit9 Couucil 6 ,Citp Clerk City Clerk Approval of attached resolu6on amending the spending and financing plans of the 2007 ResidenGal Street Vitality Program by adding SFRWS, STAR Grant funds and ailey assessments and transferring Majoi Sewei Repair, Stonnwater Quality Improvements, MSA and CIB funds from other capital projects. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes IJO Eocpiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Public Works has awazded wntracts for construcaon of residenrial stree[ paving and ligh6ng as part of the 2007 ResidenGal Sneet Vifality Program. There is alley reconsaucfion, sewer repair, stormwater infiltradon and water main work and three traffic calming pmjects being done under these contracts. The funding for this work will come from assessments, SPRWS, STAR Grants and transfers from Major Sewer Repair, Stormwater Quality Improvements, Traffic Calming and Pedesaian Safery pmgrams. Reconstrucuon of Fdgcumbe and 7eFferson is eligible for MSA funding. Advantages If Approved: There will be sufficient budget to pay the contractors for the work being done in the three RS VP azeas in 2007. DisaAVantages If Approved: None. , .�,..� � � � � y � ,4 � � �� :�:.w � '� �� �. �` � n �a�iC�� : :: t' .. u� DisadveMages If Not Approvetl: There will not be sufficient budget to comQlete these tluee R5VP azeas. sransaction: $2�994,161.5d Funding source: Sewer, CIB, MSA, Asmts, Financial Information: SPRWS,STAR Grant (Explain) � :.�.i��: .y- ;,w a ��"[�'.`-n SEP 2 7 2�7 CasVRevenue BuCgeted: y ���� � d g �E ���� AcGvity Number. 2T931,2T782,2T$46,2N07 5,2T561,2T649-50 August 30, 2007 6:12 AM Page 1 �