07-960Council �le # ��" ' q �� Green Sheet # p� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 WHEREAS, this con[ract is nearing completion and [he estimated final construcfion costs for these projects will exceed the amount budgeted, and WI tluee of the four projects are eligible for MSA financing, with 7essamine at Como Place needing local funds, and WHEREAS, there is a surplus of MSA fitnding in the Selby: Avon to Kent project to cover the additional MSA financing needed and sufficient PIA budget in the 2000 Local Street Improvement program to transfer to the Jessamine at Como Place project, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, tha[ $I 1b,342.54 is available for appropriation in the 2003 and 2006 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following particulazs: FINANCING PLAN Selby:Avonto Kent CO3-2H010 Assessments MSA SPENDING PLAN Se1by:Avonto Kent CO3-2H010 Cons[mction Cuaent Budget Change $50,000.00 $0 $2.300.000.00 -$98,031.88 $2,350,000.00 -$98,031.88 $2350.000.00 $2,350,000.00 -$98.031.88 -$98,031.88 Amended Budget $50,000.00 $2201,968.12 $2,251,968.12 $2.51.968.12 $2,251,968.12 FINANCING PLAN Local Street Improv. Prog. C00-2T698 PIA Assessments $122,150.00 $350.50035 $472,650.35 -$18,310.66 � -$18,310.66 $103,839.34 $350.50035 $454,339.69 SPENDING PLAN Local Street Improv. Prog. C00-2T698 Construcrion $472,65035 $472,65035 -$18310.66 -$18,310.66 $454 339 69 $454,339.69 WI Public Works awazded a contract in 2006 for the reconstrucfion of Selby:Lexington to Avon; Minnehaha: Dale to Amndel; Victoria: University to Thomas and 7essamine at Como Place, and 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 FINANCING PLAN Selby:I.e�ngton to Avon C06-2H011 Assessmenu MSA SPENDING PLAN Se1by:Leacington to Avon C06-2H011 Construction FINANCING PLAN Minnehaha:Daleto Arundel C06-2G020 Assessments MSA SPSNDING PLAN Minnehaha:Dale to Antndel C06-2G020 Conshucrion FINANCING PLAN V ictoria:University to Thomas Co6-zGOZs Assessments MSA SPENDING PLAN Victoria:University to Thomas C06-2G025 Construction FINANCING PLAN Jessamine at Como Place CO3-2T557-29275 Assessments CIB $69,717.b0 $759,706.16 $829,423.76 $829,423.76 $829,423.76 $125,695.14 $1,278,911.74 $1,404,606.88 $1,404,606.88 $1,404,606.88 $25,296.46 $572.391A2 $597,687.48 $597.687.48 $597,687.48 $20,61030 $329,554.04 $350,16434 $o -$84,423.76 -$84,423.76 -$84.423.76 -$84,423.76 $0 $122.643.12 $122,643.12 $122.643.12 $122,643.12 $0 $59,812.52 $59,812.52 $59.812.52 $59,8I2.52 $0 $18310.66 $18,310.66 ��' �t c¢ o $69,717.60 �675.282.40 $745,000.00 $745.000.00 $745,000.00 $125,695.14 $1.401.554.86 $1,527,250.00 $1,527,250.00 $1,527,250.00 $25,296.A6 $632203.54 $657,500.00 $657,500.00 $657,500.00 $20,61030 $347.864.70 $368,475.00 6� �i� 118 119 120 121 122 123 SPENDING PLAN Jessamine at Como Place CO3-2T557-29275 Constmction $350.16434 1 310.66 $350,16434 $18,310.66 $368 475.00 $368,475.00 t�� 3t. BA1t� �'��tal Impxov�f¢n[ }h�� «quest on Budget ����� 0 eeommene� �atei —!� ..,b = �"F��� � � —c-l- �� ` __ Benanav BosVOm Thune Adopted by Councii: Date �� Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary By� //�///i� �j,ii�s�v� Approve�ate � /"J�' /��/ B �� ����" " �� Requested by Department of: B Form B Form By: e, J, � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � f��--q�p DepartmenVofOce/council: � Date Initiated: P�7�1 - PUblicWorks ` 20-JULA7 Green Sheet NO: 3042031 Contact Person & Phone: Paul Kur� 266-6203 Must Be on Council Aaen Doa Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-DOCUment Required: N Document Contact: Paul Kurtz Contact Phone: 266-6203 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) 2 �inancialServices UH'iceFnancialServicesl � 3 CitvAttornev 4 a or's O�ce Ma or/Assisfant 5 Council CiN Council 6 C3t1� Clerk Cits Clerk Appcove attached Resolurion to amend the financing and spending glans of [he Selby, Victoria, Minnehaha and 7essamine at Como Place projects by transferring MSA from Selby Streetscape Phase I and PIA from the 2000 Local Street Improvement Program. itlaGOns: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personJfirm ever worked under a conVact for this deparimeM? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nnrmalty Qossessed by aay current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to qreen sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Conuaa for reconsuucflon of Se1by:Lexington to Avon; Minnehaha:Da(e to Arundel; Victoria:University to Thomas and dessamine at Como Place is nearing complefion wiih estimated final construction cos[s exceeding the amount budgeted. Three of the four projects are eligible for MSA funding with Jessamine at Como Pl. in need of local funding. There is surplus MSA funding in the Se1by:Avon to Kent project and sufficient PIA budget in the 2000 Local Stteet Impiovement program to covec the additional costs. Advantages if Approvetl: There will be sufficient budge[ to comple[e [he contract. Disadvamages H pppraved: None. Disativantages If Not Approved: There will not be sufficient budget to pay the coniractor and complete the project. :�� � I � 2��? } i Trensaction: $�16,342.54 Funaing Source: MSA and PIA nctiviryNumber: CPLactivities Fnancial Information: C06-2H011, C06-2G025, C06-2G020, CO3-2T557, CO3-2H010 & C00-2T698 (F�cplain) �sFe4°$1 �e+°4R^91f:�1 SEP 2 7 2�7 July 24, 2007 12:05 PM CostlRevenue Budgeted: y Page 1 �,� '