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Original to City Clerk 7 • 1 File No. 208000- Ordinance No. ��(('��pp{(�, O R D I N ordinance amending a Zonin) 'XII(ROW ,t PRESENTED BY Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, c �iaint Paul Legislative Code, pe, ng to Use Districts, Height Distri� 1..E NO. q, ?-zoning of certain properties ;gi_Cy of Saint Paul, as amen z"V an emergency ordinance ANCE NO. iebessary for the prey <= 'a1'llc peace, health, ar.... . e City-of y An Ordinance :amending: the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint'.Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, .as amended, be and the .same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to -wit: M of Block 2 except Lot 7 and except the easterly 25 feet of lot 8, Brenner.- Addition No. 2; and Lot 7 and the easterly 25 feet of Lot 8, Block 2, -brenner.Addition No. 2, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, being located on the north sidip of Maryland .Avenue between Clarence and McAfee Streets. . t Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the ace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in n its passage, approval, and publication. PETITION TO REZONEI v 13 3 i A petition liaving been filed request -' ing that Chapters• 60 td 64 inclusive,, St. Paul Legislative Code, re Zoning, _0 f etc., be amended so as to rezone Lot 7 and the easterly 25 ft. of Lot 8, Brenner Addition ##2, on the north side of .O Maryland between Clarence and Mc- Afee, to Class "C" Residence District, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has fixed the 28th day of June, 1962, at ten o'clock in• the forenoon_ in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of 0 said City, and at said time and place, the Council will hear all persons and all • objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated June 11, 1962. AGNES H. O'CONNELL, City Clerk. (June 16, 1962) Yeas Councilmen Nays / Holy Loss '-1- Q rson rn PUBLISHED 2 - �, _S - 6 Passed by the Council .1U1. 2 5 196, . In Favor C Aroainst [dent (Vavoulis) JUL 2 5 1962 j 1 Approved• ` City Clerk Mayor Duplicate to Printer 9 �oc('� ,�✓1 ORDINANCE -'�'`� PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF S- 1111T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height District:, and Rezoning, of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same i"s hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to —wit: All of Block 2 except Lot 7 and except the easterly 25 feet of lot 8, Brenner, Addition No. 2; and Lot 7 and the easterly 25 feet of Lot 8, Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2, according to the plat thereof on fi'_•e and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, being located on the north side of Maryland Avenue between Clarence and McAfee Streets. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen „ Sys Holland� Loss _ �ertiirsvn-- eterson :n ident (Vavoulis) Passed by the Council JUL 2 5 1962 Tn Favor C Against Approved: JUL 2 5 199c City Clerk Mayor r City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) ' Date: May 21, 1962 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 500 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lot 7 and East 25 feet of Lot 8, Block 2, Brenner's Addition No. 2 1355 Maryland Avenue East from a A District to a C District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Apartments RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Schneider Company, by R. Schneider Vice Pres. 5.96 0, > 2 Brenner's Add. No. C. A. C4enoweth Adele L. h 2 Brenner's Add. No. Laura Brenner 5 1 Brenner's Add. No. John Fleck Christina Fleck ,3, 43 5 1 Keiffer Park bzaze o= minnesoza) County of Ramsey )ss R. P. Schneider being first duly sworn,,deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 1 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. - Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of gem,', �++rz�,1962 c ei er Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission expires Z -1 7/2/54 M14S UXLO "AS M}wn: ' CouIRtY• "Ores May. L71�63• Page 1 of 1 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel 2 2 1 City of Saint :Pau 1 , M i nngsota =' ; •� ' . ��A PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO 584' _TH_E`BQILDSING ZONE OR The signer should . a ra i_se Fi i mse Lfi� f the- pp . o t -e uses permitted L� under the new classification before signing.th•is,petition. For further information -the re- zoning of property, ca 1 1 the Board of Zoning Officer Ca. ;4- 4612,,, Ext. 251. °l•' �," Date: •April' 18',' 1962 -,TO THE HONORABLE ,- MAYOR AND_ .C,ITY.- COUNCIL %the City Clerk City of Saint Paul,'Minnesota ' Pursuant to Section -23, Ordinance 5840; we, the undersigned owners of two = thirds_ of the several descriptions,of real estate situated within 100 feet;of- the.real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, Ithe- 'owners of 50% or -more of the _ frontage to be reclassified; petition your_ - Honorable Body to rezone the following= described property: (legal description and street address) (Ramsey.- County) -A]1 of Block 2 except, Lot 7 and except the E'ly 25 feet of,Lot 8 thereof in Brenner Additwon No. 2 to the City•of Saint Paul, acc., = ' from a A District_ to a:' C 'District, for the purpose of installing., constructing and /or operating the following: s (describe- briefly the proposed facility) ApartmentF'Buildings ' Record Ownert Sianature Lot Rlnrk Add itinn fk A 3• �C • I :ept ; n State of Minnesota County of :Ramsey s's �. 4. - •. y' - R. P. Schneider being :fi',rst duly sworn, .deposes and states -that he is the person who circulated the•wLthin -'petition, consist --izng of `yl. =t --pages;• -, that the parties described `above are.the owners, respectivelyaof the.lots placed" immediately following each name; that.tthis,petition•was,signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and_that'the signatures above are the rue and correct`s,ignaturd`s -"of- each and all- of the parties so described. and sworn .t before• 'r f day of 1962�p�•v..•t c, Ramsey unty Minn. cap �i►�,�� r * _�•' . 9 y x. Page 1 - of 1 pages.` c ,mission expires: - ',, �66 ?n�` - - 1' 2, 3, 4 ' - Iaura Brenner 3 :. Brenner+ s- 2nd Ad_ -_ Paul Gores 11 &-12 1 , . Kieffer's Park Jehovah 'Witnesses W, , -� 6 & 7 3 Kieffer's Park- - Emil Vogel ryl+ 4- 1- Brenner1 .Abner Johnson - 1 Kieffer Is Park L/ > > John A. Fleck 6 1 Kieffer's Park ' . Edward Schultz cc 1 1 Kieffer's Park Slayton G. Rein - 0 1 ' 1 K�:eifer''s Park q. Jesco Company 8�1 10 7ATT of Block,2 , except Ma e's.Add. Lot and ex( Schneider C an . the Ell 25 feet of Lot 8 thereof 1 Brenner Addition No. 2,to the City of Saint Paul • I :ept ; n State of Minnesota County of :Ramsey s's �. 4. - •. y' - R. P. Schneider being :fi',rst duly sworn, .deposes and states -that he is the person who circulated the•wLthin -'petition, consist --izng of `yl. =t --pages;• -, that the parties described `above are.the owners, respectivelyaof the.lots placed" immediately following each name; that.tthis,petition•was,signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and_that'the signatures above are the rue and correct`s,ignaturd`s -"of- each and all- of the parties so described. and sworn .t before• 'r f day of 1962�p�•v..•t c, Ramsey unty Minn. cap �i►�,�� r * _�•' . 9 y x. Page 1 - of 1 pages.` c ,mission expires: - ',, �66 ?n�` ' , _ x�. > `fit', #1 -_�T ±1�, r, ..f .•1,`r r _. •. �r Y', - `� - , s ' City- of Saint Paul; M 1 nnesote; ~ PETITION TA AMEND_ ORDIOIANCE NO* -0, THE bUtLDiN6 Z#?NE- ORDINANCE The s i gne r should app ra i $!I ;,, hnself of the •uset . pe .r;jW't ted , under the nevt c lass- i-f'icat, ion before signirig,t:his petition.' ; For further i- oformation about,.the, re- zoning of- property, - • =:r'` _ _ cai t the ab r`:d_of +20h, 11 �-,DffIeo' Ca: '4 4612'; 'EXt'i- 251,.E - Date: Apr3`1 `a8f 1962 = TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND G ITiO:. COi1NC 1 L _ 9G the City Clerk _ City of Saint Qau1, Minnesota. _ ._ f• Pursuant tto' Section 23, - Ordinance 5W,, we, the undersigned owners of two thirds of the several descriptions of real estate si.tuat�d;wtth,in 100 ,foot of they real �esta.t6 aff ictid, hereby acii[l;esce; and we; the owners_'af 0� ":nr- 'more of 'the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the foflowl ng,.,,- dsscribsd property: (legal descrl'tion - and street address) a ill of B�bck 2 except Lot 7.and except, the _ETly_ 25 feet of -.Lot 8_ ther.eof.•in: Brenner k Addition IvTo. 2 to the City of Saint Paul ' from .a'. - District to a =DIstr` cct,' t -for the purpose of-in stalling,, constructing'and /or:opera-tin the following; _ F ;,_1 '(describe briefly the .proposed _fatiPity) : Record Owner Si nature Lot. Block Addittioq *tats of Minnesotan ' County of Ramsey.. {�! t ;R= ,.p,��h A� er being fIrit duly sworn, depose :s Rnd status that he is the person who circulated -the'w #thin petition.consistin_g of ' -1 _ ages; _- that the parties described above are the owners respectively of,the lots placed immediately.following each name, thatl this petition was sighed by eaeh'of said owners I n,- the -- presence of this of f i ant, _ and ;that the signatures above, are the, true and�cor� act. s #ynatur'e ;s of each and ai 1 of the parties so described. S.Wbicribed ,'-an - sw_orn o - berfora me ' his " 22nd dey of i =March ' ' ; 1962— . .� 1 X. V Y. County, pa ---- as. i 1 2, 3,l� , ; Brenner " s 2nd Ado, .3 1 Brenner a 2nd Add Parlrt • -. _• J jAhnygh 6 &. Siefferve Park 1 - .Emil vom_ i 11 1 - Brenner t s._ 2nd • Add Ab Abner 3ohnson ; 7,8 & 9 ISieiferia Park 'Christina Fleck � i j3#433 & 6 1- ' , Kieffer l a -Park - > ltti Schu 10 .1 Kieffer Ia Park .Edward a on t : Rein a 1 ' - - Xieffer's Park 5 & r jgico cornvanx 10 kaviiii ia Add Al 1= of B 1 ck" "2 °e' ept Lo.t " 7.-' a r ex( Schneider Company._.- % the F11.v_,?S.feCt i - 'Brenner dlt i on . o. 2 -- to the City �, of- Saint tau] *tats of Minnesotan ' County of Ramsey.. {�! t ;R= ,.p,��h A� er being fIrit duly sworn, depose :s Rnd status that he is the person who circulated -the'w #thin petition.consistin_g of ' -1 _ ages; _- that the parties described above are the owners respectively of,the lots placed immediately.following each name, thatl this petition was sighed by eaeh'of said owners I n,- the -- presence of this of f i ant, _ and ;that the signatures above, are the, true and�cor� act. s #ynatur'e ;s of each and ai 1 of the parties so described. S.Wbicribed ,'-an - sw_orn o - berfora me ' his " 22nd dey of i =March ' ' ; 1962— . .� 1 X. V Y. County, pa ---- as. i i OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder :A 4..- c ©, 0 June 28, 19622 IV() �. The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance rezoning certain property described in the attached petitions and file to Class "C" Residence District, being property on the north side of Maryland Ave. between Clarence and McAfee Sts. very truly yours, rY City Clerk (� it acjtt JUN 2g 1962 CORPORATION C04,#vs,6L CITY Q SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8, ..nom__ . I S :< . - RD OF ZONING,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL •:dkfO!. §il 4. ss1- 131 -s33 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL s, MINNESOTA ............. .... ........... June 27, 1962 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the petitions of R. P. Schneider to rezone from "A" to "CI' residence two adjoining parcels described as Tract "A7 and Tract "B" located on the north aide of Maryland Avenue between Clarence and McAfee Streets. Tract "All is described as all of Block 2 except Lot 7 and except the easterly 25 feet of Lot 8, Brenner Addition No: 2. Tract "B" is described as Lot 7 and the easterly 25 feet of Lot 8, Block 2, Brenner Addition No, 2. On May 10, 1962, the Commissioner of Finance reported Tract "A" sufficient with the owners of 22 of a possible 28 (78.5%) tracts of land within the pre- scribed 100 foot radius having signed the petition. On June 6, 1962, the Commissioner of Finance reported Tract "B" sufficient with the owners of 12 of a possible 14 (85.7%) tracts of land within the prescribed 100 foot radius having signed tbe_petition. The combined tracts have a frontage of 270 feet on Maryland Avenue and 493.43 feet on Clarence and McAfee Streets resulting in an area of approximately 133,232 square feet. The property is vacant, approximately 7 feet below the street grade of Maryland Avenue and Clarence Street, and for the most part con- sists of a swamp and peat bog. The southeasterly corner of the site is developed with a recently constructed single - family residence'whicb is proposed to be moved off the site. The applicant proposes to develop this property with four 11 -unit apartment buildings and four 22 -unit apartment buildings for a total of 132 units. South and across Maryland Avenue are three single - family residences and -a number of vacant lots fronting on said street which are classified in the Light Industry district; west and across unimproved McAfee Street is a continuation of theswamp existing on the subject property and a recently constructed church which fronts on Maryland Avenue; directly north and adjoining is vacant, low land fronting on Clarence and McAfee Streets, farther north are recently constructed single - family residences fronting on Clarence Street and Topic Lane; east and across Clarence Street is a large single - family residence which fronts on Maryland Avenue, Field investigation discloses that the character of the properties is such that it is very doubtful if it would ever be used for single or two- family residential development and because the property south and across Maryland Avenue is classi- fied in an industrial district. It appears that a multi -type residential develop- ment would provide a transitional use between the property.to the south and the single - family residences to the north. V n In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the grant-_u �/ ing of the petitions to rezone the above described property from an "AI' to a "C" residence district. HCW :FGI Encl. Z. F. 4927 -4952 Sincerely, H. C. Wieland;•Secretary Board of Zoning 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 May 10, 1962 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning All of Block 2, except Lot 7 and except the Efly 25 feet.of Lot 8 thereof in Brenner Addition No. 2, Property is located on the North side of Maryland Ave. between Clarence and McAfee Streets, from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, C.C. Mr. Schroeder, City Architect NS cw 4-XI; BE 3/09--M--�Q Commissioner of Finance ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier Yours very truly, OSEPH E. ILLON JED: j s FE pETITION TO REZONE 0 cn W 1 A petftion- having been filed request- Z?lt Chapters to JOSEPH E. D I L L O N J ATTORNEY AT LAW o r lil ing , re Zoning, . Paul Legislative Code, St SO as to rezone prop. LL- MINNESOTA BUILDING �l z-- C I w etc., be amended erty described as aIIffBlofkLoteB Lot q and ex. E'12 the north side SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA y on Brenner Addition # een Clarence Maryland Ave. beta Residence Ct — ' ; of and McAfee, to Class of the Cityy of CAPITAL 4 -481 B District, the Council in the afore- Janet 1982 ahas enxo'clock in the Council .Chamber said Apr i 1 30 , 1962 boon and the CCouncil will hear Circe place all persons and all objections aro posed ' to said P P ommendations relative amendment. Dated June 11, 1962. AGNES H. O' City Cl re k. (June 16, 1962) City Council City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota To Whom It May Concern: I enclose herewith a petition to rezone part of Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2 of the City of Saint Paul. Would you please process it in accordance in the usual manner. In addition, I enclose a check for $90.00 which I understand is the filing fee for this petition. Thank you very much. Yours very truly, OSEPH E. ILLON JED: j s OFFICE OF -C,I-T Y. CLERK MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN 386 Ci4 Hall and Court House CouTCil Recorder St. Paul 2, Minnesota M - April 26, 1962 Mr. H. C. Wieland Director of City Planning 13th Floor Building Dear Sir: Attached is a petition to rezone part of Block 2, Brenner Addition No. 2. We will appreciate your advising us as to the approximate number of square feet involved in this rezoning so that we can collect the fee provided by law. 1 �a1lJ�ll� I� i I • �7 1 _� -�_ LiLtl�ct�j�. ��WW 11 ..• � ci•� rTTn; _ � � �_ ill . � • � � ��!! Very truly yours, 7V' City Clerk Q> APR 2'i C1T PLAri1rItM nn 50inx caul, JIM CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8 Y . J CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 41612 °®'@ June 6, 1962 ELTOR A. DEHN Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 7 and East 25 feet of Lot 8, Brenners Addition No. 2, Property located at 1355 East Maryland Avenue, From "A" Residence District to a "C" Residence District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, Gc.cJ PJame J. Dalgi Commissioner of Finance C.C. Mr. Schroeder, City Architect LL cw _ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn., June 15, 1962 Rursuan+ to -Section 64.06 of the. Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul, you" are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber in the 'Court House and City Hall at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on June 28, 1962 on the advisabili of amending the Zoning Code by changing all— of Blk 2, except Lot I and except the Ell-i 25 fed L• of Lot 8 theree- in Brenner Add, No., 2 from "Class AVI Residence District to "Class C" Residence District. Property is located on the north side of Maryland Aven ne b _tw ..n Cl r .n a qnd McAfee S rP .tR . For further information call ,at ,R10om 1315,.,' Court- House or Phone 1,CA. 4.461 , ! Ext. 251 , t s � r B�R#�4EtD= T:�iQ1L'AL�1 D Page 1 File 9 �" yt Cm,'** of Finance The Zoning Code requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance 1st_ ` - 2n Laid over to rd and 3 app . Adopte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Loss Martinson M: :n,. ' .Retea soa Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis s 208000 '�