07-935Council File # CITY OF Presented By Green Sheet # RESOLUTION ,INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0�-qs5 3043093 (�) 37 Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code 2 and following the public hearing held on November 1, 2006, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of 3 Right-of-Way Maintenance Seivice to be performed in the City of Saint Paul, and the estimated amount of 4 service charges to be levied against benefitted properties, the work to be performed in 2007, and the charges 5 to be collected with the reb lar taxes in 2008; and 6 � WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has performed the approved right-of-way maintenance work 8 and submitted its report together with the total cost of right-of-way maintenance in the amount of 9 $24,815,952; and 10 � � WHEREAS, The City Council determined that the City shall pay the sum of $6,548,575 of the right-of-way �� maintenance cosYs by using Municipal State Aid ($1,709,300), Trunk Highway Aid ($302,264), County Aid � 3 ($333,466), Miscellaneous Receipts ($2,008,511), Use of Fund Balance ($2,195,034); and the remaining 14 amount of $18,267,377 shall be assessed against benefitted properties, and further resolved that a Public � 5 Hearing was held in the City Council chambers on October 3, 2007, for the purpose of adopting the service 16 charges against all benefitted properties; and 17 � 8 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Public Hearing on October 3, 2007, for this � 9 purpose, and, having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in 20 accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, �� therefore, be 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 , 43 Page 1of2 41 Page 2 of 2 42 (Attachment to GS #3043093) (C ) 43 �SOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the following service 44 charges as special assessment against benefitted properties: 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Class I-A Downtown Streets $ I 1.10 per assessable foot Class I-B Downtown Streets (Brick) $13.23 per assessable foot Class II Outlying Commercial and Arterial Street Commercial Property $6.02 per assessable foot Residential Properiy $2.46 per assessable foot Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Property Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Class V Unimproved StreeYs Coxnmercial Property Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property and be it $4.52 per assessable foot $2.34 per assessable foot $0.83 per assessable foot $0.53 per assessable foot $2.38 per assessable foot $1.34 per assessable foot $0.37 per assessable foot $0.25 per assessable foot FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service charges levied herein shall be extended on the property tas lists of the County and collected in 2008 along with current taxes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. Requested by Department of: P bl' Works By: Bruce Beese, Director Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Apprc � � � i I ' � Approved by Mayor Submission to Council B: ° — Y • � ��� ; , Adopted by Council: Date �d/�'3�aOlJ� IDEPAP.TMENTIOPFICFJCOUNCIL �ATEINITIATED GREEN S iPUBLIC WORKS August 17, 2007 � ICONTACTPERSONBPHONE � '�DEPARTMEM�IftECTORl - iGARY L. ERICHSON � 292-6600 ^SSwN CITYATTORNEV NIIMBER FOR �� — � �MUST BE ON CApNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING I� BUDGEf DIftECTOR OCTOBER 3 2007 oaoeR — � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANr) � i OTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATIONSPORSIGNATURE� � IASSOCIATE _ ratifying 2007 Right-of-Way Maintenance Assessment Program. (C) Council Resolution & Scope of Work Under 2007 Right-of-Way Maintenance Assessment �, PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERVICECOMMISS�ON I �,___CIBCOMMITTEE _ ' I _STAFF _ DISTRICTCOUNCIL _ �. !S�PPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTNE> '�. I a � ' �p 3043093 INITIAUDATE � ❑O CITYCOUNCIL � CIN CLERK � � DEPT ACCAUNTANT PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has thfs persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has Nis person/frtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHVJ: This will allow for collection of monies for funding the 2007 Program. �DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED See Above iF aaaROVeo � �,����, ��� � �' N a__ i t',.a '� � rJ f� :.�.-.�s `� ' w , � �°-«'�i i ����' ��������� IF NOT APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 2007=$24,815,952; 2008=$27,274,856 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE JG SOURCE Assessments, Aids, Fund Balance ACININ NUMBER 42310 thrc AL MFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 42366 NO 1�'t' 0��35 (Attachment to GS# 3043093) SCOPE OF WORK U\DER 2007 RIGHT OF WAY MAIl�'TENANCE ASSESSMENT �otice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 3` day of October 2007 at 5:30 pm in the Saint Paul City Counci] Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Mmnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of Right of Way maintenance performed in the City of Saint Paui in 2007 and to ratify the cost of such service to be charged agamst benefited properties in accordance wrth Chapter 62 of the Administrarive Code. The particular service has been performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department of Public Works are as follows: CL955I-A - DOWNTOWN STREETS Description: Class I-A service has been performed on all downtown streets (face of curb to face of curb) within the followmg boundaries: Keliogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east (except streets listed in Class I-B, Downtown Streets (Bnck)). 2007 Level af Secvices: The downtown streets have been swept tluee times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street suxfaces, lree trimining, and snow plowing has been pecformed on an as-needed basis. Assessment: All Class I-A service will be assessed at a rate of $11.10 per assessable foot. CLASS I-B - DOWNTOWN STREETS BRICKI Descriotion: C1ass I-B service has been performed on all downtown btick streets (face of curb [o face of cutb): St. Petei St., from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Wabasha, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Fourth St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Fifth St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Sixth, from St. Peter to Wabasha; Market St., Kellogg Blvd to Fourth St.; Market St., Fifth St. to Sixth St.; Waslrington St., Kellogg to Fourth St.; Rourth St, St. Peter St. to Washington St.; Fifth St., Market to St. Peter St.; Sixth St., Market to St. Peter SL; Kellogg Blvd., north side; W abasha St, just west of Minnesota (Wild) Club and adjacent to Xcel Arena; and Kellogg Blvd., south side: Seventh SC to the RiverCentre Parking Ramp. 2007 Level of Services: The downtown streets listed above have been swept thzee times pex week and flushed five times pez week. All routine maintenance, includmg patching and repairing of the brick street surfaces, ffee trimm�ng, and snow plowing has been performed on an as-needed basis. Assessment: All Class I-B service w�ll be assessed at a rate of $13.23 per assessable foot. Page 1 of 5 � � �� J� (Attachment to GS# 3043093) CLASS II - OL'TLYING CO�'IMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Description: Class II service has been performed on all ouUying commercial and arterial streets in the Ciry. These are the ma�or arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of veh�cular and pedestrian traffic and, m most cases, have business or commercial properties frontin� on them. T}pical examples would be as follows: Unrversity Avenue, Snellmg Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, R�ce Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Gtand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II streets aze accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Deparhnent of Pubhc Works, 900 City Hall Annex. 2007 Level of Service: Tke Class II streets have been swept or cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance, including patchmg and repairing of sneet stu'faces, sidewalk maintenance, right-of-way tree maintenance and mmmm„ and snow plowmg has been done on an as-needed basis. Assessment: Under Class II serv�ce there are two assessment rates, one commercial and one res�dential. The commercial property rate is $6_02 per assessable foot and the �esidenrial pcoperiy rate is $2•46 oer assessable foot. CLASS LII - ALL RESIDENTIAL 5TREETS Descrintion� Class III service has been performed on all iesidential streets including oiled sheets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. 2007 Level of Service: Residential streets, including mled, paved and intermed�ate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spnng which mcluded sweepmg and flushmg. Patchmg, repair work, sidewalk mamtenance, righUOf-way nee maintenance and trimmmg, and snow plowing has been done on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efGciency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. On�eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Assessment: Under Class III service there are two assessment rates. The commercial property rate is $4_52 per assessable foot and the resident�al properiy tate is $2_34 per assessable foot. Page 2 of 5 b7 �S (Attachment to GS# 3043093) CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED AL,LEYS Description: Class IV sen��ce has been performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys withm the City. 2007 Leve] of Service: All oited, paved and mtermediate alleys have been swept during the season. All rourine mamtenance, including patching and repair of the aLley surface, has been performed on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All alleys (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of the total number of alleys (approximately 254 alleys) will be chip sealed each year. Assessment: Under Class IV service, there are two assessment rates. The commercial property rate is $0_83 per assessable foot and the residenhal properiy rate is $0_53 per assessable foot CLASS V - UNIMPROVED STREETS Descriotion: Service has been performed on all unimproved stceets. By unimproved, we mean those streets that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petihoned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform nunimal repairs and maintenance work on them to reduce any hazards or potent�al hazards. 2007 Levei of 5ervices: The maintenance and repair of these streets has consisted of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized matenal, right-of-way tree maintenance and trimming, and snow plowing in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Assessment: The assessment rate on unimproved streets is $2_38 per assessable foot for commercial property and �1�34 per assessable foot for resident�al property. Page 3 of 5 o��- ��s (Attachment to GS# 3043093) CLASS VI - UNIVTPROVED ALLEYS Description. Service was performed on ummproved alleys. By unimproved we mean those alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City ri�hts-of-way; however, the abuttin� residents have never petit�oned for their improvement nor havz there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the Qty has the responsibil�ty to perform nunimal repairs and mamtenance wozk re reduce hazards. 2007 Level of Services: The maintenance and repau of these alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placmg of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Assessment: The assessment rate on unimproved alleys is $0_37 per assessable foot for commercia] property and $0.25 per assessable foot for res�dential property. Page 4 of 5 �7° `�� (Attachment to GS# 3043Q93) 2007 EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spendin¢ Maint. Program Forestry Sidewalks Bridge Streetlight Mtce Tota] � 17,834,158 $2,241,095 $543,856 $1,335,145 $2,861,698 $2,861,698 $1,335,145 15,952 $18,267,377 $4,353,541 (1) Municipal State Aid $1,709,300 Trunk Highway Aid 302,264 County Aid 333,466 Miscellaneous Receipts 2,008,511 $4,353,541 Financin¢ Assessments Aids/Fees Use of Fund Balance $12,620,728 $3,018,396 $2,241,095 $543,856 Pomts of Information Residenhal property on comer lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot. Resident�a] properties on outlying commercial and arterial streets w�ll be assessed at the residential rate $2_34 per front foot, commeicial properties on residential streets would be assessed at $4_52 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property tax statement in 2007. QUESTIONS: If you have quest�ons about streeUalley mamtenance, please call 292-6600 -- for questions about your assessment, call 266-8857 and refer to your property I.D.#. $2,195,034 $2,195,034 Page 5 of 5