07-931Substitute - 12/OS/2007 OF Presented RESO Council File # 07-931 Green Sheet #3044090 MINNESOTA �� 1 WHEREAS, Council File No. 91-792 established Residential Permit Pazldng in the area adjacent to 2 or near the United Hospital and Children's complex in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint 3 Paul Legislative Code with current signs posted for "Two Hour Parking, Monday - Friday, 7:00 4 AM - 7:00 PM, Except by Permit, Area 7," and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, the residents haue submitted a petifion to expand residenrial permit parking on Smith Avenue between Goodrich Avenue and McBoal Street, and on Goodrich Avenue east of Smith Avenue; and WHEREAS, after several neighborhood meetings, the area residents and District 9 Community Council support eliminating the two hour pazking and establishing "No Parking, 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Except by PermiY' for all of Area 7; and WHEREAS, the residents on the north side of McBoal Street between Leech Street and Smith Avenue have concerns about the amount of unrestricted parking neaz them and has requested permit parking be expanded to include the north side of McBoal Street west of Leech Street and the west side of Leech Street north of McBoal Street abutting the Women of Nations property; and WHEREAS, the Women of Nations has agreed to extending pernut parking abutting their property with the understanding that Public Works will issue them an agreed upon number of permits; and WHEREAS, Public Works staff has invesrigated the basis for the petition to expand Area 7, and the issues with allowing the current two hour parking between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. without a permit, and allowing evening and weekend parking without a permit, and recommends adoption of the requested changes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following pazking regulations shall be in effect in the residential area near the United Hospital and Children's complex: 1. Remove the "Two Hour Parking, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Except by Permit, Area 7," and post "No Parking, 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Except by PermiY' for all of Area 7. 2. Expand Area 7 Residential Permit parking to include the following streets: a. Both sides of Smith Avenue between Goodrich Avenue and McBoal Street b. Both sides of Goodrich Avenue between Smith Avenue and the dead-end east of Leech Street _ c. North side of McBoal Street from Leech Street to 160 feet west of Leech Street d. West side of Leech Street from McBoal Street to 170 feet north of McBoal Street 41 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these parking regulations shall be in effect and enforced 30 days 42 after City Council approval or as soon thereafter as signs are erected. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adoption Certified by Cquncil Secretary ! By: � Approve y a�r: Date � � R�'( B � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councff B Adopted by Council: Date /��j�j���7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Slieet � D�- t3j Departmentlofficelcouncil: Date Initiafed: Pw -�,v�wo� �7 Green Sheet NO: 3044090 Contact Person 8 Pholre: Linda Murphy 266-6205 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 03-OCT-07 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: Linda Murphy � Conpct Phone: 266-6205 � oeoaranefrc senc � o rerson 0 blic Works PaN St Martin Assign I blic Wmks D ariment Dimctor Number Z�� Attorn Lisa VeitL For Routing 3 a ar's OfHce Ma or/ASSistant Qrder a omul DaveT6une 5 ' C7erk GS Clerk Tofal # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Resolu6on extending Residential Permit Parking in Area 7 to include Smith from West Seventh to Goodrich and Goodrich from Smith to dead-end east of I,eech, and changing all of Permit Area 7 to "No Pazking except by Permit" idaUOns: qpprove (A) or N Planning Commission q6 Committee Civil Service Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normalty passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet `7I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Neighborhood complaints of event pazking in the evenings and weekends. Difficulry enforcing the rivo hour pazking limit And a pefition was received sigied by 67% of the abutting property owners requesting pemiit pazking be extended to Smith and Goodrich due to commuter and event parking on these streets making it difficult for homeowners to fmd pazking near their homes. Advantages if Approved: Enforc'ement will be easier with removal of the 2 hr. pazking. Should help to el'uninate the problems with event paridng in this neighborhood in the evenings and on weekends. DisadvanWges If Approved: Residents and their visitors who only pazk on the street up to 2 hours at a time, or only pazk in the evenings or on weekends will now have to purchase a permit. Customers of businesses in the azea will no longer be able to pazk in the residenrial azeas. Disadvanpges If Not Approved: Residents will continue to have problems with event pazking in theu neighborhood. Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: (F�cplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. �� {:E�# I u �.��� September 19, 2007 2:22 PM Page 1 ' ' , , , � ' ' , ' ,. ^ � ,� , , � ' ' . � , , ' ' , ' ' , , , , ' _ ' ' ' , ' , � � , � � , � � �, ' ' � � , , � , , ,� , , � „ � . „ . � ,, � , � ' „ ' � � � , , , � ,, i , , �. , ' , , ' �� , „ , � , . , �� , , , , , , ' , ' , , , , � ' ,. � � , , �. , , , ' ' , � � �� ' ' � ' � � � , , � . , � , , i , � � � � , � , „ � � � � � ' , , , ' , , � , ' , � � � , , � ' ' ' ,� , , , � , , . , , � � � . . � r � � , „ , � � � � � �, , , „ � '� � i �, „ �, � , � , � � , , � , , ,� � , ' , , . 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',. ai ! �-g 3� Renort on Area 7 Residential Permit Parlang Prouosed Changes - 2007 Request There are two changes being proposed with Council Resolurion #3044090. 1) A petition signed by 67% of the abuttiug propeity owners was submitted to the City requesting expansion of Residential Permit Parldng Area 7 in the vicinity of the United and Children's Hospital Complex. The expansion would involve the following streets: Both sides of Smith Avenue between West Seventh Street and Goodrich Avenue Both sides of Goodrich Avenue from Smith Avenue to the dead-end east of Leech Street. 2) The current permit parking reshictions throughout Area 7 are posted as "Two Hour Parking, Monday — Friday, 7:00 am.- 7:00 p.m., Except by Permit." This resolution would change the permit parking restriction for all of Area 7 to "No Parking Except by Permit" BackEround Area 7 was established in 1991 due to United and Children's Hospital employees and the businesses on West Seventh Street parking in the residenrial neighborhoods near West Seventh and the hospital. Since then, there has been an increase in event parking within these neighborhoods Oripnal Permit Area —1991 Area residents allowed up to two guest permits and four vehicle permits. "Two Hour Parking, Monday — Friday, 7:00 am.- 7:00 p.m., Except by PermiY' on the following streets: West side of Wilkin from Forbes to 200 feet south of McBoal Both sides of Leech from McBoal to Goodrich East side of Leech from McBoal to Forbes Both sides of McBoal from Smith to Wilkin South side of Forbes from Leech to Willan Both sides of Forbes from Smith to Garfield North side of Forbes from Smith to 101 feet east Both sides of Douglas from Sturgis to the cul-de-sac 135 feet north of Forbes Both sides of Garfield from Sturgis to Forbes Both sides of Harrison from Garfield to 150 feet west Revised Permit Area —1991 & 1996 Removed permit parking from the following streets at the request of the abutting property owner: North side of McBoal from Smith to 160 feet east of Smith North side of McBoal from Leech to 160 feet west of Leech Neiehborhood complaints The City of St. Paul has received complaints from residents in and around Area 7. The residents have seen an increase in event parking in this neighborhood. Events at the Wild Arena, (����t particularly the Wild Hockey games have generated increased parldng, litter, noise, and traffic congestion. The current Area 7 parl�ng reshictions have done little to discourage event pazking since evening and weekend pazlang do not require a pemut. The other complaint was the lack of enfarcement of the two hour pazking restriction. It is very difficult for our pazking enfarcement officers to e�force the two hour time limit. Parkina Studv A parking study was conducted by Public Works Traffic staff to deternune if those parlang within this neighborhood are commuters, event attendees, customers of neazby businesses, etc. We also wanted to see how many non-pernutted vehicles were violating the 2 hr parking restriction within the permit area. See attached map of the study area. The study was conducted on Friday June 8, 2007. On this date there were the following events: Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Concert at the Xcel Centre/ 7:30 pm Park High School Graduation at Roy Wilkins Auditorium/ 7— 9 pm Vintage Clothes & 7ewelry Show at River Centre/ 3 pm — 10 pm Data Collection: Number of parking spaces was determined for the length of block faces based on 20 ft. per space. Adjustments were made for driveways, fire hydrants, stop signs, crosswalks, eta License plate numbers were recorded every two hours between 130 pm. and 7:30 p.m. on a heavy event day. The Police Department gaue us the zip codes for all of the license plates recorded. Those not in the 55102 zipcode and without an Area 7 residenrial parking permit were considered non- residents. Studv Result Hi2hliehts: E.S. Douglas between Stureis & Harrison (10 parking spaces) at 730 pm was 90% occupied; 60% occupied by non-residents. W.S. Douelas between 5turais & Harrison (10 parking spaces) at 7:30 pm was 100% occupied; 90% occupied by non-residents. DeGidio's Restaurant customers appeared to be parking on Douglas between Sturgis & Harrison in the evening. S.S. Forbes between Dou�las & Smith involves only 3 parking spaces, the rest of the block face is Limit Time Parking. At 1:30 & 3:30 it was 100% parked with non-residents. At 7:30 pm it was 100% occupied and 67% occupied by non-residents. N.S. Forbes between Dou�las & Smith (10 parking spaces) averaged 75% occupancy overall with 68% occupied by non-residents. This block of Forbes between Douglas & Smith is next to the Salvation Army. Salvation Aimy customers may be parking here since there was parking turnover. E.S. Leech between 7th & Grand involves only 4 parking spaces. Averaged 100% occupancy overall with 44% occupied by non-residents. 0�-�31 S.S. McBoal between Willdn & Leech (11 parking spaces) Very low occupancy during the day. Then at 5:30 pm, 64% occupancy but only 18% non-residents. At 7:30 pm, 82% occupancy; with 27% non-residents. S.S. McBoal between Leech & Smith (13 parking spaces) Low occupancy during the day. Then at 5:30 pm, 62% occupancy, 23% non-residents. At 7:30 pm, 85% occupied; with 54°to non-residents. Looked like there may have been some event pazking along the south side of McBoal. The closer to Smith, the more of an issue there was. We observed heavy commuter pazking on Goodrich east of Smith and on the west side of 5mith between Goodrich & McBoal which is the area where there currently is no permit pazking, but has been petitioned to be included in Area 7. NeiEhborhood In-Put A neighborhood meeting was held at District 9/Fort Road Federation on May 14, 2007 to discuss the pazking issues and proposed changes. A pazking study was recommended. On September 10, 2007 another neighborhood meeting was held to report on the pazking study results. At that meeting the neighbors agreed to go forward with changing Area 7 Parking from "Two Hour Parking, Monday — Friday, 7:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m., Except by Permit," to "No Parking Except by Permit " District 9 has also supported the approval of expanding Area 7 to include Smith and Goodrich as petitioned. John DeGidio of DeGidids Restaurant was contacted by City staff to inform him of the proposed changes. He had no objections provided we remove permit pazking from alongside his property and replace it with a two hour limited tune pazking zone. This change is being proposed by separate resolution. Recommendations: Approval of the following parking regulations as proposed in Council Resolution #3044090 far the residential area near the United Hospital and Children's complex: 1) Remove the "Two Hour Parking, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM — 7:00 PM, Except by Permit, Area 7," and post "No Parking, Except by PermiY' for all of Area 7. 2) Expand Area 7 Residential Permit parking to include the following streets: Both sides of Smith Avenue between Goodrich Avenue and McBoal Street Both sides of Goodrich Avenue between Smith Avenue and the dead-end east of Leech Street. Council File # �7�93 � Green Sheet #3044090 .� PAUL, MINNESOTA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Presented AS, Co il File No. 9 92 established Residenfial Pernut Parldng in the area adjacent to or near the Un , d Hospital d C' en's complex in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code wit�fi��current signs posted for "I'wo Hour Parldng, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM — 7:00 PM, Except by Pemut, Are��'�and ♦ � WHEREAS, the re�dents have submitted a petition to expand residenfial permit pazking on Smith Avenue behveen Goodrich t�v,enue and McBoal Street, and on Goodrich Avenue east of Smith Avenue; and WHEREAS, the area resi ts and District 9 Community Council support eliminaring the two hour pazking and establishing "No Parkui Except by PermiP' for all of Area 7; and WHEREAS, Public Works staff s mvesrigated the basis for the petition to expand Area 7, and the issues with allowing the current two hour' rldng between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. without a pemut, and allowing evening and weekend pazking withouf „permit, and recommends adopfion of the requested changes; NOW, TAEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; E_ at the following parking regulations shall be in effect in the residential azea near the United Hospital and �' ildren's complex: 1. Remove the "Two Hour Parking, Monday -\ ',, ay, 7:00 AM — 7:00 PM, Except by Permit, Area 7," and post "1Vo Parking, Except by Permit" for all's€ Area 7. 2. Expand Area 7 Residenfial Pemut pazldng to a. Both sides of Smith Avenue between Goodrich b. Both sides of Goodrich Avenue between Smith following streets: and McBoal Street and the dead-end east of Leech Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these parking regularions shall be iit`gffect and enforced 30 days after City Council approval or as soon thereafter as signs are erected. � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery T'hune Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary B Approved by Mayor: Date B Requested by Department of: Works � Form Appro,ved by Ciry � Form App ve D By: Council