D001662CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFF[CE OF TfiE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER C J . . - � ��� � i �► ��� �. . ADMIriISTRATIVE ORDER, consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Acting Director of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 1998 budget of the Special Revenue Fund, Midway Stadium(334), the Director of the OfFice of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM 334 - Municipal Stadium 33182 - Midway Stadium 0131 - Certified Temp/Seasonal 0275 - O�ce Equipment Maint. Cont. 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0882 - Lnprovements of Land TO: 334 - Municipal Stadium 33182 - Midway Stadium 0533 - Materials for Resale • CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 31,578 (4,222) 27,356 300 ( 220) 80 5,000 ( 200) 4,800 11,109 ( 358) 10,751 47,987 (5,000) 42,987 773 5,000 5,773 773 5 000 5,773 APPROVED AS TO FORM • Assistant City Attorney Date ' • U �� Adminis[rative Assietant W Mayar � n.�.� �� i -, CTAiiTMEN`flOFRCElCOUNCIL DATEINITATED GREEN SHEET �J � I � NO. 626 O Parks and Recreation 3/03/99 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIALIDATE ViC WittgEnstein 266-6409 2 o�,urMO�rwr�rron / _GTYCOUNCIL A59GN — MIMBEN _� 4 q7YCLQiK� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) oqp� J RNANGI/LL SERVIGES Difl. � Deoarm�efrc Accounta�rc MAYOR{ORASSSTANT) �J OFS-ACCWIIU{14 TOTqL;OFSIGNATUREPAGES ICIY/W.lDC/1TpNSPoR9pNpTl�tp ACTONREQUE5fm: Approval of the attached Administrative Order to provide sufficient funding at the budget control levei of the Division of Parks and Recreation's 1998 Municipal Stadium Special Revenue Fund (334). RECOMMENDA710NS: Apprwe W m Reptt lRl P9t80NAL59dICE CONIRNCTS MUST ANSWHt 7Fff FOLLOWING QU65TbN5: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION �, HaytyypenoNfirmevmwarkedunderacmmac[fmthbdepMmmt? CIBCOMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Ho thia persoNhrm ever been a dN emPloY�� VES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL — — 3. Doea [MS peraoNti�m pmsesa a ek�ll na �wrmelly pomnsed by any eurreM ciry amployx� SUPPORTS VJHICH COUNCIL OBJECTVEl VES NO b[pidn aB yea eruwen on sepsrem aheet aM etMh to preen slreet. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ryVho, WhK, When, VJhere, Why�; To provide adequate funding at the budget control level of the Parks and Recreation's 1998 Municipal Stadium Special Revenue Fund Budget(334►. ADVANTAGES IF APPNOVED: The Parks and Recreation's 1998 Municipal Stadium Special Revenue Fund Budget will have adequate funding at the budget control Ievels. RE�EiVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � 1 2 None. i,iTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Parks and Recreation's 1998 Municipal Stadium Speciai Revenue Fund Budget (334) will be overspent at the budget control levels. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 5.000 cosrmEVaueauocErEOtartc�oxo rES xo xanc+sounce MuniCiDal Stadium - 334 acmnrrnumse� 33182 INANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN� Ci:1FM\QllJf3lW P\greensheetadmin334.wpd