07-920Council File # o� — 9 � O Green Sheet # 3044183 OF Presented by RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � . 1 WHEREAS, Douglas Strain, a Heavy Equipment Operator for the Department of Public Works, is 2 a sergeant in the Minnesota National Guard currently serving a tour of duty in lraq, and 3 0 6 7 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has received a written request (Attachment A) from Douglas Strain asking for a donation of safety equipment that the U.S. Army has not supplied to our Minnesota National Guard members, and 8 WHEREAS, the donation of such equipment to the Minnesota National Guard would enhance the 9 safety of our employee and those members currently serving in the Iraq conflict, and 10 11 WHEREAS, the equipment has a total estimated value of $262.50 (Attachment B), and 12 13 WHEREAS, Chapter 2.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code authorizes the Division of 14 Contract and Analysis Services to dispose of surplus city property and sets for the procedures 15 governing the sale and donation of such property, and 16 17 WHEREAS, this equipment may be transferred to the Minnesota National Guard without 18 consideration, and 19 20 BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council Hereby authorizes the donation of the above described 21 surplus equipment to the Minnesota National Guard. 22 Yeas Requested by Department of � • � - � ��G � ' �� � /��� '17iune � Form Approved by City Attomey l/� � By: �� � S�- 'd ' ' (l�b��k Adopted by Council: Date r ��U� /�a/Jl/7 Form A p v d b Mayor fo ubmission to Council Adoption Certified by Co Il Secretazy By; � �� $Y� L Approved by 1yo Date �� � /b T 7 By: ( � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a�-�av PW - PublicWmks Confact Person & Phone: eruce se ESC 266�6099 MuSt 92 oIl 26-SEP-07 Duc. Type; RESOLUTION I 79-SEP-07 �/ Assign ay (Date): Number � � �� 1 For Routing Ordar E•DOCUme�t Required: Y Document CoMact: I.arty Michaliisch CoMact Phone: 266�i065 ToWf # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3044183 0 blicWorks DeparhnentAccountaat. 1 blicWorks D MD"asctor 2 'tp Attorney Ctits Atfomev 3 ar's Office Ma orlaR:�.,r 4 Conncil Couucil 5 ty Clerk CStv G7erk 6 blic Works Pablic Works To approve the attached resolution authorizing the Depar[ment of Public Works W donate $262.50 worth of safety equipment to the unit of a Public Works employee serving in Iraq. iaanons: Hpprove �n� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmentt Yes No 2. Has this person7flrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skili not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Expfain all yes answers on separate sheet anC attach to green sheei InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YJho, What, When, Where, Why): A Public Works employee, who is serving a tour of dury wifli the Minnesota Nationai Guazd in Iraq, requested a dQnation of safety equipment for his unit as they maintain sheir St. Paul based Black Hawk helicopters. AdvanWges If Approved: Minnesota Nationai Guard members will be protected from common, on-the job injuries associated with working around heavy equip[nent. Disativantages N Approved: None �� � 2 � ZD�� Disadvantages If Not Approved: Minnesota Nadonal Guazd members wouid be at greater risk of personal injury. Transaction: $262.5@�Y FmMing Source; Financial lnformation: (exP�ain) anrv�ty Number. Misc Public Works accounts CosURevenue Budgeted: September 20, 20071:44 PM Page 1 , � � "�"'cc,cJ1 frien (" `��li � 7 -�I a-O September 9, 2007 TO: Bruce Beese, Director Saint Paul Public Works FROM: Douglas Strain D Co. 2/147 AVN. APO AE 09391 SUBJECT: Safety Equipment Request Things are getting pretty busy with maintenance; we seem to be doing a lot of 120hr services every few days. Which brings me to my request if possible? Would the City be able to send me a dozen hard hats? We have to wear head gear when ever we drive something or when we use the crane to take blades off the aircraft. We've been using our Kevlar's but they or very expensive if lost and are not ideal for what we are doing. The Army supply is not much help in this matter. Any color would be fine. We are on an airfield and we wear refiective belts all day and night. There is nothing taetica{ here. If they even had city logos that actually would be better because they would be marked and we are the only unit here from MN. so that way if they were to start growing legs we would be able to identify them to the fact that they belong to us. If it all works out on your end here is my address to ship them to when and if it works out. Thanks Doug Strain Sgt. Douglas Strain D Co. 21147 AVN. APO AE 09391 Equipment Donation to lraq (Attachment B) ���aU City of Saint Paul Donations Donor: Pubfic Works Administration, Construction & Municipal Equipment Garage Number Descri tion Donated Value 1 Box of 1005L Rubber Gloves with Soivents (To be used by the mechanics working with solvents, or other chemicals) 12 Brown Jersey Gloves (For general mechanical repairs) 12 Mira Cool Bandanas (Cool gel filling helps keep workers more comfortable) 12 Pairs of Safety Glasses (Worn for eye safety during general mechanical repairs) 12 Public Works Hard Hats 12 Public Works Key Chains 12 Public Works Pins Total Cost of Items Donated Other Items Donated by Vendors (No Cost to the City) Donor: CATCO of Roseville 8.50 10.00 12.00 108.00 100.00 12.00 12.00 262.50 Number Description Donated Value 12 "CATCO" Bail Caps 12 APWA Snow Conference 2007 Screw Driver / Flashlights Donor: Cronatron Welding Suppiy Number 1 Reversible End (4 Tips) Screw Driver (Large) 5 Reversibie End (2 Tips) Screw Driver (Pocket Size} 1 Folding Blade Pocket Knife 3 Key Chain Nail Clippers None Provided None Provided Donated Value None Provided None Provided None Provided None Provided Other ltems Donated by Vendors (No Cost to the City) Donor: Lawson Supply Number Description Donated Value 5 Reversible End (2 Tips) Screw Driver (Pocket Size) 2 Foiding Blade Pocket Knives 2 "Lawson" Ball Caps Donor: Pomp's Tire None Provided None Provided None Provided Number Description Donated Value 12 Decks of Playing Cards None Provided 1 Calculator with Tape Measure None Provided 6 "Pomp's" Mouse Pads None Provided