209676Original to -City Clerk _ a .Ij o ORDIN_ PRESENTED BY Commi ssi oner Mi 1 to Rosen Council File No. 209070 - Ordinance No. 12323 By Milton Rosen - ' - r IV.' ordinance granting the St. An- thony Park State Bank permission to install and maintain a 4 foot by 0 foot steel- frame sign adjacent to and 7 feet above the existing public side - tvalk, on the northeasterly 7 feet of Lot. 2, Block 38,• St. Anthony Park T 11 , being part of Como Ave. as now I and approxim tely 2 feet south of the n )r !psterly line of ______3t, Thi.Q , is rgencv ordi t.renderer14 c.=.y r 't%IToLf`` ion oP -dD} r ' Ti ,b• Page 1 of 2 20,676 O. /a3 ,2_3 An ordinance granting the St. Anthony Park State Bank permission to install and maintain a 4,foot by 6 foot steel frame sign adjacent to and 7 feet above the existing public sidewalk, on the northeasterly 7 feet of Lot 2, Block 38, St. Anthony Park North, being part of Como Ave. as now r opened and approximately 2 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Lot 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 I I That permission-and-authority are- hereby-granted The St. Anthony Park State Bank to install and maintain a 4 foot by 6 foot steel frame sign ad- jacent to and 7 feet above the existing public sidewalk, on the northeasterly 7 feet of Lot 2, Block 38, St. Anthony Park North, being part of Como Ave. as now opened and approximately 2 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said 'Lot 2 in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared and submitted to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings and subject to the approval of said Commissioners. SECTION 2 The Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings are hereby authorized to issue such per,. mits as may be necessary to said St. Anthony Park State Bank for the in- stallation and maintenance of said steel frame sign and in compliance with the following conditions: City Clerk 1M 0-82 X 2 2 Mayor 1. Said steel frame sign shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, and Public Buildings, in accordance with the plans to be submitted by the permittee to the Department of Public Works and the Department'of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and-under their direction, and the permittee • shall pay the cost of inspection, if any, together with any fees required for ..�j ermits provided hereunder. 2. Said permittee agrees that its contractor shall be required to U keep the work guarderd by-_day and night so as to prevent damages,or injuries a to persons or property during the course of construction. u O3. ;Said permittee, at all times, shall indemnify and save harmless < the City of Saint Paul from any- damages which it may in any way sustain in consequence of such installation and maintenance of said steel frame sign. - r Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinsali Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President,(Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 0-82 X 2 2 Mayor Original co -city clerk Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. Z-2-3123 PRESENTED BY Commissioner Milton Rosen ORDINANCE NO. 4. Said permittee shall proceed therewith and install and maintain said steel frame sign in a manner so as properly to protect any sewer, water, gas, or other public utility lines or conduits now existing in,said 7 foot strip. i+ + 5. Said permittee hereunder shall, at said permittee's own cost and expense, furnish and file policies of casualty liability insurance, for a term or terms commensurate with the maintenance of said steel frame sign whereunder said City shall be designated as Insured or Co- insured, in the following insurance coverage amounts: for personal injuries $1000000 for each person injured, and $200,000 for two or more persons injured in any single accident, and for property damage $50,000 for a single accident and not to exceed $100,000'in the aggregate for any number of accidents in a single 'year. 6. Said permittee shall restore said 7 foot strip to its original condition after such installation of said steel frame sign and upon and after the removal of the same, said City reserving the right to terminate and cancel such permission and authority hereunder by resolution of its Council and to require such removal by and at the expense of said permittee. 7. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file said permittee's written acceptance of the provisions, terms and conditions of the same, and agreement binding said permittee unto said City for compliance therewith. SECTION 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson (� Peterson ,Ga$eaen1 Mr. President -(Vxveul- W Attes 1 (/ " City Clerk 1M 8-82 X22 NOV 8 1952 Passed by the Council In Favor Against 56'e- Approved: 4 Q `40 IR9 Mayor r ` . 1, I • J • t j R 1 � {t Saint Paul, Minnesota November 12, 1962 To the Honorable, the City Council {� Saint Paul,'Minnesota }t 1' I l� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 209676, being Ordi -{' nance No. 12323, adopted by the Council on November 8, 1962. I 1 - ' i. ST ANTHONY PARK STATE BANK) BY k l 5 1 a } • — 1 1 !a 1 l { r. T.AI�ITHONY P® i t 5TABA ®` GLENN H. GREAVES. PRESIDENT JOHN D. HUNT. EXEC. VICE PRES. EARL BIGALKE. CASHIER CLYDE H. BAILEY. VICE PRES. A. MARIE SCHWEBACH. ASST. CASHIER ALBERT L BRUENER. VICE PRES. MARVIN D. PETERSON. ASST. CASHIER 1• ST. PAiTL 8,MIrurl. November 169 1962 Mrs, Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall and Court House t St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs, O'Connell: We enclose our Check in the amount of $19.43 in connection with Ordinance 12323. We also enclose the Acceptence and Agreement to abide by the terms of Council File No, 209676, The Insurance Company is preparing the necessary Certificate of Insurance, and we expect to have it in our hands in a few days, however, the sign has not been fully designed, and will not be installed for sometime. Sincerely yours, i JDH :jc D. Hunt Encs, Executive Vice President c.c. Frank L. Loss, Commissioner of Pks, etc. 1 I 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �� _Adopted �� I 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish ----,Dalglish Holland \�olland Loss \ _FLOSS /n J Mortinson n `�Iortinson t V Peterson eterson -Rosen- Mr. President . President 3a-vonli f,+Z� 2096 ' P MUSBM _ v i