07-897Council File # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PATJL, MiNNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Green Sheet # Committee:Date: D� 3043736 r 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a 2007 Jusrice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the 2 U. S. Department of Jusrice; and 3 4 WHEREAS, this grant is a joint award for the City of Saint Paul, City of Maplewood and the County of Ramse� 5 Minnesota; and 6 7 THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul is authorized to enter into the attached interlocal 8 agreement between the City of Saint Paul, City of Maplewood, and the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, for the 9 2007 JAG program awazd. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas Requested by Department of: Police ✓ Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption By: Approved By: _ by C�ncil Secretary: � Fod� App�e d by Ci� Attorney: �� � B CSU�/ (°��,(� 7 Apprqv d by for b issio o Council: �� g Q:\FiscalWO&CRWAG2007$445,484 zls � Green Sheet Green Sheet PD - pot;ceDepazvnrnt CoMaet PerSOn & Phone: Chief John Harrington 266-5588 Doc.7ype: RESOIUTION E-Document Required: Y DocumeM CoMact: Evette Scarver Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pagrs Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � v����� 07-SEP-07 ± Green Sheet NO: 3043736 � Assign Number Fof Routing Order All Locffiions for Signature) 0 PaliceDeoartment I PWiceDenarhnent ; ` 1 iYdiceDepartment V PdiceDeparm�ent 2 'ry Atlnrcep City Akornev I � 3 or's O�ce Ma or 4 ounu7 I Council i 5 itp Cluk Citg Clerk 6 oliceDe arhment PoliceDe ar�ent i Sigiatures on the attached council resolution authorizing [he Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Depaztment to enter into the attached 2007 I Justice Assistance Grant (3AG). i aauons: Approve �n� or rt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does �his personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, have received a 2007 JAG grant, authorizafion is needed to enter into the grant agreement. I Advantages If Approved: The 2007 JAG is a joint awazd for the City of Saint Paul, Ciry of Maplewood, and the County of Ramsey, MInneso[a, which provides i additional funding for law enforcement. � � � � Disadvantages If Approvetl: None. �4;� z ? 2�QZ DisativanWges If Not Approved: Inability to use 2007 JAG funds available. Transaction: $445,484 Funaing source: United States Department of Financial Information: �UStICB (Explain) Activity Number: � ` -. a -. r .-r....-..=q.ti< - ��; _ - -- '� a � ' r !. �. .� �:��� � CosURevenue Sudgeted: September 7, 200712:25 PM Page 1 a �-�� � ---,� Dcpartment oflusticc GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: ' '- OfficcoflusticeProgams PROJECT SUMMARY , � ;. � Burcau of Justicc Assisqnw �. �.,,;-',•, � G[8IIL _; "} PROJECT NUMBER PAGE 1 OF I �00]-0YBX-0738 This projecl is supporteA undcr 4Z U.S C. 3757(a) (BIA - IAG Eo�mula) 1. STAFE CONTACT (Name & tcicphone number) 2. PROIECT DIRECTOR (Namc, addrcss & relcphonc nUmber) Brcnt Eckbcrg Amy Brown (?0?} 514-5674 RescarcM1 And Gants Managcr I S W. Kcllogg Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55101-2295 (651)266-5507 ?a. TiT6E OF THE PROGRAM 36. POMS CODE (SEE WS7RUCTIONS 200� Justice Assisfance Gmnt Program ON AEVERSE) 4 TIYLEOFPROJECT City of Samt Pae! 2007 7AG $. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE 6 NAME & ADRESS OF $UBGRANTEE City of Saint Paul IS W. Kclfogg Bou(cvard Samt Paul, MN SSIO2 7. PROGRAM PERIOD e. BUDG2T PbRIOD FROM: 10/01/2C06 TO: 09HD/2010 FROM� 10/072D06 TO: 09/30/2010 9. AMOIJNT OF A WARD I0. DATE OF A WARD S 495,48+' 08/22/2007 1 L SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 12 SECOND YEAR'S eUDGET AMOUNT ll THiRDYEAA'SBUDGETPEAIOD 14.THIRDYEAR'SBUDGETAMOUNT I5. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PRO]ECT (SCe �vshuctiun ou [wersc) The Fdwazd Bymc Memonallus[ice Assistenec Gran[ Program {7AG) allows sta[CS, hibe; and local govemments [o sup➢oR a broad ange of actrvrtics ro prcvent and control cnme bascd On thcir own local nceds and condit�ons. Gan[ funds can be useA for Sfate and Iocal in�tianves, txhnical azsisranec, rcaimng, personncl, equipmenr, suppliw, cnntractual suppoct, and mPortnatiorz sysmms for criminal jushce for any o�ee or mom of thc foliowing puryose areaz� 1) law rnforcement programs; 2) prosec�[ion and coutt progcams; 3) prevennon and education prog2ms, 4) corzec[ions and communiry wrtutions program; 5) d�ug treatmrn[ programs; and 6) planning, evaluatioq and ttchnology �mprovement programs. The Ciry of Saint Paul wiil divide the 2007IAG awaYd in Me total amo�ni ofS445,4&4 beewern the foiiowing�unsdic[ions: Qty of Maplewood (514,990), Ramscy Co�nty (5130,035), and Ciry of Saint Paul (5300,459). p f � OJP FORM 4090YL (REV.4S8) � a�-g�� f�, "`°"�:,_� DepaRment of Justice ' 4, O�ce of Justice Pro�ams _ - : PAGE l OF 5 -�_ r, = Bureau of Jusrice Assistance Gran[ a �:= z��,-: 1.2EC1PIEMNAMEANDADDRESS(IndudingZipCodc) 4 AN'A2DVl1MHER 200�-Dl-BX-0'138 City of Saint Paul IS W Kcllo� Boule�ard i. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM 10/01/2006 70 09/302010 Saint Paul, MN Si 102 BUDGETPERIOD.FROM ��i01R006 TO 09/30/?010 6.AWARDDATE 08R7/2007 7,ACTION IA GRANTEEIRSNENDORNO. 8 SUPPLEMENTNUMBER Ini�al 416005521 00 9.PREVIOUSAWARDAMOUN7 SO 3 PROIECTTITLE 10 AMOUNTOFTH[SAWARD %445,484 Qy of Sam[ Paul :AO] lAG 1 I. iOTAL A WARD S 445,484 72 SPECtALCOiJDiTIONS THE ABOV E GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH WNDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE A'll'ACHED PAGE(S) 73 STATU'fORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This pro�oct ii mpportcd unticr 42 O S C. 375I(a) (BJA -1AG Formula) IS METHODOFPAYMEM PAPRS - AGENCYAPPROVAL - - GRANTEEACCEPTANCE 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROV MG OFFlC�AI. 18. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL Dommgo S Hcrreiz lohn HerrinS�on Dirtttoq Bureau of lusncc Assis�ance Chicf of Po��cc I] SIGNATUREOFAPPROVINGOFFlCIAL 19 SGN REOFAUTH RIZEDR 1PIENiOPPICIA6 19A DATE �� l� } '�;� s� �� � �lz�/ � AG6NCY US� ONLY 2� ACCOUNTMG CLASSIFiCAT10N CODES �J07U00568 FISCAL FUND BUD. DIV YEAR CODE ACT OFC REG SUB POMS AMOUNT X B DJ 80 00 00 4454&i O]PFORM4000R(REV 5-8'/)PREVIOUS2DITIONSAftEOBSOLETE O]P FORM 40002 (REV. 4-88) o �-�� � -'=-_ DepartmentofJus[ice , ` , Office of Justice Psogrnms - ' Bureau of Justice '\�' .,' - Assistance _ -.-y' PROlECTNL'MSER 2110]-DI-eX-0�38 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARDDATE 0821/2pp7 PAGE 2 OF 5 SPECIAL CONDlTIONS 1 T"he recipient a to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the cucrent edihon of Ihe Office of Iustice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges [hat failure to submit an acceptabie Equal Employmen[ Opporiumty Plan (if recipient is required to submit one puxsuant to 28 C.P.R. SeMion 42.302), that is approved by ihe Office for Civil Righu, is a violation of its Certi£ed Assurances and may resui[ in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipien[ is in compliance. 3 The recipient agrees to comply with the or�anizational audit requirements of OMB Circulaz A-133, Audits of Sta[es, Local GovemmenYS, and Noo-Profit Organizations, u furiher descnbed in the current editi0n of the O]P Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 4. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, ei[her direc[ly or indirectly, in support of [he e�actmen[, repeal, modificafion or adoption of any taw, regutation or policy, a[ any Ievel of govemment, withou[ the express prior written approval of OJP. 5. The gran[ee agrees tq assisC B!A in wmplying with the National Envimnmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal environmental �mpact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either direcHy by the grantee or by a subgrantee. Accordingly, prior to obligating grant funds, the grantee agrees W first detern'�ine if any of the following activities will be related to the use of tt�e grant fuods. The grantee understands that this special condition applies to ifs following new activities whether or oot they are bemg specifica(ly funded with these grant funds. That is, as loog as the activity is being conducted by the grantee, a subgrantee, or any third party and Ihe activity �ieeds to be under[akrn in order to use these g2nt funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities wvered by this spuial condition aze: a. New construction; b. Minor renovation or remodeling of a propeRy either (a) listed on or eligible for liSUng o� the Na[ional Re�ister of Historic Places or (b) located wathin a(00-year flood plain; c. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facihTy tha[ witl erther (a) resul[ in a change in i[s basic prior use or (b) stgnificantly change its size; and, d. Implementation of a new program invoiving the use oFchemicals other than chem�cats tha[ are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditio�ally used, foc example, in office, household, recreational, or education environments. Application of This Special Condition to Grantee's Existing Programs or Activities: For airy of the grantee's or iis subgrantees' exis�ing programs or activities that will be Cunded by these grant funds, the gra�tee, upon specific request from B1A, agrees to cooperate with BJA m any preparation by BJA of a national or prograzn emironmental assessment of that funded program or activity. I OJP FORM 4000/? (REV.4-g8) ���8�7 - - Depacimentoflus[ice -_ � . O�ce of Justice Programs ' �, Bureau of Jusfice �� i �"� _!' - Assistance �_3Fs' PROJECTNUMBER 200]-DJ-BX-0]38 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant ANARDDATE 082]J200] PAGE 3 OF 5 SPECIAL COND/TIONS 6. Th[s special condition facilitates compliance with the provisions of [he National Environmental Poticy Act (NEPA) relating to clandestine metttamphetamine la6oratory operations, i�cludmg the idenpfication, seizure, or closure of clandes[ine methamphetamine laboratories [hereinafter, "meth lab opera[ions"]. No monies from this award may be obligated W support meth lab operations unless the p'an�ee implements this special condition The Office oflustice Programs (OJP), in consultation with the Bweau of Justice Auistance, the Drug Enforcemen[ Administration, and the Office for CommuniTy Oriented Poticing Services, piepared a Program-level Environmental Assessment (Assessment) goveming meth lab operations. The Assessment describes the adverse e�vironmenfal, health, and safety impacts likely to be encountued by law enforcement agencies as they implement specific actions under theic methamphetamine laboratory opecatioas. Consistent with the Assessment, the following tenns and conditions shall appiy ro the grantee for any OJP Ponded methlab operafions: A. The gantee shall ensure compliance by OJP funded sub-grantees with federal, state, and local environmental, health, and 5afety laws and regulatio�s applicable to meth (ab operations, to include Ihe dispOSal of the chemicals, equipment, �d wastes resulvng from those operations. B. The gran[ee shal( have a Mifigahon Plan in place [ha[ iden[ifies and documents the processes and poin[s of accountabitity within its staie. This plan will be used to ensuce that the advecse environmentat, health, and safety impacis delineated in the Assessment are mitigateA in a manner consistent with the requirements of [his condition. C. The �rzantee shali monitor OIP funded meth la6 operatwns to ensure tha[ they comply with the following nine mitigation measures identified m the Assessment and whose implementation is addressed in the grantee's Mitigation Plaa These mitigation measures must be included as special wnditio�s in all subgsnts: (See Part i3 of this special condition) I. Provide medical screenfng of personnel assigned or to be ass�gned by the grantee to the seizure or closure of clandestioe mettiamphetamine laboratories; 2. Provide Occupational Safety and Health Administra4on (OSHA) required imtial and re&esher training for law enforcement officials and all oCher personnel assigned to erther the seizure or closure of ctandestine methamphetamine laboratories; 3. As detertnined by their spec�fied duties, equip the personnel wiCh OSHA required protective weaz and other tequired safety equipment; 4. Assig� properly hained personnel to prepaze a comprehensrve contamination report on each seized/closed laboratory; 5. Utilize quxlifted disposa( personnel to remove all chemicats and associated glassware, equipment, and contamina[ed ma[erials and was[es from the site(s) of each seized Iaboratory; 6. Dispose of the chemicals, equipment, and contamina[ed materials and wastes at propedy licensed disposal faciiicies or, when allowable, at propedy licensed recycling faciliues; 7. Momwr [he [ransport, disposal, and recycling components of subparagraphs numbered 5. and 6. immediately above in order to ensure proper comp6ance; 8. Have in place and implement a written agi'eement with [he responsible state environmental agency. This agreement must provide that [he responsible state environmental agency agrees to (i) [nnely eva(uate the env�ronmental condition at and around the si[e of a closed clandes�ine laboratory and (ii) coordinate vrith the responsib4e party, property owner, or others to ensure that any residual contamination is remediated, if detertnined necessary by the state environmental agency and in acco�dance with existing state and fedenl requirements; and 9. Have in place and implement a written agreement w�th the responsible state or local service agenciu to properly respond to any minor, as defined by state law, at the site. This agreement must ensure �mmediate response by quatified personnel who can (i) respo�d [o the potenGal health needs of any minor at the sitr, (ii) take that minor into protective custody unless [he minor is criminalty involved m the meth lab activifies or is subject [o arres[ for other criminal violations; (iii) ensure immediate medical testing for methamphetamine toxicity; and (iv) artange for any follow-up medicat tests, examinations, or heatdi care made necessary as a result of ineihamphetamine toxicity. � �; OJP FOAM 4000;2 (REV.483) r �-�� � "'�"'- DepartmentoflusGCe �� � � �'� Office of Justice Progrems ^ 4 ;� ° y Bureau of Justice r 4 ''� - E13SI3Y3IIC8 PROJECT'YUMBER 200]-DJ-BX-0738 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARDDATE 0&2Z1200] PAGE 4 OF 5 SPEGAL CONDITlONS 8. The recipient agrees [o submit to BJA for review and approval any cumcula, training matenats, or any other written materials that will be published, includi�g web-based materials and web site wnten4 through funds from this grant at least thirty (30) workmg days prioc to the targeted disseminaHon date. 9. To avoid duplicating existing networks or IT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information shanng systems which involve mters[ate connectivity between jurisdiCtioq such sys[ems shall employ. to the extent possible, exiscing neCxo�ks as the communication backbone to achieve incecstate connectivity, unless the granfee can demonshate [o the satisfac[ion of BJA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impav the Ponc[ionality ofan existmg or proposed IT system. l0. To suppoR public safety and justice infortnation sharing, OJP cequires che gcantee to use the National InfocmaUOn Exchange Model (NIEM) specifications and guidelines for this partiwiaz granC. Grantee shall publish and make available without resMction a(i schemas generated as a result of this grant to the component registry as speci6ed in the guidelines. For more information on compliance with ihis special condition, visit h[tp://www.niem.gov/imp lementa6onguide.php. I I. The recipient is required ro establish a trust fund account (The trust fund may or may not be an interest-bearing accaunt.) The fund may not be used to pay debts incurred by other activities beyond the scope of the EBward Byme Memonal Juspce Assistance Grant Program (lAG). The recipicnt also agrees to obiigate and expend the grant funds in the hust fund (including any interest eamed) dunn� the period of the grant. Grant funds (including any interest eamed) not expended by Ihe end of the grant penod must be returned to the Burcau of Justice Assistance no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period, along with Ihe &nsl submission of the Financial Ststus Report (SF-269). 12. The grantee agrees to comply with atI reporting, daha collection and evalualion requirements, as prescribed by [he BJA in the program gmdance for the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). Compliance with these requiremeots will be monirored by BJA. t3. The recipient agrees that any informafion technology system funded or supported by OJP funds will comply with 28 C.F.R. Part 23, Criminal In[elligence Sysiems Operating Policies, if OJP detennines Ihis regvlation to be apphcable. Should OJP determme 28 C.F.R. Part 23 to be applicable, OJP may, at its disttetion, perfortn audits of the system, as per 28 C.F.R. 23.20(g). Should any violation of 28 C.F.R. Part 23 occur, the recipient may be fined u per 42 U.S.C. 3789g(c)-(d). Redpient may not satisTy such a fine wrth federa! funds. 14. The recipient agrees that all income generated u a direct result of [his award shall be deemed program income. AII pro�ram income must be accounted for and used for [he purposes under the conditions applicable for the use of funds under [his award, indud�ng the effecfive edi[ion of the OJP Financial Guide and, as applicabie, either (1) 28 C.F.R. part 66 or (2) 28 C.F.R paR 74 and OMB Circular A-( !�. Fwther, the use of progcam mcome must be shown on the quartedy Financial Status Report, SF269. 15. The recipieni agrees to ensure tfiat the State Ini'ortnation Technoiogy Poin[ of Contac[ receives written notifiCation regarding any infocmation technoLogy project funded hy this grant dunng the o6ligation and expenditure period. This is to facilitate communication among Iocal and state govemmental entities regarding various infoanation technology projec[s being conducted wi[h these grant funds. In addition, the recipient agrees to maintain an admimstrative file documenting the meeting of this requirement. For a I�st of State Information Technology Points of Con[act, go to http;//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/u/states.htrn. 16. Grantee agrees to comply with Ihe requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 46 and al I Office of Justice Programs poticies and procedures regarding the protection of human reseazch subjects, including obtainment of Instifutional Review �ud approval, �Fappropriate, and subject informed wnsrnL � OIF FORM 400012 (REV.4-88) b�-S� 7 � - DepartmentofJustice Office of Jus[ice Programs - _ Bureau of Justice �= �'�"�^-'=`- -° Assistance PROJECT.�'UMBER 2007-DJ-BX-0]38 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARDDATE OS/22R00] PAGE > OF 5 SPEC/AL CONDITIONS l7. Gnn[ee agrees to comply with aII ConfidentiaLty requirements of 42 U.S.C. section 3789g and 28 C.F.R. Part 22 tha[ are applicable to collection, use, and revela[ion of data or infortnation. Gcantee fiuther agrees, u a condition of grznt approval, to submit a Privacy CeRificate that is in accqrd with requirements of 28 C.F.R. Par[ 22 and, in particutar, section 2223. 18. "Applicants mus[ certfy Iha[ Limited English Profic�ency persons have meaningful access [o Ihe services under this program(s). Na[ional ongin discrimina[ion includes discnmina[ion on the basis of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title V[ and the Safe Stree[s Act, recip�ents are required to take reasonable steps [o ensure [hat LEP persons have meaningful access ro their programs. Meaningful access may eniail providing language assis[ance services, including oral and written trans�ation when necessary. The U.S. Departnent of Justice has issued guidance for grantees to help ihem comply with Title VI requiremenis. The guidance documwt can be accessed on che Intemet at www.lepgov." 19. Recipient a�,n'ees that funds provided under this award may no[ be used to operate a"pay-to-stay" program in any local jail. Recipient further agrees not to subaward fund5 m bcal jails Whwh opera[e "pay-[o-s[ay" programs. O1P FORM 4000R (REV 4-88) � �-�� � c' ; "���`'a Department of Justice �� _ Office of Justice Programs ` � - . `.,3.::.�%` �. '=���<' Bureau ojJustTce Ass'utance P� sFmRrors. � C IOi3f Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Maria Berry, Environmenta( Coordinator Subject: Incorporates NEPA Compliance in Further Developmental Stages for City of Saint Paul All grants funded under the Edward Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) will carry the following NEPA special condition: 1) The grantee agrees to assist BJA in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either directly by the grantee or by a subgrantee. Accordmgly, prior to obligating grant funds, the grantee agrees to first determine if any of the following activities will be related [o the use of the gran[ funds. The grantee understands that this special condition applies to its following new activities whether or not they aze being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the grantee, a subgrantee, or any third party and the activiry needs to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: a. New construction; b. Minor renovation or remodeling of a properiy either (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or (b) located within a 100-yeaz flood plain; c. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significantty change its size; avd, d. Implementation of a new program involving Ute use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or education environments. Application of This Special Condition to Grantee's Existing Programs or Activities: For any of the grantee's or its subgrantees' existing programs or activities that will be funded by these grant funds, the grantee, upon specific request from BJA, agrees to cooperate with BJA in any prepazation by BJA of a national or program environmental assessment of that funded program or activiry. �� � r � � o�-��� Thc City of Saint Paul will scrvc az thc fisUl agcnc Thc Citics and Counry will usc tM1cir funtls m pay for salarics, ovcrtimc, and taining for law cnfo¢cmrntpersonnclandsalancsforadministmtivcsupportstaff ThescinitiacivawiiizssistinmOP�rting5ervicesforthccommumtyandlaw rnforccmrnt ncuuce b�-S�� Office of the Comptroller Grant Award and Financial Management Information Post Award Instructions May 2005 b��8� � Post Award Instructions The following is provided as a tool for the financial adminisharion of awards from the Office of 7ustice Programs (OJP). Forms and other documents illustrating each step are attached. Step 1. Review the Award Docnment and Special Condifions Notification of award approval is made by e-mail through the OJP Grants Management System (GMS). Once an awazd has been approved, a notice is sent to the e-mail address of the individual who filed the application, as well as to the authorized grantee official. The e-mail will direct the applicant to a]ink in GMS to view the Award Documents. If vou agree with the terms and conditions stated in the awazd, the documents should be printed, reviewed, signed by the authorized official and faxed back to the OC Control Desk at (202)-353-8475 or (202)-616-5962. Notify your OJP Program Office when Speciai Conditions have heen met. If sou do not a�ree with the terms and conditions of the award as written, contact your OJP Program Office (see the last page of the award document entitled "Project Summary" for contact information). Award acceptance is due within 45 days from the award date. Failure to respond to the awazd may result in deobligation of funds. Step 2. Read the Guidelines Read and become familiar with the OJP Financial Guide and related materiaL The Financial Guide is availabie via the Internet at httn:/iwww.ojp.usdoj.KOV/FinGuide/. Step 3. Complete and Return the ACH Form The ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form is used to an��nge direct deposit of funds by your organization into a designated bank account. Step 4. Access to Payment SVStems OJP uses two payment systems: the Phone-Activated Paperless Request System (PAPRS) and the Letter-of-Credit Electronic Ceztification System (L,OCES). Current LOCES users will see the addition of new OJP grants on the LOCES grant nuxnber listing as soon as the awards aze issued. PAPRS grantees will receive a letter by mail from the Office of the Comptroiler containing their PIN to access the system and Grant ID infozmation. This informarion is usually mailed within I week of the award date. Step 5. Reportin� Requirements Reporting requirements must be met during the life of the grant. OJP payment systems will deny requests for funds if reporting requirements aze not met on a timely basis. May 2005 a�-�� � 5tep 6. Quesrions Abouf Your OJP Award A reference sheet is provided contauring frequently asked questions and answers. If you need information on any fmancial aspect af your award, contact the Office of the Comptrotler's Customer Service Center at 1-800-458--0786 (choose option 2) or e-mail ask.oc(«usdoj.goc. The Customer Service Center staff is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Eastem Standard Time) to assist you. May 2005 � �-89 7 Office of the Comptroller Post Award Instructions STEP 1- Review Award and Special Conditions Document Awards are processed through the OJP Grant Management System (GMS). Grantees are notified by e-mail through the Grant Management System when awards are released. Paper copies of awazd documents aze not mailed to award recipients. When you receive an e-mail notification announcing award of a grant, go to GMS to view and print the Award Documents on-line. Attached are sample pages from GMS of the Award and Special Conditions pages that awazd recipients will need to print, sign , and return to OJP to accept the award. If you Sgree with the terms and conditions of the award, print the documents. The authorized official must sign and date the Award and Special Conditions dncuments and falc them to O7P Control Desk at (202r353-8475 or (202}-616-5962. If Vou do not agree with the terms and conditions, contact the awarding OJP Program Office as noted in the award package to decline, withdraw, or request modification. You have 45 days From the award date to accept the award. Failure to accept within 45 days may result in deobligation of funds. May 2005 D'7��9 � „"�.•.� Dr Office afJu>tice P:.graws � E`-.G;. 1 9F 2 `�*�� -` 4 �DJP Proeram Office� Gi�nf ti. �.- 2EECLv�?tiL�:\7?�7RCSS`,facudce:aCoce) A.�il��%+�:L..�^3_� �?-S_[?:.F_?3# -Cia�xe Cp�n'� :Cia=recSl�e= c.o30T�CTP�.'+SOD �.Ohl mnM'y;y.�70 �2eS3'?: �y.:,enx.s.p� B1t�JGEIP'cflG?Ft0`..i mc33 i0 rssdc.��xy 6.AR?iR'D,.i� s•:dd_'}:v ?.AGTfO� i3.GF.L'4?VEvS'�.v'.T30R:�0. S S'PPLu.G\T.4'i4idB. anil 9,3TC'.74S;SALv'.IBD??.EOL?.7 Su 1P%O.�"c4Ti,�ic I�AF904h70FSF39AW�4 4cec v'�'y..� tT3']v li. SOT.=1AR:eRp S ssx i.' SYECL4LCO11v 'G�E?.BOl"E G.7A*E'EFMO�cCCi9 APPSOC� S[$,�L77flSUfF_LGC+ID7I�S OAL�TtLk'�iOh'SdS d&E �F6AT3"*. +� FrE: SIJG3ED'zAGF;5j. '.3 ST9IVfDFY�T1'tR93ITYzt1 *� � w �� � � 1 � F.v. t�,£l r,GEI qF PA7'Frs�e.v i s�gg s"S¢ �Iv�`i : °32f3VAL GB.:3itF8ACC�"i':I�iCE :6T12EDti.`tigAhDTII*..E�4r.'�4t0�'L3f:�FFtCSa.L .8ti?FDtiA11EANtiP.13.EOF�i.T3dR..IDC.R.l�TkE80£E£CL�i. C6iei>dcr,ctvacef3�5vsz �s�::ux:um.�n�G�aa ?ZSIL'ti.9SLlwOFA..�Te30L1M1'GOFfIt7JS t9S4PiiiuBEOF.'aU3HORFZEDCiFXI?iE i9�D.�7E .1GESC7"v5£C?SY uR dfCOL.hT?CGC-�SSLIC.�TIQV CpDHS 23 :'72LY{uX5 ASClS R7h'� S4'3 J.Z' r�aa t�n� acx. o.c xa:, s� rczr*.s �-3ct> . s � � m o0 PRF0.Fid if642 �` aST=FRE�.iOCS Effi"?il:�a � 0350:z'[�, OIYfl}'�'.dSCG3'_ t�E'i 5-fi3) May 20�5 a�-8�� ��.z� ,:n-� � �orc? �-.'�m� Depar[r�+�efJc:n<e Office oi 7wcce?co�sns <`fl7P Pxogram 6T"fice> ?�z;- - �.R"aRE3 CQ\TL� S:3FI0\ SF�ET Gl'anf a:ei:,�iDD�xc ra�a3):r+s' �x�,� S?=CLaI COSD17:6A5 i Ttu redp+aE aaxs to cmaplv �rith the finnnaal wa a3+smsvatne re.yavemznts cei fox[S m&,e cmxcvt ed;zsar. ai ehe Office of.SVStice Pmy-ams (OIP) Fmsnc�zl Guice ? Ihz rezip�mt ackssca•ledges t5at fzil�:re fo submit an acxeqtahle Eqoat Emgia}ment Opporn.-ssn' Ptaa (u reanseat �_ cttry�red m aibatiFmse puz,saant Fn 28 C.�R SecE¢v 42}0?). thao �s appwrerk by tke OfSce Par Cr�9 Reghp, is a 47aix4� of i[s Cs:a}iM dzsu[a,nces ae3 may �esait m.suspension as te�micaricuoF fmCiag, uciif m:.hruae a; ilu xccipieut i, az cca�pliea<e. 3 I3ie reaprene a�ees ro cou�3}' �vach Yne o��:e¢�a4 mtd:(reqmess�euts o2OMH Grnutaz 8-133, k¢dies of 5Eates. La:al G¢c•emsimts. and Nim-Proa[ Org •:�.tio�rc. as furffi� desafbed m tLe ciuzmt zd�tiov uftte U7P Fuuwcial Guide, Cbapter 1 S. Erigam, tasv + oz tF.e enaciusmf. repea i� � .�� � � ia �he expeessgnorun i 5 She :ecipeeat fis ed 6_� OJP ar its 8e�,zauee. 1 b "d6e �ecipieaxagr� m co9eucafe w+rh aaS sasesssv=s:t& netiona3 e^ahexLOn el�c.rra, ex w£a�.9tion ardam eci:erass xeyuests. inel�dmg.but v� ssvuted s¢ ;h_ proei�na af anymfrimaGrns aaqm�ed fix rLe assttacimt cv ecx.ua�mer o? ac� acts,uiesu'uhim F� prUec; .. Z�e appLcan: bsd_=_et vspead�=re:tie�,•, or a�n�xi. Tfiezr.mimt uay aat �gase. zsyead cr skmr do�sn ac;� z+me fimds anfu tha O£Ec�ePt�e Cemptrol3ei_ OrYice of Inshce Progzams 3eas v�ued ciearanceof tbe app4xtwn bxidee? an8 �v3get nvxatiae, xn3a Caasr 3d�.am.�mt?iotice Lae k�en ia;ved remaring E4i= speECU1:3aLeticn 8. Aecspne�t�sinyc<tobligate,ex�ecdordramdownfisedsnntilYaeOf&eeflnshcePtc�ains(OIP}4aare.;ne�,�ed ad m� pxm�ed the Prnerm;iarzati:e Fwctien af�x appiica4t�aadLs, isx�d a G[ant Aay¢stacenilSattce tG�t�'} uuox�g Jx reny�aG of the apgroval. S Rec�iesssceznPesroatltdoe;netpram�te.sugjxxiaesdvucamRatzaf3za6eno:peaci�cea:yextsfraf�oa,norr.a5iai vse �wt £im3s afy�eepuu maxch iuu3s tayzamoce. m�ypa�i. ur ad:rocat°:he fegai'v+aziaa m pr9ctice efpramiutiurt. OJf':U^.4ScCdr2{n'-�S' i--x8? D�l��'97 Office of the Comptroller Post Award Instructions STEP 2 - Read Guidelines There are Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars and Common Rules and other important informarion you will need to know for the administration of your award. The most up- to-date versions of these documents are available tluough the Internet, as noted: For OMB Circulars, go to hrip:!lwww.whitehouse.�ovlomb/�rants/index.htnil. For the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), go to ht�t :i/www.Qpoaccess.aov/cfr/index.html For the current OJP Financial Guide, go to http:/!www. oj p.usdo i. trovlFinGuidel If you have questions concerning the content of the Financial Guide, please contact: Office of Justice Programs Office of the Comptroller Customer Service Center 1-800-458-0786 or ask.oc(rt;usdoj.6ov May 2005 b��8�� OMB Circulars and Common Rules For Grant Management Administrative requirements for all Federal award recipients are contained in governmentwide Common Rules. OMB Circular A—I10 "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations," (codified at 28 CFR Part 70). http:i/www.whitehouse.QOV'omb;circulars/a110/al ]O.html "Govemmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement), and Requirements for Drua Free Workplace (Grants) Rules (Final and Interim Final),° (codified at 28 CFR Part 67). http:'hvww.whitehouse.sov�om b,�fedreQ/2004. 031126.pd f "New Restrictions on Lobbying," (codified at 28 CFR part 69). Additionaily, if you are a: You are subject to the following rules: College oc University OMB Circular A-21: "Cost Piinciples for Bducational Institutions;' (codified at 28 CFR Part 66, by reference). http:; /www.whitehouse.QOV/omb/circulars/a021/a21 2004.htmi State, Local, indian Tribai, OMB Circular A-87: "Cost Principles for State, Locat, and Indian Tribal and U.S. Territory Governments," (codified at 28 CFR PaR 66, by reference). Government hYtn://www.whitehouse.gov/omb?circulars/a087/a87 206Ahtm1 Nonprofit Organization OMB Circular A-122: "Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizafions," (codified at 28 CFR Part 66, by reference). httv:/.'ww«'.whitehouse.QOV/ombicirculars%a122/a122 2004.html For-Profit Organization 48 CFR 31.2: "Contracts With Commercial Organizations" Hospita] 45 CFR 74, Appendix E: "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Reseazch and Development Under Grants and Contracts with Hospitals" Common Rules are contaiued iu: OMB Circutar A-102 "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments," (codified at CFR Part 66). htin /�wwwn�hitehouse.;ov/omb/circuiarsia102,'a102.htmi Audit Requirements: OMB Circular A-133 "Audits of States, Local Governmants and Nonprofit Institutions," (codified at CFR Part 66 and Part 70). http://w�yw.cvhitehouse.�ov/omF�/circulars/a I 33, a 133.hdnl May 2005 0��8� 7 Office of the Comptroller Post Award Instructions STEP 3- Complete and Return ACH Form In accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, payments by the Office of Justice Progams, Office of the Comptroller, are electronically deposited to recipient accounts by the U.S. Deparhnent of the Treasury through the Automated Clearinghouse (ACI� form. The attached ACH form (ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form, SF 3881) is used to establish direct deposit with the prefeaed financial institution used by your organization. If you have accepted Yhe terms and conditions specified in your award, the attached ACH form must be completed and signed by your preferred financial institurion. Send the ORIGINAL ACH form (i.e., the ACH form containing the original signature of the bank representative) via courier service (e.g., Federal Express, UPS, etc.) to: Office of Justice Programs Office of the Comptroller Attn: Control Desk—ACH 810 Seventh Street, NW., Sth Floor Washington, DC 20531 Note: Faxed or copies of original form will not be accepted. Originals only. May 2005 ACH Tnformation D�-g� � There are three sections comprising the ACH form: Agency Information secrion - Preprinted on form. Payee/Company Information Section - Payee (also known as grantee) prints or types the following: idenrifying information (i.e., name of grantee organizarion and street address), OJP-assigned vendor numher, and the name of the official contact person for the awazd, and his or her e-mail address and telephone number. The e-mail address will be used to norify the contact about payment confirmarion or other notices concerning the financial aspects of a ants. The Depositor Account Title and the name of the organization that received the award should be exactly the same (e.g., awazd recipient "ABC Police Deparhment" would be considered a different entity &om the depositor title "Ciry of ABC"). Tf the award recipient differs from the Depositor Account Title, a letter of explanation is required. This letter must be sent with the ACH form and submitted on the recipienYs letterhead, signed by an authorized o�cial, and must explain why the funds are to be deposited into an account belonging to an enfity other than the direct recipient of the award. Financial Institution Information Section - Tkus section should be filled out by the grantee's financial institution/bank official ONLY. The type of account should be checked, and the signature, title, and telephone number of the appropriate financial institurion official should be inciuded as well. Only the authorized financial institutionlbank official should sign the last line in the "Financial Institution Information" section of the ACH form. The Office of the Comptroller will confirm the banking information with the financial institution prior to entry into O7P records. The ACH form must be received prior to drawdown or request for funds. The form and inshuctions aze available on the Internet at http:!/�v�vw.oip.usdoi.�oviforms.htm. May 2005 o��Sy� ACH VENDOR/MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENT OMB No. 1510-0056 ENROLLMENTFORM This form is used for Automatetl Clearinghouse (ACH) payments vnth an atltlendum record that contains payment-relatetl information processed through the Ventlor Express Program. Recipients of these payments should bring this infortnation to the attention of their financial insLtution when Dresenfina this for comoletion. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Tfie foflowing information is providetl to wmply with the Pfivacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 9�579). A11 ifNOrtnation collected on this form is requi�ed under the provisions of 37 U.S.C. 3322 and 3'I CFR 2�0 This informaUOn will be used by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to transmit payment data, by electronic means to vendors financial institution. Failure to provide the requested information may tlelay or prevent the receipt of payme�ts through the Automated Clearinghouse Payment System. AGENCYINFORMATION FEDERAL PROGRAM pGENCY {},)� G1�3IlS ��UIIIb<'Y�S: OFFICE OFJUSTICE PftOGRAMS AGENCY IDENTVFIER' AGENCY LOCATION CODE (ALC) OJP 15-04-0001 ADDRESS: 810 Seventh Street, N W., Attn: Office of the Comptroller Controi Desk Washington, D.C.20531 AGENCYCONTACT� TELEPHONENOM6ER Office of the Comptroller - Customer Sernce Center t-800-458-0786 PAYEEICOMPANYINFOftMATfON OJj> `%zi�dor Vum�7B�'. NAME ADDRESS. E-MAIL ADDRESS: CONTAGTPERSONNAME: TELEPHONENUMBER' ( ) TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION NAME: ADDRE55 NAME OF BANK OFFICIAL OR AGN COORDINATOR : TELEPHONE NUMBER' ( ) NINE-�IGIT RpU71NG TftAN51T NUMBEft' OEPOSITOR ACCOUN7 TITLE' DEPOSITORACCOUNTHUMBER I�CKepXNUMBER: 7YPEOFAGCOUNT' ❑CHECKING �SAVINGS � LOCK60X 51GNATURE AND TiTLE OF AUTHORRED BANK OFFICtAL OR ACH COORDINATOR' DATE NSN J540.042]49925 3881-102 SF3881(Rtt� Ib90) e ��g� � Of�ce of the Comptrolier Post Award Instructions STEP 4- Access to Payment Systems Payments by the Office of Justice Programs, Office of the Comptroller, aze electronically deposited to recipient's account by the U.S. Department of the Treasury through the Automated Cleariixghouse (ACH) form. Before you attempt to access the payment systems, the ACH information must be submitted. For ACH instructions,see Step 3. Grantees and vendors must use one of two available payment systems to request payments: Phone-Activated Paperless Request System (PAPRS): 1-800-879-4513 or Letter-of-Credit Electronic Certification System (LOCES) Confumation of payments are sent by e-mail to the contact person named on the ACH form. Changes to the email address of the contact person may be made by email to OC through ask.oc�c�usdoi.gov May 2005 � � �-S� � PAYMENT METAODS There are two methods used by grantees to request their funds: (1) LOCES and (2) PAPRS. LOCES (Letter-of-Credit Electronic Certification System). LOC�S is a modem connection service that allows recipients of �ederal funds to use a personal computer (PC) to electronically request payment from the Office of Justice Programs. Grantees must use customized software from the Office of Justice Programs to operate the LOCES system. At this time, all new grantees are automatically assigned to PAPRS. PAPRS (Phone-Activated Paperless Request System). PAPRS enables grantees to use their touch-tone telephone. This system will prompt grantees for their vendor number, PIN number, and Grant ID number. A"PAPRS Manual," which explains the use of the PAPRS system, is attached. All grantees who are not cunently assigned to LOCES will receive a letter containing their PIN and Grau[ ID informafion for the use of the PAPRS payment system. Grantees who have not received their PAPRS information within 1 week of award acceptance should contact the OC Customer Service Center as noted below. Note: Important BankinQ Informatian Regardless of the method grantees use to request funds, all funds will be electronically disbursed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to the grantee's designated financial institution for deposit into their bank account. For this reason, grantees must insure that they complete and retum the original ACH banking information form (entitled ACH Vendor! Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form), which is included in the Award Package. The original ACH form must bear the original signature of the authorized bank official. For further information about payments or the use of these systems, contact the Office of the Comptroller Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (select option 2) or e-mail ask.oc(a�usdoi.gov. May 2005 Welcome to PAPRS . . . . Through the use of a touch-tone telephone, you may access funds awarded to your organization by the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). Once your organization has submitted the signed acceptance of your award, your organization will receive a letter containing grant ID and PIN number information. This information will allow you to use OJP's Phone-Activated Request System (PAPRS) to access your funds. If this is your first award, your organization was assigned a vendor number, grant ID number, and a PIN number. To access subsequent awards, you will need a new grant ID number for each award, but your PIN number will remain the same as for the initial award. To access the OJP PAPRS payment system, call 1-800-879-4513. Once you have dialed PAPRS, you will hear easy-to-follow prompts as you proceed. You wili have the opportunity to change information related to your request. At the end of each request far funds, PAPRS will advise you if your request has been approved for payment. If your request has not been approved, PAPRS will tell you what you wiil need to do to clear the record for approval. If PAPRS gives you a reference number, it means that your request has been accepted but will require additional review before it can be approved. Please make note of any reference number given to you, as you can call back to check on the progress of any such requests. If you have questions concerning PAPRS, payments, or any financial aspect of your OJP award, contact the Office of the Comptroller's Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 or ask.oc(cvusdoi.�ov. The following is a step-by-step caller interface flow of how the system works and what information is needed during your call. Text in italics is the voice response you will hear from PAPRS. As you connect to PAPRS you will hear... I May 2005 � Sub-Menu Option 1: Press 1 if you are requesting funds for a future period of time. To request an advance of funds fi-om one of your accounts, press 1. If you wish to request reimbursement for your expenses, press 2. To retur-n to the main menu, press the star key (*). Please enter the dates covered by this expense cfairn. To enter October 2, 2001, you would enter 10022001. Please enter the beginning date now. Enter the beganning date for an advance of funds. Note that the date entered for an "advance" must be later than today's date. You entered (date). To continue, press 1. To re-enter, press 2. Please enter the ending date now. Enter the ending date. Note that the ending date must be later than the "beginning date." You entered (date). To continue, pr^ess 1. To re-enter, press 2. Please enter the amount you are requesting as a whole dollar amount, followed by a pound sign. Cents may be entered using the star sign as a decimal point. FoY example, twenty-five thousand dollars and 50 cents would be added as 2 S 0 0 0* 5 0#. You enteYed (amount). To continue, press 1. To Ye-enter, press 2. Ifyou wish request a lower amountfrom this award, press 1. To exit, press 2. You wiil then return to the previous menu where you can request funds on another grant. May 2005 -Sy� ���������� Sub-Menu Ot�tian 2: Press 2 if you are requesting reimbursement for funds that you have already expended. Please enter the dates covered by this expense claim. To enter March 15, 2001, you would enter 03152001. Please enter the beginning date now. You entered (date). To continue, press 1. To r^e-enter, press 2. Please enter the ending date now. You entered (date). To continue, press 1. To re-enter, pYess 2. Please enter the amount you are requesting as a whole dollar amount, followed by a pound sign. Cents may be entered using the star sign as a decimal point. For example, twenty-five thousand dollars and 50 cents would be added as 25000*50#. You entered (amount). To continue, press 1. To re-enter, press 2. ��:�*����x�:� The system will be performing many calculations and checks against various database files as you are entering information. If you are enrolled in the Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) and your request is apnroved, you will hear: Your request has been approved. Your request has been received and is being processed. If you have previously received paper checks through the U.S. Postal Service and vour request is approved, you will hear: Your request has been approved. 4 May 2005 ,� � x'��` Please note: the U.S. Department of the Treasury has directed �ederal agencies to establish electronic deposit (through ACH) for payments issued through their programs. You may aiso hear a message that your request for funds is not approved for specific reasons, such as: The amount you Tzave Yequested is equal to the entire amount of this award. If you wish to request a lower dollar amount from this award, press 1. To return to the rnain menu, press "� ". OY Your request for funds exceeds the amount currently available for this award. If you wish to re-enter a different amount, press 1. To return to the main menu, press "* ". Or The dates you have entered overlap with previous fund requests. To return to the main rnenu, press "�"'. OY Our^ records indicate that you have not filed a current SF269. Please mail your report to.... To return to the �nain rnenu, press "* ". Or OuN Yecords indicate that you have not accepted your grant awaYd docu�nent. To return to the main menu, press "*". In each instance, you will have the opporiunity to exit and to try again. If you need further information or assistance with payment issues, contact the Office of the Comptroller's Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (select option 2) or at ask.oc(tiusdoi.�ov. May 2005 a�-8�� Office of the Comptroller Post Award Instructions STEP 5 - Reporting Requirements Reporting requirements must be met during the life of the grant. A full explanation of these requirements can be found in the OJP Financial Guide, which may be accessed at http �lwww ojp usdoj �ov/FinGuide/. Also check special conditions on awards for additional reporting requirements. The Payment Systems (see Step 4) will not permit access to funds if financial reporting is delinquent. The following information concems: Single Audit Reports Categorical Progress Reports Financial Status Reports Closeout Procedures May 2005 b�7 Quarterly Financial Status Reports ( SF 269A): This report (also called FSR) is used to track actual expenditures and unliquidated obli�arions. The SF269s are to be filed quarterly and are due no later than 45 days after the calendar quarter ends. Grantees aze encouraged to submit their SF269s as soon as the quarter ends to avoid delays in pmcessing and access to grant funds. This report can now be filed online. To file the SF269 Financial Status Report online, use Internet Explorer 5.0 and Adobe 6.0. Go to https://erants.ojp.usdoj.�ovL Click on SF269 Sign-In. The system will prompt you to enter your "user name" and "password." The user name wi11 be the O7P-assi�ed vendor number (e.g., 6 1 1-29 1 3 04). The initial passward is "Ojpsf269*". The system will prompt you to enter the nutial password "Ojpsf269*" rivice. You will then be asked to create a unique password for your vendor number. The unique password must be between 8 and 15 characters long and must include one of each of the following: lowercase letters, upper case letters, numbers, and special characters, such as #, $, and *. Be sure to keep track of your unique password. If you encounter problems with access or use of the Web269 system, contact the Office of the Comptroller's Customer Service Center at 1-800--458-0786 (select option 2) or send a message through ask.oc(c�usdoi.4ov . A Financial Assistant will walk you through the SF269 submission process. The schedule for submitting the SF269 Financial Status Report is as follows: Reporting quarter: January 1—March 31 April 1—June 30 July 1-5eptember 30 October 1—December 31 Due no later than: ii�fla�' 15 Aai�ust 14 Raveeaaber 14 F'ebruaa�y 14 Closeout Procedures Within 120 days after the ending date of the award, grantees should initiate closeout as follows: Drawdown any funds (if your reported expenditures are higher than your drawdowns to date) or submit a check to OJP for the balance (if your drawdowns aze higher than your reported expenditures). File a final Financial Status Report (SF269) on-line. This FINAL report of expendihu must be mazked FINAL, must have no unliquidated obligations, and must indicate the exact balance of unobligated funds. Any unobligatedfunexpended funds will be deobligated from the awazd amount. Submit a final Proa ess Report. This report should be marked FINAL and prepazed in accordance with the instructions provided hy your Program Manager. Contact your OJP Program Manager to advise that closeout has been initiated. May 2005 b� �g� � Instructions for Completing OJP CategoricaUDiscretionary Assistance Progress Reports Grantees are required to submit Progress Reports on project activities and accompiishments. Reports should include data appropriate to this stage of project development and sufficient detail to provide a clear idea and summary of work and accomplishments ro date. Progress Reports should be submitted throus6 the OJP Grants Ma¢aQement Svstem (GMS) unless otherwise directed by vour OJP Propram ManaEer. The followin� should be observed m the preparation and submission of Progress Reports: a. Due Date. Reports are usually due on a semi-annual basis-30 calendar days afrer June 30 and December 3l—for the Iife of the grant as follows or otherwise Iisted in the solicitation of the grant Reporting period: Due no ]ater than: January 1–Iune 30 July 30 July 1–December 31 ]anuary 30 A final progress report is due 120 days following the close of the grant period or any extension thereof. b. Submission. Grantees should follow instructions in the Solicitation or in the special conditions attached to the award documents to de[ermine if repor[ is to be files through the Progress Report Module in GMS or through paper form. c. Form and Execution. Use the attached paper form only if specified by the terms of your grant award or if OJP Program Office requests paper instead of fiting on-line through the GMS Progress Report module. d. Reporting Requiremeuts. The reporting requirements are to provide the grantor agency with sufficient information to monitor grant implementation and goal achievement. To support effective monitoring of the grant, progess reports must be keyad to the grant implementation plan provided in the grant application. Specifically, the report should: L Ind�cate the status of each goal that was due for completion during a previous reporting period bui carried over because of implementation or other problems. 2. State the status of each goal scheduled to be achieved during the reporting penod. 3. State the corrective action planned to resolve implementation problems, and state the effect these problems had on achieving the project's goats during the remaining schedule. 4. If appropriate, identify changes that are needed m[he implementation plan (specified in the grant application) to overcome problems. Changes that alter plans and/or goals set forth in the application require prior grantor agency approval and issuance of a Gran[ Adjus[ment Notice (GAN). 5. State what technical assistance the Grantor Agency might provide during [he set 6–month period to help resolve implementation problems. If technical assistance has been provided to resolve implementation problems, siate the problems (or tasks) addressed and the results (or impact) of the assistance provided. 6. Based on the performance measures set forth in the grant application (implementation plan), indicate in quantitative terms the results of the project achieved both during the reportmg period and cumulative to date. Expla�atory and qualifying statements will be helpful here, especially ifthe projecYs objectives have changed. e. Special Requiremeuts. Special reporting requaements or instructions may be prescribed for categorical projects in certain program or experimental areas ro better assess the impact and comparative effectiveness of the overall categorical C,rant Program. These will be communicated to affected grantees by the Agency. Pubhc Reponing Bwden. Papeiwoik ReAuction Act Notice. Undet the Paper Red�ction Act, a pecson is not ceq�i�ed co cespond co a collection of iaformation unless it displays a cuiren8y vand OMB wntrol rmmber We hy to creare forms and instcuctions that are accura[e, wn be eas�ly understood, and which impose the least poss�ble burden upon you to prov�de us with information. The estimated average time ro compleie and file [his Pro�ess Report is 120 minutes prr Progress Report. If you have comments regardmg the acwmcy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this fo`m more user-fnendly, you can vrtrte to the Office of the Assistant Atmrney General, Office ofJustice Programs, 810 7[h Street, NW., Washing[oq DC 20537. May 2005 D�'89� OMBFORM APPROVALN0.1121-0253 U.S. DEP?.RTME�T OF JOSTICE O�ce of Justice Programs CATEGORICAL/D[SCRETIO�ARY ASSISTANCE PROGRESS REPORT The information provided will be used by the Granror Agrncy to monitor grantee cash flow to ensure proper use of Fedeml £unds. No funher monis or other benefits may be paid ou[ under this program unless this report is completed and filed as required by existing law and renulations (Unifortn Administmtive Requirements for Gran[s and Cooperative Agreements-28 CFR, Part 66, Common Rule, and OMB Circulaz A-I 10). I.GRANTEE 4.IMPLEMENCINGSUBGRANTEE 6 SHORT TITLEOFPROJECT 2.AGENCYGRANCNUMBER 3. REPORT NO. 5. REPOR7MG PERIOD (Dates) FROM: TO: 7. GRANT AMOUNT 8. TYPE OF REPORT fLEGULAR _ FQJAL REPOR7' SPECIAL REQUEST ` 9. NAME AND TITLE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR I �0. SIGNATURE OF PROIECT DIRECTOR I 11. DATE OF REPORT 12. COMMENCE REPORT HERE (Continue an p[ain paper) 13. CERi'ffICATION BY ORANTEE (OfJtcaal sagnature) 14. DATE OJP May 2005 OFFICEOFJUSTICEPROGRAMSINSTRUCTiO�S � / FOR FIYA\CIAL STA'CUS REPORTI\G (SFZSSA� The quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) is due no later than 45 days after the end of the calendar quarter. Please be reminded that this is a report of expenditures not a request for reimbursement To request reimbursement, use yo¢r assigned OJP payment system. ThisFSRs6ouldbefiledon-lineathttps://grants.ojp.usdoiQov Theattachedformandinstructionsareprovidedforinformatioo-W6e❑ fling on-line, you will not ueed to fill in each box on tBe form, as previously reported informa6on is pre-populated on-line. The on-line system will calculate cumulative data for you. You can change or modify oniy the most recent report showu on-line. Without a current FSR on file, requests for funds will not be approved and fuuds will uot be disbursed. 1. Pre-pnnted as: U.S. DepU of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Line I Og �s the ro[at Fede�al share of your cash outlays and unpaid obtiga[ions regardless ofwhether you have recerved re�mbursement I[ will 2. OIP grant number found on your grant awa�d document. be Ihe total of Column II[, Lines l Oc and l0E L+ne l Oh is the total amoun[ of For example, 2005-AB-CD-0000. your award. Change [his amoun[ only if you have received a supp�emental awazd. Lme l0i is the amount of your total award which has not either been 1. Current name and addres5 of the award recipie�t. expended through a cash outlay or encumbered by an unpaid obhgahon. I[ is the difference bei.veen Column [II, Lines l Oh minus lOg equals Line 10i. 4. 07P-assig�ed 9-digit vendor number as recorded on your grant award docume�t. 5. Enter any identifymg number assigned by your organizanon for your internal use. If none, leave blank. 6. If you have finished expending funds and recording your requ¢ed ma[ch related to this award, regardless of whe[her they have been or will be reimbur>ed by the Federal Governme�t, check "Yes." Otherwise, check "No.° 7. tndicate whether your accounting system uses a CASH or an ACCRUAL basis for recordmg transactions related ro this award. For reports prepared on a CASH basis, outlays are the sum of actual cash d�sbursement for direct purchases of goods and services a[ the lowes[ funding level. For reports prepared on an ACCRUAL basis, outlays are the sum of acmai cash disbursement at [he lowest funding level. Unpaid obligatwns represent the amount oFobligations tha[ you incurred at the lowest funding level but have not yet paid ou[. 11. Please refer to your award documents ro complete this secnon. Th�s section will only be compieted if you have a Negotiated Ind�rect Cost Rate wrth your cognizantagency. Line I 1 a. Indicate [he type of ra[e that you have. Line l lb is the mdirect cost rate in effect during [his curtent reporimg penod. Une l 1 c�s the amount of the base against wh�ch the cost rate is applied. L�ne 1 I d is the mtal amount of mdirect ros[s charged during this current repor[ing period. L�ne 1 I e is the Federal Government share of [he amoun[ reported on Line 11 d. Q I b x I Ic = Ild) 1 I e. Note: If more than one rate was m effect durmg th�s reporting penod, add the add�tional rate amou�ts m Box 12 in the Remarks section. 12. Line 12A �S [he wmutahve amoun[ of Federal funds your S[ate agenty has passed-through ro bcal un�ts of government other specified groups or organ¢ations as directed by the legislation of the program. 8. The begin and end dates of [he award period. 9. The current reportmg calendar quarter as lis[ed below. RepoRmg Quaccec Repocts Due Not Latec than Jan 1 through Mar 31 May 15 Apr 1 through Jun 30 Aug. 14 )ul 1 through Sep 30 Nov 14 Oct 1 through Dec 31 Feb 14 Note: Data for more than one calendar quarter may be rolled up into one report for the Frcst repon submrtted. 10. Lmes 10a, 106, and IOc refer to your cash outlays mdudmg [he value of in- kind match contributions for [his award a[ the lowes[ funding level (�.e., monies you have spent). Column I is Ihe cumula[ive total of expenditures for the prior reported calendar quarter. Amounts in [his cotumn came from your ptevious report. Column il is foi the cutrent reporting calendar quazter's outlays and for any corrections needed. Co�umn 11I is for the result when addmg across the amoun[s reported i� Columns 1 and 1 L The total of lines l Ob and tOc should equal the amomt repor[ed on line l0a for each coWmn. Lines l Od, 10e, and IOf should only be completed if you indicated in Box 7 that you ace on an accmal basis of aceounhng. Lmes I Od, 10e, and l0f refec to the amount ofunpaid obligations or accounts payable you have incurzed. An item sucN as payroll (which has been eamed, but not yet paid) is an example ofanaccruedexpense. LinelOdisthetotalofyourunpaidobLgationsrodate. Line IOe is your share of these unpaid obhgatwns. Line IOf is the Federal shate of unpaid obligations. Tfie total of Gnes l0e and lOf shauld equal fhe amount on line tOd. Une 12B is the wmulative amount of Federal funds subgran[ed including amounts subgranted ro State agencies and amounts reported o� Lme 13A. Line (2C is the cumulative Federal por�ion of forfeited asse[s to be used m this grant whether [he assets were forfe�ted as a resuH of this grant ox another grant. Line 12D �s the cumulative Federal porbon of program mcome earned from other than forferted assets. This is income from sources such as registration Fees, tuition, and royal[ies. Th�s amount should mt be mcluded in Box 10. Line 12E �s the cumulative amount of program mcome ftom all sources, includmg forfe�ted assets and mterest eamed, whmh have been expendeA by your organization. This amount should not be included m Box 10. Line 12F �s [he balance of unexpended program income Q2C+ 12D- 12E). 13. Typeyourname,ti[le,phonenumber. Awnttens�gnature�snotreqwredon- line. However, if a paper copy �s submrtted, p�ease remember to sign and date it, and pnnt your name and telephone number. May 2005 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT b ���� � (Short Form) File the SF269 re ort on-line at h s://arants.o' .usdo'. o�� 1 Federal Agency and Organizalional 2. Grant orAvrard NumberASSigned by OJP OMB Approval Page of Element to which Report is Submitted No. 1 1 'I'121-0264 Pages U.S. Dept of Justice Office of Justice Programs (OJP) E�ires� 01/3/2006 3. Recipient Orgamzation (Name and complete address, mclutling ZIP code) 4. Vendor Number 5 Recipient intemal code or ldentifying Number (if any) 6. Final Report 7. Basis ❑ Yes o No ❑ Cash o Accrual 8. FundinglGrant Period (See Instruc6ons) 9. Period Covered by this Report From� (Month, Day, Year) To: (Month, Day, Year) From: (Month, Day, Year) To: (Month, Day, Year) 10 Transactions. I II III Previously Reported This Period Cumulative a Total outlays b. RecipientshareofoWays c. Federal share of outlays d. Total uniiquidated obligations e. Recipient share of unliquidatetl obligations f Federal share of unliquidated obligations g. Total Federal share (Sum of lines c and � h. Total Federal funds authorized for this funding periotl I. Unobligated balance of Federal funds (Line h minus line g) 1'I. Indirect a. Type of Rate (place "x" in appropriate box) Expense ❑ Provisional ❑ Pretletermined ❑ Final ❑ Fixed b. Rate c. Base d. Total Amount e. Federal Share 12 Remacks. attach any expfanations deemed necessary or iMormation required by Federal sponsori�g agency in compliance with governing legislation. PROGRAMINCOME: A. Block/FOrmula passthrough $ Q Forfed $ D Other $ B. Federal Funds Subgranted $ E. Expended $ F. Unexpended $ 73. Cert�cation I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete and that aii outlays and unliquidated obligafions are for the purposes se[ forth in the award tlocuments Standard Form 269a (REV 2002) Paperwork Retluction Act No[ire. Under the Paperwork fteducLOn Act a person is not reqwretl to respond to a coliecbon of mform afion unless rt displays Z currentty valitl O MB control wmber.WeVymcreateformsandinstmcnonsNatareaccurate,canbeeasilyundersrooQandwh¢himposethelesstpossibleburdenonyoutoprovideuswrthinformaUOn Voucan wnte to the Offrce o( Justice Progrems, US Depariment of Jusbce, 810 SevenM Stree6 NW. W ashingmn, DC 20531 Once the SF 269 is subrnitted on-line, DO NOT FAX or MAIL paper copies to OJP unless requested to do so. May 2005 �7�89� Office of Just�ce Pro�rams --Office of the Gomptroller •: � � � � � � � �reqnenfiv i�s�ed�Questions � � � � � � � 1. How will I l�ow that an application has been approved? If you are the person who appiied for the award or the authorized official of the organization named in the application, you will receive an e-mail notifying you of your award. There will be a link to GMS in this e-mail that you can dick to access your award documents and other information. Once you are in GMS, click on the "Awards" tab to access your award. You must print, sigq and remrn this document to accept the award. 2. What do I do with the Award Document? Read the Award Document and special conditions right away. If you accept the terms and conditions of the award, have your designated official sign a copy of the Award Document and special conditions, and fax them to the OJP Control Desk. If vou do uot acceat the terms/conditions, contact the OJP Program Office noted in the award letter immediately. NOTE: OJP will not disburse fuuds unless we have received [hese signed documents. 3. Why isn't a check with the Award Document? Funds are not automatically disbursed because recipients: (1) must accept and meet certain conditions of the grant before funds may be paid; (2) may be subject to certain reporting requirements throughout the life of the grant; and (3) must follow Legislation and Federal grant manageme�t procedures during the life of a grant. Compliance may affect the timing or the amount of the funds made available aY any time. Checks are not sent because the U.S. Department of the Treasury has asked all Federal agencies to use electronic direct deposit for payments. Recipients of OJP awards are to submit to the Office of the Comptroller an ACH form providing routing and account information for the establishment of electromc direct deposits. 4. How do I obtain payment? Recipients request funds ("drawdown") using either the Phone-Activated Paperless Request System (PAPRS) or the Letter-of-Credit Electronic Certification System (LOCE5). With PAPRS, you use a touch-tone telephone ro request funds. LOCES requires the use of a modem, computer, and specialized software. Upon successful completion of a drawdown, funds will be electronically depos�ted into an account designated by the ACH form. Grantees are notified by emai] when payments have been disbursed. The OC Customer Service Center can assist with questions about payments. 5. How do I get more information on LOCE5/PAPRS? PIN number and access mformation for assignment to the PAPRS payment system is automatically mailed to the contact person named in the application withm one week of the award acceptance. For further information about LOCES/PAPRS systems, contact the OC Customer Service Center. May 2005 6�?- g9 � Office of Justice Pro¢ram§ - O�ce of the ComptroIIer Freqnently Asked Ouestions 6. If I have questions about my grant, whom do I contact? Program questious: Contact the Program Manager identified in the award letter. Financial questions: Contact the OC Customer Service Center: Phone:l-800-458-0786 Fax: 202-353-9279 E-mail: ask.ocr�usdoj.¢ov TDD: 202-616-3867 7. What are my reporting responsibilities? Upou iuitial award: Sign and fax the Award Document and special conditions ro confirm award acceptance. Complete and retum the Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) form SF3881 according to the instructions in the Award Package. Follow the instructions in the Award Package to notify your Program Manager of your compliance with applicable special cond�tions. Financial reports: Financial Status Reports (known as the "SF269" or the "FSR") are due quarterly as follows: Reuortiue Quarter Due No Later Than: Ja¢uary l—March 31 May IS April 1—June 30 August 14 July 1—September 30 November t4 October l—December 31 Eebruary 14 Progress Reports: Progress Reports are usually due as follows or as listed in the Solicitation: Reporting Period Due No Later Than: Januarq 1—Sune 3� July 30 July 1—December 31 January 30 Audit reports: Single Audit Reports may be required. A special condition is included with your award that details the reporting requirements for the audit reports. Please review that special condition. 8. How can I file an SF269 on-line? Quarterly Financial Status Reports, a(so known as the SF 269 Form, should be filed on-ilri0 3Y: https://Qrants.oip.usdoj.�ov/ This W eb269 requires the same reporting infoanation as the paper version. The use of the W eb269 enables the user to view current and past SF 269s, and allows them to file or amend the SF269 for the current quarter. 9. What are the address and fax numbers for OJP? Office ofJustice Programs Attn: Control Desk Fax: 202-616-596 810 Seventh Street, N W Fax: 202-616-5962 May 2005 U. S. Department af Justice Office of Justice Programs 07'��� Office of the Comptroller Customer Service Center Assists grant recipients in resolving financial questions. [Asistiendo a nuestros concecionarios para resolver sus problemas financieros en espanol.] Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Eastem Standard Time 1-800-458-0786 TDD (Telecommunication Device for Deafl 202-61F�3867 Our website address: http://www.oip.usdoi.�ov/oc or e-mail us at ask.oc�uusdoi.�ov or faY your questions to 202-353-9279 May 2005 Making the Pieces Fit U. 5. Department of Jusfice Office of Jusfice Programs ���9� Oficina del Contralor Centro de Servicios a Nuestros Clientes Arreglando los Pedazos Asistiendo a subvencionarios a resolver sus problemas financieros, con servicio en espanol. Lunes a Viernes 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 1-800-458-0786 TDD (Para los que tienen dif'icultad en oir) 202-616-3867 Sobre la red: http://www.oip.usdoi.�ov/oc Preguntas por e-mail: ask.oc(ausdoi.gov Preguntasporfax:202-353-9279 May 2005 Award Tnstructions �., � Award Award Handbook Page 1 of 1 2(#t#7 Justice Assistance Gran# �rogram zon�-oa-ax-o7ss �� ,�` Annual Proaress Reports � � ti,:� � D��S9� Correspondence Acceptance Instructions Awa Instructions Acceptance Instructions ACH Information Congratulations. You have been awarded a grant by the Office of Justice Programs of the Department of Justice. Please click on the Award Document link below to see your award documents. If you choose to accept the award and ALL the special conditions, piease GMS Award Home 1. Print the Award Document and Special Canditions. 2. Have the Award Document signed by the Authorized Grantee Loa Off Official. (Note: In Box 18 of the Award Document, the name and the titie of the authorized grantee official is preprinted. The person named as the official in Box 18 should sign the Award Document in Box 19 and enter the signature date in Box 19A.) 3. The Authorized Grantee Official should also initial the bottom right corner of each page of any Special Conditions to the Award Docu ment. 4. Fax BOTH the Award Document and the Special Conditions to the Office of Justice Programs, Control Desk at (202) 616-5962 or (202) 353-8475. If you choose not to accept the award, OR if you do not agree with the terms/conditions of the award and would like to discuss options, then please contact your OJP program manager, Brent Eckberg, at (202) 514- 5674. If the Authorized Grantee Official named on the Award Document is no longer authorized to accept this award on behalf of your organization, piease go to the Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) link and request an adjustment to the name of the official. Once the GAN to change the name of the authorizing official has been approved, you should: • print the GAN that approves the change • print the original award document . have the new approving official sign the acceptance over top of the old official's name • fax the signed acceptance plus the approved GAN to the Control Desk as noted above For programmatic questions contact Brent Eckberg, at (202) 514-5674. for financial questions contact OC Customer Service at 1-800-458-0786. For questions about printing and faxing these documents, please contact the GMS Help Desk at 1-888-549-9901 option#3. https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ana/anaAcceptance.st 8/23/2007 D�-g9� Ensnring the Compliance of Subrecipients If your organiiation makes subawards ro other agencies, you aze responsible for assuring that subrecipients also comply with aIl of the applicable Federal civil rights taws, including the requirements pertaining to developing and submitting an EEOP, reporting Findings of Discriminatioq and providing language services to LEP persons. Stare agencies that make subawazds mus[ have in place siandazd grnnt assurnnces and review procedures to demonstmie that they aze eFfec[ively moniwring the civil ri�hts compliance of subrecipienis. If we can assist you m any way in fulfilling your civil dghLS responsibili4es as a recipient of Fedecal funding, please cail OCR at (202) 307-0690 or visit our website at http:Uwww.ojp.usdq.gov/ocd. Sincerely, 7�=�--/ a. �--- Michael L. Alston Director cc: Grant Manager Financtal Analyst