209519Original to-City Cleric / 11 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ��� .� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Ij W O T. CL 1 k An ordinance. amending Ordinance• No. 6.446., .entitled: ttAn administrative ordinance. fixing the compensation rates, of certain city positions, and employments, " approved, January 23, 1.925, as. amended. This is, an emergency ordinance xendered necessary for the preservation of the- public peace, health, and safety. TH.F, COUNCIL. OF THF, CITY OF SAINT" PAUL, DOFS. ORDtA N: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and tha same is hereby further amended by inserting in its, proper alphabetical order in Section II under the heading 't,Spe.cial employme.nts:lt, the following lines: 'tLife Guard (Indoor-Pool) $2. 00 an h6d..r cc 'r Locker Room Attendant 1. 00 an hour " "Swimming Instructor 3. 00 an hour" 't Section-2. This- ordinance is hereby declared to: bean emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the pre.s.ervation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. phis, ordinance shall take effect and be in force. from and after its passage, approval and. publicatio n. t Council File No. 209519 — Ordinary, 12312 —By Bernard T. Hollan request -- An ordinance amending nrdin. No. 0446, entitled: $ "An admintstratJrsl ordin.!jj i'aii t 'Ic .gOmperi' aticn :+.L._s s ra ^ ^9zttg f d'rrnl0 8na Al—, 3s —z.. gr z Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council OCT 31 1967 Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson J Against Rosen OCT 31 1962 Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attes City Clerk Mayor 1111 0-02 22 r CITY CLERK - .•1 f 209519 4� -,;� 1 ;2, 10m, a4mtatoftlut" is vs city 4 's 0 X=14-4090049 iz COMM or um 41TV Or MW .PAUL: Ifts 090AMx 064 Mow OAWO"d $"U +psi# ► "mss lotl olutw,awd {hwoot *1000, $96 Q0 r 't 16044fthw0i O'N 00 au t* ft fttuft ts, tit , + h6 #� ► , + "coosary for 6sawt cs boa*, **my* 044 after w 0 Pt 1*0*14 AC4 "Usm"Mu OCT 3 11862 OCT 315982 7 y 1s 2n Laid over to 3rd and app dopte 0 eas Nays Yeas Nays �alglish Dalglish olland Holland �oss f% \ Loss , V ortinson (J v Mortinson eterson Peterson `f _Heft L� Rosen Mr. President Vzvmrlis� Mr. President Vavoulis a Q9bj9