209518Origms tq-City Clerk - File No. 209518 — Ordinance No. -By Bernard T. Holland, t ORDINA1j" i 2®9� -.o Ordinance • amending � *� P2503�' entitled. , • rxC i t administrat'' ardi. Civil servfcjCa'?�t int p� ,:1, '• 10_ ,T , wa 1/ �aa�� l� l' "�d * t p :Sn .:cF. t�� .n to .f�. PRESENTED BY ' °�; °�:.z��4a���t3alu��ICE NO. w 0 Cr a. Q.. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3.25.01, entitled: try administrative ordinance, relating to the Civil, Service Bureau, of the City of .Saint Paul, approving and. adopting rules, and regulations. therefor, It, approved, August. 20, 1914, as. amended. Thin is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the, preservation of the public peace, health and safety. a THE. COUNCIL, OF' THE, CITY OF SAINY PAUL DAEa ORDAIN: Section 1. That. Ordinance No. 32,501, approve.dAugust 20, 1914, as amended, he and. the same is. hereby further amended by inserting in, their proper alphabetical order in Section 1 under the heading 11,Special. ,Employments,:" the, following titles,: ,Life; Guard (Indoor Locker Room Attendant Swimming Instructor Section 2. This ordinance, is hereby declared to- he an emergency, ordinance rendered necee> sary for the preservation of the public peace,' .health and safety. ,Section 3. This, ordinance. shall take effect and he in, force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss ^ Mortinsan U Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest r� ity Clerk 1M 6-62 X22 Approved: . ".. 40 - OCT 31 1962 Passed by the Council CITY CLERM boy 5i� la3�l ozft4At* Atw� ovfttauo. 140* stsok 4 lvo "Its s4g,4ft tt C 1 ot .134UA pma M ootov` +ice .4doptiq *400 opA ir"40fout . u 119144,44=6444&' w � �� tot so � t moo THM,00"M UP THIS CAT'S OP WIT PAVU 00X3 OIW ; 4# A.UUOM4 U- o 0=4 is ItUtty ** Aid W 141401 tA IoW* Ufa. #wv ftrA) W. j M6 pct; d togs* Dam kov OCT 311962 / co 1 OCT 31 196 Y 1s 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted—/O AF? / as Nays Yeas Nays �algliah Dalglish olland Holland \Loss Loss Mortinson J Mortinson Peterson Peterson —Rvsea_.r Rosen Mr. President s _ Mr. President Vavoulis S 3y 209`18 ��