207469Original to City Clerk 'cil File No. 2D7469—Ordinance ; O R D I X13 .0 nance 9_BY Frank L. >•o� • ordinance amending Ordina 250% entitled: •an administrative ordinance re' Ito the Civil Service Bureau oflfFILE NO. ,y of ,Saint Paul, approving ,opting rules and ,t,�egulatibn;;,iF' / PRESENTED BY fo-�� `' `� " "' "`Y -_q l�INANCE NO i �ifozieT? cdb .sctl3 -...e> L.L.! O rr An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32501, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to: the. Civil Service Bureau of the. City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August .20, 191.4, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre.s.ervation of the public peace, .health. and, safety. THEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA NT' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section. 1. That Ordinance No. 32502, approved August 20., 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6 in Grade @ under the heading "Attendance and Inspectional" the title "Water Safety- Instructorlt. Section 2. Thia ordinance is. hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health :and safety. Section 3. This, ordinance shall take. effect and, be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Cosand:;�:Ic m /,Ways Ho�Pe Loss Mortinson C> . Peterson .lr. President � � r Attes #.,,rte ! 6Z ff City Clerk im 5 -00 Ogip.8 -r Approved: ervice -G16-nan1s-s1dn&r PUBLISHED � ���� C� L f JUN 2q 1962 Passed by the Council in Favor 0 Against ' Approved: I(JN 2 7 hating Mayor ✓CITY CLERK 207469, AA OVdWftci% v=ft4WS, Otdinan 0 X*0 $7,ft ig, *,aUgtdj #An *&mWboftwatl" ov&asmoo VaUtft' to *-OCjVjj, zoams 'a 14resou, ** th *1vtov0d Ausuot .20,1 1114# "0' aindudedf 1410' ho im 0mrswip Otalwace Aift#ad- h*44104*2* for th*"p*'p#'*v"oOA of tho pouc ""as b041b wo 189 COUNM 00' TOZ QTV Or SW PAUL VOSS *ADAM;, Bottum A. That Moto *Pvvmt*4 • Aupiltzov wt#. tW dild- tho, Ovad 40 bot*by 100*r. wtft404 by Wortiq SOctift 6 In OW U 9 uOdOP ths- bftftg 4*AUdn0m,9*mod, biqactioWo the title "Watet Oacttftl- %U-0 odin-mce is hoftuy declAor.4, to Us on, Omerijoutv OMUUCOVioador,od a0cos"It, �OV, iji� pv#0 htai* 644 -sooty. Y. sswtlaa. ofthopbItt,"stoi OX41MMOO Ohau, to* 16064 4uO bo in (4ce trams, .and OW A$O***V'*4t 91 $1 '�' S6 Nool - t 1st' / 2n Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted , Yeas DAL pLISINiays YeasDOIGLISRqayS eCourc Holland Holland Loss Loss Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Yavoulis 8 207469