07-836coun�u r�e # 07 —g3�
Green Sheet # ��-} �5�2
1 BE IT RES VED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the August
2 28, 2007 decisio f the gislative Hearing Officer on Appeal of a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency
List for the following address:
5 Pronerty Appealed
7 222 Morton Street East
Juanita Vail
9 Decision: Deny the appeal and grant an extension to clean out the house, half being done within 30 days
10 and the remainder being completed within 60 days.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date � /aD�7
Adoprion Certified by Cound Secretary
Approved b oi:l Date � p
Form Approved by City Attomey
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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Contact Person 8 Phone:
Marcia Mcertnond
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DocumentContact: Vicki
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Green Sheet NO: 3043532
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2 'ry C7erk C�ty Clerk i
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Resolurion approving the August 28, 2007 decision of the Legislarive Hearing O�cer on an appeal to a Letter of Deficiency for
properiy at 222 Morton Street.
�aanons: r+pprove �H� or rce�ect �rc�: rersona� aernce convac[s muss s�nswer me roiwwmg uuesnons:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a contract for this tlepartmenf?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2, Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
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Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
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August 30, 2007 11:45 AM Page 1
August 21, 2007 Property Code Minutes �� r �"✓` - �" Page 2
4. Appeal of 7uanita Vail to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 222
Morton Street East.
Ms. Moermond addressed the appellant, Juanita Vail, statin� it is her understanding that Ms. Va31 is
requesting more time. Ms. Vail concurred.
Ms. Vail stated that she is in the process of selling the house. She said that her children live here, also,
that she lives next door to them. She continued that she had a sick son she was takiug care of; he has
died; thus, she has not had the time to deal with all of this.
Ms. Moermond asked Ms. Vail whether she has had a Truth-in-Housing inspection of the property.
Ms. Vail answered that a woman came to the house and was going to take care of everything.
Ms.Vail stated that her daughter is living there now. Ms. Moermond asked how soon her daughter
would be moving. Ms. Vail answered that her daughter would be moving as soon as Ms. Vail gets the
money far the house and finds a place for her daughter to live.
Ms. 5haff noted that "the basement is cranmied full." Ms. Moermond questioned Ms. Vail as to
whether she could give Ms. Moermond a date when she will have this cleaned up. Ms. Vail answered
that she would like to get everything out of there by the end of September.
Ms. Moermond questioned Ms. Vail about the other items on the list, wondering if any of the other
things have been completed. Ms. Vail answered that all of the exits are cleaned out. Ms. Shaff stated
that since the exits have been cleared, she would like to do an interim inspection.
Ms. Moermond stated that she is concerned about the life safety problem with access to the basement,
and that she would like Ms. Shaff to do an interim inspection and assess how much is in the remainder
of the house. She stated it is her intent to make a referral to the House Calls Program. They have the
ability to get one dumpster on the property free. She conferred with Ms. Shaff; Ms. Shaff stated that
Fire will make that referral.
Ms. Moermond stated that she would like to have a follow-up in one week, and would like to see Ms
Shaff on Tuesday, August 28 at 130 p.m.
Reverend Larry (did not sign in, so no last name is available) stated that he is here to help Ms. Vail.
He stated they are doing everything, picking it up and placing it in the garage. He added that he will
be helping her with everytlung.
Thursday, August 28, 2007
Room 330 City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd. West
Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 1:30 p.m.
Staff Present: Leanna Shaff, Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) DSI-Fire Prevention
1. Appeal of Juanita V ail to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 222
Morton Street East. (Continued from Aua st 21)
Juanita Vail, appellant, appeared with her husband, Rev. Larry.
Ms. Moermond stated that at the last hearing Ms. Shaff was going to make an inspection of the
property. She understood that Ms. Shaff did make an inspecfion of the property and had sent her
pictures from the inspection of the inside of the house. She asked Ms. Vail what her intentions
were for the property.
Ms. Vail stated that she had talked to a realtor who offered her $100,000 for the house and had
indicated to her that she would make all of the necessary repairs to the property. The realtor told
her that she believed the property was of value given the built-in wood work and stained glass
windows. It was her intention to continue working to clean out the house.
Ms. Moermond stated that if Ms. Vail intended to sell the house, she would need a truth-in-sale
of housing inspection done or she would need to have a code compliance inspection done before
she could sell the property. Ms. Vail stated that she was aware that she would need to have an
inspection done.
Ms. Shaff stated that it was her understanding that two dumpster had already been filled and
removed and Kay Wittgenstein, Ramsey County Public Health, had provided them with another
dumpster. 5he had a major concern with the basement as it was fairly damp and there seemed to
be a tremendous amount of leather and cloth that was stored. She would be agreeable to granting
an extension to clean out the house and that they needed to reduce the amount of items in the
house by at least 50 percent. She was also concerned with sanitation and stated that the walls,
floor, etc. would need to be washed down as well.
Rev. Larry stated that he was going to put a humidifier in the basement to remove the dampness.
He also stated that they planned to clean out the gazage and move most of the stuff out to the
Ms. Moermond stated that she had concem with simply moving things elsewhere for storage as
they were not facing the situation of having too much shxff which would just reoccur. She
suggested that they dispose of everything that they didn't need and deal with the problem now.
August 28, 2007 Property Code Minutes
/��'��j(� Page2
Ms. Vail stated that it was her intention to possibly put some stuff in storage and give most of it
to the homeless or Goodwill.
Ms. Shaff stated that she had concem with 226 Morton as well which was the house that Ms.
Vail was renting. She asked Ms. Vail for her landlord's phone number as she had no contact
information for her. Ms. Vail stated that she had the phone number at home and would call Ms.
Shaff with the phone number.
Ms. Shaff stated that she also had concern with the orders that she had issued for 226 Morton as
well. She gave Ms. Vai190 days to comply with those orders to clean out the house and 30 days
had already elapsed with nothing being done.
Ms. Vail stated that she paid $400 in rent and had put approximately $2,000 in repairs at 226.
Her landlord had indicated to her that she would sign over the title to the house to Ms. Vail's son,
however, her son was currently incarcerated and should be released in March, 2008. She needed
to talk to her landlord again about signing over the title of the property to her son.
Ms. Moermond cautioned Ms. Vail that if she sold the house that she owned at 222 Morton and
before she had clear title to the property at 226, that she could be putting herself in a homeless
Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal and granting an extension to clean out the
house with half of the house being cleaned out within 30 days and the remainder being cleaned
out within 60 days.
The hearing adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Vicld Sheffer