D001650CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFF'ICE OF 1�E MA.YOR No: ` J �� ��p, �c,J ADMITTISTRATIVE ORDER • Date: � ADMINIST'RATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and d'uected to enter into an agreement with Earle Brown Center, Univezsity of Minnesota, 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, to pay expenses arising from annual conference for 300 full-time Division of Pazks and Recreation employees on Mazch 9, 1999, not to exceed $9,000. FUNDING CODE: Parks Administration - 03100 • APPROVED AS TO FORM "� G�U �i� U � n't.fi� • �X isEant Ciry Attarney � � Date Y�-- ��—� Administrafive Assis[ant to Mayor DEPARTMENT(OiFtCE/GOUNpL DATEINITIATED C U�� ��++SO GREEN SHEET � 7� NO. 62653 Parks and Recreation 7 /22/99 COMACi PERSON AND PHONE 1NITIAUbA7E INIT1AI7pATE Judy Barr 266-6400 �\ � DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR 4 CITY COUNdL ASSIGN \ ' NUMBEHFOF�, Z QNATTORNEY � CITYCLEqK UST BE ON COUNdL AGENDA BY �DA'fE) A��NG ORDER .� FINANCIAL SEftVICES DIR. 6 Parks & Recreation February 77 � �99� _ MAYOR(OftA551STANT7 _ TOTAL t OF 516NATURE PAGES � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'NFEI � \ ACTION REnVESTED: Approval of funding for Division of Parks artd Recreation - Division Conference, March 9, 1999,, at Earie Bsown Center, not to exceed 59,000. , REGOMMEPopAT10NS: Appmve IA1 or Re�ect (R1 PERSONAL SEAYiCE CONTMCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUfSTiONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this person/frtm ever workeE untl¢r a conVact for ihis department� CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A nAFF 2. Has this personlfiam ever 4een a ciry em0�oyee? —� VES NO D1STPfCT COUNqL -- — 3. Does thi5 persoNfirtn pos5ess a skill not normally possessetl by any curren[ aty employee? SUPPOAiS WHICH COUNCR OBJEC7NE? VES NO fxplain aN yes answers on separate sneer anA anach to g�een sfieat. iWTiATING Pfl06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who, Wha4 Wben, WFere, Why�: portunity to provide training for Division's 300 full time employees. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVE4: Training for all employees provided at one time in one I.ocation, saving time and money. DISRDVANTA6ESIFAPPROVE�, a.�_ .-- �' : S�, n' il_ i": ' t „�fa G�:�i.sa�c�2irv5� U� �-;� e�r�� s v �.�i9� '�`"�„"nr'�ar5 � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ��� � ¢ � � � µ � �� �� �� TAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S S9.00O COST/pEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO RECE!VED FUNDING SOURLE Parks Administration 03100 a 2 m��r�C FiNANCiA1INFORMA710N: �EXPLAIf3� FEB yy ;;o i�Y CLERK