07-82Council File # � 7—�� Green Sheet# 3035593 RESOLUTtON SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented by RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Parks and Recreation Director be changed from that set forth in Grade 032 to that set forth in Grade 036 of Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Adoption Certified by BY� / / /./1�/. Approved by Mayor: ; / BY `�/ Secretary Requested by Office of Human Resources r By: Form Approved by Financial Service� �—� --�-°aw.�, f B Y� t'f a �%� :� i �� �__ Form Approv by ' omey By: Date y Form Appr d by a r for Su mission to C cil � p U I.Cti' By: I�SYS�ea¢ Developmrne Secnon�Or� Oustgn\Co�uUano-PJiltismdShe0.a's Clasa Wo�k�B EiuscM1e�dSCU3Y�T&R O�cecwc Resolutioo doc Adopted by Date CounciL �7' � Green Hu —xwnanxaources Contad Pewo� & Phone: Sheila Williartus 266-6520 Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � C37-�,� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-Document Required: Y Decument Contact: Trisha Freiberger Contact Phone: 266-6485 ���-0� �► Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages ` (Clip Ail Locations forSignature) Green Sheet NO: 3035593 0 ¢mao Resourus 1 umanResources De arhmentDirector �,"� 2 inancisl Servic tfice Finaocial Servicu � 3 Attorne 4 a or'sOffice Ma or/Assistant 5 ouncil Ci Council 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk Approve the attached resolution changiug the rate of pay for the classification ritled Pazks and Recreation Director from Grade 032 to Grade 036 of Employee Group 17, Non Represented Managers. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civif Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Flas this persoNfim� ever been a ciiy empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain aII yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Hnmau Resources studied the composite duties of a position to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the Puks and Recreation Director posirion. Our office deternuned that the posiflon performs broad administrarive duties that should be associated with a lrigher rate of compensafion. This position directs the long term objectives for the varied disciplines within the Division of Pazks and Recreation. The posifion is �pected to perform at the expert competence level in order to plan, manage, and improve the Administrafion, Recrearion Services, Opera6ons, tlrchitectuxal Design and Construc6on, and Como Campus functions for Pazks and Recreation. Therefore, a new compensafion rate should be assigaed to this classification title. Advantages If Approved: Appropriate compensauon will be assigned to the Pazks and Recreation Director classification in accordance with the City's job evatuaiion system. Disadvantages If Approved: None. RECE�€D JAN 3 6 2(�07 Disadva�tages If Not Approved: g� �S � Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to this classification. This may limit �s'abil��su��sfully recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the high-level of lmowledge and skills required for the leadership and adminis4arive funcrions required in ffie Division of Pazks and Recreation. Transaction: Funding Souroe: Cosf/Revenue Budgeted: Y Activity Number: Financial Information: Salary cost is $3,302.45 -$4,510.88 biweekl��4Nd��� early. (Explain) � � }, — - .. �� , e, r �.i `. '�� ��� � � ...'� p; ..5'_ E. January 22, 2007 7:30 AM Page 1 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES � 7—F' °Z Angela S. Nalezny, D"vecto� CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL ChristapkerB. Co[emmb Mayor TO: FROIVI: DATE: RE: Angela Nalezny, Director 400CityHal[Annex Te[ephone: 65l-266-6500 25WertFourthSveet Jabtine: 651-266-6502 Saint Paub Mm+resota 55102-1 b31 Facsimiie: 651-292-7b56 wwwstpauLgav 5heila Williams, Auman Resources Consultant December 20, 2006 CLASSTFICATION STUDY RESULT We have compieted our study of the Pazks and Recreation Director position held by Robezt Bierscheid. We have reviewed relevant job information, discussed the position with HR Administration, and compazed the posirion with related classes and positions. Internal department director comparisons include the Director of City Council Operations, Director of Technology and Communications, Human Resources Director, Library Airector, and Director of Public Works classifications. A mazket analysis was also conducted, comparing the position to the director positions of the Ramsey County and Minneapolis Parks and Recrearion Depariments. 'I`his study indicates that the position performs functions at a higher salary grade than currently assigned. Therefore, the Parks and Recrearion Director classificafion should be assigned to grade 36 of the Non-Represented Employee Group satary schedule. Intemal QES analysis indicates the position performs broad management funerions with an expert-level of understanding in a range of administrative roles. 'I`his position d'uects and manages the comprehensive development strategies for Parks and Recreation. The depth of understanding required for aspects of planning and program management, technical expertise, communication, and staff management competencies exceed the competency levels associated with some director posifions such as Library Director and the D'uector of Technology and Communicatiotts classificafions. In addition, market comparisons were made with the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Director and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Superintendent positions. Market evaluation revealed the comparison posirions aze compensated higher than the City Parks and Recreation Director position. [Jpgrading the studied position by four salary grades and considering the full compensation package, would place this posirion slighdy below the Ramsey County and Minneapolis director positions. The Ramsey County and Minneapolis positions are sunilaz, in many regazds, to the City Pazks and Recreation D'uector position. All posirions manage parks and recreation systems that include golf courses, numerous pazks, trails, recreation facilities, and park facilities. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportuniry ADA Employer Responsibilities and scope of job functions of the Ramsey County Pazks and Recreation D'uector compaze closely to those delegated to the Saint Paul Parks and Recreadon Director classi&cation. The Minneapolis Superintendent position has executive authority for the pazks and recreation fitnction sepazate firom the City of Minneapolis. This additionai role broadens the scope of responsibility for this comparison position. Therefore, the remaining salary difference appears appropriate due to distinctions between the Minneapofis and Saint Paul director positions. Should you choose to reallocate the position, City Council approval of the salary grade change is required before a Reailocation Certification can be sent througti the required Human Resources process. If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please ca11 me at 266-6520. a Angela Nalezny Trisha Freiberger An A�rmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Page 1 of 2 07-��r Title of Class: PA.RKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR (ADVISORY SPEC ONLY} Description of Work General AuTy Statement Code: 651A BU: 17 (Salary Info) Crrade: 032 Effective Date: 03(12/1999 THIS IS AN UNCLASSIFIED POSFTIOI3. THIS CLASS SPECIFICATION IS FOR ADVISORY PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT COVERED UNDEIt ANX PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE RtTI.ES. Performs highly responsible administrative work planning, organizing and directing, the operation of the Pazks and Recrearion system; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received Works under the administrative supernision of the Mayor. Supervision Exercised Exercises general, technical, and administrative supervision directly or through subordinate supervisors and over all Pazks and Recreation personnel. Typical Duties Performed The listed exaznples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. . Establishes and 'unplements goals, objectives, policies and procedure for the Parks and Recreation System. . Directs the preparation, impiementation, and administration of the Parks and Recreation System operating budget. . Directs the development o£rules and regulations for the safe operation of the Pazks and Recreation System. . Directs the planning of programs regazding park development and use, landscaping and plant disease control, and zoo and greenhouse use and expansion. . Directs the development of the master plans for park development. . Analyzes operating reports and advises on methods to improve pazk land use and efficiency. . Directs the maintenance and repair of park and recreation buildings, facilities, equipment, vehicies and grounds. . Directs operations, maintenance, and educational functions at the zoo, greenhouse, and conservatory. . D'uects the development and administration of a broad recreafional program of activities and services for children, youth, and adults. � Directs the development of grant applications and prepazation of funding requests. • Conducts staff meetings, interprets citywide and departmental policies and procedures, and directs the supervisory staff in their application. . Represents the department at various citywide and civic activities where public presentation is necessary. . http:!lwww.stpaul.govldepts/humresfjobclass/titledef.php?code=661A 12/2U2006 iuo �.i�y ui oaw� rutu, ivtutuc�vtn rayc L �i L . Directs studies and makes recommendafions on property acquisitions and systein improvements. • Develops and duects collaborafive approaches in determi„ing �itywide pazks and recreation objectives and in implementittg programs; aad coordinates the work of the �it with otlier governmental or private agencies engaged in the field of recreation. Competencies • Knowlege of cunent management and leadership theories and techniques, organizational practices, and business adminislration . Ability to identify community needs, develop Pazks and Recreation programs and develop the ttecessary policies for Mayor, City Council and citizen review. . Ability to develop strategies promoting Pazks and Recreation goals and objectives and to impiement policies and procedures. . Ability to develop and maiatain cooperative relationships with community leaders and organizations. . Ability to demoastrate a comznitment to the ettucs, values and legairequirements. . Ability to establish respectful relationships with custamers, employees, and co-workers, and to demonstrate a sensitivity to diversity. . Ability to demonstrate fauness aud equity in dealing with employees. . Ability to speak, write and listen effectively. . Demonstrated skill in fiscal management. Requirements The Pazks and Recreation Director shall have a bachelor's degree and five (5) years of responsible public or private sector leadership or managentent experience worldng in or with lazge multifaceted service oriented organizations. ` hrip://www.stpaul.gov/depts/humres/jobclassltiUedef.php?cod�661A 12/21/2006