07-795Council File #_� ��'�j_ Green Sheet # �p y a � �(p -� D •cSE.^.LEC �.^.V RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation Desi� Section and its consultants have 3 provided the design and construction of a new rain gazden at the entrance to the Bruce V ento Regiona] Trail located 4_ on East 7` Street and Pa�ne Avenue in Saint Paul; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the Lower Pha]en Creek Project has been involved with facilitating the creation of this rain 7 garden and an associated public art insTallation at the rain gazden site; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota Art Department has received a grant to create ceramic art paving 10 stones and install them on a new concrete walk they are providing within the rain garden; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the work will be done to the specifications approved by the City and be performed by a 13 licensed, insured and bonded contractor; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Lower Phalen Creek Project will design, provide, install, and maintain plant materials in the 1 6 rain garden; 17 18 19 20 21 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts the generous donation of materia]s and labor from the Lower Phalen Creek Group and the UniversiTy of Minnesota to be used in the completion of the new rain garden and associated public art instaAation at the Bruce Vento Trail entry as well as the ongoing maintenance of the new rain garden and thanks the Lower Phalen Creek Group and its partners for their gift. Benanav Bostrom Harris ✓ ed of: nelqen i.antry Montao ✓ � Thune � �/ � � � Adopted by Date � Council : �QQ� Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY� / -f i' Approved by Date Mayor: �� 1 �/y��� By: BY. ����� � ^� D -� f� Form Approv d by Cit�torney BY� `��� ��� Y c�� � Form A v by Mayor £or Submission to �o By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D �-7 %h DepartmentlofficelcounciL ^ Date Initiated: � PR -Pa��andR��earioo ,4_A��-o, Green Sheet NO: 3042936 ConWd Person & Phone- . Deoartment Sent To Person {nitiallDate , Don Ganje . � �� 0 � arta and Recreation I ' � ��/ r � 266-6425 � pssign j I � arks and Recreation I Director I/l"//74 `yp ^-�� ?� Mus[ Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ' Number I �orTv- ; For �� 2 YsAttorney `: CtityAttomey 400CH � Routing �. 3 �� avoCs Office I MaYOCs Office 390 CH I '�, Dom Type: RESOLUTION Order 4 'Council Council 300 C7I ' � E-Dowment Required: N 5 'City Clerk ' CiN Clerk ' Document Contact: 6 Parks and Aecreaffon ' D. Ganie 300 CHA i , Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _],_ (Clip NI Locations for Signature) Approval of Council Resolution Recommenda[ions Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Commission A Staff 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis persontfirm possess a skiil not nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ' The Lower Phalen Creek project would like to donate materials, labor and maintenance for planting and installalion of a new public art installation at enhy to Bmce Vento Trail. Advantages If Approved: ` City will be abie to receive donation of materials and labor for installation of plants and public art in a new rain gazden at entrance to Bmce V ento Trail. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None I Disadvantages If Not Approved: , Plantings and public art in the new rain garden will not be installed. ' ��`��� Transaction: Funding Source: NA Financial Information: (Explain) :.;,r, � r � �E, 1 � .��tJ A �a��g�;�� �.;�°�����' CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: AU6 212007 August 14, 2007 11:47 AM Page 1 ROUTiNG ORDER: Below are coriect routings for the six most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget epsts) 1. Outside Agency 2. Depar[mentD'uector 3. CityAtfomey 4. MayarlAssistant (for contracts over $25,000) 5. H�an Rights{f� contracts over $50;000) 6. Office ofFin�cial Services - Accovnting ADMINLSTRATFVE ORDEI2S {BudgetRevision) 1. ActivityM�agerorDeparfinentAcco�mt�t 2. DepartmentDirector 3. Office ofFinaucial SecvicesD'uector 4. CityClerk 5. Office ofFinanciai Services -Accounting ADMIA7ISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otheis} L DepaztmentDirector 2: City Attomey 3. Office ofFinavcial Services Directnr 4. City Clak COUNCII, RESOLUTION (amend budgets/accept �ants) 1. Depar�entDitector 2. O&ce of Fin�cial Services Director 3: CilyAttrnneq 4. Mayor/?,ssist�t 5. City Co�cil 6. Office ofFinancisl Seivices - Accounting COUNCII. RESOLUTION (all otheis and Ordinances) 1. DepazfinentDirector � , 2. CilpAliamey 3. Mayor/flssistant 4. Citp Council EXECTJTIVE ORDER 1. Depa�eotDirector 2. City Attomey 3_ Mayor/Asastant 4. Citp Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on wtnch siS�ataes arere4�� � P��P orflag each of fhese pagea ACTION REQUESTED Descnbe what the PTOject/request seeks to accomptisfi in either chconoIogicaiorder or otder of imporfance, afiicfiever is most appropriate f� tfie issoe. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each iteem inycxc listwitfi averb. RECO�IDATIOIZS Complete if the issue in question has been presmted before anY bod9, Public or private. PERSONAL SII2VICE CONTRACTS: This infoimation wi71 be nsed to determine the city's liabilityfor workers comp�salian claims, taxes and proper civil service huing rules. INITfATINGPROBLIIv� FSSUE, OPPORTUNTPY Exptamtfie sihiation ot conditions that created a need foryois project or reqaest ADVATFfAGES IF AYPROVED Indicate whetha this is simply en annual budget pracedtue required by lawlcLarter or whether there ffie specific ways in wluch the City of Saint Yaul �d its citizens will benefit fromthis project/action_ DLSAbVANTAGES 1F APPR�VID What aegative effects ormaj� chen8�%m ��8 � P�Pr� �8� �ProJ�ie4ne�Pmdnce if it is gassed (e.g.; traffic delays, noise, tax incxeases or assessments)7 To whom? When? For Low long'1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVID � WLat wiIi be fhe negative consequences ifthe promised action is not spproved? Inability ro deiiver service? Continue hi�haffic; �ise, accidenttate? I.oss ofrevenue? FINANCTAL IIvIPACT Althonghyou mast tailor tfie i�oimalion you providehere to the issae you are ad�ss�g, m gene;al you �ust answer two questions: How much is it going to cost? Who is goingto pay`t '