205543I Original to City Clerk — - —^ tl Council File No. 205543 — Ordinance N . 12145 — By Milton O R D I N A An ordin�camending et ' 205543 `ninin narking metbr zone¢ and an.e eager . • ii- / _" o "< c .� . ,, •3 ri ,bar Se , y / PRESENTED BY '7• CYRDINAIVCE NO An ordinance amending Chapter 147 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code, pertaining to parking meter zones and regulations. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preser- vation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 147.06, Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: SIDE OF LOCATION STREET Kellogg Blvd. approx. 140 ft. east of Seven Corners North Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy •rT_„_ _ a Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest (/ City Clerk IM 11-o1 22 JAN 31 1962 Passed by the Council Tm Favor CTIM A gainst Approved : AN 31 19�6`L ��� —� � ;S Mayor Eighth St. approx. 10 ft. east of Robert St. South Robert St. approx. 100 ft. south of Seventh St. West Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. v This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its a passage, approval and publication. O V 'Q Section 4. a C t1 This ordinance is to be in force upon erection of proper V signing and traffic control measures. PUBLISHED — '3 Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy •rT_„_ _ a Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest (/ City Clerk IM 11-o1 22 JAN 31 1962 Passed by the Council Tm Favor CTIM A gainst Approved : AN 31 19�6`L ��� —� � ;S Mayor Th1 ordlea 1 t tee effect next he in force use its Pei.. �pp�"�►n1,1Rne1 p��il�t,ion. This ord;aamA is 1g in fotc* upqxi oroction ref pr, ,' *19"Ing *W traff 14 CAMTrai. mobsur *5. 2A35543 An ordlnww iamrading motor 141 cif tla+eie $alnt Paul it•►. ' 1otl.va * pwtnlning to parking niter U649 AM rogelitlorns. `This lei Ah ~9 ordlO&Wt * 0 rrdd necsgwy; for . Or c- V6t'l'M, Of '.I" i jr,: 'p04dei, hislth end That 404.0on 147.06,E Saint Oftj tgitlis tivo todws tsa hwaby aravewwW by *dd1nq ,thwotQ thee following ;. SIDS or Mid 1�el i ,A jotvd. approx. 140 -ft: east of S+rvm Cormw& *wth ' 4Ighlth St. arpprog.. 10 ft. east of ftbert St. �etia ftbert $t. r9s. 100 ft., *mth of 50"th St.. *Xt Th1s oNIn * 1aa, hWobyt dd41 or d' to Zia an Owg name rar4erw q*ce s*ry for 10* ;was arvetion of .0A public peea "*, h4ot sh and ,Of0ty, , , Th1 ordlea 1 t tee effect next he in force use its Pei.. �pp�"�►n1,1Rne1 p��il�t,ion. This ord;aamA is 1g in fotc* upqxi oroction ref pr, ,' *19"Ing *W traff 14 CAMTrai. mobsur *5. is I 2n Laid over to 3rd and app �(- Adopted Yeas Nays --�eCourcy gaHmTd-/ � Loss ^"**- \Mortinson Peterson Rosen --- Mr. President Yavoulis 205543 Yeas Nays �eCourcy HvHmRl-- \\ Loss `�Mortinson Peterson l Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis