07-775Return copy to: (CK) PW/Technical Services — Maps & Records 1000 City Hall Annex Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to �► Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, a request has been received from Macalester College for the release of utility easement 3 rights limited to the Deparhnent o£ Public Works and Saint Paul Regional Water Services, in all of the 4 alley in Block 8 of Macalester Park described as follows, and as referenced in Public Warks Technical 5 Services Real Estate file number 07-C-07(A), and on map attached as Exhibit A: 7 All of the alley (now vacated and known as Campus Way) as dedicated in Block 8 of Macalester Park, 8 according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota,- and E lo WHEREAS, a request has been received from Macalester College for the release of all utility I1 easement rights in part of vacated Macalester Street described as follows, and as referenced in Public 12 Warks Technical Services Real Estate file number 07-C-07(B), and on map attached as Exhibit A: 13 ' 14 That part of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clair Avenue (formerly known a Reserve Avenue) 15 and south of vacaded Princefon Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Sfreet). And those parts of Lots 1 16 and 2, Block $ Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, 17 which lie northeasterly of a line located 30 feet southwesterly of and parallel with a line described as 18 beginning at a point on the centerline of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the 19 centerline of said vacated Princeton Avenue, thence northwesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve 20 concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street at said point of 21 beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, 22 thence northwesterly a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having 23 a radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a 24 distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet 25 and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said line there terminating.; and therefore 26 be it 27 28 RESOLVED, that based upon a Certificate of Intended Non-Use filed voluntarily by the Department 29 of Public Works for release of sewer easement rights, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on behalf 30 of the City far itself and said department, does hereby waive and release the above-described easement 31 rights; as does Qwest Communications, a Delaware Corporation; Northern States Power Company dba 32 Xcel Energy, Electric Division; Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy, Gas Division; 33 MCI Network Services 7nc.; District Energy Saint Paul Inc. and District Cooling Saint Paul Inc, a 34 private non-profit Corporation; Comcast, a Pennsylvania Corporation; and Saint Paul Regional Water 35 Services, a municipal corparation; and be it further 36 o - 7 - 77.5` 3042515 37 RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and 38 directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder; that the City 39 Clerk shall maintain on file a copy of the Certificate of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolution. 40 Return copy ta (CI� PW/Technical Services — Maps & Records 1000 City Hall Annex 3042515 43 44 RESOLVED, that the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall pay $300.00 as an administrative 45 fee for this release of easements which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this 46 resolution. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 7 3 Requested by the Department of: L Council File # Green Sheet # O 7' Director Adopted by Council: Date Adoptioi�,Eebtified y C u BY, r , � J�I Form �proved by City Attorney 0 -� By: (7�/`-�- 71� - �i�P�.�"✓ BY= 74 Approved a r for Submission to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0 7 � Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: PW -�b,;�W� , oZ_,,�GO, Green Sheet NO: 3042515 � � Confact Person 8 Phone: ' • Corrine Karsten � � 266-6156 '. '� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dafe): ' 22-AUG-07 '� �, Doa Type: RESOLUTION E-Documerrt Required: N Document ContaM: �� Number For Routing i Order ContaM Phone: � Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signa[ure) 0 Public Works Paul Kura '� 1 PoblicWorks � DenartmentDirector 2 CiryAttornev � 3 Mavor•s Oifice ' Mavor7Assistaut � 4 Council 5 'CitQ Cleck � CitV Clerk AGENDA. Authorization to release easements on Macales[er College softball field site. � � � ���� � U 4 ���� N Kecomme�wanons: Hpprove �v.) or K Planning Commission " CIBCommittee Civil Service Commission Personal 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this pereonifirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The release was requested to install a new softball field. Advantages If Approved: Macalester can proceed with plans for the new field. `4 Disadvantages H Approved: None foreseen. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Macalester would be inconvenienced by having a field installed over exisdng easements. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (6cplain) A�iG 3. 5 20Q�: August 2, 2007 11:49 AM CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activiry Number: n�� ,�, �g , V Page 1 ss SUNDE 1 LaNnsvxv�nvc ' w.ww.sunae.com Moin Office: I 900� Eut &oomngtm Free.ay (}SW) Suite 118 Bloomington, Minneuta 55420-3635 952-081-2455 (Fax 952-888-9526) Narth Office: � 6rooklyn Pork, Minn. ]63-784-9346 � X ;;;;�;; �:;;��� �::r�;,� . � � � ire�� �� � . ��� .�i�rii i iv.�v v. ; � � �; . �.. PfYY�ETON�AVE ; ;- �—�� I �CE.K.0. — ' � s R11iQR5 SiJ i : ••. �'�'+ � `� Q OF PRWfEiCN ^ I � ^�nVE 6�i � �•. y�t I � J `4 _ I �T � p �\ I ` � � �� � ,•l F� 1 �' � A I , ..- ., � ;� `l �) i�C r�' c c �e � , - .� 0 100 200 SCALE {IV FEET I hereby certify that this skelch, plon, or report was preporetl by me or untler my tlirect supervision on0 that I am o duly Licensed Land Surveyor untler Ihe Iaws of t�e State of Minnesota. Dated this 26th day of June, 2007 I SIiNDE LAND SURVEYING, LLC, i BY-<L.dA.� _______ I Scott J75oukup, P. . . Minn. Lic. No. 1725 � ii � � �1` � Ry .� �: ��_ ` `C i,, � i __ o�a V I n�i�-OiV �g � tiiGi� � L% _ z° l ,!'T; -- .. �OZ� I ao ��,✓ L _��_ is 30 ' ao — i�c.. �______�T�___��_�__ V /. (F.K.A REgRVE AVE.J �� �7 r � � � PROPO D D RIPTION FOR R ASF OF WAT R ANITARY W R AND TOR6' W R F_ASEMENTS IN VA AT D A� Y AII of the aliey (now vocated antl known os Campus Way) as tletlicateC in Block 8 of Mocalester Pork, octortling to the remrded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, pROPO D D �rRIPTION FOR R i FecF OF A i TI iTY EA M NTS IN VA AT D STR T RIGHT OF WAY Thot part of Macoleste� Street which lies north of SL Cloir Avenue (formerly known as Reserve Avenue) ontl south of vaCOtetl Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rut9ers Street). And Those ports of Lats I antl 2, Block 8, Mocalester Pork, occording to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey Coonty, Minnesoto, which lie noRheastedy ot o tine located 30 feet sauthwesterly of ontl porallel with a line describetl as beginning at a point on the centerline ot vacatetl Macalester Street tlistant 172.00 feet south of the centerline of said vocotetl Princeton Aven�e; thence northwes[erly o tlisto�ce of 30.10 feet along o curve concave to the southwest, to�gent with the saitl centeriine"of vacatetl Macalester Street ot said point of beginning, hoving o �atlius of 75.00 feet antl a central ongle of 23 deg�ees 00 minutes 00 secands: thence northwesterly a distonce of 147.83 feet along n compauntl curve cancnve to the southwest hoving a radius of 385.00 feet a�d a centrol ongle of 22 tlegrees 00 minutes 00 second5: thence nor[hwesterly a dstance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest hoving a rodius of 70.89 feet and o centrai on91e of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 secontls antl said Iine there terminating. zi-oas r.za, R.u. s.oa 9�046031P01_VAC.OwG OJF Exh; b� �- A V?��/� ��-��5 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COITNCIL OF "I'HE In the Matter of: CITY OF 5AINT PAIJL Vacation File # 07-C-07 Bl The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clair Avenue (formerly known as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Street). And those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lie northeasterly of a line located 30 feet southwesterly of and pcmallel with a Zine described as beginning at a point on the centerZine of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the centerizne of said vacated Princeton Avenue; thence northwesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street at said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southrvest having a radius of 385A0 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve conccrve to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said line there terminating. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNESOTA � UNTY OF Coinps_ne i Dopa�Rne � t % l-r �9 a SZ�. ,���l�/ �u�i �; e�dv�! Its: /f / /�- � l�eUa l� C�ei:i7eP✓� G �� .S1gT12.tlll'C The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this i� day of �r . 20 f? � C. � n n 1 I i s� �� / � of�N�`� � A�� a l �, � 1�mw�F�TQinn�eaterr.v�. BARBARA J. KOLSTAD NotaryPublic CYA��0. � T� NOTApYPUBUC-qpWE$OTA (�� - 11rGanwuxEmmbn.9�.i0iC Mycommissionexpires Y'�/,(/121.(� �l� �� �� � � . RETiJRN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4"' S�, ST, 5T. PAiTL NIN 55102 D�-��S CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE TI� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TE� COLTNCIL OF THE In the Matter of: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 07-C-07 (Al The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All of the aZley (now vacated and known as Campus Way) as dedicated in Block 8 of Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. except as here noted: Cumpany ( `Jepncnncat . �- Puhl,�� �ts: �;�f'L ��:�neer!� STATE OF MINNESOTA � C UNT The foregoing i�sWmen[ � ���e ' ac(mowledged before me this /� day of �-wetw . 20� i � � of—L�i 9=-�/ � C/Y T�.�-c-c-� a `�--(-kJYLFl1 ��� T� under the ]aws of the State of Minnesota. . � BARBARA J. KOISTAD • Notary Public�tK���`_E�>� -� t10TANY P11BUC•MINNESOTq My commission expires � f �`% �� WCamnwxEm�a.un 1t.iME ED COPY TO 1000 CITY HAL ANN�X, 25 W. 4'" St., ST, ST. PAiTL M1V 55102 ��-��� CERTtFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAXOR AND MEMBBRS OF THE COLJNCIL OF THE In the Matter of: CTTY OF SAINT PAiJL Vacation File # 07-C-07 (B) The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Macalester Street which lies nonh of St. Clair Avenue (formerly known as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Street). And those pans of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lie nonheasterly of a line located 30 feet southwesterly of and parallel with a line described as beginning at a point on the centerline of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the centerline of said vaeated Prireceton Avenue; thence northwesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street aZ said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterty a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said line there terminating. except as here noted: � ..:���., - , „r=:: �-� � w�s r �of Its: Manager Design Engineer STATE OF MINNESOTA ti.`i'��+;; �rar� /2 Theforegoing 0 « a �� Signature � � en[ was aclmowledged before me [Uis I�� day of ��-�- TY . 20 C�7 , , _ __ � � of C,X u7� S� l�c � Pa,�ft a �J a �or� �L� ����'� 2,/t ��,J under the laws of the State of Minnesota. . "'_ �- LWDAA.JUELICH No�r�e�; ^ � � -�.�� �.. �i � � t NotaryPublio-Minnesota ���U ��, �� � My Commissipn Expires Jan 3 7, 2 My commission expires RETiJRN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4` St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 ■ r� �ul. 31. 2001 9:03AM Rep{y to Easerr�ent Release tnquiry Ff�� # o�-c-o��s} ro: Corrine Karsten Fmcq We have no obiections to this utility easeaiecntyelease No.0967 P. 1 D7-7�S BI�OMQ�I '�''T �is �� X��L E��'�6Y 266-8855 FBX� C�t2. 5'73-�-v3� Wa will apnrove t]us utility easement zelease, subject to fhe foAowut� conditions: For the followin� reasons, we cannof approve this utitify easen�ent relesse: � �/ � , TIilS FO.AM1'S TO RELEASE' UTI ONZY• That pmt of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clafr �tvenue (formeriy known ps Resen,e Avenue) msd soarth of vaccrted Princeton Avem�s (formerly knmm ar Rutg�rs S�eet). .4nd those pm7s of Lots 1 and 2, $lock 8, MucaTester ParJ� at�cording to the recorded ptat thereof, Rmnaey Coraity,lK'tnnesora, which !ie northeasterly of a line located 30 feet southwesterly of mad pcs�allel with a line described ar begirrning ai a point on the cerrterline o,j vaceted Macalester Street drstmet I7Z.00 feet sorrth of the centerIine of scr�d vacaded PrincePon Avenus; thence rtortltwesterly a disttarce of 30.10 fcet along a csov� coruave to the southwest, taregent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester �Streei at said point of begWmin& having o radtus of 73.00 feet mrd a cenbat angte of 23 degrees 0� mimttes DD secondr; thence northw�,cterly o dist�tce of 747.83 feet along a compor�nd c:vve co»cave eo tke so�hwest having a radius of 385.00 feet msd a central angle of 3d degrees 00 mimrtes 00 seconds; thence northwestarly 4 distance of 55.74feet along a compound cwve concave tv the soutlnvest luxving cr rodrus af' y0.89 feet [ard a cenirnl migle of 45 degrees Q3 minutes 00 seconds andsaid►tne there ferminatin� /,/ � �' .�i:1�i,:�.,.�/J �.-. �� � JU1:Y.2L�D7 1?3Ee ��-���- CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of: Vacation File # 07-C-07 (B) The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departrnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clair Avenue (formerly known as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Street). And those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which Zie northeasterly of a Zine Zocated 30 feet southtvesterly of and purallel with a line described as beginning at a point on the centerline of vacated Macalester Street distcant 172.00 feet south of the center7ine of said vacated Princeton Avenue; thence nortlawesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve concave to the southrvest, taregent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street aZ said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a cenn^al angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterty a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southrvest having u radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, thence northwesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound cui^ve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes DO seconds and said line there terminating. except as here noted: . .lESSICR lEStIE WINKLER NoYary Public Minnesoto Comm. ExWres Jon 37, 2011 STATE OF MiNNiSOTA � COUNTY OF Ramsev C�sn�aav / D�; No rthern States Power d/b/a Xcel Energy-Gas Division Its: Gas Engineer S� ature /'h �- The foregoing instrumen[ was aclmowledged before me th�s �� day of � 4 �y . 2007 By J�nes Zakerski of Northem States Power d/b/aXce] Enerev-Gas Division a Public Ufili under the laws of Ute State oFMinneso[a. . � NotaryPublic a Mycommiss3onexp'ves J� ���� RETURN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY �IALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4 St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 ■ JUL 09 2007 09�50 FR VERIZON BUSINESS ._._.....�._.�,_`� ���a M� NB�SYOI'�i .SCR7CC8� 111C. �7�09/2�0� CTI'Y OF SAIl�1'f PAIIL Corrine Karsten 1000 Cily HaA Anne: Saint Pau1, MN 55102 972 729 6240 TO 916512668855 P.01i01 p� �S ��;��, �� Dept 42864I.oc 107 24f10 NatW Qlmw'lle Ric�deon,lX 95082 RE: FII.E NO. 07-C-07(B) — EASEMENT VACATiON REQUEST — MACALESTER STREET BETWEEN PTtiNCETON AVE. AND ST. CLAIR AVENUE — Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MCT TD: 3901-2007 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been notiSed by your office regardi»g the above refereoced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCI does not have facilities witlrin yow project area. Xou should address conespondence concemiag any future projects to the attentioa of OSP Nationa{ Supporrllnveatigation� at the above address. If you need fiuther assistance with this project, please do aot hesitate to call. Sincere]Y, i��-��- bean Boyers OSP National Support / Iuvestigatioas (972) 724-60i6 F�aement No Faciliries.doc C'o,��/ �cA.X �S/-z� ** TOTAL PRGE.01 � a� ��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLB MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COLTNCIL OF THS In the Matter of: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 07-G07 Bl The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparhnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its urility rights in the realty described below: That part of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clair Avenue (formerZy known as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Street). And those parts ofLots 1 and 2, BZock 8, Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lie northeasterly of a Zine located 30 feet southwesterly of and paraZlel with a Zine described as beginning at a point on the centerline of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the centerline of said vacated Princeton Avenue; thence northwesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street at said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 12 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; fhence northwesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said line there terminating. except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC. AND DISTRICT COOLING ST EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED VACATION. STATE OF MIIVNESOTA • � � .�. � � PAUL, INC., HAVE NO �2�� � cu1gT13t11_*� The foregoing instrument was acimowledged before me ihi �� day of .� � . 20_Q� BY �t1�S =. ll��-t�ailC-o.�_ Uv�GS��-+� of � , �U �r� wa /�Slr�c�t C..00I�hv a �Y_�_ i�� 1lSY� CoNA6✓'�cb'IS under the laws of the Siate of MinnesoW. . `ST' �0."-e NotaryP�blic ` �e�u �� o�cD'�— TRUDY L. SHERWO� My commission erzpires �1� aZ O( O NOTARY WBLIC-M6JI�ES�OTA RET ��#����1 TO 1000 CTTY HALL ANN�X, 25 W. 4 St., ST, ST. PAUL Its: �r�s ; d�-,�� 0�7 ��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF T'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter o£ Vacation File # 07-C-07 Bl The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That part of Macalester Street which lies north of St. Clair Avenue (formerly krxown as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Stveet). And those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, MacaZester Park, according to the recorded pZat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which Zie northeasterZy of a Zine Zocated 30 feet southwesterly of and parallel with a Zine described as beginning at a point on the centerZine of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the centerline of said vacated Princeton Avenue; thence northwesterly a distance of 30.10 feet along a curve concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Slreet at said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a centr°al angle of 23 degrees DO minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees DO minutes 00 seconds; thence nortlnvesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said Zine there terminating. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Ramsey � SS Comcast Iu Conshuction Manaeer �a�� ignature The foregoing inslrument was aclmowledged before me this 11'" day of Julv 2007 by Duane Car15on the Construction Manaeer of Comcast a Perms Coro under the laws of the State of Minnesota . '-- - ��Mrre SCOTT CHARLES RUPPERT Notary Public Notary Public Mycommissionexpires Januar�l 2008 Minnesota My Commissian E�ires January 31, 2W8 ONCE SIGNED RE'I`URN THIS ORIGINAL COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX ST PAUL 55102 v �-���- CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF'TI� COUNCII. OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of: Vacation File # 07-G07 (A) The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: All of the alley (now vacated and known as Campus Way) as dedicated in Block 8 of Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. except as here noted: STATE OF MIIVNESOTA COUNTYOF RAMSEY �� , �.. ,.�.. _ . Saint Paul Re�ional Water Services Its� Chief Engineer l /.� �� Signature � The foregomg insWmeut was acknowledged before me this 12th day 20 �� g David J. Schuler, Chief En¢ineer of Saint Paul Regional Water 50iV1C24 a mnnioinal rnr�yatinn unde �${�oj�ipn��DGREN \ � F NOTARY PUBLIG • MINNESOTA c� 1� `� � MYCOMMISSION NotaryPubli T' EXPIRES JAN. 31, 207 0 � ���� ����� My commission expaes__/ U O RETURN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CTTY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4`" St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 07-��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL E�t,.,.E:.,-. �,�, �:� .... Saint Paul Regional Water Services The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That pan of Macalester Street which lies nonh of St. Clair Avenue (formerly known as Reserve Avenue) and south of vacated Princeton Avenue (formerly known as Rutgers Street). And those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Macalester Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lie northeasterly of a line located 30feet southwesterly of and parallel with a line described as beginning at a point on the centerline of vacated Macalester Street distant 172.00 feet south of the centerline of said vacated Princeton Avenue; thence northwesterly a distance of 3010 feet along a curve concave to the southwest, tangent with the said centerline of vacated Macalester Street at said point of beginning, having a radius of 75.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 147.83 feet along a compound curve concave to ihe sotcthwest having a radius of 385.00 feet and a central angle of 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds; thence northwesterly a distance of 55.74 feet along a compound curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 70.89 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds and said line there terminating. except as here noted: STATE OF MIIVNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY J Its. In the Matter of: Vacation File # 07-G07 B) Chief Engineer e° � �� !' � Signature The foregoing instrumeu[ was acknowledged before me this 12th day of Jply , Zp �� BY David J. Schuler, Chief Engineer underthe J T M LSNDGREN �•.�rc.�.$�IC�MINNESOTA � � ?ulYC:ihliMISS10N NotaryPubtic Y EX'r!RES .IAN- 31, 201 0 (�� My comaussi n expires �f��� 3 � �d/d RETiIRN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4`" St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102