07-772Council File # �.�
Green Sheet # J� U T �
� snn�rT rnui„ NmvNESOTn � �
Presented By:
Refened To: Committee:Date:
1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pollce Departrnent will purchase radio equipment at a cost of $37,997.00
2 and complimentary radio supplies at a cost of $3,503.00 to be used by the Saint Paul Police
3 Deparhnent Narcotics Unit and in its joint efforts with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration; and
5 WHEREAS, new equipment is needed by the Narcotics Unit to compliment the 800 Mhz frequencies
6 being switched to by the Saint Paul Police Department; and
8 WHEREAS, this equipment is necessary for effective communication for the investigative functions
9 of the Saint Paul Police Department Nazcotics Unit; and
11 WFIEREAS, drug forfeiture funds aze being dist[ibuted to the Saint Paul Police DepaRment for the
12 Narcotics Unit involvement in the investigation of drug crimes; and
14 WHEREAS, a 2007 financing plan and spending plan needs to be established for this expenditure; and
16 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, does
17 certify that there aze available for appropriation of funds of $41,500.00 in excess of those estimated in the
18 2007 budget; and
20 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2007 budget:
22 436-Police Special Projects
24 34120-Special Inves[igations Activiry
25 6904-Confiscated Money 225,000.00 41.500.00 266,500.00
26 Tobl Changes Financing 41,500.00
29 34120-Special Investigations Activity
30 0359-Other-Special Material & Supplies 0.00 41 500.00 41,500.00
30 Total Changes to Spending 41,500.00
32 THEREFORE SE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the changes to the 2007
33 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Ap ov M or for Submission n to Cuuncil:
B /�n ��ti;��(� �
H:lBUtlget 2008Wu1y 2007 Councii ResoluGOn for NarCObcs
Form d by City Attorney:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PD - PdiceDeparunent
� CoMact Person & Phone:
Asst Chief Matt BoStrom
E-DocumeM Requiretl: Y
Document CoMaet: Evette Scarver
Contact Phone: 266-5588
OCrAUG-07 I Green Sheet NO: 3042620
� i ueoannrena aem �orerwn mmautra[e
0 PdiceDeoa�ent PoliceDeoaz�eot
Assign �i 1 �otice Depar�ent I PWice Depaz[metn �
Number ' 2 �Fanancial Services Director. FSoancial Servie 1/�GJ S i
For i --���---�-
Rou[ing I 3 `ty Atiorney ; Ciry Atmrnev i
��� � 'd�Iayor's 06ce I Mavoc i
5 c�7 City Council
6 ' Clerk Ci Clerk
7 diceDepar�ent PoliceDepar�eot
Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locffiions for Signature)
Signa[ures on the attached council resolution establishing a 2007 fmancing and spending plan for the purchase of 800 MH2 radios
and accessories for the Saint Paul Police Departrnent Nazcotics u�it.
ioanons: Hpprove �a� or n
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfrtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
1'he Saint Paul Police Department is migrating to the sole use of 800 MHz radios. In doing so, all of the departrnent's specialized
radio systems will become obsolete. By purchasing these radios, the Nazcotics unit will have 800 MHz radios for their specialized
duties and details.
AdvanWges If Approvetl: �
� The Saint Paul Police Department Nazcoflces unit will possess 800 MHz specialized raidos without additional expense to the Saint
; Paul Police Depaztrnent budget.
Disativantages B Approved:
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The Saint Paul Police Departinent wIll have to purchase specialized 800 MH2, radios out of existing budget funds.
Trensaction: $41,500
Fund�ng source: Federal Forfeiture - Revenue
Financial Information:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number: 34120
August 6, 2007 3:58 PM Page 1