07-767Council File # (� � — �/a� Green Sheet # 3042910 RESOLUTION CIT`E OF Presented by PAUL, MINNESOTA /o� 2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF STATE PLANNING 3 GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $400,000 TO BE USED FOR PRE- 4 DESIGN AND DESIGN WORK TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE ASIAN 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PACIFIC CULTURAL CENTER 1N CONNECTION WITH RENOVATION OF A PORTION OF THE HAMM'S SITE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MINNEHAHA, DAYTON'S BLUFF DISTRICT 4 WHEREAS, HRA on June 25, 2003 by Resolution 03-06/25-3 authorized acquisition of the Hamm Brewery site (also known as Stroh's), totaling 8.79 acres with approximately 3.3 acres identified as Swede Hollow Park that had already been improved as pazkland; and WHEREAS, an ad hoc advisory group of representative of community organizations, appointed by the Mayor and Commissioner Lantry, worked with the Hamm project team to determine the most comprehensive and feasible development potential for the site and neighborhood; and 17 WHEREAS, HRA accepted the The Hamm Brewery Reuse Study and Vision Plan final report, dated July, 18 2004, from the Hamm Ad Hoc Advisory Group and Hamm project team at the Board meeting of 19 September 22, 2004; and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, the Asian Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) submitted a preliminary concept plan for development consideration covering buildings #2, 18, 23, 24 and 25 and was designated tentative development on January 24, 2006 and continues to work on the plan; and WHEREAS, on March 22, 2006 the City Council approved support for APCC for bonding request to the State for planning and designing a new Cultural Center and was awarded $400,000 in 2006 to undertake this activity; and NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, as 30 follows: 31 1. That the State Planning Grant of $400,000 is hereby accepted to be used towards the Asian 32 Pacific Cultural Center pre-design and design work. 33 2. That, of the $800,000 identified and set-aside for the Hamm's Site under CDBG which is 34 sufficient to cover the $400,000 match requirement for the State Grant Funds and is hereby identified far 35 such match. o�-��� 36 3. That the City Council of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2007 budget. 37 FINANCING PLAN Current BudEet ChanQes Amended Budoet 38 State Planning Grant, APCC 39 101-36303-3490-61716 0 400,000 400,000 40 SPENDING PLAN Current Budeet Chan�es Amended Bud¢et 41 Asian Pacific Cultural Center 42 101-36303-0547-61716 0 400,000 400,000 Benanav Bostrom Harris Thune Adopted by CounciL• Date Adoption C ' ied by BY _ _ 1 _ /1 �1�-C_ � Requested by Department of:Planning and Economic Approved by he O� e of inancial rvices � Rv Form A oved by N4 or for S b issio to Council BY� — ��� � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet � �7 pE — Planni� & Economic Developmen[ Contact Person & Phone: Sheri Pemberton-Hoiby 266-66IS Must 8e on 22-AUG-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-DOCUment Required: N Document Contact: • Contact Phone: 74AUG-07 y Assign Number For Routing Order Tota� # of Signafure Pages _(Ciip All tocations for SignaYUre) Green Sheet NO: 3042910 0 lanniv & Ec000mic Develo me PED Accopn�n 1 lannin & Ec000mic Develo me De artment Direc[or 2 inaocialServices fficeFinancialServicu 3 'tv Attorne 4 a or's Office Ma or/Awistant 5 ouncil GS Conncil 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk 7 taunin & Economic Develo me Sheri Pemberton-Hoib Adopt the resolution accepting grant from State of Minnesota for State Planning grant for Asian Pacific Cultural Center for the Hamm's Site, iaanons Hpprove �N� or ne�ecc �rc�: rersonai �emce contrac�s musi answer me rouowmg �tuesaons: Planning Commission 1, Has ihis personlfirm ever worked under a contred for this depa�ment? CIB Committee Yes No Givil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry empioyee? Yes Na 3. Does this pereon/firm possess a skill not nortnaily possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain alf yes answers on separate sheet and attacfi to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City was awarded a$400,000 planning grant for the Asian Pacific Culhual Center. Advantages If App�oved: Predesign will proceed. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages !f Not Approved: Design grant will not be available. Transaction: Funtling Source: S22 feS011lil4[1 Financial Information: Total Amott[it $400,000 (expiain) Resolution amends the budgei. CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. � ����� � g �, j �l�'� August 14, 2007 7:24 AM Page 1 C� 7-7� 7 CITY COUNCII OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA REPORT TO THE CITY COUNGIL DATE: August 22, 2007 REGARDING: Authorization to Accept State Planning Grant in the Amount of $400,000 to be used for Pre-Design and Design Work to be undertaken by the Asian Pacific Cultural Center in connection with Renovation of a portion of the Hamm's Site on the south side of Minnehaha, Dayton's Bluff District 4 Background The HRA acquired almost 9 acres of the former Hamm's Brewery, with 17 buildings, in August of 2003. It authorized and accepted a reuse study in September of 2004. The City approved support for a$40D,000 State Bonding request for the Asian Pacific Cultural Center, which was subsequently approved. HRA approved tentative developer status for APCC for a tweive (12) month period on January 24, 2007 to allow more in-depth study on the feasibility of the APCC proposal for the site. Budget Action The State award of $400,000 requires that the total match be set aside at the time of execution of the Grant Agreement between the City and State. APCC and the State acknowledge that the budget is divided down into two phases, pre-design ($160,607) and design ($935,154). APCC and the State are aware that the design phase would not proceed until State bonding is authorized for the project (to be consider in 2008 bonding session). Even with this understanding, the State is requiring that a match be set aside for the entire amount. APCC has raised funds for the pre-design work from foundations (General Milis, Travelers, St. Paul Foundation, Bigelow, etc.). The foundations only release their grant funds based on costs incurred and the State matching funds. HRA and the City had set aside $800,000 in CDBG funds to address environmental, demolition, planning and property management issues on the Hamm's site. APCC is requesting that $400,000 of these funds be set aside in order to use the State Grant. However, these funds will not be drawn down on. At the time of disbursements against the pre-design work, APCC will pay for'/z of costs to be matched by the State funds. The set-aside wiil then reduced by that amount and those funds will go back into the CDBG Hamm's account. Financing Structure The City/HRA will enter into a Grant Agreement with the State of Minnesota accepting the $400,000 planning grant. Disbursements will be made on a 50-50 match between State Funds and APCC funds. APCC will be the entity entering into the contract with the architectural firm and the responsible party for payment which will be fully detailed in the Agreement between APCC and HRAlCity. 0 7-7� 7 Compliance APCC has been made fully aware of afl the City's compliance requirements and has signed the acknowledging receipt of the informational packet, as part of the terms and conditions of the tentative developer designation. The packet included A�rmative Action, Vendor Outreach, Apprenticeship Program, Davis Bacon, Living Wage, Business Subsidy and HRA's Green Initiative. Public Purpose • Enhance economic impact on the community. • Create development that connects, rather than divides, the community. • Stimufate private investment and reinvestment in this underutilized section of the City. • Protect and build on the City's major investment in the area. Attachments: City Councii Resolution Prepared by: Sheri Pemberton-Hoiby PED Project Manager 266-6615 z