07-746Council File # �7'7yL Resolurion # 3041996 RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PA1JL�l� Crreen Sheet # � Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Referred To Committee: Date WIIEREAS, er 293 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code was enacted to regulate the noise in the City of Saint Paul; and �q WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound levellimitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full compliance with Chapter 293 wouid constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons or on the community; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, represented by Mary McColl, V.P. of Operations, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied far a variance to present live music at Mears Park, 220 6 St. E.; and WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 12:00 (noon) to 10:00 p.m., on September 6, 7, and 8, 2007; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present live music at Mears Park, 220 6` St. E.; and W�IEREAS, the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections has reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 12:00 (noon)to 10:00 pm., on September 6, 7, and 8, 2007. 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 90 dBA, as measured at 50 feet from the source. 3) The applicant shall provide personnel and equipment who shall provide continuous sound level monitoring at all stages and each sound mix during the hours of the variance. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d? sl -��rsar«y��ns�oao� Contact Person 8 Phone: Mark Kaisetsait 266-9147 � Must Be on Counci n 'IS-AUG-07 ���� Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E•Document Required: N Document ConUCt: Contact Pfione: � Assign Number For Routing Orc1er Green Sheet NO: 3041996 0 LofSafe & 'oas 1 ot of SafeN & InsoecROns I Deoarlment Director �� 2 'ty Attoruey 3 ava�'s Office i Mavor/ASSistant ' 4 �Caund I 5 'ry Clerk Cl'N Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of a resolution granring The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, represented by Mary McColl, V.P, of Operations, an exemption from the sound level limitarions in Chapter 293.09, in order to present live music, wittt lunitations, from 12:00 (noon) to 10:00 P.M. on September 6, 7, and 8, 2007, at Meazs Pazk, 220 6th St. E. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has ihis personlfirtn ever worked under a wntract for this department? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and aNach to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): ' Chapter 293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitarions coniained in Chapter 203.09. ', Advantages If Approved: ��, Applicant may present live music. Disadvantages If Appravetl: Neighbors within eazshot of the noise source will be subjected to music. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Appticant may not present live music. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explafn) AMivity Number: t+, � x ' '�..��i3ar�1 ��I� � $P GUU( CosURevenue 8udgeted: July 19, 2007 10:49 AM Page 1 r � � ���ll/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLristapherB. Colemm�, M¢yor DEPARTMENi OF SAFEI'Y AND INSPECTTONS Bob Kustes, Director corm�csauir.n�vc 8FmvthStreetE, Srute 200 ��Pau{ Miimuota5570I-1024 AppIication for Sound Levei Variance City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legistative Code 1. Organization or person seeking 2. Address:,� s�. �Q,.{,.�� 3. Responsible person: 4. Title or posirion: 1�' ,� 5. Telenhnne- /f ,<' 1 � � C�n 6. Briefly describe the noise source and equipment � w 11'. . 1 r_ H_ . <, � ' Telephone: 6511669090 Facsvtile: 65I-26C 9724 P/eb: ww�v.szyvuLgov/dsi 1 �'^-) Q���� �� ; ���� �� � 7. Address or legal description of noise source: 8. Noise source time of operation: Sc��'Cr� ber G r ' —� 9. Briefly describe the steps that will be taken to minimize ihe noise 10. Briefly state reason for seeking va� e^tiv i ` 'vr,' . 11. Dates du ing which the vaziance is Signature of res�onsible person: Return compieted Application and $150.00 fee to: CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND IlRT5PECTIONS 8 FOIJRTH STREET E., SUIT'E 200 SAINT PAZ1L, M1V 55101-1024 (651) 266-9090 AA-ADA-EEO Employer ,cL� z,2a brh :ltl: �. � �°'--�—I?"7 w+`�r levels: vcr w� ,'� 6(� -i,o .t�(.�,,� � d�t_,,. c3tvw .��.J iti ' a� �1.eo J. � l�e.� d. �., L.. , .. - �'� - f�,,Z� d'�- Date: Office Use Only Date Rec'd. Reviewed Date Public Notice Sent Referred to Council DSI RECEIPT Date: 07/13/2007 Received Prom: THE SAINT PAUL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA SOCIETY 40S ST PETER ST ST PAUL MN 55102-0008 Description: Invoice Detaiis 523755 Noise Variance TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: Paid By: - ayment iype Check # Received Date Amount heck 58426 07/13/2007 $150.00 _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Department of Safety antllnspecdons e Founn sv�� ean, s�rta zoo Samt Paul, Minnesota 551o1402a (65t)2669C90Fac (651)2669t24 www.stpaul.gov/dsi Invoice Amount $150.00 v�-7� � Amount Paid $150.00 $150.00 o��m � ..f +