07-744Council File #�� GreenSheet# 3041743 RESOLUTION Presented by C OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RECOGNIZING COMMUNITY GARDENING DAY IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 2 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is home to over 50 community gazdens; and, 3 WHEREAS, Community gardens beautify our neighborhoods, sh'engthen block clubs, and enhance community crime prevention 4 efforts; and, 5 WHEREAS, Community gazdens provide cross-cultura] and intergenerational opportunities for people to come together in creative 6 and artistic ways; and, � WHEREAS, Community gazdens exist in every ward of the CiTy of Saint Paul, crisscrossing our ciry from Totem Town CommuniTy 8 Gazden in Battle Creek to ComerCopia Organic Student Farm, and from Adam Spanish Immersion School CommuniTy Garden to the 9 Phalen Poetry Park on the East Side; and, 10 WHEREAS, Community gardens reduce the urban heat island effect and filter rainwater, helping to keep our rivers, lakes, and 11 groundwater clean; and, 12 WHEREAS, Community gazdens provide access to nutritionally rich and culturally specific foods that may otherwise be unavailable 13 to inner-ciTy residents; and, 14 WHEREAS, Community gardens provide horticultural therapy and exercise, helping to draw people out of their homes and get active; 15 and, 16 WHEREAS, Community gardens educate neighbors about land stewardship, providing an informal classroom for children and adults 17 to leam skills cazing for the natural environment; and, 18 WHEREAS, the Parade of Community Gardens takes place in the Twin Cities Metro on August 18`", 2007, giving nei�bors a better 19 chance to la�ow about community gazdening; 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, ThaY the Saint Paul City Council commends the 1,500 Saint Paal residents who 21 participate in communiry gardens for their valuable contributions to our City; and, 22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that August 18`", 2007 shall be declazed as "CommuniTy Gardening Day° in the City of Saint Paul. Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ ✓ J Absent I Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary BY� � //�!I/.1�'c,C�Sc�r.� Approved by May . Date �'��d�r2�Q� BY ��� l�3'-ria� _ � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ������ co ��il ColHact Person & Phone: Council President Lantry 266-8670 Must Be on Council Agenda 75-AUG-07 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E•Document Required: Y Document Corttact; EIIen Biales 12-JUL-07 y Assign Number For Routing Order Contact Phone: 266-8671 I I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3041743 0 ComN I 1 Comcil f KathvLanhy I 2 !CStv Clerk i GSN Clerk 3 4 5 Community Gazdening Day in the City of Saint Paul. �aauons: iapprove �r�� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Protrlem, lssues, Opportunity�{Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: DisadVanWges If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information; (F�cplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: ' Activity Number: July 12, 2007 3:05 PM Page 1