07-743City of St. Paul RESOI,iTT20N APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF $EARING THEREON COUNCSL FILE N0. � � �y3 BY—� �. �ic�.. �3 _ File No. See Attached List Assessment No. See Attached List Voting Ward 1,2,3,4,7 Green Sheet No. ,3p/��J In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the Operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting Systems for the year 2007 for the following projects: 18321 18390 18423 18930 18992 18550 18590 18612 19000 18626 18778 18861 19�120P 188860P 189060P1 19036 Lowertown Area Ford-C1eveland Area Grand-West Area North Wabasha Area Qth/Minnesota Area Concord Phase I Area Wabasha/St. Peter Area University-Western-Mackubin Area W 7 to Munster Area Snelling-Randolph Area UnitedlChildren's Hospital Area Como-Snelling Area White BearlBeech-R2aney Area Hamline University Psea Downtown Acorn Area White SearlLarpenteur-Hoyt Area 18336 18392 18425 18434 18525 18588 18607 18634 Se1by-W2stern Area Grand-East I Area Grand-East SZ Area Smith Avenue Area Se1by Revitalization Area #1 Selby Revitalization Area #2 River Park Plaza Area E.7th/Payne-Minnehaha-Mendota Area City Hall-Court House Area Landmark Center Area DalelUniversity-Minnehaha-Hatch Area SuburbanJWhite Bear-Ruth Area Rice(Sycamore-Front Area Preliminary Order: Final Order: 18709 18859 188030P 19012 190270P approved approved ����F_ri -- -'�f b°°' i' �at� The assessments of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. o�-�y3 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 3 day of October, 2007, at the hour of Five thirty o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ha11 Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetinqs, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. : �.: .) ��� �� Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Bostrom ✓ Hams ,i Hel en ✓ Lant � Mont ome ,/ Thune ✓ � � Adopted by the Council: Date: ��s �/�� Certified Passed by the Council Secretary � BY �' � rr i "�� - �"�7lQix.o Y'�2/� o�-� Mayor �� FILE # ASMT # COUNCIL 18321 0070 2 18336 0071 � 1 � 18390 0072 3 � 18392 0073 � � 2�� � � �.5, , � -- '18�}23 �. . � 0�74 �. 3, q,.w,.. , � ..r ��t �_ u.�.�;� �, 18425 0075 1 i'+Y,i�".,<a.,�''r , x�"?., �:„''t`G'�a?,�i3fiy..... °_s".SE�':r��':::°� . 18430 0076 2 &. ,a^," n, r�E�. i�� �tr ivu, fi x 5#.^'�,a ��: ' � �,. 18434 0077 2 �:�e ixa"�..:a-�:�Mt�., .l�.Er��t�Ea t S�.L7s;�A. ,� 18525 OQ79 1 a � t�.x�..; .� fi 4�kr ��,$.;�i' 18550 010� 2 �r-.� x . , rr� � 18588 0103�� 1 €ur5i' v:+��S", .;�a. 18590 0104 2 18607 0101 2 .�:�t � 18612 0105 W 1 ,P',.t%?et. 18626 � �106 3 18634 0107 7 18709 0108 2 18778 p109 2 18859 0110 2 18861 Q111 4 18&�30P 0112 1,5 188860P 0113 4 189060P1 0116 2 18992 0117 2 19000 0118 3 z.., ��_ _ . ,���:s� ''�` 19012 0120 7 � 190210P 0121 6,7 190270P 0122 5 , ,: w 19036 0123 6 1 Grand-East II t�.. `.,-.t'±k�t£1','kt .��,�::.�;7;• _,i'3 North Wabasha ?�.�.` s'.' �i:d'"" : .,u"3r?n:�'. 5mith Avenue ..........:», ..:,x.'.:v..;.�siG`� Selby No. 1 Concord Phase ! Selby No. 2 Wabasha/St. Peter River Park Plaza Univ! W estern-Macku bin Univ rn Acorn OP COSTS SERVICE FEE $35,200.00 $2,525.38 $1,560.00 $104.62 $25,000.00 $1,690.95 $10,000.00 $783.02 $5,300.�0 ,. � .t;a���, � �' $8,500.00 �:�������.;. �� $3, 500.00 ".�ex.>. i.: �: :.�"'diu`�" $1,300.00 �� $2,�00.00 .! #*i'.*�;.C.tT....c'�.it $850.00 $1,500.00 $20,652.00 $5,190.00 $�,�o.oa $1,000.0� $5,150.00 $1,200.00 $1,850.00 $2,848.00 $10,000.00 $500.00 $5,100.00 �.� �� i� �� $440.31 ;��a. $248.38 � $115.58 � $166.86 $80.42 u $89.80 $363.30 $70.96 $82.32 $84.00 $149.71 $199.36 15 $361.74 $427.12 $223.69 1.831.32 COST $37,725.38 $26,690.95 $10,783.02 -�— $5,73927 ���� $8,940.31 �.�� $3,748.38 " .. �`9 $1,415.5& $2,166.86 $930.42 $1,589.80 $22,054,31 $5,553.30 $1,61 �.96 $5,478.67 $1,284.00 $1,999.71 $3,�47,36 74 12 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet lO�b3�o7 DepartmenUofficefcouncil: Date InRiated: Pw -�b�;=Wo�� 02 Green Sheet NO: 3042511 Contact Person 8, phone: Oeoartment SentTO Person Juan Ortiz � Q� y 0 Public Works Suan Ortiz ✓ 266-8864 —� Assign 1 Conacil MarvEricksoa Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 Citv Clerk Shari bioore ' ', 22-AUG07 � For � '� Routing I Doc. Type: OTHER (DOESN'T FIT ANY C� Order �� � E-Document Required: Y . Document Contact: John Saumweber i ContaM Phone: 266-8851 0�-7�3 � ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Set date of public hearing to ratify the 2007 operation costs for the Above Standard Street Lighring Systems as listed on the attached resolutions. or Answer Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever woriced under a contract for this depariment? CIB Cqmmittee I, Yes No Civil Service Commission I; 2. Has this persoNflrm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this ersoNfirm ossess a skilf not normall p p y possessed by any current city emplayee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ratification is necessary in order to begin collec[ing the operation costs. Advantages If Approvetl: Same as above. Disadvant�qes If Approved: Benefitted property owners will have operation costs payable via property taxes. DisadVantages If Not Approved: To no[ assess the benefits would be inconsistent with Ciry policy. � ea�nauuio� 7rensaction: $181,976.32 Funding Source: ASSESSfI7Bf1tS Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: .. r �..: �. .' • ' ° _ �� �.� { t .i� �.: August 2, 2007 10:30 AM Page 1