D001640CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: 1�Z�� /�0 5td Date: / !�/— �s #: 26073 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department ot Public Wnrkc to amend the 19 98 budget of the Ri�ht of Way fund, the Director of the DepaMierrt of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Currem Amended � Chan9e � 235 - 32001 - 0299 Other-Misc. Services 235 - 32001 - 0567 Transfer to Intemal Servite Fund Totals $0.00 $41,453.00 $41,453.00 $41,453.�0 ($41,453.00) $0.0� $41,453.00 $0.00 $41,453.00 Grand Total Adjust the budgets of various Public Works und. • ���"e'`� ��`��'��''���' Preparetl by AcGVity Menager - Requestetl by.0eparlment Director $41,453.00 $0.00 $41,453.00 MPrw'ea�� � � -� i /'� \ 1-' �--�`� Dd�e Works COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAit� I . i�ri�9s_ ASSIC.t! NUABFR WR 40U71NG — OfiUEft 1.�a1S �/'�5'� GREEN SHEET , H �, 26(}"/3 .. ..r�e ,:;., � �.. ,.. �.. .. . , „ :, , .. _, m �.,�,. .. ..,_ .. _� -. . . DEPAflTMENTDIRECfOfl CRYCOUNCIL o ��� a CRYATfORNEY 4 CRYCLQiK ❑ FINANCW.SERVICESDIR�� FlNANCIALSEFiV/ACCTG D MAVOR(Ofl ASSISTAN7) � ❑ a �;�' � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �x,: . f!k: ' _ ' '"' : _ .. , -_ � "se�+ :ACTION HE�UESTm �. . - . � . ". . , . �> =Approve the budget revision of the Right Of Way Fund 235. Revise the fund's budget from �`� �Transfers Out to Miscellaneous Services. ,�, : `s� FiEWMMEPWATiONS:APProve(A)wRaject(F� ��� �'' ' PUVJNING CAMMI$$ION .,,;.,"{,3 ,?. . = . � � ; CIB COMMITfEE � ��� CIVILSEFVICECOMMISSION �� ' s � ra ` — t. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has Nis persoNfirm evet been �a city empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not no�mally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. is this person/firm a�targe�etl vendoY? � YES NO Explain all yes answers on separote sheet Antl attach w green sheet ' TING PROBCEM, ISSUE, OPPOR{'UIJfIY (WHO, WHAT, WHEPI, WkiERE, WHY): ' e Administrative fund 255 is an internal service funds. It receives revenues by providing vices to the operating funds within Public Works. T'he budget of the Right Of Way Fund 235 of blic Works, needs to be revised to more accurately reflect the character of the expenditure,versus ministration xevenue and the services received from the Administration fund. The budget will handled appropriately in 1999. f1TAGES IF APPHOVED: . � " . ' ' ie funds financial statements will reflect the essential nature of the transactions; revenue rned and services prosided, services received and expenses paid. , �� )ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . � ' �� �� ° ° � . None CiTY CLERK J Vl3JT ES 4F f_WT APP V D: � ' assi cation o„ nancial transactions. will not be in conformance with City practices,,financial aecounting theory and practice and the Covernmental Accounting Standards Board, GASB. Use of transfers in and transfers out is the wron� classification for an internal service fund. 'OTALAMWMOFTRANSACTION$ Net$O COST/REVEtdUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES No � NG SOUpCE � � ACTIVfTY NUMBER 32001 IAL INFOfiMATION (IXPWM /��