07-708Council File # Q � 7c.� Green Sheet # 3041235 RESOLUTION OF $AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is committed to maintain a diverse workplace that reflecu ihe diversity of our community; and 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the MultiCultural Development Center (MCDC) is a nonprofit organization in e�stence since 1991, established as a resource for business, govemment, and educational institutions to help foster understanding of diversity issues in Yhe wozkforce zelated to culnual differences, communication mispeiceptions, and the lack of understanding of various cultures; and WHEREAS, the City would like to partner with the MCDC and commit $2,000.00 of City funds, which is a Bronze Level sponsorship, to assist in the printing and distribution of a 2008 Chronology of World Cultural Events poster; and WHEREAS, the City of Sain[ Paul logo will appear on [he bottom of this poster along with other contributors recognizing our participaUOn; and WHEREAS, in return for this public expenditure the City gets name/brand recognition, 500 poster/desk copies distributed locally and internationally, guaranteed access to www shazinediversiri com, and logo recognition at website www.mcdc.ore ; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the expenditure of $2,000.00 and the use of [he City logo for this limited purpose; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council finds this expenditure and logo use is for the public purpose as stated above, Benanav Bosffom Thune Adopted by Council: Date �-= • -� . � �. - . �� -� .r � � . �-- � � �/ �==I ' �J�:�'tl['y!�,i/.` ���I � Adoption Certified by Counc'1 Secretary � BY ��l�!SI//✓ Approv y ay Date ( j p By: Form App ve City Atto � B ` �s� Form � �� Qy: � «� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0 7-76� •. FfU — HnmanResources Contad Person & Phone: BoNiita Mahe 266-6525 Must Be on OS-AUG-Q7 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-0ocument Requiredc Y DocumentConqct BoNiitaMahe ConWct Pho�: 266-6525 27-JUN-07 I Green Sheet NO: 3041235 � ucvavm�cna aeui �v re�svu 0 nman Resources E& D M er Assign 1 �an Resourcu De ariment Direc[or Number 2 mantial Services ffice Fioancial Services For Routing 3 i Attorne � � Attome Order q avor's Of6ce Ma odAssistant 5 ouncl CS CoanN 6 'NCkrk CitvClerk Total # of Signafure Pages _(qip Ail LocaHons For Signature) Please approve the Bronze Level Sponsorship by tLe Ciry of Saint Pau} for MultiCulNral Development Center. This sponsorship-� level includes: brand recognition, 500 pos[er calendar copies for "2008 Chronology of World Cultural Events," dastributed locally - and intemationally, gnaranteed access to SharingDiversiTy.com, and to enhance the city's image as an employer embracing diversiTy � awazeness. Pianning Commission CIB Committee CivilService Commission . t. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this depadment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curren[ ciry empioyee? Yes No ExpWin a{{ yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green she�, Initiating Problem, fssues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Must be for public pwpose. � ��(� � �uu� �� / �fl� Advantages if Approved: MCDC sponsorship supports the City's diversiry initiatives for yeaz 2008 with posters and desk calendars displayed ]ocally and internationatly by oTher sponsors at no additional cost to the City. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages ff Not Approved: Employees aad citizeas wiIl not have a visuai awazeness of the Ciry's efforts to promote diversiry. Public Sector competitors will have an advantage of logo exposure (PR) both locally and intemationally. i aa� amount of Transaction_ $2.000 Funa�ny source: Generat Funds Financial infortnation: (E�cpiain) CostlRevence Budgeted: Y Ac[ivity Number: OQ165 ��; � _ AE�r Q � Z�O� '' . . Juty 24, 2007 9:08 AM Page 1 " The MultiCultural Development Center (MCDC) proudly presents the �� 2008 Chronology of World Cultural Events � Poster and Desk Calendar b� • Pa 25 Sharing Diversity'" - Paces of the Worid Our workplaces and communities are changing. Because of advances in }echnology, increased globalization and the resulting interconnectedness of p�ople, our wodd is becoming smaller. We now have the potential to interact with more diverse people }han ever before. Our modem wodd presents positive opportunities for us to leam about people's cultures, values and ihe world views ihat make each person unique. MCDC is pleased fo display some of the many faces of ourworld in its 2005 Chronology and to highlight the important differences that each person can offec MCDC believes ihat, in recognizing, Iearning about and vol�ing differences, only then can one see the similarities upon which one can build an atmosphere of respect and muTual understanding. Sponsoring and placing your logo on the 2008 Chronology of World Cultural Events is an excellent opportunity to support MCDC's mission of promoting cultural understanding and indusiveness while demonsirafing ihat your organization is a diversity champion. Chronology sponsors also receive access to the Wodd MultiCultural Events Guide section of SharingDiversity.com which describes, in depth, the significant cuRural and religious evenis induded in the Chronology. Cali (952) 881-6090 or email info@mcdc.org today to reserve your sponsorship space. • To customize the 2008 Desk Calendar with your organization's logo(s), please contact MCDC. MultiCultural Development Center www.mcdc.org and SharingDiversity.com 9633 Lyndale Avenue SouTh, Minneapolis, MN 55420 (952) 887-6090 OO 2007 MuPoCultural Developmerit Cemer . . . a`1-�a8 2008 Chronology Sponsorship Leveis 8� Benefits Platinum I Gold I Silver X-Large Logo Large Logo Medium Logo on Poster on Poster on Poster �,�-��,�...��:. >,,...�. ..,.�.�.�. . ... � .:�.. �,.. . .... Large Logo on Medium Logo on X Desk Calendar Desk Calendar �+� ��� �n�;.a>.�n �,�..� , � 4,�.._.��,�,,,� �P � ,�., .r�R.r��-n National and National and National and Global Distribution Global Distribution Global Distribution Bronze Small Logo on Poster X �.=J— National and Global Disiribution Logo with Link on Logo wnth Link on X X iharingDiversity.com SharingDiversify.com Logo with Link on Logo with Link on Recognition on Recognition on MCDC.org MCDC.org MCDC.org MCDC.org 2000 Posters 1500 Posters 1000 Posters 500 Posters 500 Desk Calendars 250 Desk Calendars 100 Desk Calendars )( ,� _ »..5 .. •;.� r ., , .::r` r � r.y «av-r�.:N,.w-,^-"�_. ' �"p �';+.+w. �.i...... m2..�n.w� .�.�.= Text in E-Newsietter, Text in E-Newsletter, Text in E-Newsletter, X MCDC News MCDC News MCDC News ' Access'fo��� �`�ACCes'sto� `'�`�'�� Accessfio Accessta�� ° "WOrld MuitiCul}ural "WOdd MultiCultural "WOrld MultiCuliural "WOrld Mul}iGultural Evenis G�ide" Evenis Guide" Evenis Guide" Evenis Guide" Three tickets to one MCDC Workshop* , . .r�. anw� DVD Training Package Champion Level Membership Desk Calendar** X � DVD Training � Package Champion Level Membership CusYomized � � Desk Calendar** _ . __ . . _ _.. X � X � ;�.�� ,�� �� �, u >,;, �. ,.��,; �. >�:� X X _ _� � � .. _ X: X � �� Customized Customized Desk Calendar** Desk Calendar** *Travel costs not included '*Contact MCDC for price structures D � 2008 Chronology Sponsorship Benefit Descripfiions . Name/Brand recognition by displaying your logo at the bottom of the 2008 Chronology Poster—size defiermined by sponsorship level . Name/Brand recognition by displaying your logo on the 2008 Chronology Desk Calendar—size determined by sponsorship fevel • Global recognition for sponsoring the 2008 Chronology Poster through national and global distribution by MCDC • Display your logo with link on SharingDiversity.com, MCDC's on-line MultiCultural Resource Center, in the "World MultiCultural Events Guide" section. This is the most prestigious promotional spot, limited to chronology sponsors only. . Display your logo with link on MCDC.org, or receive recognition on MCDC.org by listing your organization's name—determined by sponsorship level (visit MCDC.org/orderposter,html to view the 2008 Chronology Sponsors) • w��:�s �s� a�� 2f3�� ��s�e� sent to you for distribution to your employees, customers, stakeholders and other individuals—number determined by sponsorship level •���'s�� �� :�;e 2°�g� ��sPs ��l�esdca� sent to you for distribution at career fairs, exhibitions and other promotional events—number determined by sponsorship level •�s���+�a��a� f��f u;� ,��:�3�°s ��������s's� �s���°������ f���� ��^sfs to introduce your organization's diversity or community efforts • Guararsteed access fo SharingDiversi4y.com, MCDCs on-line MultiCultural Resource Center, to view "World MultiCultural Events Guide" with iips for honoring and appreciating significant cultural holidays listed on the MCDC Chronology • Tiekets to one A/ICDC waorkshop, featuring nationally-recognized presenters, to expand employees' competencies • DVD Tralning Paekcage "Building Cultural Competencies" series inciudes professional-grade DVD, training manual and facilitator's guide for in-house diversity training . Complementary Champion-level membership for 2008* • Customized Desk Calendar displaying your logo exclusively on the front cover and 12 monthly calendar pages, as well as your logo and other brands on the back page *For more info abo�i membership benefits, ihe MCDC training package and MCDC workshops, visit MCDC.org.