07-70�'J �J� �� �"`� � 3 �— Council File # (�} �- — �-�3 Green Sheet # G• p3 (� y p RESOLUTlON � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by Establishing a Sustainable Development Policy for New and Renovated Municipal Buildings in the City of Saint Paul Whereas, incontrovertible evidence continues to mount detailing the human role in global warming and environmental degradation and its devastating impact on plant and animal species and cultures worldwide; and 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has long been a leader in the azea of environmental stewardship including becoming one of the first 14 cities worldwide to join the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) focused on environmentaUeconomic transirion under the Urban Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reduction Project, the first global effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; and Whereas, Saint Paul serves as a national model by having 80% of the buildings in Downtown and the State Capitol complex served by District Energy, thereby dramatically reducing CO2 emissions; and Whereas, Saint Paul is striving for further improvements by having all publicly-owned buildings in the City undergo comprehensive energy analysis and having select buildings undergo energy-saving retrofits and modifications; and Whereas, in July 2005 the Saint Paul CiTy Council created the Sustainable Saint Paul work group to undertake environmental efforts, which resulted in the creation of a new Sustainable Saint Paul web page and Saint Paul being named one of the top ten green cities in the nation; and Whereas, in 2006 Mayor Chris Coleman signed the U.S. Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement and the Sierra Club subsequently named the City of Saint Paul a"Cool City;" and Whereas, a vaziety of high performance, sustainable or "green" building standards have been used in Minnesota and across the nation for the last 15 years and have proven to reduce the consumption of energy, natural resources, improve building performance, and cost efficiency and increase building longevity; and Whereas the City of Saint Paul Housine and Redevelopment Authorit�(HRA) currently requires develo e�rs seekine HRA funds to take advantaqe of Excel Enerpy's Energy Desic� Assistance Program or the Energv Star Home Qro ram�as part of the prea� rp oval process; and Whereas, over the past several months, individuals from multiple City deparhnents have partnered with outside experts to review recommendations from the Saint Paul Environmental Roundtable and develop sustainable development policy recommendations for city-owned buildings. Now, Therefore, Se It Resolved by The Saint Paul City Council that the City will seek and receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification or utilize the State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (State Guidelines) in the planning, design, construction, commissioning and major renovation of municipal facilities financed by the City of Saint Paul and utilized by the City's Executive Deparhnents, the Saint Paul Public Library and the City of Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. Be It Further Resolved that when a building is constructed or renovated to LEED standards, the State Guidelines related to "Energy and Atmosphere," including exceeding the energy code by at least 30%, must also be met and the State Guidelines related to Performance Management requirements must be adhered to. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Be It Further Resolved that when State Guidelines are urilized, Outcome Documentation Evaluation forms must be completed and submitted to the University of Minnesota's Center for Sustainable Building Reseazch (CSBR). Be It Further Resolved that an ad hoc work group of City staff and others will be assembled to develop implementation strategies for this policy, and that the work ezoup is requested to consider a policy requirine the use of high efficiencv hand dryers where ap�ronriate. Be It Further Resolved that a full evaluation of this policy will be conducted two years after adoption which will identify: which standards were applied to which projects; outcomes for each project; realized benefits and/or disadvantages of each standazd; added cost and estimated annual savings associated with building to the standazd and added cost related to documentation and/or certification. Be It Further Resolved, in 2007 the Sustainable Saint Paul work group will convene a team of stakeholders and experts who will recommend changes to City policies, procedures and regulations that govem new green development with public investments. Be It Further Resolved that at least five City staff inembers, including but not limited to Planning and Economic Development, Public Works, Licensing and Inspections Environmental Protection, and Pazks and Recreation will be LEED accredited within two years. Be it �isel6y Further Resolved that this policy will apply to projects for which preliminary design is initiated after the date of enactment. Be it Finally Resolved that the Citv Council encourapes all developers workine on Qrojects within the Citv of Saint Paul and other units of �overnment to actively consider seeking LEED certification or utilizine the State of Minnesota Sustainable Buildine Cruidelines (State Guidelines in the plannine, design, construction, commissionin� and maior renovation �rojects. Benanav Bostrom Harris Yeas Requested by Department of: Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C� cil Secretary � By: Approved by M or: ate � L�t' O By: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 07 co ��� Contact Person 8 Phone: Councilmember Heigen 266-865� musi ce on 24JAN-07 Doc.Type: RESOLU'f10N E-Document Required: Y DocumeM CoMad: Jennifer Dunn ContaM Phone: 266-8653 '18-JAN-07 �► Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature� Green Sheet NO: 3036290 0 Couna7 I I CounN Depar[men[ Directo[ 2 City Clerk I (,7ty Clerk 3 4 5 a Sustainable Development Policy for new and renovated municipal buildings in the City of Saint Paul. ioanons: Hpprove (H) or rt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission i. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfxm ever been a city empfoyee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, fssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ativantages If Approved: DisaMantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial I nformation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: January 18, 2007 10:53 AM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cecite Bedar, D�reclor CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Chrutaphe� B. Coteman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Sbeet Samt Paui, MN 5102 .Q � 7-7D Telephome: 651-266-6565 Facsim:[e: 651-228-3261 Briefing Memo for: A Resolution establishin� a sustainable development nolicv for new and renovated municipal buildines in the Citv of Saint Pau1 Purpose of Policy: Adopt recognized, established and effective sustainable development (green) standards far the planning, design, construction, commissioning and major renovation of Saint Paul municipal facilities. Policy Details: ➢ One of the following two, well-established, standazds may be selected: 1. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED); or 2. State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (Staxe Guidelines)� ➢ When a building is constructed or renovated to LEED standards: 1. It must be certified Silver and The State Guidelines related to `Bnergy and Atmosphere," including exceeding the energy code by at least 30%, must be met and The State Guidelines related to Performance Management requirements must be adhered to. ➢ When the State Guidelines are utilized, Outcome Documentation Evaluation forms must be completed and submitted to the i3niversity of Minnesota's Center far Sustainable Building Research (CSBR). ➢ An ad-hoc work group will develop strategies to implement this policy. ➢ This policy will be fully evaluated two years following enactment. ➢ A work group will convene in 2007 to develop sustainable development policies, procedures and regulations for private development with public investment in Saint Paul. ➢ At least five City staff inembers will be LEED accredited within two years. ➢ This policy will apply to projects for which preliminary design is initiated after the date of enactment. Page 1 of 2 January 18, 2007 07-70 ' LEED is the most widely accepted green standard in the country. The State Guidelines (often referred to as B3) were established by the State of Minnesota and all buildings that receive state bonding dollazs must comply with the B3 Standards. Both standazds have strena hs and weaknesses, which this policy addresses by borrowing componenu of one standazd to compliment the other. Z LEED has four levels of certification: Certified; Silver; Gold; and Platinum, each with mote stringent requirements and higher cosu associated with unplementation than the one before. ' The State Guidelines emphasize energy conservarion. Because energy conservation is cost-effective, lowers operatina cosu and benefits the environment in a significant way, this City policy s�esses energy conservation and requues that the buildings constructed to LEED Standards must also meet State Guidelines in this area. ° The State Guidelines require an integrated approach to design and construction, resulting in an "interrelated, interdependent solution, which will work towazd a lower ]ifecycle cost for the building and improvements in productivity.° This City policy requires buildings constructed to LEED Standazds to adhere to this process. S Documentation Evaluation forms provide quantifiable data similar to that collected and provided during the LEED certification process. Page 2 of 2 January 18, 2007 Council File # Q 7� 7� Green Sheet # 3036290 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Q5 a Sustainabie Development Policy for New and Renovated Municipal Buildings in the City of Saint Paul 1 Whereas,incc 2 environmental 3 and evidence continues to mount detailing the human role in global warming and and its devastating impact on plant and animal species and cultures worldwide; 5 Whereas, the City of S t Paul has long been a leader in the area of environmental stewazdship including 6 becoming one of the first cities worldwide to join the International Council for Loca1 Environmental 7 Initiatives (ICLEI) focused o environmental/economic transition under the Urban Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 8 Reduction Project, the first glo al effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; and 9 10 Whereas, Saint Paul serves as a n ional model by having 80% of the buildings in Downtown and the 11 State Capitol complex served by Di ict Energy, thereby dramatically reducing CO2 emissions; and 12 Whereas, Saint Paul is striving for er improvements by having all publicly-owned buildings in the 13 City undergo comprehensive energy an sis and having select buildings undergo energy-saving retrofits 14 and modifications; and 15 16 Whereas, in July 2005 the Saint Paul City Co cil created the Sustainable Saint Paul work group to ] 7 undertake environmental efforts, which resulted ' tl�e creation of a new Sustainable Saint Paul web page 18 and Saint Paul being named one of the top ten gree cities in the nation; and 19 20 Whereas, in 2006 Mayor Chris Coleman signed the U. . Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement and the 21 Sierra Club subsequently named the City of Saint Paul a Cool City;" and 22 23 Whereas, a variety of high performance, sustainable or "gree " building standards have been used in 24 Minnesota and across the nation for the last 15 years and have oven to reduce the consumption of energy, 25 natural resources, improve building performance, and cost efficie cy and increase building longevity; and 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Whereas, over the past several months, individuals from multiple outside experts to review recommendations from the Saint Paul E� sustainable development policy recommendations for city-owned departments have partnered with �ental Roundtable and develop Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The Saint Paul City Council that the Ci will seek and receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification or tilize the State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (State Guidelines) in the planning, des n, construction, commissioning and major renovation of municipal facilities financed by the City of 'nt Paul and utilized by the City's Executive Departments, the Saint Paul Public Library and the City of Sai Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. Be It Further Resolved that when a building is constructed or renovated to LEED standards,�State Guidelines related to "Energy and Atmosphere," including exceeding the energy code by at leas 0%, 07-�0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 must aiso be met and the State Guidelines related to Performance Management requirements must be gdhered to. Be It rther Resolved that when State Guidelines aze utilized, Outcome Documentation Evaluation forms mu be completed and submitted to the University of Minnesota's Center for Sustainable Building Research (C R). Be It Further Res ved that an ad hoc work group of City staff and others will be assembled to develop implementation strate ' s for this policy. Be It Further 12esolved tha full evaluation of this policy will be conducted two years after adoption which will identify: which stan ds were applied to which projects; outcomes for each project; realized benefits and/or disadvantages of e h standazd; added cost and estimated annual savings associated with building to the standard and added c t related to documentation and/or certification. Be It Further Resolved, in 2007 the Sust 'nable Saint Paul work group will convene a team of stakeholders and experts who will recomme changes to City policies, procedures and regulations that govern new green development with public in stments. Be It Further Resolved that at least five City staff i Economic Development, Public Works, Licensing a and Recreation will be LEED accredited within two Be it Finally Resolved that this policy will apply to projects the date of enactment. including but not limited to Planning and ions Environmental Protection, and Parks which preliminary design is initiated after Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services � Adopted by Council: Date