207792Council File No. 207792—By kobert F. Petersontmmumm V Whereas,'A written proposal for the 207792 making of the following unprovement, ancil File No ....................... viz ;+r. d- the proposed PROPOSAL F),S,,40, Co.- " - �q all 51, V, ,Ind �1. PRELIMINARY�6ER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthenlakingqf�hef Rowing public impLo:Ke i Paul, 0 plent b the City of Sa nt P ul Y�. .. . ....... 4 . ....... _4 ............ .......... -A -Ki'§hway by tondemni-, 0 4 h-P Oin. . onnsyly, widen and extend the propoO anii izho dW i b&d J6tt"a' wd­p4ec'4ft �6f I and,, a] It, i 'n,- the City T* ... Dated tho f ...... . ...... -ri , � 'i, 43s- the -the -20ft. bf "L6t`2 and thole parts. of Lots 10P 19 and 20 lying northwestwjrfAZ�mne- described at follows: ................. Commencing on the east line of Lot,2 at apoint 20 ft. southerly from the northeast corner of',sai'd Lot 2; thence northeasterly on a straight, line to a jt,,rj,­_ Lot,,1,8;7a ­91,66k -Fl`etchiee poffiV—on—ther-k-Orthi-a- r y co ' rnor 11* 'Th division of Beowsters Add itton'to, the dty,,of St. Paul in, Ramsey ;ountyj, and �j County; N. State ,of Minnesota. UN- �Z i k�;_ A", Wif 'EREAS, A v ritlpr p- for the In-jki -I-, of I ir, Lots 5.. 7 and 8i al I in Block 6-,p.- prewstei-I 3 'Wcfdi ti'61i. 10 St. Paul . Ott 5 and 6, s'11 1"n 81 oc_R 7., Brewster-is Addition to-'St. Paul.. Mtrfangul r� . ' q e' 6fi ToWh0i_P 9; ong 22a , d, I jr hg: -Ar-ch.,.S't,,.and;',northwesfi; f4, Ottm,:; Rit; WAsurfing 65 ft., on th&- north I i ne of Arch, St., ajo. 6�,,f to, on the ncirthwest, i ne of Capi tol, Hefghtas both I ines meatq'red�Jrok�a point oft,the fesai-dA 71., e; tWx 14:-J fil-okets 1;tersect'ioh bfafor ifnii.� 1�,* t pf goy , _�=4t;;rjy 4:! Mir, 4,vn*ih":1 rs trffog6lar, parcel -of land bei'ng,part of Ash St. (vacated) and' lyi'ho *A ahS 66r.ther, northAeffj!600ih6iy 60, f t-...-,,6n4 I -n Pe kd- a [fie,�6f"Agh-,-St "i (-�abdteid);b dth,�, nnsylvanib'rAve. and-25"fC,,10-6 i I --*Wd ly—l" 1,.11,_, '_r." # - kA'1iW',qNt6r9X_dtf6n ar 0W�,.tQ-,af8reWd,14hes Z! 4,41b_ nes measuiFed�:fic "t. frwl 1r, 9--Z" YW &�Ad 5. To n bloc -k Adopted by tj�A' acid ...... -1 .... ..... 7*_Aro�"Urlii Addition to St.. Paul.. yrukg A tria;n461 -ar parcel Of land in thd N.B. *' of the._"rW:.j �of tA It "Sactf oft Pt Township 29. _&n.gO 22 and. I yj ng north of A�rCh �S'tr" r1l fi N6 -0 meajur p, 5 tj 66 the- forth dine of F ie .Arch St'r and 6$ f*4, onlho:, northwest IL w-d "Intersectio ' - 4apitol .Hat ght,*:,, PBU "nWE, P;;6,,t 1,1 , togr,,dsa 10 1 in Petfqon 4 tripgki NA ,jr parcel of 100 being nq part 0 ;WO and lying -F�gnjr' I - 1.06­6f ........... '"rtherly of" jisyj van! a Avo. 0 0, tneasu�i ng -60-f Y. M, `e V . . .1, . 1% � P VMrOv- -25' f to o 'at d) a 6 1 a and M the --easterly line of Ash St.. ;(vac a OOW AIrkes measured 'from 'the intersection of the afO"rp - iM4.1ine-so IIS