D001635C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • APProved CoPiesto: - Cily Clerk (Original) - Finance DepG's Accounting Division • Requesting DepL ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION N�: d7bDl�3 � Date: � t� - �� - 7 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Section 10.07.3 of the City Charter and based on the request of the staff of the Budget Section to amend the 1998 budget of the General Fund, the Mayor is reporting a reduction in revenue and appropriations for City Council review, thereby authorizing the Director of the Department of Financial Services to amend said budget in the 4ollowing manner: DEPARTMENT 8 DMSION: Fl1ND AND ACTIVITY' Revenue: Department Share Appropriations: Citizen Services City Council Fire • FSO - Treasury Housing Code Enf Human Resources Mayor Parks Police PubliC Works TMS- Info Services 001-01120-7399 fundtransfertothe GeneralFund 001-01120-7499 fund trensfer to the General Fund 001-00251-0856 001-00251-�857 001-00001-OS57 001-05002-0284 001-00120-0856 001-05113-0857 007-00165-0280 001-00100-0857 001-03100-0813 001-03100-0815 001-03100-0856 001-03100-OS57 001-03133-0291 001-04370•0857 001-02155-0857 001-01115-OS57 001-01�25-0857 001-01300•0857 001-01370-0857 CURRENT gUDGET Citizen Services Citizen Services City Council Fire Treasury Housing Code Enf Human Resources Mayor Administration Administration Administration Administration Permits Management Police Systems Tre�c Engineering Information Services Payroll Projeet Real Estate Risk Management 98,000 70,000 1,000 4,000 20,000 16,225 800 36,352 5,214 5,200 10,638 S00 4,400 3,800 20,000 31,379 9,000 67,345 109,000 35,000 7,950 TMS - Real Estate TMS - Risk Mgmt APPROVED AMENDEb CHANGES D T (71,919) 26,081 (70,000) 0 (141,919) (705) (4,OU0) (7,439) (10,694) (555) (2,706) (2,910) (2,124) (10,638) (800) (4,400) (3,800) (3,241) (27,561) (5,922) (27,536) (8,630) (12,525) (5,733) (141,919) • 295 0 12,561 5,531 245 33,646 2,304 3,076 0 0 0 0 76,759 3,818 3,078 39,809 100,370 22,475 2,2'17 CF 96-828 authorized the implementation of the PC Replacement Program. One element of that resolution directed that department budgets contribute some portion of the cost for each machine. By making the budget reductions above, the appropriate General Fund department budgets will, in effect, be charged with that contribution. s (141,919) �� �� ��i+���� ' m �-�.� %z'l� �8 Preparetl by: Date Ap roved y: Mayor Date Requested by: Department Directof Date Fimnclal Servim �u (H:WSERSBU�GETDEPTSITMStl3M0_PC98) f3%&98 � � � 1998 PC Replacement DepaNnent Cosfs oeeembeH6, t998 Curtentfori�rfo received W December 76, �998 . _. _"'_' . .. . .. . .......... :.: . . .._.-»_..,...,__;_' '"""' D�a�tr?!?`S�lA?aQ!res : ' ,' 4entilY� �_ _ _ ' Rate:. : _ � SLbtotak. ._ Total Owed Dt�ol�3; i�-���9� f3en¢21 Funtl Spetial Funtl Total /���b Actrvnr ODieG Amou�rt ObKG Amou'tt __'..._ :.._._.__, ""_".' _ _'__.. . ..._._�„._. "'__..... _' "___ _ " .. _:8.76712� QfYpttort!eY_ _ _ __... .. . ... ,.__ . . .... _ , . _ �. _'_" "" Enfryt 22 398.St � 8.76]22 � 02Stoxao-oSS� e.]6]Y1 _ "' '" " _ _ "" _ _ _ _ . . _- - �M1YCounai_ _' "_ __' "" '"_ : . .�.' _ '_.._.-. 7.539.t6_.." _' _ '"' _ ' _'_ _ . _. _.,�,._ .. _ 7;43918 PowuS 6 1.239.86 7.43946 �am-oe5] S�.a3s.ta cmrense�arce ��- -- - - - �� --- -- -- - -�- aroa.�? _ _.,-. . �- . - -::".�� � _. -_ .� . _ ._ �.� .-. g.7w7i� Powx4 2 973.97 7.ffiZ94 .. . ... omsl-0as/ Sa.�oa.]t oe��o�i i z,a�s.n z,e�sn 'imawry .._.. �.- .... .,.__,_,, . _.-,-_. _,-._. ... .__ . . .. . ,.,. . .� , Secrton �__.' _' .. . ._....,. ___._._. �6. ._.._:..___, _r.._,,.._.�... w �__�s ,.,._.�;z_sti e,.._.�..'6�'8i Developer2 2 1,895.90 3,791.80 ooizPOa56 Sssa92 9oizoaase St000.ro OeYeAOpe[2 2 1,38tS1 2,T63.02 30120msi St,aaoaa 89�.a-085s #.oaO.W 8995S0fl51 $2,W000 Fire@ndSa(etY$eMGeS."� _� ..m..:..�.�...._.,�....�,......sw_:.a_..,.ii....sstiF_.;L. .�i rs�_ �;,4� _,!�'titbjssa Entry3 5 676.48 3,382.40 Osoa2-o2Pa S�O,6atA6 Developer4 8 913.97 7,311.76 l�oUSi�gCAEeEf{!orc'CM1�Ent ..�� v:..�('L�.,w..a���,.;�t�U.,.li�2]0�,87,Stix:i,S�t_�it#..v�'tt'.�.�1?.z�lH,,.t�i}.�'.'..d��...:ill��ast}{�..;.St��e.,�..a� .d ,2}�fl5u. 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SO CITYWIiNCQ. RonKline 2658548 M ;,��, Q cman�am�Y � arca.ax� MUSTHEONNUNCLLp@IIIpHY(DAlk) y � y � kAeINCW.gHV16SDIR O EIIIPNQRLSFJ[VIQSACCf. 11/23/98 Q wnmxcoznx9.vTaxp Q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURS PAGES: 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) acnoxxEp�rssisn Approval and Cty Council review of the attached administrative order implementing the department Ge�reral Fund budget charges per machine under the PC Replaceme�rt Progrem, as directed by CF 96-828. xEme.mmmwnor�s: n�o.2(n)«e.9««W YERSONAL SIItVICE CON71tAC1'S MUS1' ANSWERTHE FOLLOW�VG QUESITONS: narv��cmiwuss�oN 1. Has tltisperson/fnm everworked �der a contract forthis depax�mP � W�g YES NO f QVII.SERNCE WAA95510N 2. H25 (IuSlk�v(SIID CvC[beeY 2 Cltl' CIDPI YES NO 3. Does tLis peaoWfum possess a slall natnormally possessedby my cuireut city employee? YES NO 4. Is tltis person / firm a tazgetsd vevdor? YES NO (ESplain aLL yes aaswers on separa[e sheet and attach to green shret) wmt.rwc rrsae�.em. vssuz oeeoxruN�rr (wm. �wv, umm weQe werT CF 96-898 set [he policy on the workings of the City's PC Replacement Program. One portion of that policy duected that department budgets absorb a portion of the costs associated with leasing the PCs. By making the department spending budget reduc[ions in the attached adminishative oxder, [he appropriate General Fund department budgezs will, in effect, be chazged with their contribuaon. The geen sheet for CF 96-828 acknowledged that the recommended policy, if approved, would tdgger other department transfers. The total department s3tare of the 297 PCs leased beginning in 1998 is $376,298, vrith $141,919 coming from Geaeral Fund owner budgeu, aad $234,379 coming from special fund owner budgets. The attached transfer is for only the General Fund's owner budgets share ($141,919). ADVANIAGESIFAPPAOVm The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to deparhnent chazges for PCs, will be camed out. The accounting pracrices recommended by the D'uector of Futancial Services will be followed. 17us action is identical to that processed in 1996 and 1997. DISADVAMAGES � APPRO VEO: None. DISADVANiAGESOPNOT APPROVID The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to department chazges for PCs, will not be carried out. F2ECEItf E� DEC 2 �1ggg ��-�� c����c torwnmomvroxnunsncnon � 141919 cosrmevenveswcErm�cmaeoNe� vss xo ru�mwcsouace General Fund nc�m�rrnvnmevc_Varions g�era] fund activities twnxcw.m�oiuuno� (�um� The deparlment shaze for PC cosu for special funds will also be reflected in some administrafive transfers and many of those transfers have already been presented for City Council informational review. FinancialServlwsIXfiw (H:WSERSIBIIOGETDEPTSITMSN2SA0 98PC.WK6) 'IN1&88