07-663Return copy to: AB
Public Works Tech. Services
1000 City Hall Annex
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, on Mazch 7, 2007, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #07-
225, said Resolution being for Sewer Repair (File No. SWRP0603, Assessment No. 8220), and
WIIEREAS, the property at 737 Cottage Ave E, with the property identification number of 20-09-22-
41-0047 was assessed an amount of $3,860.00 for a sewer repair that included $60.00 in service fees for
administrative costs from the Sewer and Technical Services Divisions of Public Works, and
WHEREAS, a claim for damages caused by the faulty sewer line was filed with the City of St. Paul by
the property owner, Jennifer Satriano, stating the contractor was responsible for the failed line, and
WHEREAS, the Technical Services Division processed a payment for the above assessment of
$3,800.00 from the contractor, Arnt Construction Company, INC., acknowledging their responsibility
for the failed line and paying for the work done to repair it, and
WHEREAS, the Technical Services and Sewer Divisions have each agreed to waive the service fees for
this assessment on the property
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the remaining $60.00 be deleted for this assessment.
: • � ��
Yeas Nays Absent
✓ I��
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
�-- ♦ �
�-- : � � �
Adopted by Council:
Adoption Certified by Council SE/cretary
By: _ ,' o Apl
Approved � • Date 3 �
BY: � By:
Council File # O 7—l�0 3
Green Sheet # 3041270
by City
for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
p 7 (0(
� Depar4nenUofficelcouneil: i, Date Initiated: � �
; PW -�b>>�W� � Z�.,�N-0� Green Sheet NO: 3041270
_ � �
CorMact Person 8 Phon�
Agenda by
E-0ocument Requimd: Y
DocumenS Contact: Mdrew Bahn
� 'c Works ' daau Ortiz i t/�D�'U
1� � tic orks '~ O�i DenarLment Director I��ZQ/
2 'naocial Servica �ffice Ftinandal Services� �_ � �
3 'N Attomev I r � �j
4 h�Iavor's 015ce Mavor/Assisfant
5 CoancO Marv Erickson
6 itv Clerk Citv Clerk
ConWctPhone: G8857 I I
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature)
Deletion of the remaining $60.00 in service fees on an assessment
idations: Approve (A) or F
Planning Commission
q6 Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any
curzent ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Proper[y owner at 737 Cottage Ave E filed a clavn for the damages on a sewer line caused by the contracting company with the City„
er.��(ie contractor sent in payment to the city covering the cosis for the work done on the proper[y, but not the service fees for the
assessment. Real Estate and Sewers have agreed to waive the fees for this assessment on the proper[y.
Advantages If Approved:
Property owner is not chazged for the remaining service fees on the assessment
Disadvanqges If Approved:
p,e�., ,_- cm � ,� -, ;r m� :;=W
�.� � :-:, � _ _ _ - ; /,s
. �-- ` _. _— . , .. �r,-.-
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Proper[y owner is chazged for fees accumulated on an assessment caused by the conhactor
� Transaction: $60
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
JUL l. 3 2007
June 27, 2007 3:41 PM
�� �4'� �'�--�/'� r_ ';� ��r
� n p � ` _. .
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
ACtivity Number:
�oc���¢1 �����r�l� ��;�����
JUL 12 2007
Page 1
y,.. . _':�� . _--, No.6403 P. ?/3 ,4�
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�n�Tr�F. n� �r_ a,rn�r �OR?�x to the Ci� nf Saint Paul MIIlI2@SO I �00 6
«:.,no�.,�„ cr�re :r,::,.�01F R; �:nr�� ,?.�r " ,>✓,zw ne:son_ wi�^, c:c:ms d4ma<^es from mxv rr:.m:tinai��;...si� r.vse m�e ��PS�ry�L�
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„�:;:,r� c_cer :hereoj and t'r:e mrount oj cmnpensatian or o:iter r»'i,"�.em�ct'
PIease complete sbis fo:rn in its enfirety br cIearly nping or ptinti¢� poar answcr to each qnesti
ueeded. arLsch sddiiionzl sheets. P7ease nnte ttiat pou may or may aof 6e con#acted By teIephone
�MtmcfAn � provide as mnch mformation as necessary to expEain pour cIaim, and fhe amount
,w�,.Rna,i 'rhic inrm m�tcf hr cianr.(i_ snd both na�es camnietEd. If wmethine does net avc
cF�.m t'nNrni �"T'F'Tl F'(lRM Ati'Tl (1TR�'T2 nfl('f',M�'NTC TCI�
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(`TTY CT,�RK_ 75 GGl;S'�' Ti�ELLOC.G BLV�. 290 CIT'X HAT�L. SAi'vT PA
rizst \ame ��b Middle Init�ai L- Last Name���
Comoanv or Business \Tame. iz annIicabla __
Street Address
bayhme Teiephone (�.,'� �. (��� ��"��
Date of �ccidentl T�
nf �Ain7
i � �
State '��- Zip Code�Q`/✓
Evcninp 1 elephone �U �"� -- l l�
��LI �.
� or Date Discovered �
uc�uned and why you are submitting a claim_ PJease andicate why �r how yo�i
�vrt,�mntnvees are involve3 and/or resDOnsible. , _ , _
PtPacP �hPr.k rhr hnxfesl �har mnsr close3v rcroresent the reason for com�Ietine tfris form:
❑ Velucle was dama�ed ;zz an a:ciecnt ❑ Vehicle was damaged during a tow •�
i� Vr.hir.l� wac clamaQed'nv a nrnhoie or condition of the street C7 Vehicle was damaged bv a olow
L1 t�eYucle was wrozz�uLly u�wed anc'vor �eketed
G� OT�er?c,me of propertv �age - please specify
� Other type of ixijury - please specify
�Other type not listed - pleuse snecifv�
O Injured on City property
In order to process you: c?aun vou need to include conies of all annlicable documents. This is a genesal
�uideline of what should be submired with a c;aim form but it is not all inclusive. You ma7 be asked to
provide addi�ionai infarmation depending on youz ciaim.
O Pzopeny damane c.�w�ms to a vehicle: at Ieast two esvmates for the repaizs to ; our vehicle, or the
actual bills and/or.e: �ipts ior the repairs
O Tuwi�� c7aims= ie� bie copies of any tickets issued and copies of the impound lot receipts
�Other property dar�a�e: repau es'umates, detailed list of damaged items
O Injury claims: me�cal �iJls: reccipts
� Photo�aphs can be pzovided but will not be rehmed.
Page 1 af 2- Pleace complete and reLUrn both pa�es of CIaim �'orm
i�lo��. �. :C:r� �r_� ;;.�;4 No.6403 P. 3/3
_J D 7–<0<0�
�otice of Claim �orm, City of Saint Paul, pEge EvFa
� Il �aizus – please complete tb.is section
�e-e-here::°itnessesierheuzcidenc? Y:a I�TO Ur.known (circie)
li y�zs_ pleasz provide �es:.a� address� avd wle�hone numbers:
R' eze �ze �olice or laF� enforcement �alIed? I'es ?�TO T,°nlaiown (circle)
Tf yes, �nai degaztznent or agency' CaSe ar report r
VJhere did the axident or injurc ake place': Pzovide srree: address, cross strzet, iniezseerion, name oi pazk
or zaci3ity, eIosest landsnark, e�,c� P�lease be as detailed as possibJe If helpfvl, attach a dia�'dII1.
rn�....., :,a;.....� .�,,, ..,.-.,..,..+,,..�� -.-o c.>�t�nn ;n rrn»nrnca7i(1n fr�rrlthic IA1TT1 f1T W}IAt V'lil Wllil�f� �S�CP, i}1F, C�11ti
�^�\ CV
tn rin Yn r�cnavr ihtC C7A7m iC) V(Zll7 SdL7S72CLlOIl. 3� 1`J`,�,1_ � ��� �, __
VPhSciP ("laim� – nlease cor.iniete this secfion
Y�nr VPhir,ln• Year ?vlalte _
Llcense t'.ate .� umbe:
Re?istcred Ownez __
lizz��er uf 'v eiucle ____
�rea l�amaged
City�ehMcle Yea* Make
Liccnse Plate'_�TUmber _
�beck �ox zf thas section does not aonlv
313T8 Coior _
State Color
Dzi��er of Veiucle (CSt;� Employee's
• ----'
Injnry Claims please comAlete ihis seetion a t.d'ch�k box if this section does not an�iv
How werc you m� uzea �
W�hat part(s) of yocu body were injure�?
Have vou soueht medical creatment? Xes
Whan ri;�� vnn reseive �reai,n�nt?
'Vame of Medical Yro��icter(s): _
1l+rl .�nn mice cR�nrL ae a r.�ciili ni v(177�' iniilN� YES
�'hen did you miss woric'%
vame of yee.c� Empiayer- .
plauning to Seek Treatment (circle)
� (provide date(s))
�f Check herc if you are attaching more pabes to tbzs ciaim form. 1Vumber of additionat pa�� �
Sy s�gni.rz; 1hi5 for`rc, you are statin'tnra atI 'v+fornxriian you have provided is true mtd correctW the besE ofqow knowledee- linsigned
fornxs m¢v not be groces.ced SuhmiKuig a false eTaim can rerutt in prosecutio (��,,/ �–�'
�rt rhP �Ta.»< nr'tha Percon who ComnIeQe� this k�ocm:����1'tCJt— c.,J_CL � � 1
Szgnatuze csf Person _Ylsking Lhe
Dafe form was completed ..� \' L�J �J Rc,:sza Ap�t zooG