D001633C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: City Clerk (Original) BUD6ET REVISION - Finance Dept 's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. CURRENT BUDGET ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistentwith the authofity granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of fhe Housing Information Office to amend the 1998 Budget of the Housing Infortnation Office Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8 DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Housing Information O�ce Housing Information Services GL 065- 30137-0557 GL 065- 30731-0857 � Transfer to General Fund Data Processing Hardware pared by: Activity Manager Date � %z � Reques , by: Department Director ate 0 6,928 No: ,D o o �� 33 Date: fa_/7- � APPROVED CHANGES 5,032 (5,032) AMENDED BUDGET 5,032 1,896 6,928 0 6,928 r�r��1�.� App d by:`�inancial Services Director ��� /�3..3 DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COIJNCII,: DATE llv1TIATl:D GREEN SHEET 1vo.: 61157 t Paul Housing I�ormation Office 12/11/96 NTACIPERSON&PHONE: � iNrrtsrmeTg y�p7/�pTg Amy Filice, Director 266-6000 ��� i DEPARTMFNT DIR, a crrY courrcu. NDMBER 2 FiNANCIA7,SERVDIlt �CSALSERV/ACCI'G MIIST BE ON COIINCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� � RODTING 3 MAYOR(ORASSf.) _ 853�1 ORDER TOTALIkOFS[GNATIIREPAGFS (CLIYALLLOCATIOIiSFORSIGNATQRE) r_, ACITON RF.Qi7ESTEU All111017Z3tI0II t0 tl'211SF6f $5 ,032 to the General Fund for the PC computer replacement program.. .� RECOMhfENDAT10N3: Appmve (A) ot Rejat (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESfIONS: PI.ANNINGCAMl.IISSION CNII.SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Hasth+spessou(6cmevawakeduoderaa�Acadfat(risdepaztme�? � _CIBCOMbII11EE _ Yes No _STAFF _ 2. Hasfltispnson/fumevabemacityemp]oyee7 DISIRICT CAURT Yes No � A SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCII.OBJECfIVE? 3. Dcesilrispwson/S�mpoasesaaskillaotnan�allyp�byanycueentc$y empLoyee4 Yes No' Ezplain a➢yes answers on aeparatc sheet aod atfach W green sLeet INiTIATING PROBLEhI, ISSUF., OPPORTUNITY (lVho, What, Wheq Whem, Why} Implements the City's PC replacement program. ADVANCAGESIFAPPROVED: plements the City's PC replacement program.. DISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: ' �OIIB. DISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Lower productivity due to ine�cient computer services. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 5,032 COST/REVENUE BUD("ETED: BONDING SOURCE: AGTNITY T`UMBER: ' FINANCIAi.INFORMAITON: (EXPLAIN) RECElVED QEC 171998 CfTY CLERK �