210402I j Ori¢in%1 to-City Clerk s !_ -r rV ^ile No.'210402— Ordinance No .4 .4k .y Robert F. Peterson — Milton • O R D I 1 , sx nce repealing Chapter 125. 2104,02 ^ g_� ^�RUl Legislative Cod. aoc'.1 v cha,i �i + r acting a -1ej� , z�pte- to Y! �S NO. 3Chapter 125, faint , -u� �..,,, • �' 9 �Hnir -. i,e�.: � llsu y3o r bl\ iu101e PRESENTED BY „¢ ;,' % ax .,Ys &Kr-1 A'NCE NO. .ur,1]�' .zatslouzaA F' o" a. 0 a Ix 0 U in in An ordinance repealing Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and enacting a new chapter to_be known as Chapter 125, Saint Paul Legislative Code, defining terms, establishing routes, establishing standards, prohibitions and exceptions, regulating traffic in alleys and passing from route to route, for commercial vehicles within",t q City of Saint Paul, and granting certain temporary permit powers to the Com- missioner of Public Safety, exc6ilti ng emergency vehicles from commercial vehicle regulations, and regulating loading and unloading of commercial. vehicles in the downtown area. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following is hereby substituted in lieu thereof to be known as Chapter 125. Section 2. 125. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ROUTES 125.01. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this rihapter, shall, for the purpose of this,dhapter, have the mean- ing respectively ascribed to them herein: (1) Commercial vehicle. Every self - propelled motor vehicle dther than a passenger vehicle or a vehicle used for the purpose of transport- ing passengers for hire, and shall include any truck, truck tractor or road tractor or combination of truck or road tractor and trailer or semi- trailer designed primarily for carrying commodities other_tha,n people, whether laden or unladen. (2) Passenger automobile. Passenger automobile'means any motor vehicle designed and used for the carrying of not more than eight per- sons, including vehicles known as station wagons, but excluding motor cycles. (3) Gross weight and gross vehicle weight shall mean the actual unloaded weight of the vehicle, either a single unit truck or tractor - trailer combination, plus the weight of the maximum load for which such vehicle has been rated whether or not the vehicle or combination of vehi- cles is actually or fully loaded. Any commercial vehicle operated or driven in the City of Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high- ways-or commercial vehicle routes designated at 125.03 shall have sten- ciled in a conspicuous place on each side of the cab of the vehicle the gross weight of the vehicle or combined vehicles as herein defined. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1 M 8-82 2 2 Passed by the Council Approved:— Mayor In Favor Against Oriaufal tw City Clerk ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. page 2 2104,02 125.02. Routes Established. For the purpose of defining, regu- lating, and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles throughout the City of Saint-Paul, and the regulating and restricting of the use of the streets, public thoroughfares, highways, and places by such vehicles, the Council does hereby lay -out and define certain districts and routes in which and over which all commercial vehicles may use said streets and routes and prohibiting or restricting the use of other streets by commercial vehicles, 125.03. Prohibition. Hereafter no person shall operate a commer- cial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight on or over any streets, -pub-lic thoroughfares, highways, and places in the City of Saint Paul ex- ,,cepting in the districts or over the commercial vehicle routes described as follows: (1) The districts which are zoned for light or heavy industry under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Chapters 60 through 64 hereof) except on or over those streets designated at Chapter 124.02. (2) All streets in the Central Business District bounded by and including Pleasant Avenue, Sixth Street, Smith Avenue, College Avenue, Rice Street., Robert Street, Eighth Street,-Jackson Street, Kellogg Boulevard, W. Seventh Street, and Ramsey Street. (3) All state and federal highways and the following commercial vehicle routes: Acker Street from Cortland Place to Mississippi Street (but no commer- cial vehicles of over 30,000 pouflds gross weight)._ Acker Street from Jackson Street to Cortland Place. Annapolis Street (that -part of Annapolis Street that lies within the City of Saint Paul) from S. Robert Street to Sibley Memorial Highway. Arcade Street from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Broadway from Kellogg Boulevard to Mississippi Street. Chestnut Street from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. •Como Avenue from Park Street to Dale Street. Como Avenue from Hamline Avenue to the West City Limits. Concord Street from S. Wabasha Street to the South City Limits. G.. "` �' ` "(±ort�lnd P''1'ace fromAcker- Street to Sycamore Street. Yeas Councilmen" `* "' ,. Nays "} "°Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: ' City Clerk 1M 882' ;Y 22 S Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against r' • Otlri i to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. `r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. page 3 Dale Street from Grand Avenue to the North City Limits. Dodd Road from Stryker Avenue to the South City Limits. Eustis Street Connector (T.H. No. 280) from University Avenue to the North City Limits. 21'04 2 Exchange Street from Sherman Street to the Central Business District. Ford Parkway from the West City Limits to Snelling Avenue. Franklin Avenue from the West City Limits to University Avenue. Front Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dale Street. George Street from Smith Avenue to Ohio Street. Grand Avenue from - -Da`le Street, to Oakland Avenue. Hamline Avenue from Selby Avenue to University Avenue. Hazel Street from E. Seventh Street north to the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. Hudson Road from Mounds Boulevard to the East City Limits. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Acker Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Jackson Street from Acker Street to Shepard Road. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Maryland Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from Summit Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from the Central Business District to Mounds Boulevard. Larpenteur Avenue from the West City Limits to Payne Avenue. Maria Avenue from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Marshall Avenue from the West City Limits to Hamline Avenue. Maryland Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Dale Street. McKnight Road from Hudson Road to Minnehaha Avenue. Minnehaha Avenue from Pierce Butler Route to Como Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 X22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against N Original to-City Clark f ORDINANCE 210402 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.-7�y I page 4 Mississippi Street from Broadway to the North City Limits. Montreal Avenue from Snelling Avenue to W. Seventh Street. Mounds Boulevard from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Oakland Avenue from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street. Ohio Street from George Street to Winifred Street. Otto Avenue from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Park Street from University Avenue to Como Avenue. Payne Avenue from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue. Pierce Butler Route from Prior Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue. Point Douglas Road (T.H. #61)from Hudson Road to the South City Limits. Prior Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to Pierce Butler Route. Ramsey Street from Oakland Avenue to Sherman Street. Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Shepard Road. Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue. Rice Street from the Central Business District to the North City Limits. S. Robert Street from the Central Business District to the South City Limits. Rondo Avenue from Griggs Street to Rice Street. St. Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Griggs Street. Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Summit Avenue. W. Seventh Street from the Southwest City Limits to Wabasha Street. E. Seventh Street from Wabasha Street to Hazel Street. Shepard Road from Sibley Street to Otto Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Orig-*al to•City Clerk } . ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. page 5 210402 Sherman Street from Ramsey Street to Exchange Street. Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to George Street. Snelling Avenue from the North City Limits to Montreal Avenue. Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to the East City Limits. Stryker Avenue from Winifred Street to Annapolis Street. Summit Avenue from Selby Avenue to Rice Street. Sycamore Street from Rice Street to'Jackson Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). _ Third Street from Mounds Boulevard to Maria Avenue. University Avenue from the West City Limits to Mississippi Street. S. Wabasha Street from the Central Business District to Winifred Street. Warner Road from Sibley Street to Point Douglas Road (T.H. No. 61). White Bear Avenue from Hudson Road to the North City Limits,.. Winifred Street from Ohio Street -to Wabasha Street. 3 125.04. Exception for Deliveries. When necessary in entering or leaving a truck terminal or for the purpose of making a delivery or pick- up, a commercial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight may travel upon any street where such delivery or pickup is to be made, or where such truck terminal is located, but shall reach or leave such location on said street by traveling over the shortest route from the nearest designated dommercial vehicle route or district as provided in 125.03; however, direct travel shall be allowed between points of pickup or de- livery, without the necessity of returning to commercial vehicle routes or districts, where the distance between said points of pickup or delivery does not exceed one (1) mile. 125.05. Restrictions in Certain Alleys. No vehicle having a width of vehicle or load thereon of eight feet or more, or a height of vehicle or load thereon of twelve feet aix inches or more, or an over all length of thirty feet or--more; shall enter- any -of the alleys in that part of the central business district described in 125.03 (1) except by special permit issued by the Department of Public Safety. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1M 6-62 X22 City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Aroalnst el I :)rlainal to-City Cleric f PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE page 6 COUNCIL FILE NO 21`04,02 ORDINANCE NO. o 125.06. Passing from Route to Route. A commercial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight upon arriving at the end of any commercial vehicle route designated herein, if such commercial vehicle route end is not connected at said point with another commercial vehicle route, may be driven over the most direct course to the nearest commercial vehi- cle route which extends in the same general direction. 125.07• No commercial vehicle over 15,000 pounds gross weight shall be driven on Randolph Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue, St. Clair Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue or Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Cretin Avenue except for the purposes of making a delivery in the area bounded by Mississippi River Boulevard to Marshall Avenue to Snelling Avenue to Selby Avenue to Summit Avenue to Kellogg Boulevard to W. Seventh Street to Otto Avenue • and to Highland Parkway. 125.08. Powers of Commissioner. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have authority, for cause or upon request, to designate temporary routes in addition to the routes specifically provided in 125.03; to issue temporary permits for commercial vehicles of over 15,000 pounds gross weight to operate over routes not established in 125.03; or to otherwise deviate from the provisions of this chapter. 'Such action of the Commissioner of Public Safety shall be subject to review and modi- fication or cancellation by the Council. 125.09. Emergency Vehicles. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the Police Department, Fire Depart- ment, or Health Department, nor to any public utility vehicle where actually engaged in the performance of emergency duties necessary to be performed by said public departments or public utilities, nor to any vehicle owned by or performing work for the United States of America, the State of Minnesota, or the City of Saint Paul. 125.10. Map. Appendix other things, the commercial but in case of any conflict shall control over the map. That the above enacted Paul Legislative Code to be such -volumels next revision. H of this Code is a map which shows, among vehicle routes established by this chapter, or ambiguity, the provisions of this chapter Section 3. chapter is hereby made a part of the Saint inserted in the bound volume thereof at Section 4. - That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss 0 Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest "'tN „ l I /; i Passed by the Cl? JAN 3 IM - V City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-62 22 61 Favor •j i r y � •� . Z w r 1!'REO[N USD my ORDIN NO. f t An ordinance repealing Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and enacting a new chapter to be known as Chapter 125, Saint Paul � Legislative Code, defining terms, establishing routes, establishing standards, prohibitions and exceptions, regulating traffic in alleys and passing from route to route, for conraerciai vehicles withln•11e City of Saint Paul, and granting certain temporary permit powers to the Com- missloner of Public Safety, exolb,Y W emergency vehicles from commercial vehicle regulations, and regulating loading and. unloading of commercial vehicles in the downtown area, r. y o• �C Q THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section . That Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following is hereby substituted in lieu thereof to be known as Chapter 125. Sect Ion 2. ` 125. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ROUTES 125.01. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used th this Rhapter, shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the •' "Tng respectively'ascribed to thew herein: (1) Commercial vehicle. Every self - propelled motor vehicle sthgr than •passenger vehicle or a vehicle used for the purpose of transport- r ing passengers for hire and shall include any truck, truck tractor or tractor or combination of truck or road tractor and trailer or seal - trai{w,, designed primarily for carrying conMmodities other .then people, sllOWW iaden or unladen. 0 R) Passenger automobile. Passenger automobile means any motor Vehiclis designed and used for the carrying of not more than eight per- sons, including vehicles known as station wagons, but excluding motor cycles. (3) Gross weight and gross vehicle weight shall mean the actual .tW ooded weight of the vehicle, either a single unit truck or tractor - trailer combination, plus the weight of the maximum load for which such vWvtele has been rated whether or not the vehicle or combination qY vehi- cles is actually or fully loaded. Any commercial vehicle operated or driven in the City of Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high - ways'or commercial vehicle routes designated at 125.03 shad} have sten- ciled in a conspicuous place on each side of the cab of the vehicle the gross weight of the vehicle or comebined vehicles as herein defined. Yens Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk iaz "2 x•22 Passed by the Council Approved: 0 Tn Favor --Against Mayor l i • F l i i r i 9 I i i i t ry y t� 11 I� i; at �oel�nl $we* pmt ORDAqANCE 21M COUNCIL P'IL.t NO. PRESENTED EY ORDINANCE NO. page 2 125.02. Routes Established. For the purpose of defining, regu- 4W lating, and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles throughout the City of Saint Paul, and the regulating and restricting of the use of the streets, public thoroughfares, highways, and places by such vehicles, the Council does hereby lay out and define certain districts and routes in which and over which all cnt - reial vehicles my use said streets and routes and prohibiting or restricting the use of other streets by commercial vehicles. 125.03. Prohibition. Hereafter no person shall operate a commer- *' elal vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross, weight on or over any streets, •' public thoroughfares, highways, and places in the City of saint Paul ex- eapting In the districts or over the commercial vehicle routes described as follows: (1) The districts which are zoned for light or heavy industry under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Chapters 60 through 64 hereof) except on or over those streets designated at Chapter 124.02. (2) All streets in the Central Business District bounded by and including Pleasant Avenue, Sixth Street, Smith Avenue,, College Avenue, Rtes Street, Robert Street, Eighth Street, Jackson Street, Kellogg loulevard, W. Seventh Street, and Ramsey Street. (3) All state and federal highways and the following commercial vehicle routes: Acker Street from Cortland Place to Mississippi Street (but no coammer- vial vehicles of over 30,000 pout►ds groats weight). Acker Street from Jackson Street to Cortland Place. ApA*polis Street (that part of Annapolis Street that lies within the City of Saint Paul.) from S. Robert Street to Sibley Memorial Highway. Arcade Street from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Broadway from Kellogg Boulevard to Mississippi Street. Chestnut Street from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Coax Avenue from Park Street to Dale Street. Comtmb Avenue from Hamline Avenue to the West City Limits. Ceaeor.d Street from S. Wabasha Street to the South City Limits. 11W1 free ' -Aakar Street to Sycamore Street. Yeas i � � Nays al&h Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk ,ai 4W44W22 n 1 Passed by the Coaacil Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against 1 ow u" w ca, ck ORDINANCE COUNCIL FiLE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / • �— j page 3 Dale Street from Grand Avenue to the North City Limits. Dodd Road from Stryker Avenue to the South City Limits. Eustis Street Connector (T.H. No. 280) from University Avenue to the North City Limits. Exchange Street from Sherman Street to the Central Business District. Ford Parkway from the West City Limits to Snelling Avenue. Franklin Avenue from the West City Llmlt�.%o University Avenue. Front Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dale Street. George Street from Smith Avenue to Ohio Street. Grand Avenw from Dale Street to Oakland Avenue. Hemline Avenue from Selby Avenue to University Avenue. Hazel Street from E. Seventh Street north to the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. Hudson Road from Mounds Boulevard to the East City Limits. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Acker Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Jackson Street from Acker Street to Shepard Road. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Maryland Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from Summit Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from the Central Business District to Mounds Boulevard. Larpenteur Avenue from the West City Limits to Payne Avenue. Maria Avenue from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Marshall Avenue from the West City Limits to Hamline Avenue. Maryland Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Dale Street. McKnight Road from Hudson Road to Minnehaha Avenue. : Minnehaha Avenue from Pierce Butler Route to Como Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor IM "2 -41W22 Omaha N C* cla t ORDINANCE 210402 COUNCIL FILE NO. ; �237y PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. i page1� i Mississippi Street from Broadway to the North City Limits. Montreal Avenue from Snelling Avenue to W. Seventh Street. Mounds Boulevard from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Oakland Avenue from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street. Ohio Street from George Street to Winifred Street. Otto Avenue from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Park Street from University Avenue to Como Avenue. Payne Avenue from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue. Pierce sutler Route from Prior Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue. Point Douglas Road (T.H. #61)from Hudson Road to the South City Limits. Prior Aveme from St. Anthony Avenue to Pierce Butler Route. Ramey Street from Oakland Avenue to Sherman Street. Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Shepard Road. Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue. Rice Street from the Central Business District to the North City Limits. S. Robert Street from the Central Business District to the South City Limits. Rondo Avenue from 0rigge Street to Rice Street. St. Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Griggs Street. Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Sumgait Avenue. W. Seventh Street from the Southwest City Limits to Wabasha Street. E. Seventh Street from Wabasha Street to Hazel Street. ; Shepard Road from Sibley Street to Otto Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays DaWinh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6-82 OWO-22 Paaaed by the Council t Approved: Mayor in Favor A mat Sri 1 fl t r 4 t .i M Aric .ci to G4 Clerk ORDINANCE 210402 COUNCIL FILE NO. } PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 5 !! 1 Sherman Street from Ramsey Street to Exchange Street. Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to George Street. Snelling Avenue from the North City Limits to Montreal Avenue. Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to the East City Limits. ► Stryker Avenue from Winifred Street to Annapolis Street. i Summit Avenue from Selby Avenue to Rice Street. i Sycamore Street from Rice Street to Jackson Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Third Street from Mounds Boulevard to Marla Avenue. University Avenue from the West City Limits to Mississippi Street. S. Wabashe Street from the Central Business District to-Winifred Street. Warner Road from Sibley Street to Point Douglas Road (T.H. No. 61). Whit• Bear Avenue from Hudson Road to the North City Llmits.. Winifred Street from Ohio Street to Wabesha Street. 125.04. Exception for Deliveries. When necessary in entering or leaving a truck terminal or for the purpose of making a delivery or pick- up, a commercial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight may travel upon any street where such delivery or pickup is to be made, or where such truck terminal is located, but shall reach or leave such location on said street by traveling over the shortest route from the nearest *Rignated commercial vehicle route or district as provided in 125.03; iiiWever, direct travel shall be allowed between points of pickup or de- livery, without the necessity of returning to commercial vehicle routes or districts, where the distance between said pointsof pickup or delivery does not exceed one (1) mile. 125.05. Restrictions in Certain Alleys. No vehicle having a width of vehicle or_load thereon of eight feet or More, or a height of vehicle or load thereon of twelve feet six inches or more, or an over all length of thirty feet or more, shall enter any of the alleys in that part of the central business district described in 125.03 (1) exceRt by special permit issued by the Department of Public Safety. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IJI 6 -62 -O!W22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Aroamat O"abd W CW Ct" ORDINANCE 210Mr COUNCIL FILL NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. = i page 6 125.06. Passing from Route to Route. A•commercial vehicle of over I�,000 pounds gross weight upon arriving at the and of any commercial vehicle route designated herein, if such commercial vehicle route end is not connected at said point with another commercial vehicle route, may be driven over the most direct course to the nearest commercial vehi- cle route which extends in the some general direction. 125.07. No commercial vehicle over 15,000 pounds gross weight shall be driven on Randolph Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue, St. Clair Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue or Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Cretin Avenue except for the purposes of waking a delivery in the area bounded by Mississippi River Boulevard to Marshall Avenue to Snelling Avenue to Selby Avenue to $ummit Avenue to Kellogg Boulevard to W. Seventh Street to Otto Avenue and to Highland Parkway. 125.U8. Powers of Commissioner. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have authority, for cause or upon request, to designate temporary routes in addition to the routes specifically provided in 125.03; to issue temporary permits for commercial vehicles of over 15,000 pounds gross weight to operate over routes not established in 125.03; or to otherwise deviate from the provisions of this chapter. Such action of the Commissioner-of Public Safety shall be subject to review and modi- fication or cancellation by the Council. 125.09. Emergency Vehicles. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the Police Department, Fire Depart - went, or Health Department, nor to any public utility vehicle where actually engaged in the performance of emergency duties necessary to be performed by said public departments or public utilities, nor to any f vehicle owned by or performing wor.: for the United States of America, �+ the State of Minnesota, or the City of Saint Paul. t 125.10. Map. Appendix H of this Code is a map which shows, among odor things, the commercial vehicle routes established by this chapter, but in .case of any conflict or ambiguity, the provisions of this chapter shill control over the map. Section 3. Th&t the above enacted chapter is hereby made a part of the Saint ftul togislative Code to be inserted in the bound volume thereof at such'voluwels next revision. S do 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty iaya aster its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss 0 Mortinso'n + Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Atteak.1 ", _ J I /%1 "4::2 V City Clerk iaz "2 X22 JAN 3 19 3 Pawed by the - b e� ORDIN ri 210M NO. No. :z 3 An ordinance repealing Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and enacting a new chapter to be known as Chapter 125, Saint Paul Ly Islative Code, defining terms, establishing routes, estabitshing standarda, prohibitions and exceptions, regulating traffic In alleys mW passing from route to route, for commercial vehicles withlA.*g City of Saint Paul, and granting certain t rar misaioner of public Safet emp y permit powers to the Com- missioner regulations, and regulating � g���vunloadi from eo�srcial vehicles in the downtown Area, n9 of commercial THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 'not Chapter 125 of the Sol "% Maui Legislative Code be and the Y N!M is hereby repealed, and tip totlo+tl� is hereby suds #ltutar to �� o thereof to be known as .Chapter 1�5. iZS. CWERCIAL VEHICLE RWES �•;:Yi.:`'",- }Z5.01. Definitions. Thefollaw+t dw' s _ , l�'OIS abapter, shall, for the Ards and pllreses, W" a ,,.• jk, `respectiwl ire of this chapter, have the Mme" , y iscribed to thus herein; Vii) Coeaercial vehicle. Eves self - `'' •passenger vehicle or a vehicle used pf�ethe d motor veh i a l e d!tl�A�i• ing passengers for hire, and shall include any truck, truck tro"gr *t }` read tractor or combination of tr k r, trailer designed primarily for carrying commoditiesrothertthap p "Ie, tether laden or unladen. (2) Passenger automobile. Passenger automobile means any voter 'vehlcl* designed and used for the carrying of not more than eight per - s4+i *[ncluding vehicles known as station wagons, but excluding moto'r' (3) Gross weight and gross vehicle weight shall mean the actuat "•loaded weight of the vehicle, either a sinble unit truck or tractgs- trai'1er combination, plus the weight of the maximum load for which -smh vetilts,le: has bean rated whether or not the vehicle or combination 0 vehi- •fie actually or fully loaded. Any commercial vehicle operated or drivitt is the City of Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high - %VVY* or commercial vehicle routes designated at 125.03 shall have stan,- ciled in a conspicuous place on each side•of the cab of the•vehicle the gross weight of the vehicle or combined vehicles as herein defined. You C n tmen Naga Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Paaaed by the Council 0 t Attest: Approved: 1M "2 City Clerk Mayor i22 y **� Favor T 7 i 1 t = k f, 4 } i • t 4 1 i t :11 Y, ' 1 I 9 Oii4taal M My Cl*rk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE page 2 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. t 3 21©402 125.02. Routes Established. For the purpose of defining, regu- lating, and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles throughout the City of Saint Paul, and the regulating and restricting of the use of the streets, public thoroughfares, highways, and places by such vehicles, the Council does hereby lay out and define certain districts and routes in which and over which all commercial vehicles may use said streets and routes and prohibiting or restricting the use of other streets by commercial vehicles. 125.03. Prohibition. Hereafter no person shall operate a commer- cial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight on or over any streets, public thoroughfares, highways, and places in the City of Saint Paul ex- cepting in the districts or over the commercial vehicle routes described as follows: (1) The districts which are zoned for light or heavy industry under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Chapters 6u through 64 hereof) except on or over those streets designated at Chapter 124.02. (2) All streets in the Central Business District bounded by and Including Pleasant Avenue, Sixth Street, Smith Avenue, College Avenue, Rice Street, Robert Street, Eighth Street, Jackson Street, Kellogg Boulevard, W. Seventh Street, and Ramsey Street. (3) All state and federal highways and the following commercial vehicle routes: Acker Street from Cortland Place to Mississippi Street (but no coemer- cial vehicles of over 30,000 poLMds gross weight). Acker Street from Jackson Street to Cortland Place. Annapolis Street (that part of Annapolis Street that lies within the City of Saint Paul) from S. Robert Street to Sibley Memorial Highway. Arcade Street from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Broadway from Kellogg Boulevard to Mississippi Street. Chestnut Street from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Como Avenue from Park Street to Dale Street. Cam Avenue from Hemline Avenue to the West City Limits. Ceneerd Street from S. Wabasha Street to the South City Limits. from-Acker Street to Sycamore Street. t You Councilmen Nays balglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: „�?..,•' City Clerk N+p 1M tom` W22 Paued by ,the Council 1 Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Ac innt le O .* W to City Chrk' ORDINANCE 210402 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. page 3 Dale Street from Grand Avenue to the North City Limits. Dodd Road from Stryker Avenue to the South City Limits. Eustis Street Connector (T.H. No. 280) from University Avenue to the North City Limits. Exchange Street from Sherman Street to the Central Business District. Ford Parkway from the West City Limits to Snelling Avenue. Franklin Avenue from the West City Limits to University Avenue. Front Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dale Street. George Street from Smith Avenue to Ohio Street. Grand Avenue from Dale Street to Oakland Avenue. Hemline Avenue from Selby Avenue to University Avenue. Hazel Street from E. Seventh Street north to the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. Hudson Road from Mounds Boulevard to the East City Limits. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Acker Street (but no cowAercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Jackson Street from Acker Street to Shepard Road. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Maryland Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from Summit Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard from the Central Business District to Mounds Boulevard. Larpenteur Avenue from the West City Limits to Payne Avenue. Maria Avenue from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Marshall Avenue from the West City Limits to Hamline Avenue. Maryland Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Dale Street. McKnight Road from Hudson Road to Minnehaha Avenue. Minnehaha Avenue from Pierce Butler Route to Como Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nsys Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 -4W22 Passed by the Council t Approved: Mayor In Favor A gainat C of •OdSINALI b MY Cbrk vxL)ir Aim Uz 11-16 F IA R FILE NO. r PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / page �r Mississippi Street from Broadway to the North City Limits. ' Montreal Avenue i'rom Snelling Avenue to W. Seventh Street. Mounds Boulevard from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Oakland Avenue from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street. } Ohio Street from George Street to Winifred Street. _ Otto Avenue from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Park Street from University Avenue to Como Avenue. Payne Avenue from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. # Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue. + t Pierce Butler Route from Prior Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue. Point Douglas Road (T.H. #61)from Hudson Road to the South City Limits. Prior Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to Pierce Butler Route. Ramsey Street from Oakland Avenue to Sherman Street. !1 1 Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Shepard Road. Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue. � Rice Street from the Central Business District to the North City Limits. S. Robert Street from the Central Business District to the South City Limits. Rondo Avenue from GriW Street to Rice Street. St. Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Griggs Street. Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Summit Avenue. W. Seventh Street from the Southwest City Limits to Wabasha Street. E. Seventh Street from Wabasha Street to Hazel Street. Shepard Road from Sibley Street to Otto Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Naga Dsl&h Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM "2 -OW22 Passed by the CouneiL ° Approved Mayor Tn Favor Against art" Ir cw CkA ORDINANCE 210402 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 0� page 5 Sherman Street from Ramsey Street to Exchange Street. Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to George Street. Snelling Avenue from the North City Limits to Montreal Avenue. Stillwater Avenue from White dear Avenue to the East City Limits. Stryker Avenue from Winifred Street to Annapolis Street. Summit Avenue from Selby Avenue to Rice Street. Sycamore Street from Rice Street to Jackson Street (but no'commereial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Third Street from Mounds Boulevard to Maria Avenue. University Avenue from the West City Limits to Mississippi Street. S. Wabasha Street from the Central Business District to Winifred Street. Warner Road from Sibley Street to Point Douglas Road (T.H. No. 61). White Bear Avenue from Hudson Road to the North City Limits, Winifred Street from Ohio Street to Wabasha Street. 125.04. Exception for Deliveries. When necessary in entering or leaving a truck terminal or for the purpose of making a delivery or pick- up, a commercial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight may travel upon " street where such delivery or pickup is to be made, or where such truck terminal Is located, but shall reach or loam such location on said street by traveling over the shortest route from the nearest .4ftignated Commercial vehicle route or district as provided in 125.03; 'tAkkr W , direct travel shall be allowed between points of pickup or de- livory, without the necessity of returning to commercial vehicle routes or districts, where the distance between said points of pickup or delivery does not exceed one (1) mile. 125.05. Restrictions in Certain Alleys. No vehicle having a width of vehicle or load thereon of eight feet or more, or a height of vehicle or load thereon of twelve feet six inches or more, or an over all length of thirty feat or more, shall enter any of the alleys in that part of the central business district described in 125.03 (1) except by special permit issued by the Department of Public Safety. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dslglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1A1 "2 -OW22 v City Clerk t Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against i i i r f i i- i r' f 1 f i I 'eL-M W cmr cart ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. i t 210402 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. t page 6 125.06. Passing from Route to Route. A commercial vehicle of over 15,000 pounds gross weight upon arriving at the end or any commercial vehicle route designated herein, if such commercial vehicle route end is not connected at said point with another commercial vehicle route, may be driven over the most direct course to the nearest commercial vehi- cle route which extends in the same general direction. 125.07. No commercial vehicle over 15,000 pounds gross weight shall be driven on Randolph Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue, St. Clair Avenue between W. Seventh Street and Cleveland Avenue or Grand Avenue between Dale Street and Cretin Avenue except for the purposes of making a delivery In the area bounded by Mississippi River Boulevard to Marshall Avenue to Snelling Avenue to Selby Avenue to $ommit Avwvue to Kellogg Boulevard to W. Seventh Street to Otto Avenue and to HighI" Parkway. .� «* 125.U8. Powers of Commissioner. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have authority, for cause or upon request, to designate temporary routes in addition to the routes specifically provided in 125.03; to issue temporary permits for commercial vehicles of over 15,000 pounds gross weight to operate over routes not established in 125.03; or to otherwise deviate from the provisions of this chapter. Such action of the Commissioner, of Public Safety shall be subject to review and modi- fication or cancellation by the Council. 125.09. Emergency Vehicles. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the Police Department, Fire Depart- ment, or Health Department, nor to any public utility vehicle where actually engaged In the performance of emergency duties necessary to be performed by said public departments or public utilities, nor to any vehicle owned by or performing work for the United States of America, the State of Minnesota, or the City of Saint Paul. 125.10. Map. Appendix H of this Code is a map which shows, &+pang et1w things, the commercial vehicle routes established by this chapter, Wt in case of any conflict or ambiguity, the provisions of this chapter shall control over the map. Section 3. TW the above enacted chapter is hereby made a part of the Saint l t{° lslative Code to be inserted in the Isound volume thereof at stk ` #*i ume' s next rev i saos. That this ordinance shell take effect and be in force thirty isys after its passage,, approval and publication. Yeas -'Councilmen Nays Hollanshd Loss D Mortinaan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest -7N _ l I / A .D 11 1-7 V City Clerk 1M "2 •40W22 ;JaH s Passed by the 007,11 r RECEIVED SAINT -PAUL. b,INN. In MAYO-R'S OFFIOE AM DEC �4 1962 -- Pml-- December 2t'1962 Mayor Vavoulis and kffig!n���i Council: City Hall and Court Ho Be St. Paul...Minnesota Gentlemen; We have trucks delivering,potatoes and vegetables to grocery stores, and r'esturants in St. Paul. We have avoided the streets -W j000#_.gross eight.---A month agb,, one ,of our trucks :posted for_ 10 was tagged on-,Jackson Street. Since talking to the'gentlOnien in traffic regulations, I understand that all city - streets are off limits fc?r trucks except a few•of the main streets. I think this is very unfair-to truck drivers who need to use the streets to earn their living, and to-deliver,merchandise for the people of St.-,Paul. When this subject is brought before the council, we truck drivers are out on our routes delivering and tryiAg to earn our living. Surely you can understand how hard-it is to get- to a-meeting I wonder how many -of - those ladies, who are complaining, know what they are asking? Ther*ould be no deliveries made to homes, stores or other places of business except by a pick up truck.- How could such a truck deliver oil, produce., furniture or any -other .heavy item? We have 'been told a 30,000 # gross weight has been suggested to you. From your last ,report in the.paper,, you - are trying.to out-it to 15,,000 # gross weight. This. makes it next to impossible for me and most truck drivers to make our routes and still.obey the laws. As far as semi= truckB are concerned, 1 think they should follow the-truck routes specified, because most of them are coming into town or just going Q-4t.• These are the trucks I feel the ladies are really objectini to. Truck drivers ( or owners are payin ore for licience, P our Produce Licience,'plus our City eicience, then cars, -yet you'-are ,016sing, the-streets - to-_us. because of - weight.. -I can't see why Earl St., Forest-St.0 Arkwright St.,(on the East side) and Clevelatid, Hamline, and Western-can't be-made for city delivery trucks with a gross weight of 30,000 # Your city- delivery trucks have a gross weight of b0,000 # or over. To'eum it all up., all we are asking is to be able to use the streets we are paying taxes for,-and to be able to deliver our merchandise -which is our way of earning our'living. Sincerely., -Kruger'B Inc. j 7 , RECEIVED SAINT -PAUL. b,INN. In MAYO-R'S OFFIOE AM DEC �4 1962 -- Pml-- December 2t'1962 Mayor Vavoulis and kffig!n���i Council: City Hall and Court Ho Be St. Paul...Minnesota Gentlemen; We have trucks delivering,potatoes and vegetables to grocery stores, and r'esturants in St. Paul. We have avoided the streets -W j000#_.gross eight.---A month agb,, one ,of our trucks :posted for_ 10 was tagged on-,Jackson Street. Since talking to the'gentlOnien in traffic regulations, I understand that all city - streets are off limits fc?r trucks except a few•of the main streets. I think this is very unfair-to truck drivers who need to use the streets to earn their living, and to-deliver,merchandise for the people of St.-,Paul. When this subject is brought before the council, we truck drivers are out on our routes delivering and tryiAg to earn our living. Surely you can understand how hard-it is to get- to a-meeting I wonder how many -of - those ladies, who are complaining, know what they are asking? Ther*ould be no deliveries made to homes, stores or other places of business except by a pick up truck.- How could such a truck deliver oil, produce., furniture or any -other .heavy item? We have 'been told a 30,000 # gross weight has been suggested to you. From your last ,report in the.paper,, you - are trying.to out-it to 15,,000 # gross weight. This. makes it next to impossible for me and most truck drivers to make our routes and still.obey the laws. As far as semi= truckB are concerned, 1 think they should follow the-truck routes specified, because most of them are coming into town or just going Q-4t.• These are the trucks I feel the ladies are really objectini to. Truck drivers ( or owners are payin ore for licience, P our Produce Licience,'plus our City eicience, then cars, -yet you'-are ,016sing, the-streets - to-_us. because of - weight.. -I can't see why Earl St., Forest-St.0 Arkwright St.,(on the East side) and Clevelatid, Hamline, and Western-can't be-made for city delivery trucks with a gross weight of 30,000 # Your city- delivery trucks have a gross weight of b0,000 # or over. To'eum it all up., all we are asking is to be able to use the streets we are paying taxes for,-and to be able to deliver our merchandise -which is our way of earning our'living. Sincerely., -Kruger'B Inc. RECEIVED Mayor VavoUlis and Members of the City Council: City Hall and Court House UEC 24 1962 St. Paulo Minnesota DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC BUREAU We have trucks delivering potatoes and Vegetables to gro oqry stores, an " d T68tur&hta.in St., Paul. We have avoided the streets posted for 1QS000# gross weight. A moat4 agos•one•of our trucks was tagged OXI jaqksqA_ Since ta;lkt-ng to;. the gentleaen oh j'iUjddja%anj that_ -411, olty - 4itree In tr,aXfiQ regulations; te are - off limits for truoko except a few of the maiA stT00%. 1- think this 114 Very unfair to truck drivori shci nqed to use the streets to earn tb0r living and to deliver ZerojaaAdise for the people of at., Paul. - Whe ,t i f A% t,44 pu'bjept j' brQught before. the oouaollo we,truo'k drivers are out on our routes delivering and trying to earn our living. $urely you 0a:n understan4 bow hard-it Is to I wonder 4ow WwAy of those ladies, who are oomp, got to a malting th I are asking? Tbero6puld be lainingo know- WhAt a no deliveries mode to homes, stores, or other p2APea of busitees except by 4 pick up truck.; Hqw could suoh a ' truck deliver oils proatxoe # furniture - or any other heavy item? we have been told a 300.000 f gross Weight has been suggested to you. From your &ast report in the paper,, you are trying to out it to 26 .000, grow weight.. This :napes it next to Impossible for mo and most truck driver's to tnake our routes an4 still obay the laws. . . As .fair as semi-truoks are concerned., I think they should follow 'the truck routes spooifieds 1)60aupe most-6f them are poming-tnto town or just, going out. These are the trucks f$-el the ladies 4re really objeotin to. "fr­uat drivers ( or owners are payin ore for licienoeFs plus our Produoe Liclenoej plus our City tijejenoe, then oars, yet you are oloeing the streata to Us because of•weight. I voreot::St, Arkivright Sti�j(on the East 0 -See,vhy� Ear3: Sta's- _tds)�, canl:t -and Cleve4o4d,o, Hamlinoo and Western can't be made for city delivery trucks, Stith a gross weight of 30$-000 # . Moot of Your city delivery trucks all have a gross weight of 20.,060 # or over. To o-oum it 1 up, all we aakIng. * i is to be able to U80 the streets w®, are paying taxes for, and to" be able to deliver our ..as Which iS our way . earning our merchandi, Of llvin&. Sincerelys a Inc Ktuger_ SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES IN SECTION 125 OF THE CITY ORDINANCE REGULATING COM14ERCIAL VEHICLE MOVEMENTS The following summary briefly describes the proposed changes in the commer- cial vehicle ordinance which have been approved and recommended by the Traffic Committee. Most of the commissioners have attended a majority of the Traffic Committee meetings where the commercial vehicle ordinance was discussed. How- ever, since considerable discussion has occurred, it seems desirable to summarize all the changes. All petitions and letters on this subject that were referred to the Traffic Committee are being returned to the Council at this tike. If there are any questions concerning the proposed changes, please contact the Traffic En- gineering Bureau at any time. Pr_ oao_,sed Changes --General 1. The definition of gross weight as it applies to this chapter is more clearly defined to eliminate any possible misinterpretation. it has always been the intent of the definition to mean rated gross weight which Is the weight on which the commercial vehicle owner pays his license fees. The commercial, vehicle ordinance regulates movement on the basis of the licensed gross weight,regard- less of the actual loaded or unloaded weight of the vehicle. 2. The existing ordinance regulates all vehicles over 10,000 pounds gross Weight. The new ordinance raises this figure'to 15,000 pounds to provide addi- tional freedom of movement fon the smaller delivery vehicles. To some extent this change will alleviate some of the serious gaps in the truck route system which still exist. 3. Section 125.03 (2) describes an area in the central business district where unlimited truck movement is permitted. This area is to be expanded in the north section of the downtown area as Indicated in the red shaded area on the attached map. Currently thousands of violations occur each day by cortmerciai vehicles traveling on Minnesota, Cedar, Wabasha, etc, It seems reasonable to permit unlimited commercial vehicle movements in this area. 4. Section 125.04 listing the exception for deliveries is to be revised to eliminate the double meaning In the existing wording. The portion of this section requiring commercial vehicles to use the shortest route between the point of pickup and delivery and the nearest commercial vehicle route will remain. How- ever, a second clause will permit direct movement betv)een deliveries provided the distance does not exceed one wile. The latter clause will eliminate many ex- tremeiy circuitous trips between deliveries. Proposed Changes - Specific Additions 1. Park from University to Como Como from park to Rice. Currently this route is being used by hundreds of commercial vehicles each day. It was formerly designated T.H. #10 which automatically allowed truck movement. However, when the highway designation was removed, the streets were -2- never designated as cowwrcial vehicle or truck routes. it is extremely desir- able that all westbound or northbound vehicles passing through the University and Park Intersection that eventually travel west on Como west of Rice St. use the Park and Como route to avoid the left turn movement from northbound Rice to westbound Como. 2. University from Jackson to Mississippi. Truck movements are permitted in this area which is zoned industrial. However, it seems desirable to officially designate It a route in order that it can be properly signed to Mississippi St. 3. E. Seventh from White Bear to Hazel. Hazel from Seventh to Stillwater. You will notice on the attached asap that the east and west route in . this area requires extremely awkward turning movements at White Bear and Seventh and Stillwater and White Bear. This condition is especially difficult at the signeiized.intersection of Seventh and White Bear. More than 50b of the truck movements on Stillwater between White Bear and Hazel have origin or destination In the industrial area on Hazel north of Stillwater. A majority of these trucks also travel on Seventh west of White Bear. The proposed-routing over Hazel and Seventh could eliminate three undesirable turning movements with a single easy turn at Hazel and Seventh, which is actually one continuous roadway rather than an Intersection. The proposal would retain Stillwater which would be used by trucks with origins and destinations both north and south on White Bear Ave. Petitions have been'received by the residents on Stillwater between White gear and Hazel -to.ellaminate or reduce truck movement on the street. We have also received petitions by the residents on Seventh between Hazel and White Bear who are opposed to any designation of a comercial vehicle route. Thirty - eight residential houses are located on Stillwater between White Bear and Hazel, and in the same two block section on Seventh there are 19 residential houses end five 11 unit apartment buildings. Stillwater is a paved street, whereas Seventh and Hazel are oiled streets which have been placed on the five year pav- 1ng program. The Sanitation Department, which is responsible for oiled street maintenance, agreed to provide the necessary street maintenance or street In- provements to adequately carry truck traffic until the paving project is com- pleted. 4. McKnight Rd. from Hudson Rd. to MBnnehaha. Larpenteur from Westminster to Payne. These two streets are paved,,maintained and signed by the county. McKnight has always been a truck route but has never appeared in the St: Paul City Ordinance. The portion of Larpenteur from Westminster to Payne was re- cently paved, and will be an extension of the existing commercial vehicle route from the west city limits to Westminster. 5. Mounds Blvd. (T.H. #61) from E. Seventh to Kellogg. T.H. #61 is routed over this portion of Mounds Blvd. and it sews desir- able that it should be specifically listed in the ordinance. With the exception of three state highway routes where alternate cowtercial vehicle routes have been provided, all state highmys are also listed in the city ordinance. Z I= m X '77 m F7 r- 0 m -0 >-o Cp E M "N m 10 /O'Sv1313 m (A ........ V m M . ..... C2 .... 66RVE > p rn m A ...... m X cn G) cn 0 IIEVI L m -c: m =m z > m > 0 0 r, mmi > z 0 r, 0 SO -Z IV I > ,n -n m z "n 0 -V n 3> 0 W e m , 2 1 ALDINE - 1-0. m 0 c— S N LING AVE. 50-0 -- . Z m > * >c 0 I z 0 > rn < rn HAMLIN x m - m (A M rn < T m X ,,KBE RD. ,f ul LEXINGTON PKWY. =-'i ".....T.... n z ; �. �p0 r ti z 0 o> o CID lo� m 0 z ST ALBANS rn .. ...... . . DALE ST. c Aom - z z m GKUBIN r- In MA NN -C -4 JOY w > z m m m m 00 ;r I .... 2 m m z z z z z o r F ST. r m m rn CE RI w r z 0 N 0 0 Z 0 3. m =i -4 SMITH SYLVAN m z 0 JACKSON r m m ;a ;o z (uf) o0c > o 0 0 0 a 0 C TZ 2 Cc: 0 cn M 0 Zzm z a 0 �n m ...................... '00 -4 m C) m m 5T. cn to z 00 STRYKER c) 3c IT! m -n -n m n 0 c m cn > S. ROBERT r H cz A 0 w JESSIE r r . .... . . . . . . . 0 E AVE. Z < '0 ,& > 0 < M 0 0 M =X r r r ARCADE ST. c po o a z Rt, 71 r o r r m A m > m zz 0 0 :r: < z o 0 -OD RUSSELL �r!a = =D 0 > Iss DULUTH 0 4*(n ljd ARCLAW z EYE WHITE BEAR'. I AVE. PISS 44&6- RUTH? 4 19 Ige rn iu -3- 6. Marshall from Snelling to 1iamllne. Hermline from Selby to University, These streets are also within industrial zones, but It seams desirable that they shouid be specifically Included in the ordinance. Eventually the Hem - line comercial vehicle designation will continue to the Short Line connection Just south of the new Namline bridge. 7. Jackson from University to Maryland (temporary until the 1655issippi Freeway is completed). Pississippi St. was formerly the official truck route in this area. mow- ever, this route has been obliterated just South of Naryland by new freeway con- struction. A rather large gap exists In north -south commrcial routes between Rice and Payne at this time because of the freeway construction. in addition, a considerable number of industries are located in the industrial area between Jackson and the railroad tracks east of Jackson. It 1s necessary for a consider- able number of trucks to use .Jackson to reach this industrial area which coVli- cates enforcement of this particular route. Le- 1. James from Shepard Rd, to Seventh. This route has been-deleted because of the completion of the Randolph Connection bettmen Shepard Rd, and Seventh. 2. Randolph from Seventh to Cleveland. St. Clair from Seventh to Cleveland. Grand from Dale to Cretin. The proposed ordinance includes a new section listed as 125.07. This section of the ordinance prohibits all comwelal vehicles on portions of Ran - dolph, St. Clair and Grand that do not have origin or destination in tlia area bounded generally by Marihall and Selby on the north, Wo Seventh on the a .asto the line of Otto, Highland Pkwy,. on the south and Mississippi River Blvdo on the west.. The purpose .of this section is to prohibit army of the large truck - trailer cowbinitions which have been using these streets, and .specially Ran- Olph Ave. between Shepard Rd. and Snei l ing] - in• increasing numbers. It is de- sirable that these larger combinations use Snelling,.montreal and W. Seventh since they are wide streets capable of handline the large vehicles. 4lestbmnd MOvOments by large tractor - trailer combinations are especially undesirable on Randolph because of the steep grade between Chatsworth and Syndicate. In this area slaw moving trucks cause congestion and Invite hazardous passing maneuvers. Robert G. Paterson Traffic Engineer Secy. of Traffic Committee. 1st 2nd - Laid over to 3rd and app.) 2 pted 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays -- Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland �Oss ^, Loss r V meson. Mortinson 10 Peterson Peterson Roseii Rosen -,lj�r. President VavoOs Mr. President Vavoulis ` 8 2 nn PMUSHED