210371Original to-City Clerk DINANCIi - COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B � ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance amending Ordinance. No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative, ordinance fixing the compensation rates_ of certain city positions. and employments.," approved January 23, 1,925, as. amended. THE COUNCI14 OF THF, CITY OF SAINT PAUL{ .DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That.. Ordinance No. 6.446, approved .January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further, amended by inserting in Section,1I under the. heading t °Special employ=s ntel, the. line.: "Student Library Aide II 1. 50 an hour tr Section 2. This. ordinance shall take effect and. be in force, thirty days. after its pas-sage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest ti City' Clerk 1111 6-62 22 File No. 210371— Ordinance No.! J` -By Severiri -A. Mortinson- Tordinance amending Ordinance 46, entitled: 1 administrative ordinance. fixing I rimpensation rates of certain city] ,ons and employments, " bved January 23, 1925, as amended. ,,;tie Council of the City of St. Par., is Ordain: , c E SECTION 1 1 JOB t Ordinance' No. 6446, vpn jL n 'Q 3s am!•rded; is' fa r{:ier oltr 9NBIJ: :%rt IP:79P. -c;1.R1T.R9RJF. .bT DEC 2 8 1962 Passed by the Council ITn Favor P Against DEC 2 8 1962 Approved: Mayor CITY CLERKt.�� 64A o2oloodt 210311 1a3�7 OAA "WWOOU" "4044,00 '04%, *Ir 0-*M"A"UM ►to* of totuft ct* oovoftd 1040*vy ",* '10100 #0 TIM COMM. ov, "M 01VIV, or "WT SIAIVIO o"s 0"Awt 1100 of atasa&4 Oo. 0044"t Wolaty Mat A L$400-60'.1t thon 44*0 #400 a" b* to footo Wro &YIN Otsr itt *"tow sorl"o And P""Ufto �� P DEC 2 8 1962 DEC 2 81962 is / �+' t k 2n s Laid over to 3rd and app --Adopted 1 a Yeas Nays eas Nays Dalglish �Dalglish Holland `Holland Loss \ Loss Mortinson ` �Mortinson7 0 Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis �r. President Vavoulis 210371 "musmD