07-598Council File #�� Green Sheet # � �) C7 g �C� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 RESOLUTION Presented by MINNESOTA �� WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to recons4uct and rebuild the intersecrion on Wkrite Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue; and WI�REAS, Wlute Beaz Avenue &om Rose Avenue to Hawthome Avenue is designated County State Aid Highway 65 and is in the City; and WHEREAS, preliininary studies and reports conducted by the City and County indicate that it is feasible, pracrical and technically proper to provide for the VJhite Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue reconstrucrion; and WHEREAS, the Counry has prepared or will prepaze the necessary designs, plans, specificarions, estimates, proposals and approvals in accordance with funding requirements to take bids for this project; and WHEREAS, the intersecrion reconshvcrion of White Bear Avenue at Maryland Avenue is designated as eligible for a grant of Federal Funds as Minn. Proj. HSIP 6207 (039); WHEREAS, this project has been designated as eligible for CSAH funds, reimbursement as S.P. 62-665-42 and S.P 164-163-04; and WHEREAS, plans for this project provide for the reconsWction of the existing intersection on White Bear at Maryland Avenue by widening the 4-lane section of White Bear Avenue to provide for north-south turn lanes; and WHEREAS, plans for this project provide for reconstrucrion of the existing traffic signal to provide left turn phasing and provide for reconstruction of sidewalk on each side of White Bear Avenue; and WHEREAS, plans for this project, S.P. 62-665-42, S.P. 164-163-04 and Minn. Proj. HSIP 6207(039) showing proposed reconstruction, alignment, profiles, grades and cross-sectlons for the improvemern of the intersection of White Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue within the lunits of the City as a Federally Assisted County State Aid Highway project have been presented to the City; and WHEREAS, the grading and widening provisions require acquisition of certain right of way and temporary construction and slope easements prior to construction; and WHERAS, the County is utilizing the City of St. Paul right of way staff in acquiring necessary right of way as determined by the project gading limits under sepazate project, S.A.P. 63-665-47 urilizing County and Municipal State Aid funds for all reimbursable costs; and WHEREAS, the project includes, in addirion to other things, grading, paving, wallcs, boulevard, utility adjustments, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewers, traffic control signals and street lights; and WHEREAS, the County will take bids for the project, prepaze and abslract of bids and cost participarion summary, request the City's concurrence to awazd a contract, and pay the contractor from State Aid and Municipal STate Aid and Municipal State Aid Highway funds identified for the project. o � �� 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul enter into an ageement with Ramsey County for the following purposes, to wit: To enter into Agreement No. PW 2007-06 in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Ageement No. PW 2007-06, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contracwal obligarions contained therein. Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Yeas Requested by Deparhnent of: / �� �� t 1r, r Thune Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorne BY: �B�'�'s� �9. �'�-�tt-h Adoption Certified by Cotmcil Secreta�/ gq� Ap ed�nancial �ervices D'uector ! fr/�( BY� � � ° By: Approved� Date 7 ���0 7 Fornt ov d .F� � BY� � By: ,�( ✓' 4/ G�v'7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Deparimefrtloffice/counal: Dafe In�iated: Q ,,,, _�„�,� ���� Green Sheet NO: 3040500 Cor�d Person 8 Phone: Brian Yitek 266-6256 Must Be on Council Agenda by Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocurtrent Required: N DocumeMConfact: BrianVitek ContaU Phone: 266-G256 N 0 bl's Warks Panl St Martin Assign 1 btieWorks tDirtttor Number 2 ' Attorn For Ruulin9 3 rkOffce Ma odAssi.stant � 4 onncil 5 ' Clerk C' L�Pik Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) � �7 �� . 07 Approve Coimcil Resolution authorizing ihe proper City officials to enter into Ageement PW2007-06 with Ramsey County. The agreement authorizes the City to enta into a cooperative construciion agreement witH Rzmsey Co+mty for tbe reconst�uction of SVhite Bear Avenue at Maryland Avenue in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minuesota. Planning CAmmission 1. Has this person/firtn ever vroAced under a rnnt2d for this departmenL? CIB Committee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, OppoRunily (Whq WhaS When, Where, Why): Ramsey Co�mty is plamm�g to reconsnvct White Beaz Avenue from approxanately 500 feet south of Mazyland Avenue to approxixnately 500 feet north of Marylan3 Avenue in 2007. AdvaMages If Approved: The City of Saint Paul will be authorized to enter into Agreement No. PW2007-06 with Ramsey Counry. A copy of the agreement is attached for information. Disadvarrtages IF Apprwed: None identified to date. DrsadvanWges H Not Approved: The City of Saint Paul will not have sufficient authorization to enter into the agreement. Transactan: Funding Sou�: Financial tntormation: (ESplain) CosURevenue Budgeted: _. A Number. . �kYR�Y,_-....-- __ __....__, aa �. , .:_ .�, .w �__ .,�c. �. 5 ,� �. . -_.- i . ;a-:-_, e) W �i "� = ��07 RECENED June 6, 2007 3:00 PM p a9e � MAYOR'S OF�ICE o � �� Agreement PW 2007-06 RAMSEY COUNTY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SAINT PAUL White Beaz Avenue at Maryland Intersection Reconstruction S.P_62-665-42 S.P. 164-163-04 Minn. Proj. HSIP 6207(039) St. Paul Local S.A.P. 62-665-47 (Right-of-Way) Estimated Amount Receivable from City of Saint Paul Construction Costs Traffic Signals $14,06739 Street Lights $26,735.02 Sewer $7 Attachments: Construction Engineering $15,563.52 Engineers Estimate TOTAL $63,645.30 Right-of-Way Estimate Force Account Agreement (Hydrants) Force Account Agreement(Signal & Signing) Estimated Amount Payable To City of Saint Paul Construction Costs Hydrant RelocaUOn Signal Cabinet & Signing Design Engineering Right-of-Way TOTAL $9,000.00 $26,100.00 $12,711.50 $923,086.46 $970,897.96 THIS AGREEMENT, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the °Ciry," and Ramsey County, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the "County' ; 1�i/YY���Yi9 PW 2007-06 1 WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to reconstrvct and rebuild the intersection on White Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue; and Wf�REAS, White Bear Avenue from Rose Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue is designated County State Aid Highway 65and is in the Ciry; and WHEREAS, preliminary studies and reports conducted by the City and County indicate that it is feasible, practical, and technically proper to provide for the White Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue reconstruction; and WHEREAS, the County has prepared or will prepare the necessary designs, plans, specificarions, estimates, proposals and approvals in accordance with funding requirements to take bids for this project; and WHEREAS, the intersection reconstruction of White Bear Avenue at Maryland Avenue is designated as eligibie for a grant of Federal Funds as Minn. Proj. HSIP 6207(039); and WHEREAS, this project has been designated as eligible for CSAH funds, reimbursement as S.P. 62-665-42 and S.P. 164-163-04; and WHEREAS, plans for this project provide for the reconstruction of the exisring intersection on White Bear at Maryland Avenue by widening the 4-lane section of White Bear Avenue to provide for north-south turn lanes; and WHEREAS, plans for this project provide for reconstruction of the existing fiaffic signal to provide left turn phasing and provide for reconstruction of sidewalk on each side of White Bear Avenue; and WHEREAS, plans for this project, S.P. 62-665-42, S.P. 164-163-04 and Minn. Proj. HSIP 6207(039) showing proposed intersection reconstruction, alignment, profiles, grades and cross- secrions for the improvement of the intersecrion of White Bear Avenue at Maryland Avenue within the limits of the City as a Federally Assisted County State Aid Highway project have been presented to the City; and VJHEREAS, the grading and widening provisions require acquisition of certain right of way and temporary constnxcfion and slope easements prior to construction; and WHEREAS, the County is utilizing the City of St. Paul right of way staff in acquiring necessary right of way as deternrined by the project grading limits under a separate project, S.A. P. 63-665-47 utilizing County and Municipal State Aid funds for all reimbursable costs; and WHEREAS, the project includes, in addition to other things, grading, paving, walks, boulevard, utility adjustments, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewers, traffic control signals and street lights; and �f�.�f�I�Z��� R�f3�EAS, the County will take bids for the project, prepare an abstract of bids and cost participation summary, request the City's concurrence to awazd a contract, awazd a contract and pay the contractor from State Aid and Municipal State Aid Highway funds identified for the project. S; o � NOVJ, THEREFORE, TT IS HIItEBY MLITLJALLY AGREID AS FOLLOWS: 1. Prior to County award of a coniract, the County shall fust receive concurrence from the City for awazd of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. 2. Upon award of a construction contract the County shall perform or contract the performance of the construction inspection. 3. The City and County shall acquire and pay for all rights of way and easements required for the construction of the project within the grading limits of the plan. Any rights of way that cannot be negotiated will be acquired through eminent domain proceedings. 4. All City owned rights of way and easements within the limits of the project for roads, utilities and stormwater aze hereby granted to the County for project use during construction. 5. The County will utilize City Public Works staff for right-of-way acquisition services on the project. 6. The City and County will share in the cost of right-of-way for the project as identified on the attached Right-of-Way Estimate. Right-of-way costs for the project shall be split 75% County and 25% City. 7. The County and City shali participate in the costs of construction in accordance with the , adoptedRamsey County Pubiic Works cost participation policy. 8. The estimated construction cost of items eligible for federal participarion is $640,494.00. Federal Funds granted to this project shall be applied to all eligible items at a rate not to exceed 90% of their construcrion cost. 9. The estimated cost of items not eligible for federal fund participation is $7,279.37. This cost will be paid for by City of Saint Paui local funds. 10. Storm sewer construction costs attributable to the road right of way and facilities needed for the road drainage are estimated to be eligible for reimbursement from County State Aid funds. Each agency shall pay for the storm sewer costs as deternuned by the MN/DOT hydraulics memorandum. 11. Upon completion of the project, the County shall own and maintain the storm sewer catch basins and°leads on its County roads and the City shall own and maintain the storm sewer trunk lines within the City. Laterals and drains servicing property within the City outside the road right of way shall also be owned and maintained by the City. � �1�:7rIiDUEiI� 0�-5�� 12. The City shall pay to the County 25% of the construction cost of traffic signal at White Beaz Avenue at Maryland Avenue after the applicarion of Federal Funds. The City shall continue to maintain the traffic signals as per the Ramsey County /City of Saint Paul Nlaintenance Agreement. 13_ The County shall pay to the City 75% of the cost of tr�c signal equipment provided by the City to the project. The County wiil also pay to the City the Federal Funds available to the project for the City's shaze of the tr�c signal equipment. 14. The City shall pay to the County 100% of the cost of streetlights provided in the project, after the application of Federal Funds. Upon completion of the project, the City shall own and maintain the streetlights. 15. The City shall pay to the County 100% of the cost of the sanitary sewer service reconstrucrion on the project. The City shail continue to own and maintain the sanitary sewer. 16. All City utilities or facilities modified or added to those provisions presently made in the plans and specifications may be incorporated in the construction contract by supplemental agreement and shall be paid for as specified in the supplemental agreement. Design and construction engineering fees shall be negotiated. 17. The City shall reimburse the County twelve percent (12%) of its share of the construcrion cost prior to the applica6on of Federal Funds, as deternuned by the final amount due the contractor, as a construction engineering fee. 18. The County shall reimburse the Ciry ten percent (10%) of its share of the construction cost of the traffic signal prior to the application of Federal Funds, as determined at the 6me of contract award, as a traffic signal design engineering fee. 19. Quantity distribufions identified above aze shown in the Statement of Esrimated Quantities in the plans. Estimated costs are identified in the Engineers Estimate. Actual costs shall be based on the contractor's unit prices and the quanbities constructed. 20. A11 liquidated damages assessed the contractor in connection with the work performed on the project shall result in a credit shared by the City and the County in the same proportion as their respecuve total shaze of construction costs to the total construction cost without deduction for liquidated damages. 21. The City shall not assess or otherwise recover any portion of its cost for this project through levy on County-owned property. 22. The County shall, when a construction contract is proposed to be awazded, prepare a revised estimate and cost participation breakdown based on construction contract unit prices and submit a copy to the City. Upon concurrence to award a construction contract, the City agrees to advance to the Treasurer of Ramsey County an amount equal to the City total conshuction cost share. Upon PW 2007-06 07 ��i � concurrence to awazd a construction contract, the County agrees to forward to the City an amount equal to the amount due by the County to the City for design engineering. 23. Upon substantial completion of the work, the County shall prepare a revised estimate of cost participation breakdown based upon the contract unit prices and the actual units of work esrimated to have been perFormed and submit a copy to the City. The construction engineering costs to be paid the County by the Ciry shali be based on this estimated final construction cost. The County shall add to the City's estimated final construction costs the construction engineering costs, make necessary adjustments for liquidated damages, if any, and deduct City funds previously advanced for the project by the City. The City agrees to pay to the County any amounts due. In the event the calculations show that the City has advanced funds in greater amount than is due the County, the County shall refund the amount to the City without interest. 24. The City and County shall indemnify, defend and hold each other harmless against any and all liability, losses, costs, damages, expenses, claims, ar actions, including attorney's fees, which the indemnified party, its officials, agents, or empioyees may hereafter sustain, incur, or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of the indemnifying party, its officials, agents or employees, in the execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform the indemnifying party's obligation pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall consritute a waiver by the County or the City of any statutory or common law immunities, limits, or exceptions on liability. 25. Ttris Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unul terminated by mutual agreement of the City and the County. 26. Preliminary plans reviewed at the City public hearing and final plans and specifications are hereby in all things approved. PW 2007-06 D� -5q b� IlV WITNESS WE�REOF, the parties have caused this AgLeement to be executed. CTTY OF SAINT PAUL By Its By Its Date Approved as to Form: City Attorney TI-� COUNTY OF RAMSEY I� Chair Boazd of County Commissioners Chief Clerk-County Boazd Date Approved as to Form: Assistant County Attorney Recommended for Approval: Kenneth G. Haider, P.E. Public Works Director and County Engineer PW 2007-06 �7 �q� 5/22007 EE.xls Page I O`7-59 8 522007 � EExls page 2 o7-�g� 52/2007 EE.xLs Page 2 o7-5q8 5/22007 EE:xIs Page 3 5/2lZ007 EE.xls Page 4 O� 5lL2007 EE.�s P¢ge 5 O`l-5� d a 0 V � x 4 7 n c � r � z C7 n ro h d H � e a 0 '-7 0 � h > n n 0 H N � ' n !7 0 � � h > a 0 z y s � � � z � � � O O O O O � � a K F7 z n z 7 � r H � h � cz 0 H ro z � 5 a y O z � b O O O O O A � R Q Parcel # -� 220 -' Z 219 r , 3 2'18 w"# 217 _' ,? � #` �_ �� e-� 216 = a;u ��6 215 �� �, �� 214 �� �14 ` 213 �� 212 � 211 „� 2�0 200 �� _ �� 201 ¢ f �d- ?'t, 202 °�-, ��;� � � 203 r' � „��. � ==1� 204 ' ��: • � 205 ;� � ` 206 � May 14, 2007 Owner Charles Statety & Ramona Ga Martin & Marina Pina Joseph Mangin Carol Wilson Ryan & Leah Mahoney Alfred Bernstein CarX NENDC NENDC David Schmidt Manyibe/Tatum Tina Kiprose Her & My Ly Xiong Josa & Lilia Zendejas Jose Perez New Leobardo Garcia Old owner Mn Gordon Joyce Marie Peter Producis North America Inc Ronaid Flood Lucinda Severud 62-665-042 MSEY COUP77Y T.H.'10 Address �243 White Bear 1239 Whife Bear 1231 White Bear 1229 White Bear 1225 White Bear 1201-�7 White Bear 1187-99 White Bear 1187 White Bear 1179 White Bear 1171 White Bear 1167 White Bear 1161 White Bear 1160 White Bear 1164 White Bear 1168 White Bear 1172 White Bear 1200 White Bear 1783 Maryland 1782 Hawthorne PE&TE PE&TE PEBTE PE&TE Tf PE&TE PE&TE PE&TE pE&TE PE&TE PE&TE PE&TE PE PE&TE PE&TE PE&TE PE&TE PE&TE Tf Appraisal or MDA Date 04/04/06 OS/13/06 06/04/O6 03/29/O6 03/29/06 OM2M06 02/04/03 02/ 04/OS/06 05/15/06 04l14/06 06/04/06 05/15/06 OS/15/O6 05/12/06 OS/12/06 614/0S and 11/9/06 03/29/06 OM08/06 Appraisal Cost Appraised Purchase Value for Agreement Needed Rights Signed $1,200 $12,170 1'1/27/2006 $1,200 $19,244 10/21/06 $1,200 $30,921 12/15/06 $1,200 $40,170 10/04/O6 $� 200 $70,233 $210,000 01/04/07 $6,000 $376,527 01/28l07 $10,500 02/O5/03 $5,550 $1,200 $25,608 11/30/06 $1,200 $15,212 10/10/06 $1,200 $15,184 12/OM07 $1,200 $9,955 12/26/06 $1,200 $3,000 10l�7J06 $1,200 $5,548 11/20/06 $1,200 $13,200 11/18/O6 $1,200 $35,850 11/17/06 $38,400 and $4,500 $51,000 01/03/07 $4,500 $58,365 'li/16/06 $1,200 $135,000 01/12/07 $31,800.00 $31, 8 0 0.00 Settlement Amount For Land Rights ^y1 2,1 7 0 $7 8, 4 42 $32, $40,170 $212,606 iq0 plus lot to north $10,500 $7,680 $2 $19,212 $21 ,64 8 $11 $3,00 $5,848 $13,200 $35,850 $51,000 ' $65,000 $143,022 $1,128,331.32 $1,160,131.32 Retocation To Date $23,650.68 $2,000 , $25,650.63 $1,185,781.95 $20,000 $25,000 $45,000.00 $7,230, 07 5Q � $1,230,781.95 � � ... , MnlDOT 30720 (-81) ST'ATE OF MINNESpTA DEPAR'Tn�7T QF I'RANSPORTATION Request for Approval of State Aid Constrnciion By St. Paul kUater Forces. 1� • : S.P. 62-665-42 CSAH No. 65 MSAS No. Couuty or Mimicipality Rtamsey Coun£y F�OCAT`ION:White BearAvenue, St. Pavl, Mn From Sf1Q' North tQ To S00' South of Maryland Avenue Type of Work- Retocate Hydt � Commissioner of Transportation 3tate T��avspartation Building St Paut; Minnesota 55155 Deaz Sir: 'Fhe Cou�ti�: of Ramsey hereby requests authority to perform the construction of the above reference project, in accordance with approved plans, specifications and special provisions by Sf. Pau! Water forces_ The Cauntv of Ramsey Agtees: (A) To perforui the work in accordance with the Standarcl Specifications for Fiighway COnstrucfion of the 1VFinnesota Department of Transportafion and all approved supplements and modifications thereto, cxcept as modified by appmved speciat provisions. (B) To use only proper�y irispected materials fhat meet tfie requirements of the Standazd Specificatiatts �'or I�igfiway Conshvctioa of tbe Nfinnesota Department of Transportation and atl apgroved supplements and modifications thereto. (� To perForm the work in a worlananlike manner at the prices set forth in tfie attached schedute of unit prices. (D) To start work, upon approval of this requesC and to complete the proposed work by September 2007. (Snbmit 3 cogies including estimates cvith plans) n (Ej To furnish requested reports concerning progress of work. {� To perfornt as incideatal work, all necessary work, not itemized in tfie attached schedule of tmit prices or covered by an approved supplementat agreement, witfiout ay additional coaipensation. (G) Ta futnish fteld measurements, notes, records arid other data necessary to support the quantified for wfiicfi finat payment of state aid fands is requested; unless approved on the basis of plan quantities. =aacw�zaa� Sfieet 1 of 2 Sheefs � .. . � 0�-5"9 8 IvIn/DOT 30720 (-81) Tha Coun - of Ramsey requests reIease of State Aid F�mds in the Amoimt of $0 for preliminary engineering. The actaal cost of preliminaty amoimted to �0 and tfie reimbursement is requested for actual engineering costs, not to exceed eigfit (8%) percent of the total es[imated construction costs. The Commfy of Ramsey fmthei� requests thaf payment of State Aid Funds be made in accordance with the cnrtent "Rules and Regularions for State Aid Opera$ons". �h�? � County Engineer For Ramsey County Pubdic Works MINNESOTA D�ARTMIIVT OP TRANSPORTATION Recommended for ApprovaL• z �� a� o�Y ��� D �nr Dishict S„ ngvj er Approved: � �l �/ Date � � • � ����' ,-- ��� � � � . •" - • � . SCFIEDULE OF PRICES S.P. ATO. 62-665-02 Minuesota Project No. SPEC. RBF. Relocate Hydr¢nt S.P. 62-665�1 Ran3sey Coimty C.S_A.H. 100% ITEM $9,000.00 i7NlT QiJANT1TI' IJNTI' PRICE Lump Sum 2 $4,SOOAG AMOUNT $9,OOQ00 Fn-acanrr.a« Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets k,� • �- ' . PUBLIC IN'TERF,ST FINDING 02-�'� � A Force Account is beiag sought for work to be completed in 2007 by the Ciiy of St. Paut Water Depaitment Forces. The request is submitted so that savings can be realized on the project. This work will be completed in conjunction with tfie Wfiite Bear Avenue (CSAH 65} reconstruction project between Rose Avenue and Hawtfiome Avenue S.P. 62-665-42, S.P. 164-163-04- that the County wiit have under constructioa in 2007. It is anticipated that cost savings witt be realized by completing the project under a Force Account Agreement as opposed to the Competitive Bid Process due to the City of St. Fa�l Water Department fiaving the materials, eguipment and �vork force on hand to complete the relocation of the hydrant. Ramsey County feels that it is the Public's best interest to have the City of St. Paul Water Department forces perform the force account work. ,� � -.. . MnlDOT 30720 (-81) STATE OF MINNFSOTA DEPAR`I`MENT OF TRANSPORTATION L�7 C 8 Request for Apgroval of State Aid Construction By City of St. Paud H'orces. S.P. 62-665-42, I64-i63-04 CSAH No. 65 MSAS No_ Coimty or Municipality Rnmsey CounZy LOCATION: Wbite Bear Avenne St Paul, NFn From To S00' North to 500' South of Nf¢rylarcd Avenue Type of Work Supp%y Traffic Control Signal System arzd Signing Commissioner of Trausportation State Transportation Building St. Paul, Miuuesota 55155 Dear Sir: The Coitnlv . of Ratnsev hereby requests authority to perform the construction of thc above reference pmject, in accordance with approved plans, specifications and special provisions by the City of St. Eaul forces. The Countv . of �tarrtsev Agrees: (A) To perform the work in accordance with the Standazd Specifications for Highway Construction of the Minnasota Depu Ement o£ Transportarion and all appraved supplements and modificarions fihereto, except as modified by apgtoved special provisions. (B) To use oaly properly inspected materials that meet the requirements o€ the Standard Specifications for FTighway - Construcrion of.the Mi�uesota Department of Transportation and all approved supplements and modifications thereto. (C) To perform the work in a workinanlike mannar at the prices sef forth in the attacfied schedule of unit prices. (D) To start work, upon approval of this request and to complete the proposed work by September 2007. (Submit 3 copies including estimates with plans) (E) To furnish requested reports concerning progress of work, (F� To perform as incidental work, all necessary work, not itemized in the attached schedule of unit prices or covered by an approved supplementat aa without ay additional compensatian. - (G) To fiuuish field measurements, notes, records and other data necessary to support the quantified for wlucfi fivai payment of. state aid funds is requested; unless approved on the basis of plan quantifies. FA-^�flMTaa Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets � � n�moT sa�zo �-s i> Tfie "Coun of Ramsey requests release of State Aid Famds in tha tlmoimt of �2.6f 0.00 , for prelinuuary engineering, not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the tofal esbmated construction costs, The Coimty of 12amsey fiuther requests that payment of State Aid Funds be made in accordance with the current "Rules and Reg¢lations for State Aid Qpera�ons"_ � � � �_ County Engineer For Rmnsey Counfy Public Works NIINNESOTA DEPARTMINT O�' TRANSPORTATION Recommended for Approval: G � z �y o� - " Da e �� Dishict ng'tneer Approved: Z—C �-F Date SCHEDTJLE OF PRICES S.P. No. 6�65-42, 164I63-04 Minnesota Project No. SPEC. REF. SeeAttached Eszimate /�.i�� / A - � � ! � � • � Tl'EM S. P. 62-665-42 CSAH Funds 75 % $20,850.00 100 % $5.250.00 100.00 ITN1T' S. P: 164163-04 MSA Funds % QUANTITY Total OQ � $27,800.00 U1VIT- AMOUNT PRICE Fn-ncRhrra« Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets ��' �� �7-598 :,., . PUBLIC INTII2EST rTND1NG A Force Account is being sougfit for work to be compieted in 2007 by the City of St_ Paul Public Works Forces. The request is submitted so that savings can be realized on the project 'lhis work will be completed in conjunction with the White Bear Avenue (CSAH 65) reconstruction project befiveen 32ose Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue S.P. 62-665-42, S.P. 164-163-04 tfiat the County will have under construciion in 2007. It is anticipated that cost savings will be realized by completing the project under a Force Account Agreement as opposed to the Competiiive $id Process due to the City of S�. Paui having the materials for the Signai Controller Cabinet and Signing and the eguipment and work force on hand ta complet� the installation of the Signal Controller Cabiaet and Signing. Ramsey Counry feels that it is the Public's best interest to have the City of St. Paul Public Works Forces perform the force account work. O`t �SQ� February 8, 2007 STREET LIGHTING, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM, AND SIGNfNG FOR � WHI3E BEAR AVE. AT MARYLAND AVE CITY FORCE COST ESTiM�iTE City Project No. 06-T-13i3 S.A.P. No. 164-163-04 This cost estimafe. covers tfie City of St. Pauf �urnished materials labor and �ec}uipmenf rafes fo provide the foltowing: ♦ Emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment ♦ Loeal intersection signal controllers and cabinefs ♦ Otfier misceflaneous hardware iterris necessary for comp{ete signa{ system operation and in#erconnect system. ♦ Maintain fraffic signal communications during consfruction. � Sfreet sign remo"val and instafiation . Type.i701332A Cantroiler and Cabinet Opticom EVP Discriminator O�ticom EVP Detector and Light 11�i�dem Latior �uild-up and Checkouf Temporarj{ Signaf Communicatians Cost $1 �,700.d0 $1,5D0.40 $900.Q0 $2,200.00 $1,500.00 $i 1,OOO.flO and Qiy Unit 1 each 1 each 2 each 4 each 1 LS 1 LS 15 each $i0,700.00 $1,500.00 $450.QU $550.00 $1,500.00 $11,000.00 At