D001625� � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: a f 5 Date: I �- ' �S #: 322b3 ADNIIIVISIRPi`I1VE ORDER, Consistent with the au[honty granied to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to arnend ihe 19 98 budget of the PW Ennineerina fund, the Director of the DepartmenY of Fnance arW Management Services is a oRzed to amend said budget in the olfowing manner. 1 205 - 12110 - 0557 z 2�5 - 12110 - 0857 3 205 - 12110 - O�ocx . Transfet to General Fund Data All Other Spending Totals � � c! % PrepareG by: qc � Manager Requestetl py: Departrnent Direcror Curren[ Amended Budget Ghange Butlget $81,Q14.16 $9,142.76 $90,156.92 $156,277.84 {$9,142.76) $147,135.08 $512,152.00 $512,152.00 $749,444.00 $0.00 $749,444.00 qppr . Mayor , Y � IZ-�- oate .- � ` Pubtic works GONTAGiPEASONBPHONE T�pn SoY�snia 266-6202 bfUSI BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA'fE) TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES DA'fE1NR1ATED 11/16/98 � ASS(GN NU1BESi FOR ROlRiNG 1 GREEN SHEET In�GaVDate DEPARTMEM DIflECTOR ��bi�as NO. � 63 CT'CAUNQL ❑CRYAT�ORNEY ❑GflyCLEAK ❑ FlNANCIAL SERVIGES DIR � � Fh4ANClAlSERV/ACCTG {� � � � MAYOR(ORASSISTAM) ���� ❑ Z ` ❑ Ditic flu (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) � ACT70N REQUESTED Approval of attached Adminisuative Order moving spending budgeu to the Operating Transfer to General Fund object code to pay for PC Replacement acquisitions for 1998 in the PW Engineering Fund RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re)ect (R) _ PLANNINGCAMMISSION _ qBCOMMITTEE � CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1, HastfiispersoMirtneverworkedunderacontrnctforthisdepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirtn ever heen a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Ihis person/firm possass a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry empbyee? YES NO IIIRlATING PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNIN(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�: '"' '�" Spending budgets for the PC Replacemettt acquisi6ons are not in the proper object code for transfer of funds to the General Fund. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVEO. The Generai Fund will be able to biIl Public Works for the PC Replacement acquisiuons. �i�..�.L� V C✓ DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None. �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Billing for the PC Replacement acquisirions wi116e delayed. ��c � � ��s� �:3 fY C��n'�tf fOTALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ $9,142.76 COST/REVENUEBUDGE?ED(CIRCLEONE) YES xo FUNDING 50URCE P�' Engineering Fund pCTIVfTY NUMBER 12110 �IAI INFORMATtON (EXPUi1N) �