209985y • .r- 40 Original to, City Clerk PRESENTED BY Council File No. 209$85- 0rdinance No. 12340 —By Frank L. Loss — An Ordinance amending the Zoning R j Code, Chapter 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, height Districts and r NCIL FILE /) ` "'zonin pf certain pr��nertaes in the; y r g S;,. nt Paul, r-WI- mended. Th 8,. ;ency or,,g1ui `ce repde ;,y _ the p i y &":'4 : 0' pRDINANCE aih �J� fyQ )s AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE, CHAPTERS 60 TO 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, PERTAINING TO USE DISTRICTS, HEIGHT DISTRICTS AND REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS AMENDED../ THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'DOES ORDAIN: 209985 NO. NO. o Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from Commercial District to "A" Residence District, to -wit: Except Montreal Avenue; part of NE4 of SE-2, of Sec. 15, T. 28, R. 232 lying NWly of Seventh St. as now platted: All the streets and avenues in said Addition now vacated and Block 3, C.W. Youngman's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1 thru 5, Bohland's Addition, and the vacated alley adj. to Lot 1, Bohland's Addi- tion; Except C. W. Youngman's Addition to St. Paul and :except Bohland's addition and except Ed cumbe R'Qad and Montreal Avenue, NW4 of SE4 of Sec. 15, T. 289 R. 23; lying Nally of Seventh St. as platted: Except Street; Lots 1 and 2, Fort Street Out Lots; Part of East 1/3 of east 1/2 of SW4, Sec. 15, T. 289 R. 239 lying between W. Seventh St. and Edgcumbe Road as platted: Lots 10 thru 23, including vacated alley of Block 2, Kentucky Terrace; Bluff St. vacated and adjacent to Lots 1 thru 9, Block 3, Wolsey St. vacated adjacent and except street; Lots 23 through 26, Block 1, Rankin's Addition; Lots 1 thru 11, C. W., Youngman's 4th Addition; Block "A" Palisade Addition; Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, C.W. Youngman's 2nd Addition, located on the north side of W. Seventh Street between Montreal and Madison, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, being located on the north side of West Seventh Street between Montreal Avenue and unimproved Madison Street. Yeas' Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ' Dalglish Holland Loss P ;,; Tn Favor Mortinson - Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1 M 6-62 2 2 Mayor Original to-City Clerk f ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 20.9-985 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 3, Q - 2 - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. , t Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Q Mortinsan Peterson In Mr,ffiesident mss) Attest : /� ( City Clerk 1M 6-62 X 2 2 I Passed by the Council J J%o In Favor Against 4 �S Approved: Mayor r -4- Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 2,209985 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING CODE, CHAPTERS 60 TO 64, INCLUSIVE, OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, PERTAINING TO USE DISTRICTS, HEIGHT DISTRICTS AND REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS AMENDED. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES CHDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code., Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from Commercial District to "A" Residence District, to -wits Except Montreal Avenue; part of NEJ of SEJ of Sec. 15, T. 289 R. 23., lying NWly of Seventh St. as now platted: All the streets and avenues in said Addition now vacated and Block 3, C.W. Younkman's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1 thru 5, Bdhland's Addition, and the vacated alley adj. to Lot 1, Bohland's Addi- tion; Except C. W. Youngman's Addition to St. Paul and oxcept Bohland's addition and except Ed cumbe goad and Montreal Avenue, NW1 of SE of Sec. 15, T. 280 R. 23, lying Nally of Seventh St. as platted: Except Street; Lots 1 and 2, Fort Street Out Lots; Part of East 1/3 of east 1/2 of SWJ, Sec. 159 T. 289 R. 239 lying between W. Seventh St. and Edgcumbe Road as platteds Lots 10 thru 239 including vacated alley of <F Block 2, Kentucky Terrace; Bluff St. vacated and adjacent to Lots 1 thru 9. Block 3, Wolsey St. vacated adjacent and except street; Lots 23 through 26, Block 1, Rankin's Addition; Luba 1 thru 11, C. W. Youngman's 4th Addition; Block "A" Paliedde Addition; Lots 1 through 6. Block 1, C.W. Youngman's 2nd AAAition. located on the north side of W. Seventh Dnylleste to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 209985 t c� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / / Z3 ! 2 r Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservatinn of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. OFFICE OF CITY-, CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel, Building Dear Sir; MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Cify Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder io ��, 3 Nov: 8, 1962 '?099 RECIEIVIED NOV g jgr? CORPORATION COUNSEL The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the petition of the City of Saint Paul for the rezoning of certain property on the north side of W. Seventh St. between Montreal and Madison, as set out more fully in the attached file, to Class "A" Residence District. Very truly yours, /+ ty Clerk V" CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 J ".. ' • •, - '•1 - ' _ ''� mow•. '_ •- __ ,- "'.�+ - _ -- , ^ _ _ _ •- ,ate - `, G c - - -? .i .. _ i ' .., -_- ,` - _ �- .' Tom.•- .. -. .. •`y - •' ` l_ •�' - � .'1~_ • _: • �_ A -,- �• ... .y••S `'� =`'- '- •r -- � _ 'T •' :- - - - Coacpo�►tli>ia_ Coiussel , - - : ' - - •�. _ -_ - • . ` _ - , , - . -, -•. - �Oetr`Siri� - .. Y• -- '_ .f ~��a - _ r al_• -, •• _j, -• _ •�_ . _ \ -`i,. . Attached; is 6, capy'of a resolution, -Ci- IF. X40. 20 346; adop by the City Couaa631 oa ` • 1962{• -initiating Oweed for the rezonl g of proPertl► described therein ' the psss�' =of the resole hout obte►3r�ing• t� ' aoase�at8- norae�].3�► ` rcquiz'ed � , _ - 6.' 1, tio6i the. subject *Ltter t" -referred. to biw City grid their repor6 d+�f.®d Sept. 19013$62 $a' hereto:.xttacbedi6 , The Council, _ the setter, to the Zo�t3nt� ? Board for coa6ici_ aratolon ad ree- 0' lotion f `end :we i�ve how aak�id by tt�e P]�nnin8 and Zoning Dept. t9 set, a elate' i'or hee�ri# beto ity C a�ci1. Iu.disauorei ,this- matter•idith`the�F - e .�a sti4 risen at to whether or ' r�otGe�t mwat be • dent by then to rty s within 200 -ft. off'- the propert�l to be rezoomed, I and "we will appreciate y.. end cu that queqtioa * ; _ • `° • - lie "fie iih ore d by' s' -of+ } tba "t _boticea were sent in +.several. • - othe zoaain$ fitters which -wer by Council such ae +,be -Neill Sci»ol . ` site and tk� Ba11oK Play ate. �Fe o +� h a caps oP tiae` 2pl- io6_ code as ; amended in 1=961j' pertAin3ng Beata the .p2'OCedux'S t0 be followed by t _ CQiJ:- in uitting y- shah a - { • � _, s - ` � -` -' ' :ti Y -tip- �_ '`ya. J -,',' a- �- -• _ _ -i "'. •, _ , _ �` K., -_ - y _ - �•` .. _ - - 'i - - ,. - - . .. - �.~tr.- _ dot :Fc +'. "` • { Vii^ .. •- _ - a �,� .. .. - , -- u:r : s - � ';y, r -- �. _ ��. .cis _ " .: " -- - _ � _ • _G - - _ i c Clerk it Ile Ir . ?:. • ..._.ia ..� _ _ .,ter - •j. �,. .. � - - , .. ,± .. ... - ' _- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApltal 4 -4612 1 October 26, 1962 City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota -Pursuant to Section 64,06 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul, you are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on November 8, 1962 on the advisability of amending the Zoning Code by changing the following described p_:;perty on the north side of West Sevem*,b Seventh Street between Montreal ari6 Madison to Class "A" Residence district: Except Montreal A en!ze o.-i t of Nor t1heast4 of southeast-4' of Sect-ion 15, TcvP!n,-hip 28, R:.;;gs 23 lying nortrw- sterly of Seventh Street as now platted; all Streets and Avenues in aa:i Addition now vacated and Block 3, C . Vd. Youn ML-t's Add: +J10�l t St. Pa��l; Lots 1 through 5, Bohland� s Addition; and tl.e liacaL?d- zll"y adjace.a` to Iob 1, Bohlard.'s Addition; Except C. 1a. �%t�n;: �z..'s Add.it_on to St. Paul and except Eohla:Zd's Addition and except Edgc rare Road and Montreal Avenue northwest-4' of southeasta of Section 15, Tmviaship 28, Range 23, lying r.•-orthwestcr-ly of Sevont -h, Street as platted; e ;,cept Street; Lots 1 and 2 Fort Street Outlots; part of East 1/3 of east 2 of southwest-41., Section 15, Tauns-hip 28, Range 23, lying between Vilest Seventh Street and Edgecumbe Road as platted; Lots 10 thrcu,h 23, including vacated alley of Block 2, Kentucky Terrace; Bluff Street vacated adjacent to Lots 1 through 9. Block 3, Wolsey St, vacated adjacent and except Street, Lots 23, through 26, Flock 1, Rankin's Add., Lots 1 through 11, C. u1. Young.man's 4th Addition; Block "A" Palisade Add., Lots 1 thru 6. Block 1, C. 11. Youngman's 2nd Addition. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone CA. 4- 4612 Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance File 15839, Page 7 The Zoning Code requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance. S "7 N 4-': D;Uli"P. SHEAHAN. ROBERT E. F CY., I'DIRECTOR OF PAW RICHARD -J. LEGAL LjEWT�i�T 'I,:)i.,R0BFRrE­O'COl NELL-,--,,, k,.TMODOREX COLLINS iPE=iL,ASSI'STANT- GERALD C. RUMNML, DANIEL A. KLAS, 4. GERALD �`COR`P' CS 'gE' -1 'f- - -ORAT ON Cl '�V JOHN J' ,M�_ EL ANTS % 4 i41L P't'ONVERY".� VIDSTI(;A M I.. 62 t ctobe_:�-';10,�',19 7 • a �7 to 1'e i. k -Mr s ;1'gne s H:, 0"l-Gonnell C ity;. lerk,lv7­` , C - and, House t"-,'i;:� 386- Gitj -Hall -'Court m e !'4" D -;0 C par rs'. onn 'dbLte o dtobe� 2 i 9 6 2`9,' Jb y6ur 1( MUn d �.-tter y: addre6sed� c or u 'r6qu�ist6d-a' 03�6tlo f 0;� tlie, P, n _Couns'61"yo ega op,n 'on,,upon­�!, he- •question,' Wfi6theri. or�, n6t` `noti c e, ov'f:- heari`ng`.i' leqiUrbd._- t'o': be Ao",the, owner �6 f - 'e'' a�- ch, arc'els�- of real' • est&tb -li-ithi- of.;* the s �'v 6r vithlil,­�200,,.f "(�t'".6t-�,th4�,"regl',',estafe" • ,be� rezoned, d�,to in the - part icular, -rezon ng proceedinj -beftti 6n-4&"" in- `your rr U: rtitent-jetfer'.' 'b'j6ct'rezq.-fting proce-e"ding- W'6-s"- he. su C oUne. S. v-erii-'d'- e not pe t 6fi')�eidfilng,pr6ceedin Sect ion- 64--.-06,�,,,:Z.on by S " t' Gods- ' "­-6o&Ali6d Chapter.,, 64 ing -",of ­ilid: ode" which :prescribes' :the' pre , ­4 - '.' .' . -, .1 " 1-- - - 'v' app, , . "'A , . .1 •pr, ­4i • .. , � __ 6r'dur6s",.Wref or�,�- li6abl�'�' "o"de S J.- • t te'. aid' Section *64-.06�t�-of *64::06x-code.*.expre'my 6n�_' .of . -a ing--, r- 't' '!' - ' by, - allih"ori institution, ing'lpi; dj� authorizes; p -par ­50, petl�ion'-onr'the�,'i' onied'.', ',.tliereb� ' sought ''to ought, iei frontage of. ' S. or without my "such;; the, '.0 oianc 1 19 a jip old its : owu ­t a b it�ho_ t '-qh.;!�e ltio'n! teinplat s, and= 7 d' i on `initiative,,,.alid,_:c -&q�ulres-thiatJii' each ­ 'as ha e �' - 'j' � date; ot'he'*ar.L '.6 thb i3 oiilliclil 'S li -fl - ,'d:a . . i on the' � ­'; ­ - " ­ '. " n .. .. ", prop g JLand- --the-, mrnissioll6�' inance Co o6ed r6zonii, that gf.�PF '6 -tim".set � or t f , ., '& :' ..','nof� teig 'than -t'e-n- r­ d the., e-, -such­, hear in" known er­at­4A_i i6r'st­4d6wfi-- % g�j- shd,l o every own.l.own lud' d� *' ith pprty' Ad e gent--!of ", in:t he address,-,-or t6-:, --ei , I : W pro b6".-cha'h'ged­-,- a �ar'edwrthin,'��266. feet -,of pr i op . t t v -­ipostcar n e;;tlnie­�a fors: such h6a P -an ­-y*,,v�'�'�­_. ng, wlt: '-t e'C6utcil'_'M'ay d rect'- h'-.such:z-information as--, .1. d stating iadf-,Dl'dce:. be�pi; _t e"ofti-cia'l at lea7i shal c.ause'- ih6d-;-An�' fi ' !to Lb I --paper t 'th� -one --Wee reteding7 -'sd6ht,he-6'iig--a =notice. setting, f.oir t h -ace c. t d? >f _.�aid':hearing. e. purpose-;,- inlel- an p % 4 "A % % 4 AID r L . e, ezo '.'q so 1­11 3­11 .. - ' a � ; it -i�.• _: r - •rY''`'` � • f•' µ�_• } J. `• •- _ - •i`•• -_ _ Z A ICA % " _ Mrs. Agnes H.; O'Connell - 2 October 10,.' 1962 = ♦ Section 4.62.18,.M.S.A'. constitutes the t r necessary- delegation 'of legislative power .by the.•State • , +Legislature to the : City:_of Saint , Paul, a_s a City of the . first class_ of the iState_ of Minnesota, for the-adoption t of.-the Zoning Code and `for, the zoning and _re.zoning ' of :real `estate thereunder., The Zoning Code contains pro w.= visions consistent therewith and supplemental to the = express" provisions` of the said State - Statute by r which =, :procedural requirements including.--among others, those , for - notice of hearing upon: -a proposed rezoning thereunder- are •prescribed. 4The said provisions of-the Zoning Code' which,,impose upon ,the Commissioner of Finance the re- ;- _ .r quirement - t "o publish and mail notice of hearing- upon' a ra' proposed rezoning thereunde apply to "the - instant - case..; :..•, �♦ "Therefore,, I answer.`you in e a ai' • "" '' ` r .. ouis P:' Sheahan { Director of, Law LPS:DM, •q• a _ w � - • 4 .tt _ �.c + '• .1 i ♦ •_,± ! •a1 K' �i• t . t- - � +mow �y��- - •-- ,�- �'`� r �vv- •• --�.. --- ,._.- ,_�-- , --,,.- -- �, �,. 3 4 September 190 1962 Honourable Mayor and Members of the City Council ,. City of Saint Paul City Hall and-Court House Saint Paul 20 Minnesota Dear Mayor and Council Members: -- ' PXrTITIONVO REZONE • On July 279 19629 the City Connell in -- '" s rssonjnS h' rcluive, A petition inclusive, Of the propertiN hereinafter deseri ing that Chapters 60 to 8'lre Zoning, Legislative Code, t0 tf10 City,' St. Paul "A" Planning Board fold the required eurw etc., be amended so as to rezone Propp- • findings follows to Class and reeoswendatiaa as provided for in Rearty si described as dence District: ' amended on April r, 1961• Phis sect pp Exc. of Seca Ave. 28MR•f23Elying- 1annCi Board submit •a report of its findings ' and NW'ly of Seventh St. as now Council in_- writing platted; Block , te streets and " Addihtion now vacatednand 3, C. W. Youngman 's Addition to The legal description of the properti St. Paul; Lots I through acat d�alleydadjacent a f0110ifs i • ©oce Montreal Avenue; pt ; part Of the to Lot 1, Bob land s Addition, to cStC Paul and exc. Bohands Edgcum thedst ` l/M Of Section 159 Township 289 Rtn Addition and exc. _ of SE?a Montr al A R. 23 lY,ing NW'ly Of Seventh - Street as AOw lattsd t p of of Seventh St. as platted, 1 and 2, Fort Exc. Street* Lots p� o feast' of east 1,4 of SW ,a All the streets ally hvssres in said , Sec. 15, T. 28, R. 23, lying be- and Edg- Block 3, C. M. Youngmsnts Addition cumbe Road aseplatted, including va- Lots 10 through 23, alley of Block 2, Kentucky Lots 1 throw S, BohlandIs Addition cated Bluff st. vacated adjacent to Lots jioent t0 Lot 1, BohUnd ts Addition; vacated andjacent and e'x ept street; Block 1, Ran- Lots 23 through 26, Ence C. pt K._ Youngman s "dittos to kin's Addition; Lots ,l through 11, C. W. Young - 4th Addition; is ,. pt Edgeirbe Road a ,Addition and esoe man's Block "thr Palisade Addition; Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, C, W ­ h� vest l/k of the southeast 1/4 of sec Youngman's 2nd Addition, eventh the north side of W S 39 -10119 nOrthwatterly of Seventh Stree on St. between Montreal and Madison, City of Saint Paul the Council of the t has fixed the 8th day the forenoon ; Ekeept street; Lots 1 and 20 port ft in {het Council,Chamber in the City .l at said time and Pa rt Of the Nat l�s of the east 1/2 Ball of said City and place, the COUnc will he all persons ti and all objections and recommends- tions relative to said proposed amend- ion 15 . To+ whip 26, Range 23, ly isg - between mart. Dated October 23, 1962. e Road as plat; AGNES H- O'CONELL• �r CitNy Clerk. '_1 - (October 27, X962) Lots 10 thrpuO 23; including the , entucky t, Bluff Street •stated adjasest to Lots 1 through 9, Block 8, Wolasy Street vsoated adjacent and iowept street; Lots 23 throw Z69 -Block 1, Raskiss Adtitiss to the City of foist Paul; f� IT 0 To the Mayor and Ceased Msi& k Page 2 Lots 1 through 11. C, -v; YowWwjs 4th Addition Block "A". Palisade Addition to Saint lruli . Lots l through 6. block 1. C. M. Tow4pmans 2nd Addition to St. Paul. The City Council rssolatisn propooes to ravens the foregoing properties from Co■mercia, to "A" Rosidenei classifloatios. Section 64.06 of the .Zoniag Code as amended requires the Planning Board to conduct a public bearing on the proposed resonling of•Mhich hearing, published notice shall have been given in a daily reekspaper of general circulation-at bast once each week for three sucos+saive weeks prior to such hearing. The Manning board set the hearing date for September 149 1962 at 1000 A.M. in the .offioss of the Manning boards 1315 City Hall and Courthouse and the notice of this hearing was published in the St.•Parl Dispatch on August 229 August 29 and September Sq 1162. The Manning bard conducted the required public hearing at the time and place stated with tin members of the Planning Board present. The Chairman of the Planning bard. Mr. J. b. bhislr Jr. was absent because of illness and prior to the hearing appointed Planning Board member Judson Hilton Chairman Pro Tom "who presided at the hearing. Cwryose present was given the opportunity to be beard and everyone who testified was in furor of the resonin& The hearing was formi11f closed with the Plan ins Board voting-to take the matter under con - Mention. Following the public hearing the •Planning board reconvsnea its regular meeting which NO been recessed earlier to conduct the public hearing. The Planning Board voted unanimously to suspend the rules so that the proposed rezoning oculd be placed on the enda for Immediate consideration. Mr. battis, Assistant Corpor�atioa Comeasls ex cased the provision of the Zoning, Code applying'in this case and ortl ms4 ,the mrtwe of *a s maideratiow and findings that the board must mks as followat 1. The•PlanaiK board should consider whether a survey of the whole am of the Cityof Saint Foul or of. as area not less than forty acres had been ssadected by tae bards, within which the proposed area %s ie'resosed ws' looated. ' 20, Consideration must have bees given as to whither the number of j' descriptions of real estate affected by such changes and alterstioni. • rwA*r the obtaining of written 0000e0t impOactical. Some finding `;rte will have to be mays relative to the obtaining of than consents1 +, and whether it if ft"0011sal• to obtain the". 2.. A tied mat be made so NO of tUe fell+ewing these aitsrwtives n (a) The ,pM*oaed resMW is 'related to existing hand uses; :? (b) The propeesd Vol ftsasonable related to the over- * , all needs Amrnityt j� f� � 1 n .F To the Mayor dad COMWU Newberg Page 3 r (s) The pr rezoning is teasonab�* related to a plan for future land use. Th• Planning bard made a finding tha * 6 survey of the whole area of the city bad been so" and cited ft. Paul's Preliminary Land Use Plan published 4w duly 1959 and 8t. Paul's Plan for Public. Eduoationall Recreational and Cultural raoi,lities published in Yovember 1960 as the basis for this finding. Both re- ports indioate the highest and best use of the land in question is for Dublic park purposes and that this land shoould continue to be used as an integral part of Highland Park. The resolutions supporting this finding was passed by a unanimous vote. After considering the problem of obtaining the ncssssary consent signatures to Initiate this rezoning by petition, a motion was made that the Planning Board made the finding that the number of'descrptions of real estate affected by the proposed rezoning renders the obtaining of such written consent inpriictical. The Board noted that some 141 descriptions were located within 100' of the area to be rezoned. The motion was carried by a majority vote with only one vote being oast in opposition. TM Soard then made a finding that all three of the following alternatives applied in this cases (1) The proposed reaooing is related to the existing land uses; (3) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to the over -all needs of the Onmugity; (i) The proposed resbning is moonably related to a plan for future land use.' The motion was passed wwiwously - with once abstention. A motion was then passed unanimously recommending the i-esoning of the subject property as proposed and directing that a written report of the findings and actions of the Pl mlog board be forwarded to the City Council. �, The Chairman informed the citizene present at the meeting th4kt the action of tba Planning Board * was adrisocy only and that the City Conrail swat also hold a public bearing prior to taking final actions on the proposed rezoning_. n Very truly Yours. Herbert C. Wieland Director of City Planning ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 115 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA November 8, 1962 Mrs. Agnes H. 0 Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the petition of the City of St. Paul to rezone from commercial district to "A" residence property located on the north side of West Seventh Street between Montreal Avenue and unimproved Madison Street. The legal description is attached. This petition was initiated by the City Council under Resolution No. 208346 dated July 27, 1962 and as provided for in Section 64.06 of the.Legislative Zoning Code as amended April 4, 1961. The subject property has frontage along West Seventh Street of approximately 4800feet Funning along the north side of,the street, consisting of a steep, wooded embankment which enjoys a natural rustic characteristic. Field investigation discloses that the proper classification of this property should be "A" residence as provided for public property. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on September 21, 1962, and recommend the granting of the petition to rezone the above described property to an "A" residence district. HCW:FGI Encl. Sincerely, lo� -C� H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning b CITY OF 'SAINT PAUL -' Legal' Description- - Rezoning on West 7th - Highland Park Z.F. 5051 ­,, Exc.-Montreal Ave; part of NEJ- of: -SEJ of Sec. r'15,- T.- `28, R. 23, laying NWly of Seventh St. as now platted: - t 3 ` All the streets and "avenues +iii said Addition now vacated'and Block,3; C.C' Youngman s.- i Addition. to -St Paul; Lots l: thru,•5',• Bohland's �Additi.on;. and the vacated alley adj. to 'Lot 1, Bohland's Addition; Exc..,C,W.Youngman's�• Addition to St. Paul and Exc. Bohland's _Addition and exc..Edgcumbe, .­'Road and Montreal Avenu-el','� IQW� of, orb Sec. 15; T. 28, R-.-123, lying NWlyY of - Seventh St.', as.> platted'' ; Exc. Street; Lots (' 1�and ,2., Fort Street'Out }Lots; = `' Part of East 1/3 of east 1/2 of -SWi, Sec. ..15, T. 28, R.,23,-.lying between-W. Seventh St. and Edgcumbe Road as platted :. �, s Lots 10 tbru 23, including vacated,alley.'of Block 2, Kentucky 'Terrace; Bluff St. - vacated adjacent _ to -Lots 1 thru,9; Block 3,, Wolsey -St. vaca�ted_adjacent and' except street; Lots 23,through '26, Block•l, Rankin's Addition; Lots 1 thru ll -, C.W. Youngman's -4th Addition;' - Bloc "A" Palisade Addition; Lots`l through.6, Block 1, C.W. Youngman's 2nd Addition, located on.,the north'side�of _ -and. Madison, W. Seventh-Street between Montreal " ` _ • - , r _ rr'• , •`' .'1 • , • . +_ ; — I . r • ' —. — —.._ "+ , • r — f , _ •' ref + , ` �„ -, - . _ f � •r _ • : • ° � , GAY,. - = • -_,. • - , .: •; . � ._ - - _• . .' ' CITY 4F- $A t .PAVE L gsl' tfeucrf;s .ion °y 'R aeon .e on` t o 7 #b, �.H:ghIMA -PArk Z ,F. saai , •- - - Gi - y� _ a - � - i5 a' i _ a fir. .- s r,' � ", � . , 8xe. 5dontieal1vro; pit of xs of 88 of $.. 13# T. T2, ' R: 23i �git.,YSr ot:.$evontb ;Bt. as ntr .pl�ttedt. .- _ _ • - All tbo • straata erict" arv+�n�xed. is .arc Addlt#a how �►ac*ta3 and SocM, G.1�.' '�ct�i�B�aanrs Addition a' $t. P�iul - Trota l tbra 15� Sohlaud }fit Addition, apd thei vacated alloy.adj:_ to 'dot -It Bobland� s Addition; sacc3: C :A.Y 1 * Adid# iob *a 8 3*1 and j Y3xai ' Bob laaci' i Addition a d_. o�ia, $dgaurabe Bond d Houtxool Avon el;� * > 'i_3B '+fit' aa:�, x , T -, ;� R. �23r. ,%Yang I 1y o #.Sava�itb St,' ss Platted:. ,. ; ; _ $xa. Btra ®s IAts..d •1 street but tots'z -part of East. 1%3 of east /� Off. 5 , _ $eC� .I&p T, 2$.q R. 98, rVenth `fit.. end combs 'Road as .olctteds . .. Lot *,10 th ru 03 11, i4exudlog, v*"ted-.ellay' oi- BlocU .2,- Kdntucky Totva�c6 -; Blum $t: v�icataQ. - ad��►o��## to Lota�_ 1:tbru S, B�. " $, wolasy, -$t. vacad�od. adjiwceat And except. a *rant; LQtIS 28 tbro C M f ' 8lodk • I,'. Raiiitu f s Additions'' ' Lets- 1 thru. kiR .1[. ottri&ma�n`a_Ath AdUtidn; 8ioau �.A�,lisade Jic�ditiou; _ Lott T tbrougb 8' $loo& i,; `C Yo'u a'`s Sind Aciditio�r, lotzatsflr'vu•the uo!rtl�, side Qt' �. Seventh BtreQt bvt on �'.o lt3*al a0d, 9adis0a. CITY PLANNING BOARD OF 70 SAINT PAUL 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA phone Co. 4.4612 ExI.251 September 19, 1962 Honourable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mayor and Council Members: On July 27, 1962, the City Council initiated proceedings for the rezoning of the properties hereinafter described and referred the matter to the City Planning Board for the required surveys, studies, public hearing, findings and recommendations as provided for in Section 64.06 of the Zoning Code as amended on April 4, 1961. This section also requires that the Planning Board submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the City Council in writing. The legal description of the properties under consideration is as follows: Except Montreal Avenue; part of the northeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 28,'Kange 23, lying northwesterly of Seventh Street as now platted: All the streets and avenues in said Addition now vacated and Block 3, C. W. Youngman's Addition to St. Paul; Lots 1 through 5, Bohland's Addition, and the vacated alley ad- jacent to Lot 1, Bohland's Addition; Except C. W. Youngman's Addition to St. Paul and except Bohland's . '.% Addition and except Edgecumbe Road and Montreal Avenue, the north- west 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 15, Township 28, Range 23, lying northwesterly of Seventh Street as platted'; Except street; Lots 1 and 2, Fort Street Out Lots; Part of the east 1/3 of the east 1/2 of the southwest 1/4, Section 15, Township 28, Range 23, lying between West Seventh Street and Edge - cumbe Road as platted; Lots 10 through 23, including the vacated alley of Block 2, Kentucky Terrace; Bluff Street vacated adjacent to Lots 1 through 9, Block 3, Wolsey Street vacated adjacent and except street; Lots 23 through 26, Block 1, Rankin Addition to the City of Saint Paul; I To the Mayor and Council Members Page 2 Lots 1 through 11, C. W. Youngman,s 4th Addition Block "A ", Palisade Addition to Saint Paul; r Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, C. W. Youngmans 2nd Addition to St. Paul. The City Council resolution proposes to rezone the foregoing properties from Commercial to "A" Residence classification. Section 64.06 of the Zoning Code as amended requires the Planning Board to conduct a public hearing on the proposed rezoning of which hearing published notice shall have been given in a daily newspaper of general circulation at least once each week for three successive weeks prior to such hearing. The Planning Board set the hearing date for September 14, 1962 at 10:00 A.M. in the offices of the Planning Board, 1315 City Hall and Courthouse and the notice of this hearing was published in the St. Paul Dispatch on August 22, August 29 and September 5, 1962. The Planning Board conducted the required public hearing at the time and place stated with ten members of the Planning Board present. The Chairman of the Planning Board, Mr. J. L. Shiely Jr. was absent because of illness and prior to the hearing appointed Planning Board member Judson Hilton Chairman Pro Tem who presided at the hearing. Everyone present was given the opportunity to be heard and everyone who testified was in favor of the rezoning. The hearing was formally closed with the Planning Board voting to take the matter under con- sideration. Following the public hearing, the Planning Board reconvened its regular meeting which had been recessed earlier to conduct the public hearing. The Planning Board voted unanimously to suspend the rules so that the proposed rezoning could be placed on the agenda for immediate consideration. Mr. Battis, Assistant Corporation Counsel, explained the provision of the Zoning Code applying in this case and outlined the nature of the considerations and findings that the Board must make as follows: 1. The Planning Board should consider whether a survey of the whole area of the Cityof Saint Paul or of an area not less than forty acres had been conducted by the Board, within which the proposed area to be rezoned was located. 2. Consideration must have been given as to whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by such changes and alterations render the obtaining of written consent impractical. Some finding will have to be made relative to the obtaining of these consents and whether it is impractical to obtain them. ing 3. A find /must be made on one of the following three alternatives: (a) The proposed rezoning is related to existing land uses; (b) The proposed rezoning is reasonable related to the over- all needs o�,,the !Commuhity -. 0 To the Mayor and Council Members Page 3 (c) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to a plan for future land use. The Planning Board made a finding that a survey of the whole area of the city had been made and cited St. Paul's Preliminary Land Use Plan published in July 1959 and St. Paul's Plan for Public, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities published in November 1960 as the basis for this finding. Both re- ports indicate the highest and best use of the land in question is for public park purposes and that this land shoould continue to be used as an integral part of Highland Park. The resolution supporting this finding was passed by a unanimous vote. After considering the problem of obtaining the ncesssary consent signatures to initiate this rezoning by petition, a motion was made that the Planning Board made the finding that the number of descrptions of real estate affected by the proposed rezoning renders the obtaining of such written consent inpractical. The Board noted that some 141 descriptions were located within 100' of the area to be rezoned. The motion was carried by a majority vote with only one vote being cast in opposition. The Board then made a finding that all three of the following alternatives applied in this case: (1) The proposed rezoning is related to the existing land uses; (2) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to the over -all needs of the Community; (3) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to a plan for future land use. i The motion was passed unanimously with one abstention. A motion was then passed unanimously recommending the rezoning of the subject property as proposed and directing that a written report of the findings and actions of the Planning Board be forwarded to the City Council. The Chairman informed the citizens present at the meeting that the action of the Planning Board was advisory only and that the City Council must also hold a public hearing prior to taking final action on the proposed rezoning. HCW :FGI Very truly yours, 14i'tJ c . via-) Herbert C.IWieland Director of City Planning 1st 2nd Laid overt 3rd and app ' %� d'opt 1 / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Mnn Loss Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen / _ l � Mr. President Vavoulis Mr, resident s PUBUSHM