07-575Council File # � 7 �J 7.�'�
Green Sheet #3040754
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Water Resource Coordinator be
Z established at the rate set forth in Grade 019, of Bazgaining Unit 06, the Professional Employees
3 Associarion, Salary Schedule, and be it
4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Adopted by Council: Date
Absent I Requested by Department of:
Adoprion Certified by Council Secret�+
By: �
Appiov a}' . Date � �
Form Approve by Ci ey
Form A ro ed b Ma o for Sub ' sion ouncil
F�m Approved by Office qf Financial Services
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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Contad Person & Phone:
LeeMn Turchin
Must Be on Council Agen
E-DocumerH Required: Y
Document Contacl: Trisha Freiberger
ContactPhone: 266-6G81
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3040754
0 amao Resources
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3 i Attorn �—
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Approve the attached resolurion establishing the xate of pay for the new classificarion of Water Resource Coordinator in Gmde 19 of
bazgaining unit 06, Professional Employees Association.
iaauons: a,pprove �n� or n
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civii Service Commission
1. Has this person/firm ever wo�ked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a c�ty empioyee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
6cplain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, IM�ere, Why):
The Department of Safety and Inspecfioas (DSn and Public Works jointty requested that Human Resources establish a new
classifica6on of Water Resource Coordinator to support the implementa6on of the City's I.ocal Surface Water Management Plan and
the Ciry's Municipal Storm Water Permit. Human Resources deternuned that a classification to perform these specific responsibiliries
did not currently exist within flae Ciry.
Advanpges If Approved:
Appropriate compensarion will be assigned to the new classificarion in accordance with the City's job evaluation system.
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Disadvantages If Approved:
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Appropriate compensaGon will not be assigned to the classification. This may limit the City's ability to meet the requirements
ouflined in the City's Local Surface Water Management Plan or meet the requirements of the Ciry's Municipal Storm Water Permit in
an effective manner.
Funding Source:
CosNRevenue Budgeted: Y
Adivity Number:
Pinancial Information: $Z,082.02 -$2,925.27 biweekly or $54,340.72 -$76,349.55 annually
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JUN 2 0 2007
June 13, 2007 11:34 AM Page 1
Proposed Title of Class:
The City of Saint Paul Class Specification
CODE: 336B
BU: 06
General Dutv Statement:
Performs full-performance professional water resource work to support the implementarion of the City's Local
Surface Water Management Plan and the City's Municipal Storm Water Permit. Reviews site plans, performs
compliance inspections of public and private construcrion sites, and ensures compliance with ordinances, policies,
procedures, and programs related to water management. Provides technical support to City inspection and design
review staff to ensure City standards aze met for installarion of storm water management faciliries. Consults with
State and Federal o�cials regazding interpretarion of rules governing water pollurion prevenrion, wetland protecrion,
and floodplain management. Coordinates the City's efforts with mulriple watershed districts. Responds to citizen
complaints. Performs other related duties as required.
Supervision Received:
Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor or division manager.
Supervision Exercised:
Provides technical direcfion to City staff worldng on water resource management issues.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and programs related to
the practices of water resource management, wetland preservation, and floodplain management. Demonstrates an
understanding of the applicable provisions of the U.S. Wetland Conservafion Act and Federal Emergency
Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to
resolve a full range of issues related to water resource management.
Demonstrates a full understanding of the city policies, procedures, and practices applicable to water resource
management. Demonstrates an ability to review and recommend legislative changes pertaining to environmental
Demonstrates an ability to idenrify a full range of risks and liability implicarions and demonstrates an ability to
minimize risks and liabilities. Demonstrates an ability to confer with counsel or appropriate deparhnent managers to
address legal issues or concerns.
Demonstrates an understanding of current and emerging approaches to improve water resource management and
how to educate and promote these concepts using public education approaches.
Demonstrates an ability to review construction plans, conduct investigations, develop corrective actions, and monitor
ixnplementafion to deternune if desired results are achieved.
Demonstrates an ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Demonstrates a level of proficiency in
writing, speaking, and listening to effectively communicate in a variety of situations and with a wide variety of
audiences. Demonstrates an ability to produce water resource management plans and author or update grant
proposals. Demonstrates an ability to maintain inspection records, findings, and subsequent acrions.
Demonstrates an ability to effectively respond to citizen complaints and requests for informarion. Demonstrates an
ability to present data to the public, produce technical reports and conespondence, and write orders, decisions and
interpretations that are easily understood by the intended audience.
Demonstrates an ability to work collaborarively with others to accomplish the mission and vision of the organizarion,
serving as a liaison with City deparfinents, private and public agencies, customers, and the general public.
Demonstrates the ability to build local and regional partnerships with other water resource management
professionals and enriries. Demonstrates an ability to facilitate individual and group problem-solving processes.
BU: 06
Demonstrates proficiency in operating work-related, modem-day office equipment and softwaze applicarions.
Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversity of residents, customers, and co-workers, including
individuals who may be physically or mentally impaired, or whose first language may be one other tk�an English.
Demonstrates an ability to work independently, appropriately prioririze work, and the work assignments of others.
Demonstrates effecrive work group membership by being self-directed, motivated, and willing to accept the most
complex and difficult assignments, and by completing assignments wiUun agreed-upon time lines. Demonstrates
initiative in providing help, guidance, and traiuing to work goup members or assigned personnel. Demonstrates an
abIlity to facilitate meetings, recognize positive results, manage conflict, and negotiate satisfactory outcomes.
Demonstrates an ability to promote effective customer and community service through example. Demonstrates an
ability to identify the service needs of internal and external customers and effectively respond to those needs.
A Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering, Natural Resource NIanagement,
Environmental Management, or a related field. Must have a minimum of three (3) years of increasingly-responsible
work experience in the areas of watershed protection, Wetland Conservation Act administration, or FEMA
Floodplain Management e�cperience. Candidates must have an Erosion Control Certificate from the Minnesota
Deparhnent of Transportation, the University of Minnesota, or another certificarion program, or be able to obtain
such certification within six months of being hired for the position.