07-570Suspension — June 27, 2007 Council File # 07-570 Green Sheet # 3041013 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 2 , � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation has an opportunity to have four interns work for 80 hours each during the summer through an a�eement with Minneapolis Communiry and Technical Colle�e; and WHEREAS, Council approval is necessary for intergovemmental contracts; and be it WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul will have no financial responsibility for the payment of the intems; now, therefore RESOLVED, that the proper authorities aze hereby authorized to enter into the attached agreement with the Boazd of Trustees of the Minnesota State College and Universities, on behalf of Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Minnesota. Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Thune Adopted by Council: Date Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ Absent Requested by Depamnent � �/�j'}��YI S � ��GG—e� �v /(i Adoption Certified by Co 1 Secretary BY (!5�r'J Approved by Mayo Date � p ��9�a'� BY� �O✓r� �.n O �/��j.y� ... _�e � �r � � /� :�.��/,����/ Form Approv d by City Attorney � BY� `h�/� �.� �-,.�,.. � Form Ap ed M� r for 'ssion Council By: '� o�-s�o � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � , DeparfinenUofficeJcouncii: Dafe Initiated: PR -��aR�� ,,��N-0� Green Sheet NO: 3041013 Corrtad Person 8 Phone: Kathy Korum MuSt B0 on 27JUN-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: N DocumeM CorMact: Contaci Phone: � � ueoarunenc xn� � o rerson I 0 azksandRecreadon I i Assign i 1 arksandRecreation ar�entDirecWr Number Z . Attome For Routing 3 417ayor's O�ce MavodASSistant Ordu 4 ouncil 5 ' Clerk ' Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of resolution with Saint Paul Pazks and Recrearion and Minneapolis Communiry and Technical College. Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for ihis department? CIB Committee � Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Erzplain all yes answers on separete sheet and aitach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation has an opportuniry to have four interns work for 80 hours each during the snmmer through an agreement with Minneapolis Community and Technical College. � Advantages If Approved: Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation has an opportpnity to have four intems work for 80 hours each during the summer through an agreement with Minneapolis Community and Technical College. . Disadvantages If Approved: None DisadvanWges If Not Approved: There would be no interns during the sumwer. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: � VFxdl+siaE - � v JuN 2 6 aoo� June 25, 2007 9:35 AM Page 1 b�-57a Ii�iTERNSHII' AGREEME:�'T BE'IVTEEN MII�I�TEAPOLIS COMMiJNTTY Ai�� TECFLI�TICAL COLLEGE A1�TD St Paul Fark and Recreation This agreement is entered into between the Boud of Trustees of the Minnesota State College and Universities, on behaif of Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Minnesota (hereinafter "the College") and St. Paul Park and Recrearion (hereinafter "the Company"). The purpose of this agreement is to establish the roles and responsibilities of Minneapolis Community and Technical College and St. Paul Park and Recreation as they apply to industry-based iraining. The purpose of the industry-based training is to prepare students for employment. The company should have suitable facilities for the educational needs of the student. COLLEGE RESPONSIBILITIES A. The College is responsible for offering the following program: Urban Park and Recreation and Youth program and is accredited by: North Central Association, Commission on Schools, Vocational and Adult Schools. B. The College faculty will be available to assist the student during the industry-based training. C. The College faculty along with the Company will be responsible for planning, directing, and evaluating the student's leaming experience. D. The College will provide the Company with objecrives for the industry- based training. Implementation of those objectives will be accomplished in cooperation with the Company's designated representative. E. The College will provide the Company with the names, dates, hours, and number of credits the student will work in the industry-based training. F. The College prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunities in its educarional programs, activities, and all aspects of employment for all individuals, regardless of race, colar, creed, religion, gender, narional origin, sexual orientation, veteran's status, marital status, age, disability, status with regard to public assistance, or inclusion in any group or class against which discrisnination is prohibited by federal, state, ar local laws and regulations. V � � O � 11 II. COMPANY RESPO\'SIBII.ITIES A. The Company will allow a reasonable amount of Company staff time for orientation and joint conferences with College facuity, for implementarion for the industry-based training and for such other assistance as shall be mutually a�eeable. B. The Company recognizes and supports the College as an equal opporiunity educator and employer. III. MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. Personnel of the College and the Company are responsible for communicating information regarding the industry-based training. The communication may include, but not be limited to: i. Communication regarding the purpose and expectations of the internship. ii. Communication to keep both parties and the parties' personnel informed of changes. iii. Seek immediate solutions to any problems which may arise in the industry-based training during the course of the intemship. iv. Facilitate evaluation procedures for the benefit of all. IV. LIABILITY A. Each party in the agreement will be responsible for its own acts. V. TERMS OF AGREENfENT A. This Agreement is effective on June 1, 2007 or until fully executed, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effective until June 30, 2010. This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon one year written notice to the party. VI. Fm�a��c1aL CorTsIDExnTioN A. The College and the Company shail each be responsible for their own costs associated with this Agreement. 0�7-�1 d B. It is the Company's decision whether or not to reimburse the student for any services rendered. VIL STATE AL�IT A. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement shall be subject to examination by the Legislative Auditor. VIII• AMERICANS WTTH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COMPLIANCE A. The Company agrees that in fulfilling the duties of the Agreement, the Company is responsible for acknowledging their responsibilities with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College is not responsible for issues or challenges related to compliance with the ADA beyond its own routine use of facilities, services, or other areas covered by the ADA. IX• Mm�soTa Dera P�icTrcES AcT A. The College and the Company agree to comply with the terms of the Minnesota Data Practices Act, which protects the privacy of the students' educational records.