07-562Council File # � �/ s�� Green Sheet # 3039810 RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by I� 2 WHEREAS, The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ("MPCA") is authorized to respond to releases of 3 hazardous substances and pollutants and contaminants and to recover the costs of its response actions from 4 persons responsible for the release; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, Pig's Eye Landfill site is an un-pernutted landfill within the City of Saint Paul ("City") where various contaminants have been identified and documented; and now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City and the MPCA will enter into a Response Cost Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement"), as presented in attached Exhibit A; and be it fiirther RESOLVED, that said Agreement identifies responsibilities of the City and the MPCA, including but not limited to: who will inspect and monitor surface and ground water; who will be responsible for what costs, and how reimbursement will be made; and be it fiu•ther RESOLVED, that the City, through this Agreement, limits its fmancial liability for monitoring, sampling, inspection and reporting to not more than $50,000 per calendar yeaz; and be it finally RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement, as presented. Benanav Bostrom ��0 � -� � �-�. . t ��� ��1�� ��� : �� ! / Forxn Approved by City Attomey B�,. � lvf ��V7�� �,� �'Z_ cs7 Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counc BY� .i�� � Approved by May . Date BY� � 1_� �i unr. .✓� i, �uv i Secretary Form App ed b ayo �r S m s' n to Council 'llS�7� By: n _ 4�-s�a � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pyy n,nv� wor� Contaef Person ffi phone: Jean B for Dave Nelson 266-8566 MuSt Be on CoUncil Aaend; Doc. RESOLUTION W/$ TR4NSAC E-0oeument Required: N Document ConWct: ConWct Phone: 17-MAY-07 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3039810 0 ` blic Works 1 bGCWorks - U De arhnentDirector �T�/ 2 inancial Services 1Lce Financial Services � ' Attorne G '��-�� 4 a or•s OH'ice Ma orlAssistant 5 onnc� C5 Conncil 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk CONSENT AGENDA. Request authorization to execute MN Pollufion Control Agency Agreement that details City obligations for Pig's Eye Landfill site. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): State requires documentation of potential environmental fiazards, specifically as it pertains to the Pig's Eye I,andfill site. Advarkages If Approved: � I�" � � �, � � �"�p,- Compliance with State regulations. RECEIVED �� �- A � ��'�"� ��� IuN 1 3 2007 DisadvanUges NApproved: None foreseen �isadvaMages If Not Approved: Non-compliance with State regularions. MAYOR'S OFFICE �1 �1 �i ? �: 2007 � � � � �� � ��-������ � Trensaction: $50,000 Funding Source: Financial Information: MaX]mum annual responsibility of City (Expiain) from Environmental Clean-up Fund Aciivity Number 001-09055 �" . <: c � ,, JUN 18 �07 CastlRevenue Budgeted: May 18, 2007 8:11 AM Page 1 Exhibit A ���� .�rvrar��a�� iuui�Y�Tir� NIINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY In Re: the Matter of Response Actions Under the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. ch. 115B at the Pig's Eye Landfill Site, Ramsey County, Minnesota RECITALS RESPONSE COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT The following constitutes a brief siumnary of the facts upon which this Response Cost Reimbursement Agreement (Agreement) is based. A. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA or Agency) is a statutory agency of the State of Minnesota. The MPCA is authorized under the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. §§ ll5B.01-115B.20 (MERLA), to respond to releases of hazardous substances and pollutants and contaminants and to recover the costs of its response acrions from persons responsible for the release. The MPCA is authorized to enter into settlements and other agreements under Minn. Stat. chs. 115, 115B, and 116 (2004). B. Site Descri tp ion• The Pig's Eye Landfill Superfixnd Site (Site) is an inactive disposal site located in the floodplain of the Mississippi River east of the St. Paul downtown airport. The Site is located on Pig's Eye Lake Road near Childs Road, St. Paul. The Site includes the former Pig's Eye Dump and a closed sewage sludge ash disposal facility. The triangulaz shaped heauily vegetated Site is bounded by a railroad switching yard to the northeast, various industrial properties to the west and Pig's Eye Lake to the south. The final xeach of Baitle Creek flows through the central portion of the site and discharges to Pig's Eye Lake. The Mississippi River is located approximately 800 feet west of the site. The Site is approximately 230 acres in size. The Site is the largest un-permitted landfill in Minnesota. The Site accepted greater than 70 percent of the municipal, commercial and industrial waste (an estimated 8.2 million cubic yards) from St. Paul and surrounding communities for 16 years up to 1972. Additionally, from 1977 — 1985 the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) was perxnitted by the MPCA to dispose of sewage sludge ash on 31 acres of the Site. The ash was disposed of over existing waste and covered with 2 feet of soil. Various phases of investigation were conducted at the Site since the 1970's. EPA conducted a lunited investigation in 1994 and from 1998 — 1999 the City of St. Paul also conducted investigations. The results of these investigations are simunarized in the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) dated December 1999. Contaxninants detected in groundwater, surface water, and sediments at the site include: volatile D7-.��a organic compounlds, semi-volatile organic compounds, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). C. The City of St. Paul owned and operated the Site from 1956 until 1972. The City currently owns the Site. D. In 1989, the MPCA placed the Site on the State Superfizud Permanent List of Priorities with a Hazard Rauking System score of 42.5. E. Response Action Back�round. The MPCA has taken the following Response Actions to date. In 1949 and 2000 during site investigations and preliminary site work, over two hundred thirty (230) 55-gallon drmns were recovered. Many drutns contained hazazdous waste, including chlorinated and petroleum solvents, PCB's and metals. Based on the results of the investigations, a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was drafted and implemented in two phases from June 2001 — Sept 2005. Total state money expended during the two phases was approximately $5.8 million. RAP components aze detailed in the July 2006 Construction Completion Report. In the first two years of work contractors hired by the MPCA and the City of St. Paul completed Phase 1 remediation work. Phase 1 construction started in September 2001 and was completed in January 2002 (with the exception of seeding and tree planting). Seeding and tree planting was completed in July 2002. Phase 1 work included removing drums along Battle Creek that were uncovered during construction; pulling waste back from the landfill toe, relocating waste and re-grading side slopes along the Battle Creek (lower reach); backfilling of an organically rich, moderately permeable "select fill" layer as an interface zone along the lower reach banks of Battle Creek and Pig's Eye Lake; chemical stabilization of soils at a lead and cadmium-contaminated battery disposal area one acre in size; filling a two-acre southeast pond that contained contaminated sediments; and augmenting the pre- existing but partial permeable cover material to ensure two feet of soil cover throughout the Site. Phase 2 was initiated in April 2003 and was completed in June 2004 (with the exception of follow up seeding and tree planting which was completed in May 2005). Phase 2 work included installation of a permanent creek crossing; construction of soil cover for an additional 80 acres including the wood chipping azea; slope conection along Battle Creek (upper reach)/landfill interFace; erosion prevention work along the shoreline of Battle Creek and Pig's Eye Lake; installation of monitoring wells; waste excavation and relocation as part of slope grading and consolidation of waste found on neighboring railroad property that was part of the original dump footprint; filling in a second southwest pond that held contatnivated sed'unents; re-grading side slopes along the railroad ditch/landfill interface, re-vegetating, and planring of trees along the landfilUlake interface and in the pond areas to provide hydraulic uptake and attenuation of contaminants; and removal and proper disposal of drmns containing hazardous wastes and tires. Upon completion of the remedial construction, demobilization of contractor equipment and supplies was completed. All totaled, crews planted 835 trees, replacing previously planted � D� ;5�a trees which did not survive probably due to semi-drought conditions that prevailed shortly after planting. A L,ong-Term Maintenance and Monitoring (M&Nn plan was drafted and ultimately approved in July 2006. This plan will guide the city's perpetual caze of the site. A Construction Completion Report was also prepared by the consultant and approved in July 2006. F. Monitoring and Maintenance. The Site has now entered the maintenance, monitoring and long-term care period as detailed in the July 2006 M&M Plan. The City of St. Paul is responsible for perpetual caze of this site which will become a passive pazk. On-going performance monitoring of groundwater and surface water along the Battle Creek banks and Pig's Eye Lake shoreline is critical to determine the effectiveness of the "select fill" in preventing the migration of contatninants into the creek and lake. Specific monitoring wells to be sampled, the sampling frequency and a list of monitoring paz•atneters are identified in the M&M plan. Maintenance of the cover is also critical to ensure the remedy is protective. The purpose of this Agreement is to assure that monitoring required by the MPCA is carried out under an arrangement whereby the MPCA conducts the monitoring and its costs are reimbursed by the City. G. Responsibilities of City and MPCA. During the term of this Agreement, the City and the MPCA will take the following actions in accordance with the July 2006 M&M Plan: 1. The City will conduct: o Inspection and maintenance of the landfill cover, side slopes, creek crossing, and erosion controls measures, and o Monitoring well maintenance and any well sealing required after June 2007. 2. The MPCA will conduct: o Surface water monitoring, o Groundwater monitoring, o Monitoring well inspections, and o Prepazation of the Annual Monitoring Report 3. The City will reimburse the MPCA for the cost of surface water and ground water monitoring, inspection and reporting, including adininistration and contracting costs related to these acrivities. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, based on the information available to the parties on the effective date of this Agreement and without adjudication of any issue of fact or law, the parties stipulate as follows: � o�-s�� parties: 1. Parties. This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon the following A. Mimiesota Pollution Control Agency, and B. City of St. Paul (City). 2. Enforceability. The terms of this Agreement shall be enforceable by any party in a court of appropriate jurisdiction. 3. Obligafions of MPCA. The MPCA agrees pursuant to its authority under Minn. Stat. § 115B.17, subd. 2, to conduct monitoring, inspection and reporting activities at the Site as described in Paragraph G.2. above. MPCA will submit to the City an invoice of the costs incurred to conduct activities under this paragraph, which shall include MPCA contractual and administrative costs. The invoice will be submitted by February 1 of each year, covering the costs incurred during the previous calendaz year. 4. Obligations of the City. a. Reimbursement. The City agrees to reimburse the MPCA far a11 costs to conduct acfivities pursuant to Paragraph 3. Payment is due in full 60 days after receipt of the invoice from MPCA as provided in Paragraph 3. Payment sha11 be by check payable to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Payment shall be sent to: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Fiscal Services 520 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 The City's obligations shall be to reimburse MPCA for the cost of surface water and ground water monitoring, sampling, inspection and reporting, including administration and contracting costs related to these activities and sha11 be limited to not more than $50,000 per calendar year. The City of Saint Paul's total pat�ments under the Agreement sha11 not exceed $1,000,000. J a. The City sha11 pay interest determined pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 549.09, subd. 1(c), on any axnounts not paid to the MPCA within the time required in this Paragraph 4. b. Restrictive Covenant. The City shall draft a Restrictive Covenant which shall limit the future use of the Site to park purposes and require ongoing maintenance of response action struchues at the Site by the owner. The City sha11 submit the draft to the MPCA for approval by January I5, 2007. The City shall execute the MPCA-approved covenant, record it with Ramsey County and submit a copy of the recorded covenant to the MPCA. D�-s�� 5. No Admission of Liability. In entering into this Agreement, the City does not make any admission of fact or law with respect to the Site or with respect to its liability for the Site. 6. Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties. 10. Entire Agreement. This Ageement embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties. 11. � Successors and Assigns. This Agreement is binding on the parties and their successors and assigns. 12. Termination of Agreement. Ml'CA may terminate this Agreement upon 60 days written notice to the City or upon writCen notice of MPCA's deternunation that the activities described in Pazagraph G.2. are no longer required. 13. Effective Date. This Agreement is effective upon the date that it is signed by both parties. BY THEIR SIGNATURES BELOW, THE UNDERSIGNED REPRESENT THAT THEY HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THE PARTIES THEY REPRESENT IT IS SO AGREED: FOR THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Brad Moore, Acting Commissioner Date Approved as to form: City Attorney Department Director Director of Finance Mayor Date Date Date Date City Clerk Date AG: #1678763-v1 5 `� �-57� a- RECEi�f�D JUL 3 1 2C�� LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PLAN PIGS EYE LANDFILL SITE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PRINTED ON .lLL 17 2006 b LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PLAN PIGS EYE LANDFILL SITE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA JULY 2006 REF. No. 019879 (11) This report is printed on recycIed paper. Prepared by: Conestoga-Rovers 8� Associates 1801 Old Highway 8 Northwest, SuRe � 14 St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 Office: 651•639•0913 Fax: 65�•639�0923 Wotltlwitle Engineenng. Environmentpi, Consiruciion, antl R Services D ���� � TABLE OF CONTEN'PS Paee 2.0 INTRODUC'ITON.....-•••• ...............................................--°--°--...---.......................................1 1.1 SIT`EDESCRIPITON ................................................................................•-�-�--•--2 2.0 RAP IIvIl'LEMENT'ATTON COMPONENTS....-----_-• ..................................._°.-----..........4 21 LANDFTLL COVER ................................................°-°--°--°-•-•--......................4 22 SOL7THEAST PONII ......................................................................................... 4 2.3 SOU'ITiWESTPOND ........................................................................................4 2.4 BATTERY DISPOSAL AREA ...........................................................................4 2.5 RAILROAD DTTCH ...........................................................................................4 2.6 BATTLE CREEIC (LTPPER REACH) .................................................................5 2.7 BATTLE CREEK (LOWER REACH) AND LANDFILL/LAKE INTERFACE .................................................:...................5 2 .8 LANDSCAPING PI.AN ....................................................................................5 2.8.1 GRASS ESTABLISHMENT ...............................................................................5 2.8.2 TIZEE PLANTINGS ............................................................................................5 2.4 CREEK CftOSSING ........................................................................................... 6 2.10 MOATITORING WEI_LS ....................................................................................7 3.0 INSPECTIONS ................................................................................�--.................................... 8 3.1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................8 3.2 IZECORD KEEPING .-� ....................................................................................... 3.3 LANDFILL COVER AND LANDFILL/ SURFACE WATER IN'PERFACES INSPECTTON ......................................... 8 3.4 MONITORING WELL INSPECTION .............................................................9 4 .0 SYSTEM MAIN"1'ENANCE ..................................................................................................10 4.1 LANDFILL COVER AND LANDFILL/ SUItFACE WATER INTERFACES MAIN'I'INANCE ..................................10 4.1.1 PERFORMANCE ...............................................................................................10 4.12 MATEIZIAL SELECTION .................................................................................11 42 CREEK CROSSING MAINTENANCE ...........................................................12 4.3 LANDFILL VEGETATION MAIN'I'ENANCE............--_---_-• .......................12 4.4 MONTTORING WELL MAINTENANCE ......................................................13 5.0 MONITORING PL,AN ................................................................... 5.1 GROUNDWATEK MONITORING .......................... 5.2 SURFACE WATEIt MOIVITORING ......................... 5.3 MONITORING PARAMETFRS ................................ 6.0 RECORDS AND REPORTING ..................................... 61 REPORTSUBMITTALS.°°•°°° ................. 6.2 RECORDMAIlV'I'ENANCE ...................... ..........................14 ..........................14 ..........................14 ..........................15 ......16 ..... 26 .....17 198�9 (1 i) CONESTOGA-ROVERS S� ASSOCIATES ��-��� FIGURE 1.1 FIGURE 1.2 FIGUIZE 21 FIGURE 2.2 FIGLTKE 5.1 TABLE 2.1 TABLE 2.2 TABLE 3.7 TABLE 5.1 TABLE 5.2 LIST OF FIGURFS (Following Report) �`lt���IC�: •��[�J�i S£TE PLAN PROJECT FEATURE AREAS MONTI'ORING WELL LOCATIONS SURFACE WATER SAMPLII�iG LOCA'ITONS LIST OF TABLES (Following Report) PHASE I SEED MIXTURE PHASE II SEED MIXTURE MAINTENANCE REQLJIREMENTS NfONTTORING REQUIREMENI'S LIST OF ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS �98�s /i�) CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIA7ES 0 7-�� a. LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPINDIX C APPF.NBIX D APPENDL`C E APPENDIX F CREIIC CROSSING ASBUILT PE.ANS ADDTFIONAL MONTTORING WELL DE'I'AILS LANDFILL INSPEC'ITON REPORT MONPI'ORING WELL LOGS RIPRAP SPECIFICATION AND 17RAWING SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS 198]9(t1) CONE5T0(`,A-ROVERS � fiS50GATES D� -�� a- �.o i�aDUC�orr This Operation and Mainfenance (O&M) Plan has been prepared by Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA} on behalf of the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) #or the Former Pigs Eye Landfill (Site) located in Saint Paul, Muu�esota. The plan presents the mainfenance, monitoring, and long-term care reguirements associated with each component of both the Phase I and Phase II Implementation of the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) measwes for the Site. The Phase I and Phase II RAP Implementafion included the followu�g remedial components: • Augment landfill cover; • Pull back toe of landfill and re-grade landfill side slopes along Battle Creek (Lower Reach) and landfill/lake interface; • Stabilize and cover Battery Disposal Area; • Fill the Soufheast Pond; and • Plant trees along the landfill/lake interface and in the Southeast and Southwest Ponds. • Stabilize and re-grade landfill side slopes along Battle Creek (Upper Reach); • Filling the Southwest Pond; • Re-grade landfill side sIopes along the railroad drainage ditch. Maintenance and monitoring will be initiated within one yeaz following the completian of construction activities at the Site. The City will be responsible for the following tasks: • inspection and maintenance of the ]andfill cap, slopes, creek crossing, and erosion control measures; • well ownership, well maintenance, and well sealing (after 2006); and • provide funding to the MPCA far monitoring and reporting activities. The MPCA or its contractor will conduct the following tasks: • surface water monitoring; • groundwater monitoring; • weli inspection; and 19819(ti) � 1 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOqATES d� ��a� • preparation of Annual Monitoring Report. 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The Former Pigs Eye Landfill Site is Iocated in the southeastem portion of the City of Saint Paul, Muuiesota. The approximately triangularIy shaped Site is bounded by a railroad switching yard (C.P. Rail) a]ong the northeastem boundary, various industrial properties to the west, across Pigs Eye I.ake Road, and Pigs Eye Lake to the south. The Ivletropolitan Council Environmentai Services (MCES) wastewater treatment plant is located adjacent to the Site to the southwest. The final reach of Battle Creek flows Ehrough the central portion of the Site and discharges to Pigs Eye Lake. Based on recent surveying of the Site, the cotal landfilled area covers approxunately 212 acres. A Site location map is presented as Figure 1.1 and a Site plan is presented as Figure 1.2. The Site is located within the floodplain of the Mississippi River, which is approximately 800 feet west of the Site. The Site is generally flat with minor relief along the northeastem portion and along the banks of Battle Creek and Pigs Eye Lake. The Site is heavily vegetated, prunariIy with grasses and small shrubs. Stands of mature trees are present on the eastem and northeastem portions of the Site. Smaller stands of trees are located intermittently across the Site. Battle Creek flows through the central portion of the landfill (approximately lineal 4,800 feet) and discharges to Pigs Eye Lake. Waste was placed along both banks of the creek for the appro�ately one-half of its length through the Site, and along its eastern/northem bank for the remainder of the reach. The Battle Creek watershed extends east of the Site into the communities of Maplewood and Woodbury. The portions of the creek east of the Site are controlled with flood control devices such as ponds, dams, and w.eirs. A large wetland and lake area (approximately 100 acres), north of the C.P. Rail yard, also discharges into Battle Creek prior to entering the Site. Based upon review of the IvFPCA files, the Site began operating without a permit as a landfill in the mid-1950s, acceptirig municipal, commercial, and industrial wastes. The Site ceased operation as a landfill in 1972. The Site received additional disposal of incinerator ash from the MCES wastewater treatrnent plant from 1977 to 1985 under an MPCA permit as SW-189. The ash was reportedly disposed of over the existing waste and was covered with 2 feet of soil. Various inuestigations have been conducted at the Site since the 1970s, focusing on groundwater, surface wafer, soil, and sediments. The United States Environmental Protecfion Agency (USEPA) conducted a Limited Site Investigation in 1994. The MPCA t9819 (11) 2 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIA7ES �����l.L� � aLso conducted various investigations at the Site during 1998 and 1999. The results af these investigations are summarized in the RAP. � t9879 (11) 3 CONESTOGA-ROVERS $ ASSOCIATES U7-5� �- 2.0 RAP IMPLEMENTATION COMPOIVENTS Figure 2.1 presents the project feature areas of tfie remedy. The following sections describe the elements of the remedy. 2.1 LANDFILL COVER A landfill cwez was consiructed over the landfill. The cover consists of a minuntun 2-foot layer of soil capab2e of supporting woody and non-woody vegetation. 2.2 SOUTHEAST POND The southeast pond azea was filled and graded to allow overland flow to Pigs Eye Lake. The area was also planted with trees to provide hydraulic uptake and may also provide some attenuaHon of contaminants within the groundwater zone. 2.3 SOUTHWEST POND The southwest pond area was filled and graded to allow overland flow to Battle Creek. The area was also planted with trees to provide hydraulic uptake and may also provide some attenuation of contaminants within the groundwater zone. 2.4 BATTEIZY DISPOSAL AREA Soils in this area were chemically stabilized and covered with at least two feet of clean soii. 2.5 RAILROAD DITCH The landfill interface with the railroad drainage ditch was re-graded to correct erosion and landfill seepage probtems. t9819�tt} 4 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIA7ES d� -� a- 2.6 BATTLE CREEK (ITPPER ftEACH� 'Fhe stream banks of the upper reach of Battle Creek (waste on both sides of the creek) were re-graded to a maximum slope of 5:1 and stabilized to correct exposed waste and erosion problems. 29 BATTLE CREEK (LOWER REACH) AND LANDFILL/L.AKE INTERFACE In order to eliminate leachate seeps from occurring along the side slopes of the landfill, buried waste was pulled back 30 feet from Battle Creek and relocated on Site. The void that was created by the waste excavafion was backfilled with select fill at a slope of 10 to 1(horizontal to vertical) to create a buffer area. The side slopes of the new landfill face were graded to a maximum s2ope of 4 to 1(horizontal to verfical}. The area was also planted with trees to provide some contaminant reduction, slope stability, and erosion coniroL 2.8 LANDSCAPING PLAN The selected remedy for the cover vegetation is the establishment of a grass cover over ali of the disturbed areas of fhe Site and tzee pIantings in selected areas of the Site. Due to the natural envirorunent of the Site and surrounding area and also to fit the City Park plan, the seIected grass and tree species are flood tolerant. 2.8.1 GRASS ESTABLISHMENT The cover vegetation consists of a mixture of grass species intended to stabilize the soil against erosion due to runoff and wind, increase evapotranspiration of soil moistuxe, and increase the aesthetic value of the cover. The Phase I seed mixture consisfs of MNDOT 28B modified and is presented in Table 21. The Phase II seed mixhxre consists of 30 percent MNDOT 310NW1' (Native Wet Tall) and 70 percent MNDOT 254GR (General Roadsides) and is presented in Table 22. 2.8.2 TREE PLANT'INGS As part of the Phase I RAP Implementation, trees were planted in the former Southeast Pond Area and the Landfill/Lake interface. These trees are intended to increase � 5 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCtATES 07� Z evapotranspiration throngh plant uptake of groundwater and to increase contaminant attenuation in the shallow groundwater. Trees were planted at an average spacing of approximately 5-feet on-center. The folIowing flood resistant species weie selected: • River Birch; • Silver Maple; • Red Mapie; • Basswood; and • Cottonwood. As part of the Phase II KAP Implementafion, approximately 1,900 trees were planted in the areas shown on Figure 2.1. The trees are intended to increase evapotranspiration through plant uptake of groundwater and to increase contaminant attenuation in the shallow groundwater. The tree plantings may also draw shallow groundwater from the edges of the landfill cap, acting as a hydraulic barrier curtain, An added benefit may also be realized as the trees may also act to biodegrade organic contaminants in the shallow groundwater through interactions with the tree root systems. Trees were planted at an average spacing of approximately 15 feet on-center. The following flood resistant species and sizes were selected: • River Birch; • Silver Maple; • Red Maple; and • Cottonwood. 2.9 CREEIC CROSSING In order to conduct the remedial actions for the Site, the consriuction of a temporary crossing of Battle Creek was required. The creek crossing will allow access for construction personnel and eguipment to the eastern portion of the Site. In keeping with the final end use of the Site, there are no permanent access roads to or from the creek crossing. i9a�s(it) 6 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSQCIATES D7�� a- The location of the creek crossing is shown on Figure 2.1. The record drawings for the creek crossmg aze presented in Appendix A. 2.10 MONITORING WELLS The landfill/lake interface is located hydraulically downgradient of the landfill. The landfill/lake interface is essentially composed of high organic, low permeable soil (select fiIl) that was installed during the Phase I RAP to atten�ate seepage from the landfill to Pig's Eye I,ake. The purpose of well network is to monitor and evaluate groundwater hydrology and chemisiry as it flows through. and below the landfill/lake interface boundary. It is intended to monitor groundwater from three distinct depths along the landfill/lake interface to evaluafe impact from the ]andfill. The three groundwater units that will be monitored as a part of the well network include the surficial, shallow, and deep groundwater. The surficial groundwater is located within the landfill/lake interface select fill and is estimated fo be less than five feet deep. The sha3low groundwater is a silty sand layer below the strata of peat and organic clay. The depth of the silty sand ranges from 15 to 20 feet below grade. The deep groundwater is in a more permeable layer of sand that may range from 30 to 50 feef below grade. The depths of these groundwater units have been detennined from existing Site well logs. Actual depths may vary depending on local strarigraphic vaziances. Three weII nests (MW-16, MW-27, and M4V-18) were installed in the landffll/lake interface boundary as shown on Figure 2.2. Well nests MW-16 and MW-17 consist of four wells and MW-18 consists of two wells. The suffix designation, "A", 'B", and "C", aze used to denote the surficial, shallow, and deep wel}s, respectively. The suffix designafion "AA", is used for two wells, MYV-16AA and MW-17AA, which were installed upgradient of surficial wells, MW-16A and MW-17A, respectively. Additional details on the monitoring wells instalIed as part of the RAP are presented in Appendix B. 19879 ���� 7 CONESTOGA-ROVERS S ASSOCIATES D7�5ZQ �- 3.0 3.1 GENERAL Maintenance requirements for the Former Pigs Eye Landfill are summarized in Table 31. Maintenance includes routine inspections, scheduIed maintenance, imscheduled maintenance in response to an observed failure, and reporting of such failures. All inspections and maintenance performed at the Site must be entered in the hard-cover Inspection/Maintenance Log maintained by the City. Inspectians will be completed during the spring and fall of each year. The spring inspection will be completed during early June or as soon as conditions allow for the inspection to be completed. 3.2 RECORD KEEPING Record keeping requirements for the maintenance activities conducted at the Site include written documentation of the foIlowing tasks: • inspections performed; • monitoring performed; and • scheduIed and unscheduled maintenance. 3.3 LANDFILL COVER AND LANDFILL/ SURFACE WATER INTERFACES INSPECTION The City will complete biannuaI inspections (spring and fall} of the landfill cover and landfill/surface water interfaces. The City will also complete additional inspections following any periods of flooding and intense rainfall events (>3 inches in 24 hours) on the Site. Inspec6ons will consist of: • Inspect vegetative cover and identify areas reguiring attention; • Inspect side slope for areas of erosion and washouts; • Inspect landfill cover and landfill/surface water interfaces for areas of erosion and washouts; • Inspect landfill cover and landfill/surface water interfaces for evidence of exposed refuse or leachate seeps; and • Inspect condition of the creek crossing. t987s (tt) $ CONESTOGA-ROVERS � FVSSOqATES � �?-S� a- The person completing the inspection shaIl complete a standard inspection and maintenance checklist. A sample copy of the checklist in included in Appendix C. Field notes and results wiIl be attached to the inspection report. 3.4 MOIVITORING WELL INSPECTION The MI'CA will complete inspecfions of the groundwater monitoring weIls during each scheduIed monitoring event. The following will be noted and conections made if required: • The casing surrounding the monitoring well is securely in p]ace and is properly locked; • No blockage down the well; • The depth to the bottom of the well is not decreasing (decreasing depth may indicate that the well is becoming silted up and should be te-developed); and • The Minnesota Unique Number is clearly visible and legible on the well casing. The person completing the inspection shall complete a standard inspection and maintenance checklist. A sample copy of the checklist in included in Appendix C. Field notes and results will be attached to the inspection report. The MPCA or its contractar will forward a copy of the completed inspection form to the City for the Site Inspectzon/Maintenance Log. Copies of the monitoring well logs are incIuded in Appendix D. 19879 ���} 9 CONESTOGA-ROVERS H� ASSOCIATES V���� � 4.6 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 41 LANDFILL COVER AND LANDFILIJ SUIZFACE WATER INTERFACES MAINTENANCE Landfill cover maintenance shall be performed, as required, based on the results of biannual inspections. Maintenance shall be conducted by a qualified earth moving contractor or by the City and shall be supervised by the City. Reqvirements may include filIing gullies or eroded areas, riprap repair, seep management repair, and replacement of cover material in areas of excessive ponding and/or settlement {to the extenf of exposing waste). Filled ai should be sloped to prevent erosion. In conjunction wifh the filling, some regrading may be reguired to meet the slope requirements or to fiIl areas with excessive slopes. Disturbed areas and other areas of poor vegetative growth wili be revegetated. Riprap repair shall be conducted as necessary. The specifications and drawing for the original riprap installation are included in Appendix E. Aepair to seeps shall be conducted on a case by case basis. A seep is defined as point on the side slope, above the elevarion of the adjoining surface water, where leachate is persistently flowing to the surface. Repairs shall be conducted to eliminate direct contact with the leachate on the permeable cap, but to prevent flow into Battle Creek, Pig's Eye Lake, and the railroad ditch. Seeps will be repaired with the placement of additional fill within two weeks of identification. Section 4.1.1 describes the methods used to place fill for seep repair. 41.1 PERFOAMANCE All fie]d working locations will be reviewed with the Contractor. A� working locarions will include a minimum two-foof extension distance fo allow match grading and integration and biending with adjacent suitable soff thicknesses. For any cap disiurbance larger than one acre, a National Pollutant Discharge Eliminarion System (NDPES) permit will be obtained and required temporary erosion control silt fences and/or straw bales will be installed for the period of construction. Temporary erosion control measures should be designed to dissipafe and filter runoff as sheet flow and preclude sed'unent transport from the landfill surface during active work. Straw bales and silt fence are pzoven techniques for these controls. 79879 (tt} IO CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES ����'� � At aIl work locations (including the two-fooE extension distance), topsoil will be stripped and temporarily stockpiled along the vpslope side to divert future surface flow around work areas. Suitable fill will be placed in six-inch lifts to meet required grades. Soil spreading will be undertaken with a bulldozer (or other suitable eartlunoving equipment) with multiple passes at low speed to reduce flexural cracking of the cover over the waste. A m;niri,um of six inches of topsoil comprising replacement of existing and imported material will be placed over all disturbed surfaces and graded for seed and mulch application. A disturbed surface will be defined by removal of vegetaHon and topsoil layer to expose the rooting zone surface and wilI not include flattened grass cover. Seeding wilI be completed by a qualified seed and mulch contractor using industry standard equipment. Seed mixture will be compatible with existing cover vegetation. 4.1.2 MATERIAL SELECTION Fill The fill shall be free of unsuitable materials that include, and are not limited to, the following: The specification will allow the use of "unprocessed" genera] fiil that, by nature, will not contau� a high percentage of rocks. In general, rocks larger than 12 inches wiIl be excluded from the imported cover soil. The soil will have no more than 10% rocks based on visual inspection. Should rocks greater then 12 inches be encountered during the soil placement, they will be removed from the soil (by hand). Topsoil Topsoil suitable for use shall be good quality, fertile loamy material, free from xoots, vegetation, weeds, parts of weeds, weed seeds and other debris or #oreign matter. The source of topsoil shall be an area free from growth of Japanese Clover, HorsetaiI, Moming Glory, and other persistent weed plants. Topsoil should be free from lumps, stones, and clods over one inch in diameter. Topsoil shall not contain excess amounts of organic matter, heavy clay, or sand. 198]9 (it) II CONESTOGA-ROVERS B� ASSOCIATES D `� �h'l� �- Topsoil shall not be obtained from swampy areas and shall not be infested with the seeds of noxious weeds. Imported topsoil shall be inspected and approved by the City prior to delivery to the Site. TopsoiI stripped from the working azea on-Site may be reused if suifable as detennined by the City. 42 CREEK CROSSING MAIN'I'ENANCE Maintenance and repairs of the creek crossing will be conducted as necessary under the direction of fhe City. A locked cable with attached reflecfive notices will stretch across the west side of the creek crossing preventing unauthorized use. In keeping with the final end use of the Site, there are no access roads to or from the creek crossing to be maintained. 4.3 LANDFILL VEGETATION MAINTENANCE I,andfill vegetation maintenance consists of seeding. Seeding wili be conducted as needed and under the direction of the City. The landfill cover will be inspected for bare areas where grass has not grown and areas of weed growth. These areas will be repaired as necessary. The seed, mix used for maintenance activities, will be deterinined by the City. The seed w911 be applied at a rate of approximately 150 lbs./acre. Seed will be applied using standard sowing methods (i.e. hydroseeding, drill seeding or broadcast seeding). The specifications for applying seed during the Site construcfion activities are included in Appendix F. L?ue to the large size of the Site and the large amount of weeds that exist on areas of the Site that weFe not £illed and seeded as part of the remedy, the control of weeds is not included in the maintenance plan. In keeping with the final end use of the Site, the maintenance of trees is not included in this maintenance plan. Dead or damaged trees wi31 not be cleared or grubbed, but will be allowed to remain as habitat areas for wildlife. Access to the Site monitoring wells will be maintained by the City. t98�9 plt) ]2 CONESTOGA-ROVERS Y ASSOCIATES 07-h'� 2- 4.4 MONITORING WELL MAINTENANCE Moniforing weli maintenance will be performed as iequued, based on the results of the inspecrion. Mainfenance requirements may include: • deaning out wells that have become siIted up; • repIacing a bent section in the well; • grout repair; • ensuring that the locks on the monitoring wells are well oiled; • painting of well casing; and • re-labeling Minnesota Unique Nuznber on well casing as needed. t98�9 (11) I3 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES ��'�2Q 2- 5A MONITOIZING PLAN Manitoring is intended to assess the groundwater and surface water quality neaz the landfilI. The monitoring program consists of groundwater elevation monitoring, groundwater quality monitoring, and surface water monitoring. The monitoring plan is sLUnmarized on Table 5.1. 5.1 GROUNDWATER MONITORING Groundwater elevarions will be recorded at all groundwater monitoring wells that are scheduled to be sampled during each sampling round. In addition during each sampling round, the water elevation at MW-12 and MAD-7 will be measured in order to detennine groundwater flow direction. Table 5.1 identifies the groundwater elevation measurement locations. The groundwater monitoring network will consist of 13 monitoring wells. The monitoring wells are identified on Table 5.1. All Site monitoring well 3ocations are shown on Figure 22. Groundwater samples will be collected from monitoring wells MW-15, MW-16AA, M4V-26A, MW-16B, MW-17AA, MW-17A, MW-176, and MW-14 hiannually in the spring and fall. Groundwater samples wili be collected from monitoring wells MW-16C, MW-13, MW-17C, MW-18A, and MW-18B annually in the spring. Groundwater sampling will be conducted an accordance with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP, CRA 2004) and the approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP, CRA 2004). 5.2 SUIZFACE WATER MONITORIIVG The surface water sampling plan consists of four surface water sampling locations. Three sampling locations will be in Battle Creek: upstream of the landfill, at a midpoint of the landfill, and near the discharge to Pig's Eye Lake. The fourth sampling location will be adjacent to the battery disposal area in the backwaters of Pigs Eye Lake. The sampling locations for swfaee water monitoring are shown on Figure 5.1. Surface water samples wil] be collected on a quarteriy basis for the first two years. First quarter samples during the winter months will be collected as available. After two years sampling frequency will be reduced from quarteriy to biannually. isa�9�n) 14 CONESTOGA-ROVERS 8 ASSOCtATES o �-�-� �- Location ID Former ID SW-2 SW-9 (see Nov 1999 RAP.) SW3 LW-1 SW� LW-2 Surface water sampling will be conducted in accordance with the approved Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP, CRA 2004) and the approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP, CRA 2004). 5.3 MONITORING PARAMETERS The analytical parameters were selected by the MPCA. Selected parameters and their criteria are listed on Table 5.2. Parameters that are not detected after the first year of sampling will be dropped from the parameter list. Estimated (J) mercury results will be flagged. Any monitoring location with a mercury detection will be run at a lower detection limit in conjunction with the next sampling event. Total hardness will be analyzed at monitoring location SW-1 only. Volarile organic compounds (VOCs) will be analyzed at monitoring locations MW-13 and SW-3 in the spring only. VOC analysis at other monitoring locations will be based on these results. Monitoring data will be evaluated annually to detei�nine the performance of the select fill in removing contaminants. If performance is below expectations as detennuled by the data, a decision will be made on the selection of an appropriate corrective actton. 148't9(tt) IS CONESTOGA-ROVERS Hi ASSOCIATES D���- 6.0 RECORDS AND REPORTING 6.1 REPORT SUBMITTALS The resutts of the biannual Site inspections condncted by the City will be reported fo the MPCA. The inspection reports will confain any recent Sife maintenance and monitoring activities. Completed site repairs, including their location of a map, will be included in inspection logs and submitted with each report. A description of any repairs or maintenance activities, before and after photas, name of pezson conducting the repa'u, date of repair, and follow-up needed shal] be documented. The MI'CA will prepare sampling data reports following each round of monitoring. The sampling data reports will contain, aY 2 minimu7p� the following: • A summary of all results of sampling and tests and all other data received or generated by the MPCA or their contractors or agents during the previous sampling round; + Any modifications to the work plans, the work, or other schedules that are part of the work, or those modifications that have been approved or unapproved by MPCA; • A description of all actions, including, but not limited to, data collection and implementation of work plans, that are scheduled for the next quarter; + Changes in personnel during the reporting period; and • Copies of ]aboratory/monitoring data, etc. A data report will be submitted for the spring maintenance and monitoring activities. The data report for the fall maintenance and monitoring activities will be included with the Annual Monitoring Report. The MPCA will prepare an Annual Monitoring Report each yeaz and will include a summary of the Site inspecrions (provided by the City) for the previous year and an evaluation of the data and recommendations for conective action. The MPCA will provide a wpy of the report and recommendations to the City's Departrnent of Pubfic Works and Department of Parks and Recreation. Annual reports will be prepared for the first five years of Site activities. After five years, representatives from the MPCA and the City will evaluate the need to, or freguency for, continued monitoring and reporting_ The inspection and reporiang schedules are presented on Table 3.1. i9a�9 (it) 16 CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES o �-��- 6.2 RECORD MAINTENANCE The City will mautfain all files containing O&M information for a minimum of five years. The £iles will indude all laboratory data, sampling details, inspection logs, maintenance records, and personnel recoids. 198 �>i) 17 CONESTOGA-f20VERS & f\SSOCIATES � SOURCE: USGS TOPQGRAPHIC MAP ST. PAUL EAST, MINN. QUAD C'R A AUG 17/2004 �,� o ,000 z000n � figure 1.1 SITE LOCATION PlGS EYE LANDFILL Saint Pau/, Minnesofa � � �_,� -_ --_ � ` � ; �.� / %�='__'--'��:� � . - � �� j �� ' ��� . =�'�`� _ -� ., --.. PfGa' EYE LaKE ROAD (CITY OP S:J VT PAUI F40?ERN ���r� � `1'` �� \ `� �'--s> !` ... `_ ' __� � � ,:-- .�`,: �, : �,�_ , �t:..�' � `_' �{' _� '�' 'r: S�. � > �'�:�` ' •;: , � 3 ° 'i _ u >.:`'�.`.\ i?�\. t � ' -v ��) �� _/ , Y `\.,.l:= L" ` :� �� � i. l3. \ . < �' r . q` �/ j `��� � Y '� �+ ^ � y � `` _/'$-•f�� \✓i�l•.��—, �i� .� \::. 1 t � aJ P �� ' �� � .� �� D j ( � GPRP.IL yTp " �J. /�' ��r�,��/� / � \•= . PROPEftTY � � • , �/ �" l � :e�: . � \ ` /. _ .�..1� _ - �� �. 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J 1 C3 r �J . _ rnw- •'-- � ��� � J �; .; � � o : .� � \S3 l LL � 'i0 �1:, S � ',��, `� � � . � � 7,�' qrrQfsnl ��(��`-_ � � � VlOODCHIPP� � � \�\� ��: � � \ "�: � � �t{� 'ArA��'�. � y�d __, 1 / �yy � . ._ . �. �� G� :���� � �' \ ^ � '' ' { � ,y ��1 �� \ � }���, �---:¢'�'j� � ; � Y � � _. ,- °ti�.;!,-- � ::.3 l, i � : �.Mw-9���\ i � �i / < �%� _" �'� � 1 �` � M� 2� \. � £ � • � � � �i����A'1 I - �� ;� �; . u�ts WASTEWATER TR'eAT6:ENT FWNT � CRA 1)GNSP003AUG17/2004 "� � r. �. �, ;; 1 � ` �' � - :� i �`�.���. �, GP W9L PROPERI �,, d a __'� ;" . / 1 ' � " (� V�.. �r -' `_ `�\� ;!f•'��. . � � , � A � CREEK CROSSIRG F �C7Y0� ��` fROeER � �� � i �: '�-`a.;.'_ \� `� 1 s ;�`��?:��, T � � ?� -j j � J r 4 �, I l '� � ��� � d �� i, ; PAUL { �\ � y �� �. � =� , ".���n -„ . d OF�S�svo � � :. P20r'ERTV � 7 \ �, , ��r.sf'c� '�4� ��., . ..'� _,..� 'o .:`i "�� MW 13� �., ,� 1 � �.���\ t �-• 3 '�,, t � � �F1�� .. .. '-'-- �'� � =i`� � � �` _ __. Q�:�' " . _ . \ c� r , ;:, t:. �� � �—' ;�; ` MW-i8A,18B �- %`� ,�,�.;. : �1` �:,.:' �.. ; '= �_� �� ia: ; ; �-•,.. ��` �:-.-_:�..., MW-14 \. .. . ' i �.:* �'-�`�!s•`\!ii J � � "" "-• � / lh-n �� - '�" � � � .�� �'--'�: J '.�'v J,°'' :�-,:�IMW-17A,17B,17C, 17AFS �MA�-7il�v � i .y� �,� _ l,�. =�%� ��\\ � �I � � rJ ' �r . �,.� �~_ � / \ • . _ - '� _i ._ � " \.1 . �./ , n_ � '� ;._\•' l)r"_' � 1/�_ � MW-06A,166.16C.16AA `" �': '•: �%� � � ' 1 � ; _ � �:• < ~ � � . . i ��--. � ..\ � ,�; � ,_ � ..� ?� t � i � ..� E,� ..� ;. ,�:, - , ��� J ' , � .\� � :�%'�' .,, r'r oF sni �r ravi . �PRO?ERTf, f � ���; o zoo soon LEGEND � • MOMiORiNGWELLLOCAT70N Q NEKLY INSTALLED MONITORING WELL NESi LOCATION ----- PROPER7yLINE — � � � — WERAND/SURFACE WAlER -- 7REE UNE — +- -+- — UNI[IENT7FIED ABOVE GROUND PIPE7JNE s— SANflARV SEWER IINES (3 LMES RUNNING PARALLEL) — � — ov�tweno Powea uNe — w — WATER L1NE I — s* — STO�RM SEWFRLME --- APPIkOXIMATE LIMRS OF RESPONSE ACTfON WORK o MANHpLE o PIRE�HYDRANT i I I Cr eqa aaoaearr figure 2.2 G WELL LOCATIONS PIGS EYE LANDFILL Saint Paul, Minnesofa ��-5�a 2— -� ; - � t :� � � 3 3 i� � r� � � � d� -�� �- TABLE 2.1 PHASEISEED MIXTURE FORMER PIGS EYE LANDFILL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MNDOT2SB MODIFIED Common Name % of Mix $luestem, big ( Miikweed, marsh 0.17 Brome, fringed 4 Prairie clover, purple 0.17 Tic-trefoil, showy 0.17 Wheatgrass, slender 10 Wild-rye, Virgina 10 SunElower, early 0.17 Ry-grass, annual g Winter Wheat Zp Oats 20 Switchgrass 3 Bluegrass, fowl 12 Black-eyed Susan 015 Indian grass ( Vervain, blue 0.17 TOTAL 100.00% CRA 198J9 (11) 47-� a- TABLE 2.2 PHASE II SEED MIXT'URE FORMER PIGS EYE LANDFILL SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Mi�ciure: 310NWT (Native Wet Tall) - 30 Percent of Total Seed Mix Common Name Bluestem, big Indian grass Wild-rye, Virginia Switch grass Biurjoint grass Green bu(nxsh Wool grass Giantburreed Cordgrass, prairie Grass Totals Common Name Winter Wheat* Rye-grass, annual Wheatgrass, slender Cnver Gop Totals: lbJac 0.90 0.72 0.18 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.54 16/ac 4.1 1 25.6 % of Mix Component 25 25 20 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 15 100 % of Mix Componenf 80 16 4 Wet Forbs Mixture 0.8 100 GRAND TOTALS: 30 100 'Oats to be substituted for spring plantings Narive mix fnr wetter areas. Tall height. Mixture: 250GR (General Roadside) Modified - 70 Percent of Total Seed Mix Common Name lb/ac % of Mix Component Brome grass, smooth 9.8 14 Bluegrass, Kentucky "CerNfied P. 9.8 14 $luegrass, Canada 20.3 29 Switch grass 2.1 3 4Vheat-grass, slender 2.g g Rye-grass, perennial 147 21 Timothy z_1 3 Redtop 2 3 Alfalfa, creeping 4.2 6 4Yhite Clover 21 3 GRAIVD TOTALS: 70 lpp Genera! Roadside mix - Modi[ied crsn �ve�s cau D 7-�� �- TABLE 3.1 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FORMER PIGS EYE LANDFILL - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Task A. Sife Irzsyections • Landfill Cover and Landfill/Surface Water Interface Inspecrion(CITY) • Monitoring Well Inspecrion (MPCA) B. Reporting • Spring Data Report (MPCA) • Fall Data Report (MPCA) • Annual monitoring report (MPCA) • Incident reports Yo MPCA (CITY) • Damage repaired (CI'i`Y) C. Landfil! Coverand Lnndfill/Surface Water Interface Maintenance • Repair areas of erosion or or washouts along the landfill/surface water interface (CITY) D. Creeic Crossing Maintenance • Crossing maintenance(CITY) £. Landfill Vegetation Maintenance • Repair areas of sparse vegetation (CiTY) F. Monitoring WeQ Maintenance • Well and well casing maintenance and repair (CI1'Y) Frequency Biannually {Spring & Fatl) and following major flood events. During scheduled monitoring events After spring monitoring event. Include with Annual Report January 30th of Each Year As Soon As Possible With Annual Report As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed CAA 398]9 (tl) ����� � TABLE 5.1 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FORMER PIGS EYE LANDFILL - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Media Locatiott Frequrnc� Groundwater Monitoring Wells Groundwater Monitoring We1Ls Water Elevation Surface Water Monitoring MW-14, MYV-15, MW-16A, MW-16B, MW-16AA, MW-17A, M4V-17B, and MW-17AA M[N-13, MW-i6C, MW-17C, MW-18A, and MW-18B All wells list above plus MW-12 & MAD-7. SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, SW-4 Biannually Annually �SP�S �lY) Biannually Biannually can�sa�s�ii� TABLE 5.2 LIST OF ANALYTICAL PARAMETBRS FORMER PIGS EYB LANDF[CL- SA(Nt PAUL, M[NNESOTA Irso�vanics Arwlyte Mertt�ry n � PCes Alumiinun Aisenic ���« CobaLt Lead ` Coppet Iron Manganese Ncicel• Selenium SSvec �w„a, Zmc* Boron Total Hardness (as CaCO3) a � Ammonia Nitrogen (as I� Field pA Field Temp Fidd Condudance Field Dissolved O�cygen Total Cyanide TotalSuspended Solids Volitile OrganicComWUnds (VOCs) � 1,7,1-1'richloroethane 1,1,2,2—Tetxacliloroethane 1,2-DidilocofLmie & ozene Ca�on Tetrachtoride Clilorobenzene ChloxoEorm Etheylbenzene Methylrne Cliloride Tehachloroett�ene 1'oluene Tridiloroethene Vinyl Cfitoxide Xylenes (Total) Semi-Vol iti!¢ O�vattic Comoounds lSVOfsI Acuuphthrne Arnhcacene bis(L-Ethylhexyl)phttulate Di-nbc[ylphthalate F7uoranthene Hexadilorobenzene � Naphthalene . PenWChlorophenol Pt�enaM�zene Phenol Method C7ean Method MDH 200 to 0.01 ppb EPA 8082 (GC/EC) ICP MflH 1Y[ MDH t36 MDH IS7 ICP [CI' ICP ICP MDH 178 MDH l85 MDH 736 iCP ICP MpH 239 MDH 64 Chrorzic Standard 0.0069 0.029 tu 53 2.1 5.0 8.7 16 307 5.0 t.o 0.56 207 40 pg/L 6.5 - 9.0 ilnits VS�L ng/L µg/L Ng/L VS/L gSIL pg/L Ng/L µg/L v8/L uS/�- µg/L µg/G MDH 86 MDH3 EPA 8260 329 13 190 ti4 5.9 20 155 68 1940 8.9 253 120 9.2 166 Ng/L vg/� Ng/L Kg1L Ng�L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L pg/L µg/L µg/L yg/L EPA 8270 20 0.035 2.1 30 1.9 024 el 5.5 3.6 t23 VS/L NB/L Ng/L VS�� }�g/L VS�� µg/L }�g/L t'8�L yg/L NM� `-Cakulated based on Hard:iew f�Omg/L) mglG - milligrams per titer ' ng/L-nanograms per liter MDH -MinnesotaDepartrnent of Health [CP - Inductively Coupkd Plam�a GClEC - Gas Chmmatogtaphy/E4etron Captu�e EPA- Fsvironmental Protection Agency Parametersthalarenotde[xMdafterthefirstyearofsamplingwillberemovedfromiheparameterlist. , (1)- Estiauted Q) �alues Rqursted. P�eviousdetections reyvire a lower detecROn limit (2) -7ota1 hazdness is onlyanalyzed at SVJ-1. (3)-VOCscolltttedanlyatMW-13&LW-iandmilyduringthespringevmf. Potureanalysisatothertocatiortsbasedonlheseresults D `? -� a- Cxn�58nOt1 D�����- APPENDIX A CREEK CROSSING RECORD DRAWINGS ivms pi� . DEC:16-03 03:89PN -rtt',�•� `. ia��ars FRON-Yett Co�panf�s i-Q58 p.602/002 f-20d LCC. 1D GGCU 'W.JXl"t rc 07 ��l0 2- QESiGN SURMC[TA� ��,'�. r ~ � � , �. ' . , � " ' i a:�r_ � .��c SUBNfiTfED TO VFt7 ANI) COAb�'ANY, iNC. RQGERS. �Aid Eng➢neer➢ag partrters fitemationai LLC grza wcn cur�e Minncepct Mim�esata Phon� 952891.2477 � 952.897.i 752 • .c c •. T63 429 @3d8 rruc iw. - �—oar—atx /� !! 3 /p�2! . , .�,•..., . _...�:�" PH(a�:002 R=100� •, .�:: � �� � • • � a- . � • Eng+neering Parfners.ln#ernationai LLC • " Engineers Consultan#s Ivlanagers B'!-_.hG[iG _'-'DATE_�c����J? SU&IECT__ G��ZCC/G__�2O,�S//'`�G!'-- CHKD. BY"'"""'.. DAlE""_'""' "'"'_"'_'"LL'__��ls""':r__��"'_..' �""' � ,�_,a u:-- ° _ .; . _ : .�_ _ . . s _ �. �� .� `-:.; :.%2'' :.{ .. -� . _, :jo=�. ... . ... . �„.:.: .:.;�_.: _ �. . ; .ti : _ - _-;_.:..;_:.... _. � ' . :.�.: .. : .,_. . . -;�� ; ;. . . �..:.:., - . ;..;.. : . ;_H . : .:.... ... :..: .: - - . . ; . ; : . .. _:._:.., _.__. . . _: � ,. �„ _:; � 3,�� .. : : � _;.�.. _ - .��c<e_•;B��r� � :� _ : . ` -SC<`e.,° 5�f1'EZ�r ' i � :�� : 4 -o�r,9,c-..,._ . , . . � ....:.. _: � : ; _ - - �: _ �..;/ - _ %�.� ;... . - - ' , V.. ;_ „. s : .. . ; :. �. . � � . : �.� �. - -: ,.� . _ ._ : : _ - . : a _.. _�Yt?E:F .:e .�f2�P/E2 . . a-� � . . . � 3/ � �NGi,I�.�- � f�o� r � � - - , �j/ -O " O. G_ �,nE � - �6�i2: f � ,�w� - �� ����� D�-�� �- SHEET NO_ -"�--'-- OF ¢'- .JOB NO._�.s3L��-'^'--- t � ���� 1 ���v � � � . , ,.. �_ .. _..; . _ .. . . ,. : ; - . - f :. , - l . ": ; ..:. : _ � : _ • .. �....:.. :�_... - - � '�:. ,.. .. : . : :. ..: --, � ..�..._,_....--,. ----.. _.- - z�� . - �. 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' � -.... .... ' - ' .. -� . . _ _ ' . /`.. .. . .. .. . . � . 4 .._ . i.. . .... ; . . " . ._ : . . .. _ _ .. . ." " . . . . � - : / . k __ ; . ; / / , , ... ... , . '. �. . , _. .. . . /�.. 1. .�/Q �9/� /�' ! �" ' . n - . . . r i . � , . ' ' - . .. . .. . . . . � , /.' ' ' ., � � : t " : ' . � � _ � . . . . . . . .. . . . . . �_ . . . . . -. . _ . ' . . . !. /Q � a!/c2 .E' �� .. j� . . . . ,I , . � ° �._: : . . , .. . _. __ _._ ... - . ... . . . ,.: :........... . . . .. . _ ;... � ,...: _ .. • : . . . : .... . ; ���"� '°��sro�z�c....: .. _ � .. .... . ,�x �BE��i�: : . ° �a,�. d ov,�o ss � ....... _,..: �u��rt �'o �7 • f�-.:-; :.;-� :� _ . � . � � ; /¢N'Q .,. iC30iV.U£D... TO TO/� ' i - ; _ , • - . _ , : :.. O� ' CG3i!G'.Q�7L�, G� �lJff.G`SYG.�' . . . _ • . • �8" �; 2�x�a _. . r,�� �. w�ct� - � ,�9. S.rOE .- � - - . „ 2" /a' �K S.` _ , jpy�s�vE cA�SUC� �/trGrl��2 - � 2 PE.2 BE�ivl �-- 2 �- 9�X9% �/�'�� �8�12/�' � �.. . � . v7-�'Z� a- ENGAIEERING PARTAlERS INT£RNAi1�NRLLIC . . • . , RICiIARDM. GREENLEE, P.E. Principa! :- Traffic Noise 8arrier for 1-235, Des �Aoines, lA, Armco Sieel Corporation. > Strucmrai Design of a Diversia� Siroct�re 8 Ffumes, Minneapolis/St. Pau! Ai�pori, MPt, H+ckok & Associates. � Btidges for MnlDOT, I-494 in Min�apdis and - suburban SL Aaui, MN_ Airoorts i Walker, Minnesofa Municepal Airport, new 2800' x 75 runway ficluding taxiways, aprons, T-hangers and an amvaUdeQarture building_ D Waseca, Minnesota Municipal Airgort, new 2800' x 75' mnway, taxivrays, antl apron parking. 1 Mankato, Minnesota N{us+ic+pat Airpoct, new 3500' x 75' crosswind runway, paralle} �yXjt+ays, aprons and airuaR patking area_ � East Guil Cake, Minnesota, prepared new airport zoning adinance. . 1 West V"uginia Ocdinance Works GrounCwater 7reahnent Sysiem Suitding Design Peer Review. point PleasaAi, WV. � Y Nebraska O�di�nce P3ant Groundwater Containment/Remorai Action Peer Review, Mead, NE Environmenfal C piianca - SPCC Plans ➢ Various FedeJa[ Sites, U.S. Corps of Engineer Ctmtract. Enginees-of-Record. ➢ Site FacBities, Cook Composites & Potymers in FL, WI and IL, Errgi�mer-of-}2ecord. AFf1UATtONS: Ameriran Consulting Engineers Council American lnstitute of Steel Construckion American Concreie Insfdute Solid Wasfe/{.andfifis i Ftying Gloud, Engineer-of-Reoord, Eden Prairie, DAN > Mattard Lake, £ngineesof-Recocd, Hanover Park, IL > Pine Bend, Engineerof-ftecord, imer Grare Heighls, MN : Woodiake, Engineer-0f-Record, Medina, MN � Riverview-Platteco, Engineer-of-Recard, Riverview, MO :- Unalaslca Solid Waste Faciiily 6ating, Unalaska, AK >�1liamson Counfy Transfar SlaFion, Franklin, TN Environmental Remediafion ? 8adger Ammuni6on Ptan1 Groundwater Treafinent Peer Review, Baraboo. W!. > Rasm�ssen Landfill, Groundwafer Treatment Peer Review, Lihngston County, MI. American Water Works Associatim ; t e 2 v �-���- . . . --'� � � , 4�}� �� Ca����.a��•. I�t:. �'(��j(:.�.�j{;S 54JG� J.ir Sie.e 3og_�.. `: �t i-i'd P::c�c .'i:.G_S.2?s2 ian :6:.._t S-�d s-sx n_. DESIG�t SIJB:VIITT?LI. CgEEiC CROSSING— PIG'S EYE LANAFILZ :���;- t -w:•csei[co+:]anix<.cCm I hereby certify that the proposed alternate creek crossin� desi� shail comply �vith the requirement of 120 square fee3 of waterway below elevation 697.00 and capacity of 500 cfs. � VE.IT R. COMPANY, INC. Jerry 0 Projects Z-S-f/ Date � ..,Vrs: Srrrirr ie 11:.• fi:r.ir.<:s_�^ faKhwotA ' . OemoRrion ilnderground�"�� UtiUties'-���� � i � � COS � D�7'SL� � E.FC:�Z'.�T10V • DE�IOLiTIO�i • ROLLOFF C01T_�I:+"EFS • REC�GI�L'�G L`�il��'BGRCL'�'P UI?LITIES � FOi;�+ • E:ti61ROti:l-tE:r'T.ILABATEtiIE;�T L� CLE_�,ti'IYt: • FORT.�BLE RESTnOO�IS • SPECL9LTY CLE�'�iL•YG � �:s ... 2-IUCOS'eiiPla,��RogursMti,ia:3S�1-��ti3•t�SS>#'?a?..°-!'?•Fasi;o3�-L'S•R:i�i:i•Reb:ic�xse?tcompaoies.�rom PROJEC7 ! � f_":, _ ._ - ,. :.: - :., ". '. - DATE /C � Z i� � - "- . '_ ., _.. _.. . ._ ... -- _ _- - . .... _.-- �- - -- - - - . .... ..- - --� -... .. - --- - ----,--- - - ,- _ .- - -.- -- - .._._..._ ._: . . .. 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' !�• ' "" �_.. �+ .��_v..±�.�;�:_.._.�-- ---:-_� __. --_` _ — — — — , _ .. �� ; :�.\ : : � �._. _ . ��� _ _ _ - .�.-� _ _ , - ---- -•r- - - - -.- - - - � - __ . . .. ": , . , � , ; ____-. .. ._.. . _ ---- ---- - - �-- _, - r . . ;: . ; ' ` : 4 _._.,.•_�._...Y;..._i__......:�_ ' ___.__�.C.._.��-i t ; j �a.... _� ].��..%.a-.��.-�....�......+��.�Y......-;�.r-..e'-. . � ->..L ..., . "_ __ /'!'_ ___ '__ :.,_ .�__ i : . �. .:.. � ... .. ..:. ..:___.;."' _i _ "'_" _. _:.. __ : ( : y , , . . , , , x ' " . : : : --..__. . :--. ___.�:__........._--r--- � • � -- _`- - - - - - -'..� . _ ,...:.� ... ._ ... � ..-...:�_. ) 1 ' . . . i-. .. _.. . � �f�� � . . � _ � j ` ` y .. , _a"� � _.._ ,_�_._ ,- .-+. , -- : � - ' . : . .:..._: -�.._..i ....""" " _" _ '_' ' '_"' .'_"_ _""_ _"' _ _• " "' i . .. . _ . .. ._.__ .. \ . �; , ..`_. . -.....�,. �__ . . .. . . ._. _... ' _' ' .. ..__ ....... .._ _,._ . , ...� . . . \i`. . - . , .. . _... _..._..:.. -..__... __ �* ..._... �....'_' '_ ._""' � _ ......,......._..._--_ . ., :', , . .�. . . . �� :' . _ _ ' � � � � �---' ,',1. _. -, � -- -� .�.j_' � _. .. . . � -_ . - . . . _ . �'� . . . .. i� . ._ . _ . . . -.. - _ " . ;� i� " ':1 : . ' . �� 1 � . . � . ,�. � ti a , _. �. . ... .. . . : .. . . . .. . r � . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... ,. • . . ' . t � - i � ' � , C......r n.......i..n.n, c.....1�...... V � / J� O ' APPENDIX B ADDITiONAL MO1vITORING WELL DETAILS 198]9(]3) D� '�� a- . � cRa TO: FROM: Re: 7807 Old tiighway 8 NW, Suite #174 CONESTOGA-ROVERS St. Pau�, Minnesota 55t�2 & ASSOCiATES Telephone: (651) 639-09�3 Fax: {651) 639-0923 www.CRAworld.com MEMORANDUM Rich Baxter; IvIPCA and Kurt Schroder; MPCA Peter Storlie and �� ���� ���� Eric Hoghmc�► Monitoring Well Instaliation and Development Pigs Eye Landfill Saint Paul, Minnesofa REF. No.: 19879-75 DqrE: January 26, 2004 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION Ten monitoring wells were completed as a part of the weil network to monitor and evaluate groundwater hydrology and chemistry through and below the landfill/lake interface boundary. This boundary was installed during the 2002 Phase I RAP, which is designed to attenuate seepage from the landFill to Pigs Eye Lake and consists af high organic, low permeable soil (select fill) approximately three to seven feet deep. These newly installed wells were constructed along the interface boundary in the southem portion of the site between the landfill and Pigs Eye Lake. Monitoring wells were installed in three distinct depth intervals along the interface boundary, which included the surficial, shallow, and deep groundwater. The ten monitoring wells were constructed at three well nests (MW16, MW17, and MW18) as shown on Figure 1. Well nests MW16 and MWl7 consisted of four wells and MW18 consisted of two wells. The suffix designations for "A", "B", and "C" denotes the surface, shallow, and deep we1Ls, respectively. The "AA" sufEix fot wells MW16AA and MW17AA were installed at the same depth as MW16A and MW17A, but upgradient, to monitor groundwater attenuation within the select fill. The well construction details are provided on Table 1. WELL CONSTRUCTION Monitoring wells were constructed on pre-built earthen pla#forms as specified in the revised final (100%) Design Report - Phase II RAP Implementation. The platforms provided level ground during the construction of the wells (and later sampling) as well as for the necessary depth for the construction of the surficial we13s. The platforms were constructed of general Eill consisting of a mixiure af sand, clay, and gravel. Braun Intertec of Minneapolis, Minnesota was contracted to perform the drilling, well installafion, and development Drilling was conducted using a CME 750, track mounted rig. On November 10, 2003, a tire-mounted CME 55 was used to complete wells MW 16A, MW16AA, MW17A, and MW 17AA_ The work was conducted from October 28 to November 13, 2003. •FGlii(A1O [pY)1Yf 30� IS� 9001 EQUAI.EMYLOYMEMOPI'ORNN((YEMPLOTER Exb�xE[A�x6 ofS�Gx CRA MEMORANDUM Page 2 All soil cuttings and drilling fluids were collected during drilling and disposed of in fhe waste relocation Area B. 55-gallon diuins were used to temporarily contain and transport the cuttutgs and f�uids. Upon the completion of the work, all of the drums were deaned by pressure washing and removed from the Site. The drilling method and well installation procedures are described in the following sections_ 'The stratigraphic logs are provided in Attachment A and the Minnesota Department of Health well records are provided in Attachment B. SUItFICIAL ("A" AND "AA") MONITORING WELLS The surficial or "A" and "AA" monitoring we31s were driiled using a 41/4-inch hollow-stem augers. An 8-inch diameter borehole was advanced to the boitom of the select fill material with depths that ranged from 6_5 feet at MW 16 and MW17 to 2.6 feet at MW18. The surfidal monitoring welts were consfructed of Schedule 40, 2-inch diameter, flush tlueaded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) well riser pipe, attached to a number 10 slot, PVC well screen. Well screens ranged from 2 feet at MW16A to one foot at MW18A. The sand pack was placed in the annuius a m;T,;m� of b inches above the well screen A 6-inch thick bentonite seal was piaced above the sand pacic The remaining annulus was grouted to surface with 3 percent bentonite-to-portland grout_ SHALLOW ("B") MONTTORING WELLS The shallow or "B" monitoring wells were double-cased with a surface casing extending 10 to 13 feet below grade. The surface casing consisted of 6-inch t3iameter low cazbon st�el casing grouted into a 12-inch diameter borehole drilled using 8 1/4inch hollow-stem augers. The shallow (B} monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch diameter, steel casing, attached to 5 feet of number 10-slot, PVC well screen. The sand pack was placed in the annulus, a minimum of 6 inches above the well screen. A m;n;mum 6-inch thick bentonite seal was placed above the sand pack_ The remaining annulus was grouted to surface with 3 percent bentonite-to-portland grout. DEEP ("C") MONITOItING WELLS The deep or "C' monitoring weIls were double-cased with a surface casing set at 25 to 26 feet below grade_ The surface casing consisted of 6-ittch diameter tow carbon steel casing, groufed inside of a 12-inch diameter borehole drilled using 81/4-inch hollow-stem augers. The purpose of the "C" wells Ss to monitor the deep groundwater in a sand Iayer loca ted above a bluish-gray clay estimated to be 40 to 50 feet below grade. At MW16C the bluish-gray clay was encountered at 44 feet_ The sand layer extended from 29.5 to 44 feet and as a result, the weit screen was placed in the middle of the sand from 34 to 40 feet below grade. �� � T EQUpL FM P[pYM¢iTpl'(qRTUNRr ENPLOT£N CRA MEMORANDUM D���� �-- Page 3 At MW17C and MW18C; however, limestone {bedrock) was unexpectedly encountered at 26.5 and 28 feet, respectively. Consequently, the deep groundwater sand layer was significantly less than expected with approximately 6-inches observed at MW17C and none at MWi8C. At MW17C, the upper porfion of limestone was screened from 275 to 32.5 feet Yo monitor groundwater in fhe bedrock at the depths originally proposed. However, at MW28C, the boring was grouted to surface and no well was installed_ These modifications to the original scope were discussed and approved by Kurt Schroeder, MI'CA. The d�ep {C) monitoring wells were constructed of 2-inch diameter, steel casting, attached to 6 feet of number 10-siot, PVC well screen. The sand pack was placed in the annulus a minimum of 2 feet above the well screen. A 2-foot thick bentonite seal was placed above the sand pack. The remaining annulus was grouted to surface with 3 percent bentonite-to portland grout. A 6-inch diameter steel iockable protective casing completed the well installarion. � Soil samples were coDected continuously in accordance with ASTM-D1586 "Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soil". Recovered soil samples were classified in the field in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)_ Soil samples were typically collected at the "C" we31 only at each well nest. PROTECTIVE CASING Each well was completed with a 6-inch diameter lockabie steel protective casing. The 6-inch casing was installed so that it did not interfere with the surficiat well screens and grouted a mtn;m� of 3 feet below ground surface. Water righY J-plugs were used #or both the inner (2-inch) casing and the outer (6-inch) casing. EQUIPMENT CLEANING Prior to mobilization, the drill rig and all associated equipmen# was steam cleaned to remove oil, grease, mud, and other foreign matter. At each well locafion, the augers, cutting bits, samplers, drill steel, and associated equipment were cleaned to preven# cross contamination from the previaus drilling location. A11 equipment cleaning activities were conducted in waste relocation Area B and cleaning fluids were discharged to the ground surface in that area. MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT After installation, and allowing a minimum of 24 hours for the grottt to harden, each monitoring well was developed to a stable condition by pumping and surging. Well development was performed by Braun Intertec and field parameters were measured by CRA. All development equipment was precleaned with an Alconox wash followed by a clean water rinse. EQL�wL EM%AYMEt�ITOPP�RNNfIT LN%AYER �e CRA MEMORANDUM Page 4 During Development purging, groundwater was measured for field parameters that included pH, temperature, and specitic conductance. These parameters were measwed between weIl volumes tuefil thre� successive and consecurive readings were recorded. All development water from the monitoring wells was disdiarged to the ground surface at each well location A summary of the field parameters recorded is provided on Tabie 2_ WELL SURVEYING Following installation, the monitoring wells were surveyed to record the well locafions and elevarions of the ground and inner well casings. Locations were surveyed using MPCA standard GPS coordinate system (NAD 83 and UTM Zone 15)_ The surveying was conducted on Friday, December 19, 2003, by EVS of Eden Prairie, Miiuiesofa. PS/jla/13 Enc. �UAL ENPLOYMENT OCPO0.NNrtY iMi'LOV Eft ,� D�—�lv 2— ,, . �,:'' .- -. _ ,\_. �'�+. :'Y _ ` . _, = -'�x3�� �� \ � ^� �• ~, . v,� ,,� r � � z �.� ���- ` � � �. ! �..����\- _�.� -- , �� � � ` �-L� ' L+, ' `-}: _. r . > _ . ." -. '. i � _ �+ _ � ' � r. -- __ i�+ i ._ - ��MWS � . - -__ � _;°\: --�,�� _ L �1 ' - __ -��.�� ' . ` " ., ; ' y �� ,���'• (Yy ..� _' , ! � R � �'ti .. , � �� j . � MW�' , - -. v. �:' .�.4 . ; ' � ! � / � � - `�=ki t. 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'' �.` ��. ; � ': . , tvTAD3 ��\, �\ � 1 ' �' �.-'. .F�-'-\'- - ~}~-� \ � M(N_� :"�{� C `�;\ [,_ . - "_� �•. _ .�, _. +v . 2' � ' . . �*�t °_„ `�=.. �,�'� i .., . . x ��:>a�= ��_ ��'� " �1� n..s.:�Rr.�:, �.. �� � t� i � - � f,; ,__ , .: ` - -- _ ��'�`�' i' - -- _ '?� �� � nnnti-2 M�:61 � i�r ;. t_;�,��- Mh , �:`. ,� . _ . ���.�;. _:� .� �. . , �. ` - ¢ .S fC^ l ,' , � —.,� ` �"�'Y... `�\ cRa -{ _ t ], ; _� ; ., r. v.. ,��' • .__H� '': : � `.`? ` A ,q� ; . i � 1 .� �= :• -_�`' � _ � or..-. � `;� , _ JAN 232004 Q 200 6QQfl LEG�ND � • MONRORING WELl.IOCATON Q NEWLYIN5TqLLEDMONITORINGWELLNESTlOCAT70N —'�'— PR�PEiiTYUNE —" — �LM1D.'3URFACEWA7ER --- � TREELJNE; — "- �` — UNIDEMiF�IEDABOVE GRWND PIP�yME — z� SAMfTARY SEWER LMES �3 L1NES RUNNING PAi7nLLEL) — � — OVERNEAq PoWER L1NE — w -- WATER LM� — s+ — STORM SE�JER LINE I --- aPPROXIM �ATE LIM1T5 OF ftESPONSE ACTiON WpRK ° MMIHOLE I u F1RE HYDR�3i i � ) 'I r` � �i -/�, MW-18A,18B � ��`���}:,� .' _ '. _.-�. �-'a -:)--..`.��� : - � ti:.- .. , "�:'- . � � I:;f -. ` jY ,.�� ��, �/MW-17A,17B,77C, 17Aq: — "��? . =r_- l �� !j "' J � _"�. ( - , �1.. -;+ �:- j �%.:� �..� , —. __;� .l �i � r �- �_� �!�' ;sB,,s�,,s�, �.-±. � -.... - � \� � ,'�. \ � I \ � / \ ../ J ; - ., ` �`��_ � . _ � �w M �uR _���, � -. = -. . � ��-�=-::. . - ,; : _l��oy� . ^FH0.�, Pu['i': S" � ��l ,. r';\` � ����� � i\ � 4,iN: }n, � `\ �, figure 1 MONl�ORING W�LL LOCATIONS PIGS EYE LAIVDFILL , '� Saint Pau/, Minnesota D7- S� 2- e � w .� � F � � � � � � z °;F � w O ` �.Q W z�z O � � a�� W C7 r. 3�H � � z � O F .. z 0 � � � � � ���� ���� �� TS � A �?NtnN � d��t� � ti C ti� tn c� � O t+ j , N - � m r+ � N � L�OO��' r+OO�M t'7'+ � a h t� Ih rri [: �D ++i o 00 �D � t7 W� I� u� W W l� �O W L� � � � � � � � � � � � � H � � z t� o rn v! � o o v! c+� ,-+ �� O� O� N O+ O+ l� O ttl O� 'r � W W�� � W W�O � W V � � � � � � � � � � � C � � U1 +°'-� � �vi"�w � '. a+mu?� u ``�, �rj o i `" �n � z � v `n rn��rn o�� rn rn rn rn ���� oW� H Q .-] ,r, "? a .�.o �n�� �,�,�� �Nz d , '" � ^ N F, O z rn w r. oo �n �n t'�1 N �D � 00 N � W � � � tl N rn rn rn rn rn rn � � � � � � e 0 :: pa �� t� co w a! �o 0 0 0; cn .-. 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CONTR4CTOR: B2un tntertec MINNESOTA UNlQUE NUMBER:: 699704 ft B S STRATIGRAPHIC OESCRIPTION 8 REMARKS E �� - ��o��9y�rep SAMPLE � W > � � TOP OF CA$IryG 694.79 g W � j a GftOUNDSURFACE 692.8 � �- Z Z � Z FlLL, plallortn material, day, sand, gravel mix, ,*� . 6ram. dry 's - "i =ic PVC Casing y . h;: • (. .;_ _:� : h: 2 . � CiER1Cl1�/9Ef1� I(C _ t :;.: Grout BeMOnfte Seai � o SELEC7 FILL, organic ciay, wood chips, black, � Sana vaac dry , 4 — ' PVC Saeen ' &incl� ''.: -'-.�. Diameler — Borehole 6 END OF BOftEHOLE @ fi.Oft BGS �68 yyELL OETAILS Srrcened intervai: 669.0 to 687.Oft 3.8 to 5.8ft BGS LengM: 2ft Diameter. 2in 8 SlotSize: 7110 Material: PVC Seal: 690.310 689.6tt 2S to 3.?R BGS Material: BentonitePellels SaM Pack: 689.6 to 68S.8f( 3.2 M 6.Oft BGS �� Material: RetlfliniSaM S C r � 12 i O U K U 'a � 74 � 0 i � NOTES: MEASURIN6 POINT ELEVATIONS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO CURRENT ElEVA710N TABLE m z w > O � STRATIGRAPHIC AND INSTI2UMENTATION LOG (OVERBURDEN) Page 7 of 7 PROJECT NAME: Pys Eye tandfill HOLE DESIGNATION= MW16AA � PROJECT NUMSER: � 9873-75 DATE COMPiETED: November 70, 200? � CIIEIVT: MPCA DRItLiNG METHOD: 47l4" HSA � tOCATiON: St Paul, M"mnesota FlELD pERSONNEL: P. Sto�e CONTRACTOR:: 82un Intedec MINNESOTA UNiQUE NUMBER: 699707 DEPTH STRATIGRAPHICDESCRIPT�ON&REMAf2KS SAMf'« ft BGS E ft' Monitoring We1f J Q TOP OF CASING 695.96 m � � J � GROUND SURFqCE 6937 j W W > a Z Z � Z FILL, pWt(orm material. tlaY. sa�. 9reve� miX ia — ' brovm, dry � `� dry 10 92 74 .%� - PVC Casirg „�. �_. �`i: =;;. 691.7 Crinenv6en ile �`�. ��. CifWf R �y :f = t Bmlaute Seal SaM Pack PVC Sueen _"' e-u�tlt '' '. _'- : Oiameler {.- _'.'- Baelwle 687.7 — WELLOETAILS Scmercd iiRemC 6897 to 6877ft 4.0 �0 6.OM1 BGS LengN: 2ft Oiameler. 2in SIW Sae: #70 Maferial: PVC Seai: 690.7 to 6902([ 3.Oto3.5RBGS l9aterial: 8entwMe Peliets Sand Patic 6902 fi 687.7ft 3.S Io 6.OR BGS Maleriai: Red FI"vd Sand Q N07ES: MEASURING PO1NT EtEVAT10NS MAYCHANGE; REFER TO CURREN7 ELEVA77pN TABLE o �-.���- � STRATIGRAPHIC AND INSTRUMENTATIOtJ LOG � {OVERBURflEN) pa t ot t PROJECTNAME Pigs Eye Landfiil HOLE DESIGNA710N: MW168 PROJECT NUMBER 1987175 DATE COMPLETED: November 10, 2003 CUENT: MPCA DRILLING MET}iOD: &�14' NSA, 6" Mft LOCATION: St Paul, Minnesota FIELD PERSONNEI: P_ STOrlie CONTRqCTOR: 8raun lntertec MINNESOTA UNIQUE NUMBER:: 699705 SAMPLE ti BGS S7RATIGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION 6REMARKS E �' Monitoting Welt � w > � � TOP OF CqSING 69552 � W W > GROUND SURFACE 693.4 � F- Z Z � Z FILL-plafform material, sand, day, gravel m&, btovrti, dry ' 77 0"iamMer 6921 . i' Borrlwk 2 SELECT F1LL, organic cWy, wood chips, Wack, dry ri : : 'i" : R 6'Diametet Steei Casin9 4 CemenVBento ite Groul s i" ' . t CUGH-CIAY, medium ptastidly, micaceaus, sas.n ;: - pvC Cas�ng g little organic content, dark greenish gray, moist ° 10 W¢I ' ° * Bentonite Seat �� -B-irKh sand layer at !0 feet, land fi� odo4 �3.a g2enisfi gray, satwated = PVC Saeen 12 ' P7/OH-PEAT/CLAY, altemating Wyers of peat — �0�4 ' 6" Diarneter � � — Bwehole � q and day (layers renge in ttiicknness from 1R' to �� �� _ c 72'�, moist = �� �� — Sand Pack 16 ' " o �. END OP BOREHOLE @ 77.OR BGS — ws.a � � � 8 VJELI DETAILS Strafigraphic Description defermined at Saeenea interval: 662.9 to 677.9ft MW76C. t0.510 15.5ft BGS 20 Lmgtn: sn Diameter. 2in SbtSize: #f0 z2 Materiai: PVC Seal: 684.9 to 663.9ft BSto9.5flBGS . Z4 Mate.riaL- Benlo(tite Pellets SarW Pack: 6639 to 676.4tt 26 9.5 to 77.Oft BGS C Materiai: Retl Flint Sand F- � 28 a 0 0 n� 30 0 ' u 32 � � 0 34 i w � NOTES: MEASURWG POIN7 ELEVATIONS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO CllRRENTELEVATION TABLE m ¢ �u 0 � STRATIGRAPHiC A►VD iNSTRUMENTAT(OIV LOG (OVERBURDEN) PROJECT NAME Pigs Eye Landfrli HOLE DESIGNATION: MW 96C PROJECTNUMBER: 7987&75 DATECOMPLETED: November4,2W3 CLIENT: MPCA ORlLLING METHOD: &1/4" HSA, 6" MR LOCA710N: SL Paul, �nnesota fiELO PERSONNEL P. S[orlie DEPTH fl 8G5 75 STRATIGRAPHIC OESCf21PT10N & REMAR}CS ��- ft TOPpFCqgMG 695.99 fROUN�SURFACE 693.4 Flli. Platfo(m materials, sand. daY� 92ve1 mix, MoWn d 6927 SELECT FlLL, organic Gay, wuod chips, bladc, �Y fitlle organic con(e`R, datk greenish gray, moist �� -S-indi sand Iayer at 10 feet, tandHU odor, greenish 9ray. uturated PT/OH-PEATlCtAY. atterna6ng pyers of peyt and tlay (layers range in thick�ess from 12" to 727, moist (:1-(:iAY, IRtle oiganic tontent, m�um plasticiry, miqceous, dark greenish gray, 5atutated SPSAND, fine grained, minceous, dark 9�� 9�Y. saturated -1-i� s'R laverat 25 leet PT-PEAT, decayed piant matter, Aark brawn, dry to moist OH-CLAY, Nttle organic coMen[, medium Plas6city dark areen"sh qrav moist SPSAND. medi�m grained. Yayered.9�Y. saW2fed 686.4 eas.a seo.a ., 671.d 669.4 666.4 667.a 665.4 663.9 Mo�tori'g WeJi Page 1 of i SAMPIE J W j � � m � U a a 7 I � � a Z Z � Z �ro���er BarMote � z c orarreter Strel Casing � � ceme�ve�x e GraR 5 6 PVCCaSeg r 8 9 10 v /2 Barionite Seat s Diameter BorMOle PVC Screen SarM Pack CL-CLAY 649.4 sa7.a saeenea trnmrel: 659.d to 653.4tt � 34.010 49,Oft BGS lenglR 6ft Oianretac d"n SI�Size: ;70 Malerial: P�/C Seal: fi65A to fi63.4it 28.0 to 30.Oft 8GS Matetial: Benlonile Pr�lets Santl Park: 663.4 to fi47.4R 30.0 ta 66.OR BGS Material: RW fl"uR SarM NOTES: MEASURING POINT ELEVATIONS MAY CyANGE; REFER TO CURRENT ELEVqTiON TABLE so.o 2 ao.a a 15.0 3 ao.o 2 30.0 1 95.0 1 so.0 t 95 0 2 950 3 95.0 2 35.0 2 10.0 2 0 9 10 0 O � � 0���� a- (� STRATIGRAPHIC AND 1NSTRUMENTATION LOG ��� {OVERBURDEN} Page t of i PROJEC7 NAME: Pigs Eye Landfili HOL£ DESIGNATION: MW 17A PROJECT NUMflER 1987375 DATE COMPLETED: November 10, 2003 CLIENT: MPCA DRIItWGMETHO�: 41/4"HSA LOCATION: St Paul, Minnesota FIEID PERSONNEL' P. Storlie CON"fRACTOR:: Braun InteRec MINNESOTA UNIQUE NUMBER:: 699708 SAMPLE ft BGS STRATIGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION 8 REMARKS �ft ' Mongoring yyei� J w j � a TOP OF CASING 69424 °� � U Q GROUNDSURFACE 6928 j H W � Z Z � Z FILL-platfortn materials, sand, day, gravel miz a� :� .to- ' PVC Casing t � :' T: :{:- k' ::' 2 �� � � Cemerrt/Benm %e h� >:: G`an t �_. T�. TN SELECT FILL, organicday, wood chips, bladc, � dry eentonite Seai 4 SaM Pack PVC Screm — &inU S = Diameter sorehae CUON-CIAY,Gitfeprgastics,m�UmplaSlitily, 686.5 6863 ddfk reenish f alOiSl WELLDETAILS ENO OF BOREHOLE @ 6.5ft BGS Srree�d inteivai: t 2 687.6 b 686.8(t 5 0 to 6.OR BGS 8 Lengih 1fl SiotSize: #10 Material: PVC � Seai: 669.8 to 686.Sft 3,0 to 4.OR BGS Material: eerrtmite PeIIMs Sand PaUc; 686.8 fb 686.Sft �� 4A to 6.OR BGS MatedaC Red Flint Santl S C r �°� 72 a 0 � 'a n d m 94 � 0 J Z W � NOTES: MEASURING POINTELEVATIONS MAY CFiANGE; REFfR TO CURRENT EIEVATION TABIE m a m > 0 � STRATIGRAPHIC AND IIVSTRUMENTATION LOG (OVERBURDEN) page � o f � PROJECTNAME: PigsEyelandfill HOLEDESIC>NATION: MW17AA PROJECT NUMBER: 19879-75 DATE COMPLEiED_ November 10, 200.3 CIIENT: MACA ORILUNG METHOD: 4-114" HSA LOCqT70t�t St. Paul, Mm�esota FlELD PERSONNEL P. Storlie CONTRACTOR: 8raun Infertec MINNESOTA UNIQUE NUMHER: b997f 1 ft 8� STRATIGRAPHlC OESCRIPTION & REMARKS E � - Monitoring Weli �PLE � a w W > � � TOP OF CASiNG 595.39 � W W > GROUND SURFACE 693.0 Z Z � Z FlLL�fatfortn materials, sand, clay, gravel moc - *� SEIECT FN.1, organic day, wood chips, bladc, � - :.i. � :.i: PVC Casing .r.i, '.-';.: 2 ,.i.:- :i: Cem�t/B e - .;i :.�= Cxaut y� � �: :;. 8entatlle Seai 4 - Sar�L Pack PVC Svem � 6 = - e-;�d, ' — ' Diameter 6865 — ' ��� END OF BOREHOLE @ 6.Sft BGS WEIL OEfAIIS SaeeMG mtervaC 6885 to 686Sf1 4.5 to 6.Sft BGS 8 Lemph_ 2ft Sld Size: #t0 Malerial: PVC Seai: b90.0 ta 689.Sfl 3A to 3.Sit 8G$ Maleriai: Bentatiie Pellets SarW Pack 689.5 to 686.Sft �� 3.5 N 6Sft HGS Materi'dl: Retl fliM SatM ° o C � o i2 i O U K U 'n tl 0 n ^ 14 0 0 z w � NOTES: MEASURING PO1NT ELEVA770NS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO CURRENT P1EVqTION TABIE � WATER FOUND Q w > O �� STRATIGRAF'ti1C AND li�lSTRUMENTATiON LOG `� , (OVERBURDEN) PROJECTtJRME: PigsEyeiardfili HOLEDESlGNATION: MW17B PRQIECT NUMBER: 19879-75 DATE GOMPLETED: November 6, 2003 CL7ENT: MPCA , DRILUNG METHOD: 8-1/4" HSA, 6' MR LOCATION: St. Paul, Minnesota FIELD PERSONNEL P. Storlie COMRACTOR= Btaun Intertec MINNESOTA UNIQUE NUMBER=: 6997C ��-�-� �- Page 1 of 7 ��� STiiATIGRAPHIC DESCRIPT70N & REMARKS RBC�S �'ft ' MonitoringWeil SAMPLE J W w j � � TOPOFG4SWG 695.67 � �' m GROUND SURFACE 693_O j } W > Z Z � Z fILL, platform materials, sand, day, gravN, . _ 6rown m&, SEIECTF dry 4 medium plasticiry, dark greenish gray, saturated 12 PTBP-PEAT AND SANO, atterna6� layets, metlium grainetl sand, micaceous sand, und layers are up to 6" thick, wet 14 PT-PEAT, derayed vegitative matter, dark btawn, tlry to maist 16 �$ END OF BOREHOLE @ 18.Oft BGS � Stratigraphic DescripGon detertnined at MW77C. 691.0 fi862 682.5 681.5 679.0 72'fliameter Borehde C Diameter Steel Cas'�ng CcmenVBwri< Gran Bentontte Seal Sand Pack 6' Diamete� Bore�ole PVC Saeen 675.0 �iT WELL OETAILS Saeenea interval: fi80A to 67SOft �s.n eo �e.aa acs (engfh Srt SlaSize: #1a Maleriai: PVC Seal: 68i.Ofo580.5tt t2A to 12.Sfl eGS Material: BeMOnitePeilets Santl Pack 680.5 fo 675.0(t 725 b 7E.Oft 8GS Material� RedflintSand � ¢� NOTES: MEASURING POINT ELEVATIONS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO CURRENT ELEVATION TASLE i � � STRATtG{2APHIC AND INSTRUMENTATION LOG (QVERBURDEN) PROJ£CT NAME: Pgs Eye Landfill HOLE DESIGNATION: MW 17C PROJECT NUMBER: ]9879-75 DATE COMPLETED: November 10, 2003 CLIENT: MPCA DRILUNG METHOD: 8-1/4" HSH, 6" MR IOCATiON: St Paul, MinnesoYa �IELD PERSONNEi: A. Stodie COMR4CTOR:c'Braua Iniertec MtNNESO7A UNiQUE NUMBER:: 699771 wa�,ai ft8 S STRA7IGRAPHIC�ESCRIPTION&REMARKS E �' MoniloringWeil 1 S�'P�E w j � � TOP OF CASING WS56 � W � > GROUND SURFACE 6929 7 {- � Z Z Z FlLL, p(atfortn mafefials. sand. daY.9ravet miz. .. . — _ brown, SELEL �Y medwm �� P'f/SP-PEAT qND SAND, a1G m�um graineA sand, micaa lavers are w W G thick. wet PT-PEAT. decayed vegrfative brown, dry to moisF 'iS:l� ' !O:♦ .�.�.� ��.��� ��.��� :'J:' i���i� � •.,.�. � vw v�v� � �� � �� CVOH-CL4Y, Gttle wganics, micaoeous, �um �asticity. dark greenish BraY. rtroisi SPSAND, fine to mednim grained, g2y, we P7-PEAT, decayed vegitafire brovm. mast CL-CL0.Y. wrathered 6mestor Limestone. 9�Y 32.Sft 0 fi73.4 6)0.9 669.4 66&9 666.4 fi86.9 666.4 12' Diarnetrr Baehole � Z c a�t� Steel Casin9 t / CemeMlBent @e G'drt 5 8 PVC Casing 8 9 lo u BeMOnite Seai � SaM Aack PVC SQeen 5' O"wneter 8orchale 960.4 µ..^^ WEII DETAILS SaeelreO irRerval: 665.4 to 660.4ft 27.5 to 31,SR BGS �en9th- 5H S(otSize: S10 Material: PVC SeaF 669A to 66(,4ft za.s a zs.sn acs MatMial: Benlo�i�e Pdlets s�,a v�x: 667.4 b 66D.4R 25S to 32Sft6GS Material RedFLntSaM 0.0 6 o.0 2 0.0 2 0.0 7 50A 2 zo.o Z 20A 2 o_o z �s.o � 100. 7 60.0 2 0.0 - NOTES: MEASURING POINT ELEVA710NS MAY CHANGE; REfER TO CURRENT ELEVATIOtd TA F � �� a- � STRATiGRAPHIC AND iNSTRUMEN7ATiON �OG (OVERBURDEN) Page t of 7 PROJECS NAME: Pigs Eye Landfiil NOLE DESIGNATION: MW 18A PROJEC7 NUMBER 19879-75 DATE COMPLETED: Nwember 6, 2003 CLIENT: MPCA DRILLINGMEfHOD: 41/4"HSA - LOCATION: St Paui, Minnesota FIELD PERSONNEL: P. Stodie COMR,4CTOR: Brdun Intedec MINNESO7A UNiQUE NUMBER:: 699772 SlUviPl£ ft BGS STRAIIGRAPNiC DESCRIPTION & REMARKS E ft' Monitoring We17 J w w y = � TOP OF CASING 695.85 g W � j GROUND SURFACE 693.3 Z Z � Z FILL, piallortn material, sand, day, gravel m'a , j. ^s. �.;- � PVC Casug i: � �' y : '{' :�:_ :�:; 2 SELECT FILL, organicclay, wood chips, 61ack, wL3 ;' -;. G�m�^uernco ae dn , .°.(: :;._ � %= ^ a: :,�: 9entonite Seal SarM Aack a i 3 PVC Saeen = B-inrl� — Diameter END OF BOREHOLE @ SAft BGS �e'3 �'—�" BmeAoie WELL DETAILS SaeeneA interval: 589.3 to 688.3tt 6 aa to s.orc ecs LengU: tfl SlotSize: #10 Material: PVC Seal: 690.3 to 669.8(t 3.0 to 3.Sfl BGS Material: 8ento�rite PNIe1s $ SanA Pack 689.8 to 688.3ft 3.5 to S.OR BGS Matttiai: ReC Flint $antl 50 ° o C F �? 12 a Q U C U 'a � � d ^ 14 � 0 0 z w � NOSES: MEASURING POINT ELEI�ATiONS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO WRRENT ELEVATION TABLE m rc w > 0 STRATiGRAPHIC AND INSTRUMENTATION LOG �� (OVERBURDEN) PROJECT NAME: Pigs Eye Landfiil HOLE OES�GNATION: MW18B PROJECT NUMBER: 19879-75 DATE COMPLETED: November 6, 2003 �-j��'�T= �P� DRlIllNC� METHOD: 8-1/4" HSA, 6" MR LOCATION: St. Pa�l, Minnesota FIELD PERSONNEI: P. SforGe CQNTR.4CTOR:: Breun trrtertec MINNES07A UNIQUE NUMBER; 69971 Page 1 of 7 ��� STRAT16RqPHIC OESCRIPTION & REMARKS ft 8GS E ft�' Monitoring Well SAMPLE J W j C � TOPOFCASING 69555 �- ID GROt]ND SURFACE 693.1 j F W > 2 Z � Z FILL, plattorm materials, sand, ciay, gravel m� _ _ brov+n.d�l/ dry daY. wood chips. Wack, 691.7 fine graa�ed sand, black to dark gray, rich, saturatetl L:YUH-(:LA7, SOrt12 meQium rn'asiiciiv_ d: 72 74 16 AT(SP-PEATqND SAND, attema6ng iayers, mipceous sand. 9eneraNy 1/2" to }' iaY�s of peat arM 7/8' to 7/4' layecs of fine sand, gray sand antl daAC 6rown peat, moist to wet -6-inch medium graine.W sand Iayer, saturated -altemating layers of peat acW sand dimin�sh with depfh at 76 feet, dry StraGgraphic Oescription detertnined at MW18C. 687.8 681.3 677.fi 677.7 tr �lamet« Bmehole G oiameter SleelCasfrg PVC Casi(g Bentmite Seal Santl Pack PVC S�reen Bwehde 675.1 • , WELLDEfARS s�ea:rc«�ar. 687_7 to 67fi.1fl 72.0 to 77.OR BGS Letgth 5ft Slot Sae; #10 Rtatenal: PVC Seal 693.7 W 682.1R to.0 to � 7.OR BGS Mataiai: BentonTe PeNets SarM Pacfc: 6827 to 675.tft 77.0 to 18.�R 8GS Matrmi: RedFtiMSanC � � I 3 ) NOTES: MEASURING POINT ELEVATfONS MAY Ct1ANGE; REFER 70 CURREN7 ELEVA710N 7ABLE ��-� �- � STRATIGRAPHIC AND 1NSTRtJMENTATION LOG {OVERBURDEN) PROJECT NAME: Pigs Eye Landfili HOIF DESIGNATION: MW18C (BOfing) PROJECT NUMBER 79879-75 DATE COMPLETED= November 5, 2003 CUENT: MPCA DRILllNG METHOD: 8-7/4' HSA, 6" MR �OCATION: St PaW, Minnesofa FlELD PERSONNEI_ P. $toriie CONTR4CTOR:: Braun Intertec MINNESOTA UNiQUE NUMBER Page 1 0( 7 f[ BGS STRATiGRAPHIC OESCRlPTION & REMARKS E��- �� �M SAMPiE ft 9 � w � � � CaROUNOSURFACE 693.10 � W W > Z Z � Z FIf1, platform materials. sand, daY. 9ravei mi�c, . _ ' bram. dry 2 SELECiFILL.wganic e97.t9 d dzy, wood chips. black. ry VuJY1;LAY ANU SANO, ailemating Wy¢rs, fine grained sand, biack to da+k g2y, organic ri�n. �w�area 10 CIlOH-CIAY, some organics. micaceous. medum plas6city, Aark greenish grey, 12 satureled PT/SP-PFAT AND SANO, aitematirg layers, 74 miqceous sand. generally 12" to 1"7ayers ot peat an0 7!8'to t/4" layea o(fine sand, gray sand and da�lc bmwn peaL moist to wet � s -6inch medium gainetl sand �ayer, saturated -altemaling Iayers of peat and sand dminish 18 wi[h depih at tfi feei, dry 20 E=mch Iayer of Gay, medium piasticity, daAc greenish groy, dry at 79 feet z2 CI-CLAY,G(tletosomeaga�iccontent, medium plasUdry, dark greenish gray, moist z4 PT-PEA7, Wack to daric brown, dry to mast zs CVOH-CLAY, medium organic content, med"wm aztici GP-GRAVEL, 3/4" diameter, angutar, wet �G 687.80 683.10 681.30 .� . . . � 677.60 " 677_10 .�!. �v ` � 674.iD � � 672.10 669.40 666.10 667.30 'Q 665.70 6C9.10 2 a � s 6 � 1T Diametu Borehde e 9 �o CemenVBento ite GT �� 11 rz 13 75_0 6 0.0 6 zs.o a 70.0 0 so.o 0 so o � 75.0 0 75D 2 85.0 0 15.0 3 75A Z 50.0 2 o.o NOTES: MEASURIN(`i PO�NT ELtVAT10NS MAY CHANGE; REFER TO CURRENT El£VATION TABIE D���� �- ATTACHMENT B MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WELL RECORDS _;. Q� �� a- ; � �� ' WELL tOCATION MINNESOTA DEPAKi'MENT OF NEqLTH i 4,% : MINNESOTA UN/OUEWELL Np. �roN� WELL AND BORlNG RECORD � � � � � � Hinnesuy Statutes Chap[er 1031 e °�T��'P Na'^e aw�stuy Na Flanga Na Section No. faetion WE110EPTI1(completetlj Date Wwk Canpietetl s�. a a�v w .�ws� '�� x �� so 0 GPS ORIWNG MEIHpD ' LOCATION: ��� — �eac _ minutes _ se�ronds _ _ ��^9� _ de�Fees _ mx�ut�s _ sxmWS ❑CaWeTOOi ❑Driven � �g - Hause Number, Sireat NaTa. CAIt antl 7R Cade W Wetl lota5on ar Fve Number �a�� ❑ FoW}' Q Jetted ag LJ "� ��• S{� y ti �,Pd �_jf;�G.ti` DWLLiNGRUID WELLHIDROFRACPIRED? Yes No 3hoPexaclbcafonotwe6" secca�gri7with'X'. � SkettliS�9D�rb�car� N ` FROM tl'IO �. .• raaLLSaMbuOdvg,s USE ❑Hea6ng�CpW'xy .�. ' ' ' _' ' - �DOmestic ��BoreHOk ❑LWusUY/COrcunxdal J ' •. Not�cwnmuniA' P WS Q IpigaOm ❑ Ramedai : ❑ -- -- ----�- S e e� G�� �l, e.� Sk c-!"c.1-�. o���. �s e,.,a�� ❑ W +. . : "' HOtEDWM. : E CASING . . . 7' � " Drive Shce? � Yes No ' _""" ' :_ "t ' '_y"' I s ❑ Steel �TheeaGe4 Q �ldetl 1 : . . � 'SUUe . p� ' --�------- 1 CASINGOfAMECEF WEIGM � � rA, —_�— °' m 'i� e ro:m. 8� ro 6 rt. m.m n. rosm. —�.�o_n. PROPEATY OWNEfl'S NAME/COMPANY NAME - � in.to fi. IbsJtt. u.ta_h -U� � SCflEEN OPENH6LE . — Pmperly Ys m�rg atldress d dJier¢nt man wep btation aEdress indicatea above. 1 tic? �?' NG 1 ! ``�� D Y Type_/�SS'�.! SG�� �pDam. � tt. TO n. fS"l;ve.zt ieQ�t.� BL.Jd. s�ovc�,�e .nio « �' �� �F.-.� � �1N S S�l� � $e�ne""�`�—�—n a�a�_n virnNCS �/�..s, �'�.es�ferF � STATIC WATER LEVEt r R bebw Q above lantl svrtac¢ Date meazured � WELLOVJNEq'StiAMFJGOMPANYNAME P�P GLEVEI(6elowlartdwiface) N� ^A tt. aRer Mi Pwnpn9 .p.m. I"• ��: t� Oh��D �(� WEIiNEADCOMPLF(5pN . . N(ell ovme(5 mail'vg a ii tliHerm� tt�an prape owners atlNess i icatee a ove. � pNess adapt¢r manu/acMer Motlel _So�U /�GF'e.�/Q.�2 �O� CazingProtec�ion ��' S 7 � 7 it2in.ahoveg�ade \ � Aty2tle (Eervimnmental Wells aM Boring ONIY) �`• S��' ��w \ SS � SS" �/ �G, GROV7lNG MFORMATION � Wetlryouletl �Yes []No � Grout material �Nea� cement Q Bentonile �7✓ t=�M.��a Q I-tigA Sofi�s BenNnite /��_ s.o,,, �4z n. _,�I�Oras. �o,ys __"_"'_"_ . hom to tl. ❑yds. ❑Oags GEOLOfiICALMATERIPLS COI.OR �`A�ESSOF �� T � � MAiERIAL irom �o fl. ❑ytls, �bags NEAREST KNOWN SOURCE OF CON7AMINATION J�`-�- 3�� ��` Q 6':� N.�knn� 7 fee� tlirecUOn " NOE WeU Gsinfectetl upon rnmpletron ❑ Ves No PUMP �NOt"u�ssqliea DateirtsWlted ManuFar�u�¢fs name Model m'mber HP Votts len9m al0�op P�ve tl. Capacity g. .m P rrv%=p sunmersiae � �s.r�mi�u p aeriwacau�y ��e� ❑ AeANDONED WELLS Dces properq have any nW in vse aM wt seaktl we11(s) ❑ Yes o YARI0.NCE Was a vdriance grantetl from Me MOH br fia well? ❑ Yes No TN# VJELL CON7'RACTOR CEflTIFIGATION This we4 wa5 Mill¢� wM¢r �ny supervsion antl in accoNance vrilh Minnesda Auies, Chaptet 4]25. i. Th¢ �torma0on cont2metl in fiis �eporl is INe to Ne besi M my knowietlge. Vu a semiM sheet, Aneerletl REMARKS, ELEVATION, SOURCE Of DAT0. ete �Q r T Tj'�•� �� �- �L N�Q ���_ M� � t 1 / L�tensee 8usiness Name Lic nrReg_ Na \.Jl • i � PLRw Repr¢s ntanre S� �� � �� —�� - ����3 6req 1�nnS2� /l��/�3 IMPORTANT - FILE WITH PROPEflN PAPEflS 6 9 � 1 �� Name o7 , �� WEIL OWNER COPY � - _. . . HEdt0115Ce 1Pd.5q11 ' . WN: Lznt°tla Number,SVeaiNa e�� MINNESOTA OEPA(i7MENi OF HEALTH WELL AND �ORING RECORD Minnesola Staemes Chapter 7037 �. SecUanNO. FracEOn WEtiDEPTH(ca^Pie�etl) 1 5"f.J $ � �� / c I 'L 5 •L O � m � m ��� _ s � o �� ORtt11NGtdEilfOD m"uxnes _ semws _ ❑ cawe row p o�&en �Y� ❑ Mfa!Y ucaUOn a Fire Nump¢r ��7 SS�! �--t nNe--{ See �}'{c�_�,e skefc h ��"� � .,.'�� iu''EH1Y CAVNFA'S NAMEICOMPHNY NAME /� �J � Sf � [, (1 �G f opert3'��iab^9 address d�bife(eM man wW braVon aEG �yo �,�y �/�y /.S U/est 1<ellop� 1-����1. 5 �� ��,�\ s sjoa nea qm¢rs.maning atlaress a 6nerent man p�operty owners atltlress inGirat2U apwe. / So2 U L. 4-�a e.� fe /Zd. 5�-� ?4�. � ss,ss-y,9y GEDLOGICAI MATERIALS LOLOft �ftUYESS OF FROM TO MAiERVLL S% t�' �3/� l� Svf� O� ThW- t ��YAINNESOTA UNIQUEWELL NO 6997��7 - ❑ �+9 [�.letted �PCTlNiEM Yaz No s� - u ��. eore rw� l� i�o-rrc �.xn�xv n+'s ❑ msyaoa� ❑ Re �a rws ❑ oewxix�y ❑ _ Dirve Slwe? D Yes �Nu HC �rn��aee qw�a = O -R WEIGM b � ft @s./IL � m A a»rtc �e „� �7-,5•. ..,._..4[ � Oian,. 7 , NGauze � �f (� � � T . �een.� � a�a_��a Flrnrvcs F/� Th:e � ATIC WAlER IEVEL ) J � � n.0 beia�v Q aW+e IarM surtace Date meacxed J� J4 ��•3 �MPINGIEVEI(bebwgntlsutace) //� /l iL aher . nrs, pumping o.yn, :!L HEAD COMALEtXNJ Pitless adap(¢r mar,ti/acNrer �Apd¢� Casin9 ProlecCan_ .�i " S-f n n ) Is�. 12 ». above grade nt9ratle (firvuonmeMa� We��s arw ewing pW.`1� � �OUTWG INFOqbAiION w�� � ❑No Cxo�Amatenai .�leat¢emeirtQgent�aute�,� hoin � b�l•� it �� Q'�ds. �bags Uom to IL ❑YG% ❑pacs . Irom w ft ❑Y�tr. ❑ba� ARESTKNOWNSOURCEOFCONTAMINP710N _ _. __ pkn,i�,.7r� eee� atred;«� type edsnkcteawo^conviie4nn ❑res tw - MP Nrn instatletl Oape insialled � vbOH numbef HP VdtS �-e^9M of tlrap PNe IL Capaaty 9. fype:QSUCniers�lte �LS.iu�Eine QfleriDroceN+4 ❑-lel ❑ iBANOONm WELL$ � bet Praperty have any �wt in use arid,rot seile0 we0ls) ❑ Yes � No lAR1ANCE . � Nas a variani.� granted fmm tl�e MOH 1w 84s weA1 ❑ Yes �p TNi NEl1CANTflACTORCEATlFlCATNNJ �� iT'¢ weN vas AiAetl wWetmY su�ervision a�M in a�2o�dance wM Mmriasop flWe4 �Wer 4]25. fhe iMOrmalion cantairetl in �his repoR'svue m ihe Ces[ W rty knowled;je. 1�rc, - t - ,��-e ,�- rit � t 5� 3 Liceirsee B�s Name L'c wAeg Na ��.� �.--.���� _ -�z�=c -3 A(rtM1OrizeE n are 5ignaNre Oate tMPQRTANT - RLE W{TH PftOPERTY PAPERS � E'3 (� - 7 � } '� � - WEILOWNERCAPY J � � 4 a&N faa�l � — ��_ _ � ttt� __ Ceg�ess _ nuwtaz aeat Name. CM. � Zp Cotle oi WeG Lora6on a3 fY2 L 4K e+2b .5-1, y�0., a+.�n � � s .a �,an x. T,� i k- - rwn �--� MINNES07A DEPAATMENTOF HEALiH WELL AND BORfNG RECORD Minnesota Statufes Ghapter 103t F2c�iui WELLDEPI}1(mmplelecn sW S�'Vt"i �5/ S � _ DRILL]NG METHOO s � _ _ ❑ Cada Tool SeG �4 SKe e�ry owners maTUg aWress d dXnent Nan well bcation a44ess intl'icata0 / C.': f� /fc./� � 5 we> Ic21t o ys 31�.�t, 5�. 1��c.. i� � n7 SS/Oa ��/� � � ' ' MINNESOTA UN/Q(fE WEfi NO. 6997�5 Date Wo+k Completee ` fi/ro%3 ❑ Oeiven Q Dug �flotary ❑Jetl¢d U�^� " 1,J Environ. Bore Mo1e ❑ Indusiry/C ❑ n�,Mr �vs ❑ ��� ❑ aamec� � comn,ur�tlr rws ❑ oewaterina ❑ _—_. �SING HO Oirve Shoe? � Yes Nu y �Sleel � ihreaCed ❑ e�GeO ra P185hc WINGDIAMEfER WEt6HT � ii —�.�o /O n /9. o rosm. 1 a. � m. ro /O. S n. �.�� ie�n. ia to _ rc. _ _ IbcM — -.� �enem R aM �.S S tt. Ff771N� Eelow � abova WeM su Date 3nasuAace) ,�/� s U � rn '�' q C' f�'� i 2� ( Casin9 Protection .< �` L} _C � � � 12 in. above grade Y ❑ Atyrade (Emironmental Wells antl Borin90NLV) � y �. Y GROtiTiNG NJFORMAT1pN 5'F� ` G. til � S.Sl S� weo qro�ree , �p o � res ❑ No Grout materu� AA Neat cement � Benrorite Q Conttete Wg�h So�ids Benronite b��G45�v� irom � to_ � []Ytls. �I �,� �� �2 fram___�_ m h. � Q ytls. �I GEOLOGICAL MATERIALS COLOR ��q�A � FROM Tp U �� � . n. �� ❑ i NEAREST KNOWN SOURCE OF CONTAM�NATION }- (� ' unkhn �h teet d"vec0oo 5• i��F� so� C7 </ _—_s_ WeJI tlisinfxted upon compielron ❑ Yes No �j � PVMP �C .'�'G S -}� O IC � Not inslaAaA Oate ilatalletl r / ) S 1�. �\ ,` C / Manulaqurels name // / / Morlel numtrer HP Votts � ._X�YW t!^�`2 t�._ �� Itbf LengU�olErWP� fl. CaPa�' 9 ❑ L5. Turb Q F e c ipr oc aling [] Jel r not m use and �ro[ seale0 well(51 n Yes Pules, Chapter 4125. Useaseeonashret�needetl� � � �ARKS, ELEVAT104{, SOIJtiCE OF OATA etc - MG.� j F P� �' ( :j� . �� — 03 U/a�� � IMPOfiTANT - FILE WffH PROPERiV PAPERS C�� f e^� I WELL OWNER COPY « 1 �f, flrReg. N0. � Dafe tl � . �' _ � �lY MM/MESO7A aEPART67EiYfpf HEAC7H MINNES07AUNtQUEWELL NO. WEL! AND BORING RECORd - S ���� & h� S2 Mirtrresotr S�Ntes Chapter fQ31 ovm5iNN0. F7an9aNct SeaionNo. Frarbun WELLDEPTHI�Nk��) DazaWalcConW�eletl � ,� � � S �,.J x: �!E � n `t � LaM1lude � tlegreee ` mmu[es _ seto+MS _ MiLLIING MEt}IOD �o�snuaa — a�� — �w� � U caaarow ❑ o�.re� ❑ o„y _ treat Nam� C4Y. and 2p Code M We9 L,awuon a Fve N�uMer O �' ❑.lercae ; C e� c� k C�d . St. i�a�.. � S' 1/ OFlIWN6 FLUID weu+rrorroF�ncniaeoa ras ao n� �� y�e �m' x �' � w� � eS _�--_—� ro k roadsafMdnldiogs USE � ❑N � QOOmeslio '[J �BO�e Hole ❑ NMUStry/�omnercial ❑NmmnmmtlpPW9 ❑7m9zfian ❑flarne6ai S �i'�x�� ske�� °�°�"�".a^'s o�� ❑ CASIPI� HOIE DI�M. Oriue SMa? Q Ves Na : � Sleel �(ThreadeG �G( eWeC 6ri � pWS9c �Q /� CM1SING DIAMEfEA WpG�� �/ i• � tuue-� «tb_� �� O �SA. �m.to� . �in.to _�i�.S by/g, y�,� ' PFmPEfiiYOWNFfl'SNAN/E�/COMPl3JYNN.tE �,� � ry_ bslR �'s�.to • SCflEEN ���� ` P�operqavmaf maifirgatltlressit6Xerenttl�anwepbcalionadtlresseu�iratMaGave. Ma � �oea rc ro a �vo c.=t /{<// TY������ �, ? .-.,. /3/�i �o,,�a� , oiv ��, s-f�, / 5 G✓eS�" �. L'�/G�� s�een�+ R�a /�n n Frznr�cs Cp � ' S� � � \ STNICWATEflIEVEI GL—_M- ❑abo�elaMSWare Daiemeasurad �� /�� WELLOWNER'SNAMEICOMPANYNAME P�MPWGtEVEL(pebwlaMSUrlafc) y�� ' . /C / ilafter hrs.pump"v� o.Pm ' " . / '� ( � E WELI_HEIIDCOMPSEl10N ' WeA owuers maT+n9 atlares l6ftmeM tlranV��CeMowr+e+s aOCress inGated Rtlass atlaprer maixdacn.rer Modei Sp70 f �Ci �am9Protec5on C Sfao� �2in.abovegriEe - . Atyratle (Em'sanmental Wele,^ azM Bod�y q�L`n � SS -� 1/ r'�nNG INfORMhTION st- �� l Sj �//y'� W�,�� �Y� oNo cran ma�e� � �,� O 6«nonae p eozrele p FGgI, soGas 6enwmR `1 '��'^. - "`R➢�_b,_��it �_ �YOS �Eags : . Nnaor�essoF 6 C�^ `^� --��2- �r� ��� GEOLOGICALMATEpIALS COLOfl MPTERIAL FROM TO km" iu tl. �ydc QWgs ' NEARESTKNpWN SOUqCEOF COMAMINAitON � � � l 5 v ! i,. r �k�_;�,,,t�.s�... , feet �� � . � wenwsinreaeauDOnmmptetion QYes No 1 � ( NMP S: 5 0 .� N« �� ��e �� + � ��,e,� � �a ec / ; , /� /- [J �� � HP Vol� " ". ! 7 S {/, j[J LmglliMdroPWPe k C�acRy . '• gPm i- � p / TYF�C� Sfb�ne+S�Yde Q LS.TUtEirre O�P�a�^9 ❑ Jet ❑ 5 ¢.a� � � ` k c` s �" /(J � � nenewoNeoweu.s ' � \ � aoes prq�sty have a.y mt m use aM rmt sea�ea..en(s) ❑ Yes No = S� I� � s � � V/RUWCE �. , / � Was a veeurce grynteE kom the MDH brttut vrep7 Q Yes No TNk ; i � � SO�'� �i �' WEIICONTflACTORCERi1FICATION � T o • a S' H6 ' 7}ie infai�tiom m�tanetl m His repoR `strue m Ne best oi mY ��Je S �1'� Useas�sh e6b o . . REMAW(S,ELEVAiION,SOUflCEOF[L4Tf4etc . r � � 1 " `� �C�� LkenseeOsiMSSName " e ' (icwRey.Na 2 -.. � 2-z3-b , - t�,t�— v3- c� � a y 3 �� . i t �'1� r; s t�_ ���?ps< 11/H/o3 � IMPORTA(VTWE OWNER COPY � PAPERS 6 9� 7 Q 6 x�aa,xe� . - . - - � _ . ._ . . � � �- - - 'J 6�-��a- APPENDIX C LANDFILL INSPECTION REPOItT 19879(11) � N � O V N �r ', a a ', w O � I Q ."� IF o ' V N y � � Q � � � 2 U s U z` �� � �� �� �� � vd � w d II�I �I�I � ���� � ���a� � ���� � 0 d .a � 0 � U O �' O N � U N � � N v� O : � � � O t Z d n. ) � .a y = Q '� N � � � � p O i � � � � � N � _O � O ) 5 ` � O ti � O � N ) p> i � � � +�a U 4 (�• � ,� ZS N � � ' � � � w $]. � ,O � N 00 y ' ..' .� io�v�°- � �.�x � � I ��°, � � ti � i A , � � R a v� ""i., •� °' O i- G v vi O. I � � � � � �. � z op > v e v � `> U U � '-i N M � � G O .� � 3 � . � � V �I� IIII ���R ���� ���� .a A U O � .fl .� �. � v � x � 0 � A � n . .; O � p�j � �. . p � 3 oz � � � v ��� Q' v .� � � � N ���� 3 m U � .-: ni c�i v� U a�7-� a- i�i � � 0 U N � a � v � � u a�-� � APPENDIX D MONITORING WELL LOGS 198]9(31) JpB Ai4: 3552 DATE INSTALtED• - - MONI7 WELL/PIEZOMETER L0� D���Pa- . REF. BORIN6.N0. M�1-1 INSTALLATION N0. — _ _ - -- — -- Protective Casinq � Materiai steel �Protective Posts N4: Insta 1 Se�d�_ Material Q 3 - q�' � �4_ 3.8' .� � .� . � ' . '. � ._.. � - . _ . . . . ..-.�-.� ............. � = 30.0' 1 . _ .,17.L1':-. ,.. - 3 Riser O 2 ,� Matertal stainlFSS�steel Ground Surface ... .'.; Cr.,. =1': '=`�`i7= 1.0' 45-55 �ed flint :.y Material ssai�niess '2 5.0 D :-_2 Slot . ,C . : Dfl :.-�/� � , 6.ti' �30 red 6 fltnt 1 � i �. (. �9� 2.0� COAC{'8t0 i-� ) 13.0' neat cement � grout _�30 red fl in# REMARKS : Tou of riser nioe fitted t�itN P/N 560012b 1 �ac GE07£CHNitAi Et3G{t�tEER3NG CdRPORA�tOTi JUN-20-2806 0S:47AM FAX:6512969707 -�„ ID:CONESTOGp ROVERS PflGE:002 R=96% �-- �... .. �.. a1V VVI�L�Iu -=--uEE. . �'IC.AR L'NC'sIN�ERiAIR's CQ1�v�ItT�Q111 GEC JOB Nd: 555Z � � LOG Of BOPIING NO: M� \ P• 2 O 2� rawECr: �'IG'S EYE LAtiDFiLE;°idARNER RUAO & CNILDS ROAQ; RRMSEY.CO., ST. PAOL, MN - - = �P� FlEtD 6 t4H�NATOftY TESlS OElTM. � - ' � - . 1 fEET IOEtA'lfIGT/0N. - ��GE6LQGY H MC irve HEC. WL� � 6EN f s:�� � -.-----SANE AS ABOYE---=---=- FILL zz - _ 2 �_ WH W SS 2 tean clay, dark browrt, and SWAMP za_ silt, gray to dark brown, �DEFOSITS wi#h a trace of pTant Pibers, - or E-ILL' 3 W: SS_ 17. zs- (ML � CL} �_ 3 W SS �24 z� _ �_ .., .._ 4 W" `SS'' Y8 M 20_ . = � 4 M SS 18 30- END OF BORFNG 31- 32- 33 - 3t- . 35- . . . . .. . . _ . 97- 38- 30- 41- �2 - S9 - Aa - 65- 18- p- 1: JlJN-20-2H06 88:47f�`1 FAX:5512969707 iD: CQNESTOCaA RQVE#2S FAGE: �3 R�36 = _ ��.�. ..... ����o�o.�. .. , av yyuvn �v�an�i . .. . �uv4 , D � - � � GEQTECMNlCAL EbtGINEERilIC CORPORA710ii1 � GEC.tOBNO: 5 �� 2 � LOGOFHOFi1NGN0. ��-1 tP- � �f �� �oa�cr: PIG'S EYE LAN4fIlt; WARNER ROAO;� CHILU� ROAD• RAMSEY Ca., ST. AAUL HN � �N SUqFACE ECEVA710N: � 1Q; '� � � F«-� ���AT�RY TES7S FEET IOENfIFICAYIQN. .. _ ... . - GEOLOGY BPF � 7YPE f",_ AEC. WC DEN pL GC i 2- �' i f �_ � � , 5 . - -� . . . . . �. I 6- Not sampled to 10'. . , . �- -..._. . e ' . 9 _ � ' . . .�...�_.. . ' 'O _ "- 6 M SS 5 ia- t3- 10 ; M_ SS 2 7q- , ' , 29 M SS 5 15- Trash - mostly fibrous Paper, wood, plastic, etc. .. FILL ' 7 W SS b � ��_ ia- 4 W SS - 3 �e zo - . 12 W SS ' 4 Silt, dark 6rown, sligRtty �' orgaoic, (ML) 1 W SS 4 PEYTH . ORItLiNG ME7l10D WATER LEYQ MEA3UR�dENTS -. ... � � NOTE_ iiEFER TO SAMPLEO CASlNG� CAVE^W .ORIWNG WATEA fl' 3Q: t+-1���` HSA � T ��" S � DEPTH DEP7H pEp7N _ FLt]ID�I£yEY, �VEL 71-IEA'f'fACtiED , IZ-1� 3.1:15. 17 l�j j[(.'1 ' 13.$ SIiEtTS FOft AN � � FXPLANATION OF coMr"'i. 12-i4-88 3:¢0 . , - - TERMfNOLOGY � v� �' $� R�9� S5O � � ' � . OIJ7HIS LOG 10�88 SUh(-20-2�6 08:47AM FAX:5512959797 ID:CONESTOGR f201lERS. PAGE:004 R=96% GECsYECitlBiCAL E�iCiNE�R1E1G CQRPKtii]l'[YON GEC JOB NO: 5552 � . .. . ' _ � �.. - _ . ..�o� soRU_.t� rto. MW ( P- 1 Of 2� Fwo�ECr: PIfi' S EYE LANDFILL; WRIt1dER RaAU & CHILDS ROAD; RAMSEY, CO:, Sl". PAt1L, MN D ' E H H. '" �. .'Q,�.,-x_ ' flELD $ (A80flATORY TESTS � SUPFACE ELEVATpK ' N � - MpL FEET IDENTIFICAIION �� - fjEOLOGY 8PF NC - TYPE� REC. WC PEN P � C 7 2 3 < . _ 5 Not sampled to 15' _ 6 � " . . ' .. .' _ . , � . "''.� . _ . B- - 9 , _ _ ._ __ .. - - _ _ .. - . �o �. �". i „- _ .. �--_.� _. ,z- � ,a- � i �e = � is - ,e- Trash in a sandy to clayey matrix FILL 2 M SS" - 6 W »- . ' , 'e- 3 :}t SS , 8 �9- lean c ay, dark broWn - ark.gra�, - with a irace of p-7ant.fihers, {CLj SWAMP 1 U SS 16 � �O � ° 0€P6SITS , Lean clay, dark gray,.slightly :- _ ,. zs organic, {CL) , WH M SS 24 = OEPTN - DHILLWG METHUD � . .. YVA�ER LEYEL MEASUREp}Et�75 � � .- � NpTE: flEFER TO O- Z3: �-II4� HSA �A7E � TlME S �EPT#i f7EPTH OEP7N DAILUNG SNA7EH THEAT7ACHEA � FI-illD S.EYEt �a - , 12-1� 3.�0 1�-1� 1� 1$ �� i4 .`L SHEETSFOflAN ' 12-i4 . 9:36 2� 2Q = 19.9 I5.6 ' ex�ni�arioN oF BORING ZZ�Z9-SS IZ:�S _ � TERIyNNOLOGY GoMPtf7E0: . . . . ca . VD cn_ S& pig: SJ . = ON TFYS LOG 10/86 , . Jl9d-20-2006 08:48qM FAX:65I29G9707 , ID:CONESTOGp ROVERS;- pqGE:g65 R=96% �oi<oicvov oO.vc rnA onlcaob�u( mp. rULLU11Vry VVNIKVL ' !� VUti . . . . . . V j �/✓ � —GEO�iItCAL ENC�iNEEitIlIIG CORF�I7RATN�11t cec �oe ao: 5552 � MW-2 -(P. 2 of 2 • - lOG OP BOHING NO: l raaecr. P IG'S EYE LANOFIIl.; WARNEI� RflAD'& GHTLOS ROAD; R�MSEY GO:, S7. PAUt, MN OEfTH, � � � FlELD! �ABOA�TOAYTESTS FEEi IOElRif{G{TION. C,EOLOGY -. N MC; E REG, WC DEN f'�' C -------SAME AS ABOVE--------=. �. ALLUUIUM � or SWAhiP WN M SS 18 zs_ ENll.OF BORING. . DEPDSItS _ �_ . . �- ' ze _ 27 — , 28_ � .._ . .:: .�:� U.' ". . .. . ..� . ; .... ... _ 29— . .. 30 — a� - �� as- 35— 36— 97 — 36— at— I2— �— {{ — IS— �B — Q- 1, �- JUN�20-2@06 08:48AM FAX:6512%9797 , ID:CCNJESTOGR R{)t)ERS PRGE:006 R=96: _. __._... . ...,..... .. MONITORING 46E1L/PiEZONETfR L4t,; � JOB N0: 5552 . . REf. B4RIN6 N0. MM-2 DATE INSTALLED: 12-14-88 - - . - . - . . ; FNSTALLATIaN .Nfl. - - Protective Casin< Material steei : \ U 4 " - - _ t 3.b' � I r����; . � ; . .� �.Protective Posts No. instalied Material steeT-- r Ground Surface � � �20 I" � i - �� ; � � � � = 2.0' concrete � � __]:�� 9 �.�_. :_ _�,_ - - �_,- : L 17.0' . _. . � _ . . , _'.- Riser. - D 2� �� Materi.a] � ��- 23.0' stdinless steeT creen Material staint�ss �� �2 5.0' �i= ` 2_" 51ot �qitl -. , ._, _ 'u. , _' '- +�117 - ' '—#30 red. flint Too"af riser paue fitted with PJN 6600126 ..... ..; . ,......_ � •�� GEOTfCHNICAi -EhlGlN£ERtNG CE�RPORAtiON .TLAJ-20-2006 08:48HM FAX:6512569707 -. ID:CONEST� ROVERS PAGE:E07 R=96% _ 13.o' neat cement L S grnut L I.0' 45-55 �ed fiint .. :: _�...: ts S.Q' �30 red � f7int W .. . .. �, ., IN57dL1.A710N Of PiEZOME7ER 2 )OB ND. , 4220 89-22,�6 - PIEZOMETER NO. �a� � ' v ' (/� o' _ �. 'GROUNO SURFACE ELEVATlON- TOP OF RISER PIPE EL£YATiON �.— i J _ .. . - -. . - (with c�P r<movtdJ -. --VENTEDCAP � - . L �--fROTECTIYECASlNG - at.mcccr ana rra - . 7ovt lenY�h . � ' . - - . . -� Lent�+ wDO.e G.on�d .- .- � TNICKNESSANDI`YPEQfS£Al� L? � �,., L3 � �- .: �: . .... ._ _ .. . �-I � �—.D41M£TERANUTYPEflfRlSERtIPE' � �. ' . . .. . �� �.. . 7YfE Oi BACKFILI AROUNO RlSER . �.- , THiCKNE55ANDTYP£OFSEAL _ `�� OfP7HTOTOPDFFII7'ERSAtiD .� .• `�t� TYPEOi F/LTER AROUND SCREEN Y I �' — . TYPf Of l3EZW7,ETER - � ' SCR£EN GAUGE OR SIZE OF OPENINGS , _ (SLOT NO.) ; � �, � � iAMETER AND LENGTH OF SCR£EN - 1°: =_ ."_�..; -.. — DEPTH TO BOTTOM Oi %EZOAfETE R —DEPTHTO BOTTOM.DF FICTER SAND ��= 2-5 � �2_ 7 2 _ 4 }� i3 _ 5.0 � '�q --- FT IS+iSTALLA7fOtJ COMPt.ETE Oat� �1-2-89 3ime 1 =�� ' ��- ' ._ 'i"1:� OEP7H BEIOW TOP�OF RISER PiPE" ` . .,. ,: ` Ct1Ir7,C1CY C�L'x7Q ` . �� Y'xooi��en.. � - FAX:6512969707 ID:CONESTOGA ROVERS ANQ TYPE OF $EAi +sa—�.- .. _. �I".—' DiAMf�ER OF 602f HOLE � OATE 4" Steel 5' 2.5f ___ — . �i'OU (Neat eement} 2" PVC . WeIT Casing Grout 6.5'-7.5' Bentonite Chips 7.5' #16/30 Silica Sa PVC �1� $��t 2 " x 5 ' 14..ri' 14.5' N1A 7" WATfR LEVEL ..: '� "" "v" , yVLLV;lUl� UV11L1lVL �VUJ t. A tl `• ` yV•_..•��•^_-•J•••—HINA'FSOTAVNryU!'N•tL1.NQ 06893 � . WATEA WELL.flECOflO - � . - . rN �1� 1u�7 Se - x:�as,arm uswi-ra ._ F„w.o.s..�r.. : mmi�ivlF�e.N w�sliVNumMMaryFNu�br SeaimW. Fncua� � lWfLLOEF ' Dae :o 2 g 2Z. �C7,. 1J'`•`rUj . l�f-•S (� ilf r�wa;�aska�eaRU.�w���tn�o�x�o�«�+a�er, xo.au.�c�c+��: ;'' - � s:ocu.ur+c�av �� . S� pQn� ` MC f• n f�iQ3Te. �� C4uantrss ot+w�r� o�..,� pm;.m ❑a,� m��o�a v«a:maa.w . .- � • � � m�., ux�..r�a- .. on� _ _ nma n N /{, / . ♦� • _ MailwnNurc � �� 'L ❑FUUI' , -Olnwi }f(Pwa�K� "� y .. _ a i � J / ' N 4 DRQl1FG flU�O � . ' / ' /(�OYtQ, "s_ ' ' � � B1ed� N�mEC . - � � � F t ].16E . _ . j OD.mctc - �NankanM Odm�lury d�,� � : ; ' �' tar�e« -� � .' '.-� - C -, nu.� awsc� afww�ry • t�ii�il�;_. �.z At�'F/d- �oT«w.n aM.� oc�e.�aa �- :; -� -; ( _ oAeu.e�:a a � i 5ec [o.. . ' S2z To . , t y _y . . tc�t+c . �nruc a.rv.�eerr eue� nti'usyAm:�rrff�eacm�e+�'�g oe�a. o 1°""cAOW"g �40� 1. GJ251�2 ��' s°'•s • � r� �O*�f*a� �Om✓M%55IOH 1t '�QtiS �� �'�. oe.u. nweam p� Y�y.Yes •Z�O �'a�f �� ;/� 5. Dtr�P✓cyi.gal/.',._. �� � . 5�`� - u/`_:N,U,';SSlo —�:� a� � i FTNNRiiONld' COIAR� � � inb �� A.. : Wsi�N —x I�t FORNA7pN: • - i=.� ". . � . ... . . ` �',_ .' " , � I .[ ��) _/� . _./�, ;. .' . ' � �iam h _ .A4d+t NsRt —.in m—h. ! /�lfxl�+ "�� N � �7 ::i,�'ed..::, . _�� 45CREEN ._'. - _ Q'wmbek r�tA ¢ S I� - _ � - -- '" G ..: � a� .. .. ,.. :.,< .. _, ,�„ .,"-,.w � : � �._ . - y ,. ,G � - - rsx . o _._ - .�� ,�- }kQ � � W ' . _ _ Siu^fi� . .: ' �- � - � � . GO 4 -- - � - � ' �'sern.:m�3���:a '3r� �Q. cfa � � ' �; :- J � y(� , - ,�o � k�°o,� �.,� �I-z-Bg � - �.. ����,;�� ; v/ . �, '«� . �� � � ��� . ,... �w�R � _ � �,m,.�,�,�.� - . aKd�� � � e,,,a- _ _ �a a6se 6�.1i �'�r /�� . . . - —' ' _mm2^^'==:-'4Y=��� Q - 1 v ' _ -. li WELCCHf10"4D. L'�a ❑ W . oflotC�nmt g B � rn � tm � :m ,� O c.ti. m.iNu�-•ce+�+a.l`-r� � m O a.avm— . : .- _.. - -- - xa ereeeESrsa,ecESOFeosve�cmrnw�aw-rmr � �- - . �r� . —._.a:�� � , .,-_.. - .. - _ � . - .. .._.:.. �-- � w�s��wo�emNaioo'-- ara or+e - � _ _ _ .. _ ,. �, �s PIAa � ..�/�.�. .. _ _. . / �;. fP' _.�; -- . , . - :.. .:. ... . _ ': .. A�em.raltn ' Q�ua innaw,� - . - EW�daWpefsname_�_ • . �..., : . ....•.�.. _ - •-,.. Nddau�ec " . . �'. ` HP Vok ....� , . . " . : ^ie�,.�.. :., .:...,:. . " ' _.- . . . ... ...,. ...._ ..._. _"., •..-- � �EPfdmiPG� .... ' ', ' te Cumer Lam- . _ _ _ ' _ HaaalNdiq�piP� , -. . '_ . ' � . ' TYpe O$�bmiisple'"Oiii�iproe' DRecpmf.�+g . . . ,.. _ _ nk, n.c�,�rora .a . . � _ �u pawooereowa,vs � oS >_ � . " , � ' s ih�usdv QYes nNc� . uKanme/a1m:iY,rmM :.;': ��t" L.. ° hmmYim- � TenpxnY Q Nxre�kd F.• " ' �' -..�. :'. . ��-RFMMKS.Ei£YAl70N.5d1tCEpFDATA.ac . � ' . ' , �r- l' ' < : - . 1! NXlER {YELI [OMItACfOR CERTfflCAT10N .� C-� � � � �z,ZU � "`��Z��. .: - . _ ..' ,.. , 1 TSis wW rx EriI1W u�dc myiurisd`raion avd<his rcporass Va m ihc hN oI mY � " - ". .. �. . - 6oark6[Ca1dk�Gd. .>.' v a.. l I�c�;n�'��uQ tl7ei) �"� !�-� _..._ _ t� �' - �i'` :G'�, :_:=T.�f%�t' `c�o�b ,:�..:� �.e.�a.:�� H, , b.l ...i�afr.�z E t� /9� ' - - �--_ _-.-. sa �c -`���J �' 'r-M / Q� . _�_. --: . .._ � " � � . � : �. .. , �n�,�� . �m�� � / ' . - - . �' . -� a �.�1(LN` u,,, � � .. �..._.-_ _. . .. . - -� .2 ,. ' ' -". 'p .:-�_:: . _v.,����lr ir.. . .:... .. =::.•:: i.". _ � - , _ . . _ :� .. .... : ..:.... ..:. �...._.:.-�.,' ' . I}lil'3�Li-.��i� . � " r._ • �_ iinm�.. vna w.� JUN-20-2006 08:98Rh1 FA}f:6512%97H7: '.' .. _; ID:CONESTOGp:�ROI�RS. ., PAGE:809 R=96% _ - LOG OF TfST BORIN� .-" '- -_ ._ D� � jp a- � : �oe No_ 4220 89-2276 VEAiIfAt SCA1.E. . j�.= � 80RIN6 N0. . 7 Peo.�cr PIEZOMETER UPGRAD7NG-ST PAiJ� MIr7NESUTA ' DESCRI7TION OF MATERIAL � . GEpl06IC � S�E-. ���`SORY.;E5T5 _ OEPTX . .. _ - . � -. . - ' �fEET �FACE EI.EYATId1 _ ,pA(SSN - A' - 4�L:� NQ: �TYPE u D L1 PL W F1LL, MIXTURE OF S1LTY.StSN�i, '- Fill CLAYEY SAND`�.ND LEAN'ELAI`,- _ ' _ with wood, paper aad pla§tic, a litile glass _ and gravel, dark grayish brown,_wat�r-in fill below about 8.5' - ` 7 1, SB - . � - 5 2 SB z'..., . , 6 . .:: : 3 : SB " -.. .._ _ 22 : 4 .- SB 12.0 _. ? LEAN CLAY, biack, soft, a few lei�`ses of! �Fine waterbearing sand (CL/OL) Alluvium 3 5. NS 1 6 NS 16.0 End of Boring � - � , : � I�OTE Piezometer D#.7 insi;al _d: in. ,,;, � ) � �.. �..�"',�- boring_ See atiached "Iostallation of � . _ - Piezometer" dat� sheet. .� YAiER LEVEL MEASUF:EMENTS � S7ART �;�.I]-Z�-H9 COMPLET£ 11-2-89 SAMPLED tA51XG' {AVE-[H ���"��' uA7ER AET}{6D � � �1:45 DATE TIME BAILEO 6EFY}IS DEPTH DEPTH �EPTH IfVEL 3 1 4" ��'3A Q'-14.$' - ll-2 I7:30 11.5' 9.5' 77.0' 8.7' ' l]-2 11:45 76.5' 14.5' I4.5' � il.l' 77-2 12:30 16.5' 14.5' 14,3' 8•Z' ll-2 7:3D 16.5' SeeNote " cuM+ cx[FF D. S ermGaur twiii�city testirig„ �orpgr8tioa . SUN-20-2096 08:43F3M FRX:5512%3797_- �;,; ID:CONESTOGR,RLri1ER�,; PRCaE:010 R=96= �1 ��-�� a- � STRATlGRAPtiiC AND WSTRUMENTATION LOG � {OVERBURDEN) PAOJECT NAME Pigs Eye landfil! HOLE OESIGNATION: MW 1$B PRQIECT NUMBER l9879-75 DA3E COMPLETED: November 6, 2003 CLIENT[ MpCA DRILLING METHOO: &i/4" HSA 6" MR LOCA770N: St. Paul, Minnesota FIEID PERSONNEL- P. Storlie CONTRqCTOR:: Braun IMertec M4NNESOTA UMiCtUE NUMSER: fi997': DEPTH ��?� 3- Page 1 of 1 ft BGS STRATIGitAPWC DESCRIPTION 8 REMARKS E�FV- ��� y �� SAMPLE ft � w ¢ � � 70POFCAS�NG 695.55 m K ' > GROUN� SURFACE 693.7 j �. � > Z 2 � 2 FILL, Pfatform materials. sand. day. 9ravef miz. — ' brown. d+y 2 SELECi FI�L, dry : i.t Vv.�Y-a.LHT ArvU JANU.21I2fi126(191dYEf5, fine 9rained sanq biack to Uark gray, organic rich, saturatetl 10 52 74 76 18 _ ... medium plasticity, dark greenish gray, satmated mwaceous sana.9eneralty 12" to 1' iayers of peat and VS^ to 7/4" layers of fine sand, gray sa�M and tlark brown peak moist to wet 8inch medum grained sand layer, satuta(ed altemaUng layels of peat and sand diminish wiU deptfi at i6 feet, dry Stratigraphic Oescription defetmined at MW18C_ 26 i i'i . ������ ������ /����� ������ ������ I��:�� � � � � .� . �_ ��� 67L6 677.1 .+�. iram��r Bt%tI1�E s nisneter Sted Casing GIaR PVC Usug BerRO�nte Seai SanE Pack PVC Saeen 6' Diameter Bwehaie 675.1 �'^� WEIL DETAIIS 3creenedhRerval be1.1 l0 676.tft i2.o W 17.ORBGS Lmgtic SR SlotSize: X70 MateriaL pyC Seal: 683.i to 682,ift 74o a t i olt BGS MMeriai: 8entorrite PeUe�s SaM Pack: sa2i m srs.m i�_am �a.onecs Maferiai: RedFlintSand NOTES: MEASURWG POINT ELEVATIONS MAY CHqNGE; REFER TO CURRENT ELEVATiON TABLE � _S7�RA�7IGRAPHtC AND INSTRiJMENTATION LOG {OVERBURDEN) PROJECT NAME_ pigs Eye Landfili ' HOIE �ESIGtJAT10N: MVf(18C {BOtI(i9� PRQJECi NUMBER: 19879-75 DP.7E COMPLETEO: Noveinber 5, 2903 �'� �� DPoIIiNG METHOO: 84/4' HSA, 6" MR LOCA7IpN= St Paul, Mimesota FIEID PERSONNEI: P, $torGe CONTR4CTOR-: Sraun Miertec MINNESOTA UNfQUE NUMSER= Page i o{ 7 ft BGS STRATIGRAPH7C DESCRIPTION & R£MARK$ Et.EV- gpq ga - SAMPLE h rn!9 � Q w W ] c � GROVNOSUftFACE 693.i0 � K V Q � F W > Z Z � Z 11fGWn. � SELECT FIU., dry fire grau�ed sa IlGh, Sdftlf3[2d ::.� ������ ������ ������ •�r a❖:+. �� .: : � I:Wt1i.lAY. so(11E Wga(11C5. �111C3CEW5. medfum Plas6p(Y. tlark greenish 9�Y• �Z $dtll2(EQ PTISP-PEqT ANO SAND. attrinaHny layp,rs. 14 m���s sar+d. 9��y 72' (0 7" layers of peatanA Y/8'to t14' WyersofGne sand,gray 76 �arMearlcb�°"i°peaLmasttovcei -6-inch+nedu+++8`ained sandlayer. sahcated -aftemating layers of peat a� sand �mrttish 18 wilh depth at 76 feet dry � £-iad�layeroldaY.medimnAlastip�'.dark greenish gtay, dry at 79 feet � GLiAY,fitUetosomeorganiccontenC metlium Wasficity. dark greenish 9+aY, mast � PT-PEAT, 61ack ta dark 6mwn, dry to mdst GP-GRAVEL, 3/4' diartlete4 angular, wet 36 38 46 � 683.f0 681.30 .!. : . � 677.60 - 67Lto .!. .� 678_70 .t . ' `` sn�o 669.<0 668 f0 fifi730 iQ 665.10 649_70 f z 3 fi l �ra�mcer BorNwle e 9 m CenetM/Bent ile r '� 11 12 ia NOTES: MEASURING POtNT ELEVATONS MAY CHlWGE; REFER TO CURRENT EIEVATION TABLE 75 a s O.0 6 � S.0 3 I70.0 0 so 0 0 so.a i 1Sa o 75.0 2 85.0 0 15.0 1 75.0 2 50.0 2 o.o D� -5� a- APPENDIX E AIPRAP SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWING 198A (I l) PART 2 PRODL3CT5 21 RIPRAP A. Type Bl Riprap: StaYe of Minnesota Department of Transportafion Ciass I: Maximum Percentage af Size Total Weight Smaller 5inches 100 3inches 50 1 inch 1Q B. Type R2 Riprap: State of Minnesota Department of Transportarion C1ass III. Maximum Percenfage of Size Tafal WeighE Smaller 38inches Id0 12inches �5 9inches 50 3inches 10 2.2 ARMORSTONE A. Limestone or concrete, solid and non-friable. B. 2 feet by 4 feet, by 1 S feet. 2.3 RIPAAP BEDDING A. Type Al: Crushed gravel, angulaz crushed stone, free of shale, clay, friable maferial, and debris; graded in accordance with ASTM C136 and ASPM C117; within the following Iimits: ASTM Sieve Size Percent Passing By Weighf 3/4 inch 95 to 1Q0 5/8 inch 75 to 100 3/8 inch 55 to 85 No_4 35 to 60 No. 16 15 to 35 No. 40 10 to 25 No. 200 5 Eo 10 B. Type A2: Natural stone; washed, free of clay, shale; well gaded, graded in accordance with ASTM C136 and ASTM C117; to the following limits: 1. Mu»tnum Size: 2 inches_ 2. Maximum Size: 6 inches_ iss�9 ni> 2 �ur ��-� �- C. Imported from an approved source and composed of clean, graded, hazd, durable, uncoa#ed particles obfained from deposits of gravel or sand, talus rock, quarried rock, or other suitable gtanalar materials. D. Free of unsuitable materials incIuding: 1. Frozen material or material containing snow or ice. 2. Trees, stumps, branches, or other wood or lumber. 3. Wire, steel, cast iron, cans, drums, or other foreign material. 3. Materials containing hazardous or toxic constituents at hazardous or toxic concentrarions. E. Testing and Analysis of Aggregate Type A1 and A2: 1. Grain Size, A5TM D422: 1 sample per 10,000 cu yd of material required. F. If tests indicate materials do not meet specified requirements, change material or material source and retest. 2.4 GEOTEXTILE A. Non-biodegradable, non-woven polypropylene 401, as manufactured SI Geosolurions or approved equivalent. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verificarion ot existing conditions before starting work. B. Do not place riprap bags over frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. 32 PLACEMENT' A. Place geotexrile as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with manufactures instructions. B. Place riprap bedding as shown on the Drawings. C. Place riprap by suitable methods to ensure minimum breakage of individual pieces during placing. D. Ensure riprap does not mix with or damage foundation material, including geotextile fabric. E. Place riprap in accordance with layer thicknesses and details shown on the Drawings. F. Place riprap in an approved manner to secure the surface and to piovide a stable mass. zsa�v n» 3 rzmaar G. Uniformiy distribute larger rock over the efliire area and distribute the remainder uniformly with smaller pieces filling voids betv✓een larger pieces. H. Finish surfaces in such a manner so as to ensure they are stable, reasonably uniform, free from bumps or depressions, with no excessively large cavitzes below or individual rock pieces projecting above the general surface. tNhere riprap is #o be placed on slopes, excavate a trench at toe of slope in accordance with dimensions shown on the Drawings. Place riprap as fotlows: 1. Use iarger pieces in lower course and as headers for subsequent courses_ 2. SYagger vertical joinhs and fill voids with rock spalls or cobbles. 3. Finish surface even, free of lazge openings, and neat in appearance. K• Riprap may be pIaced ir� location by equipment; however, take care in placing to obfain a good gradation of materials so that the riprap will be firm and solid. L. Place riprap at culvert pipe ends as shown on the Drawings. M. Place armorstone as shown on the Drawings. 3.3 TOLERANCES A. Maxunum Variation hom Finished Elevafion: Plus or minus 0.5 foot. B. Ma�cimum variation from True Alignment: Plus or minus 1.0 foot. END OF SECTION ivs� p�) 4 x�nnr � 3 s '� EROSION CONTROL FABRIC � � '� � i J � � � � � � �----- DISTANCE VARIES --� � l� I MATCH EXIS7iNG � � CREEK$OITOM � 3' 3' r 1 1 �— NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTiLE � � 4 2 t� ,/ \/ �/ o'Q'" j � (� 7 � ::o. � `������`��J � 4• � 78' RIPRAP 7YPE R1 NOTE:EXCAVATEV TOINSTALI RIPRAP EROSION CONTROL DETAIL - BATTLE CREEK � NOT TO SCAIE 7 ROLS. 0 7�� � EROSION CONTROL FABRIC 5 I 3' 1 MEfAL STAPLE 1 � 4 1 2 �1 1 6' BEDDING ' A `o- � �....._ � � AGGREGNTE ' . o. p .._ O O � 7YPE A7 1 � 2' � � , ,.0.' . � ' O ;°..0, �`' ". ' a .Q." D. . _0. ����.�—����� 18' RIPRAP � 4 . � 7YPE Ri 5 1 , T , � MEfAI � � STAPLE 6' BEDDING AGGREGATE TYPE At 0 i EROS�ON CAMROL � � �I 1 �� STAPLE 6' BEDDMG AGGREGA7E 7YPEA7 i � 4 � , , � °•° � � 7 � ' .D. O � U_b' O __:. ..'Q ..D:._�Oc_. i L�������� 18' RIPRAP � 4 . � TlFE R1 �----- DISTANCEVqft1ES ---� � MATCH EXISTMG � CREEKBQTTOM 3' 3' � 1 — NON-WOVEN CEO7EXTILE � 4 � i 2 �ef�� �7� � � 1 � 4' � 18' RIPRAP 7YPE Ri H7 � � �� METAL � STAPLE 6' BEDDING AGGREGATE TYPE At NOTE: EXCAVATE WASTE 70 DEPTH REQU{F2Ep TO tNSTALL PERMANENT EROSION CONiROLS. RIPRAP EROSION CONTROL DE7AIL - BATTLE CREEK � NOi70 SCALE 7 � EROSION CONTROL FABRIC D�-57e a � APPENDIX F SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS issn ni� percentage by weight and percentages of purity, germinafion, amount of seed purchased, origin and date of harvest, and weed seed for each species. C. Fertilizer Certificate: At least 14 days prior to placing fertilizer, submit certificate wnfianing conformance with recommendafions provided by iaboratory based on topsoil analysis. D. Brosion Contro181anket: At (east 14 days prior to delivering erosion wntrol blanket, subcnit manufacturer producE data and detivery, handling, storage, installation, and repair methods. 1.5 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS � A. Maintenance Data: Include main#enance instructions, cutting mefhod, and maximum grass - height; types, applicarion frequency, and recommended coverage of fertiiizer. 1.6 QUALiTY ASSUIZANCE A. Perform work of this Secrion in accordance with State Standard. B. Provide seed mixture in weatherproof wntainers showing percentage of seed mix, year of producfion, net weight, date of packaging, and location of packaging. 1.7 QUALIFICATIONS A. Seed Producer: Established vendor capable of providing adequate seed quality and quantifies. B. Fertilizer: Established vendor capable of providing adequate fertilizer quality and quanrities. C. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in installing and planting the plants with 3 years � documented experience and approved by nursery. Seeding work shall be performed by or under khe visual superoision of personnel experienced in prairie restoraHon or native grass seeding and - familiar with the methods necessary ro ensure the likely success of native plantings. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING • A. Deliver gmss seed mixture in original sealed water proof containers bearing seed Supplier s label and certificate indicating the content of species, grade, and mass. Seed in damaged packaging will be rejected. Label containers showing: 1. Analysis of seed mixture. 2. Percentage of pure seed. 3. Percentage of weeds. 4. Year of producrion. 5. Net weight. ' , 19819{31) t° 2 SEWING d�-�a- 6. Date when tagged and location. 7. Percentage germination. S. Name and address of distributor. � B. Deliver fertilizer in waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. C. Deliver mulch and erosion control agent in moisture-proof containers showing manu£achzrer, content, and net weight (air dry). D. Deliver erosion wntrol blankets in a rolled mat form protected with an outer waterproof wrap bearing manufacturer's label indicating product name. E. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in a manner to prevenY damage or deterioration. F. Remove from the Site seed which has become wet, moldy, or otAerwise damaged in transit or storage. G. Store seed in weatherproof enclosures. 1.9 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not apply materiais over snow, ice, frozen ground, or standing water. 110 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Schedule topsoil piacing to permit seeding operarions under optimum conditions during normal planting seasons. PART 2 PiZODUCTS 21 SEED MIXTURE A. Suppliers: 1. Prairie Restorarion, Inc.; Princeton,. MN. 2. Mohn Seed Co.; Cottonwood, MN. 3. Prairie Moon Nursery; Winona, MN. 4. Prairie Ridge Nursery; Mt. Horeb, VJI B. Mixfure of the following: Grass seed shail meeE Minneso#a DepartmenY of TransporEafion specifications for seed mixture 250GR (modified) and seed mixture 310NWT. The seed mix shall' isa�sni> 3 ssEnmic wnsist of 70 percent ZSOGR (modified) }ry!cveight and 30 percent 31QNW'T by weight, applied at 1001b./acre. Further seed mixture detait..�are provided below: C All seed varieties shall originate from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wismnsin unless otherwise approved. D. All narive legutne seed shall have Ueen pr�inoculated with the proper bacterial culture for the particular legume species and in the manner and time fraine specified by the manufacturer. ' iss�s �p 4 srEOmlc �7-�,�� � E. All seed shall conform Eo the requirements of the IatesY seed laws of the State, and shall be properly tagged. Pay particular attenrion to weed seed #olerances. All"tags shall be submitted. F. Seed shall be stored in a dark area at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees F and a relative humidity beriveen 20 and 40 percenE. Seed shall be protected from mechanical, chemical, and animai damage until planting and during the planting operations. 22 A. 2.3 A. B. 2.4 A. 2.5 A. MULCHING MATERIAL SEate of Minnesota Department of Transportation Type 1 mulch. FERTTLIZER Granular form, dry, free flowing, and free from lumps. Recommended for grass, with 50 percent of the elemenYs derived from organic sources. WATER Ciean, fresh, and free of any contaminants and substances or matter which could inhibit germination and vigorous growth of grass. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET The following products or equivaient are acceptable: Product C350 2.6 ACCESSORIES A. PART 3 3.1 A. 3.2 A. 79819{it) Turf Reinforcement Motting Manufacturer North American Green Erosion Control Blanke# Staples: U-shaped and constructed of wire with a diameter of at least 0.1 inch with legs at least 6 inches long and 1 inch apart. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verify that prepared soil base is ready to receive work of this Section. l SEEDING Seed and Planting Bed: Prior to seeding and planting: 5 •I�C 1. � If ner�ry apply a non-selective, non-residual post�mergence herbicide 3abeled for this us� '?he label shall be submitted for review at least three days prior to the con#emplated date�f application. The application shall be perEormed in compliance with the herbicide label and state and federal regulatians concerning pesticide applicarion certifica8on. 2. Apgroximately 2 weeks after the herbicide applicarion, the seed and planting bed shall be prepared by loosening topsoil to a maxunum depth of 3 inches prior to instailarion of the seed and plants. 3. Prior to placement of seed, rake the area Yo remove rocks and debris and provide a smooth and uniEorm sur#ace. 4. Inspect the seed and planting area to assure it is.in acceptable condition for seeding. B. Planting Season 1. Spring Planting Season: Seeding dates shall be from May 1 to June 30. 2. Fall Planting Season: September i5 to November 15. C. Sowing Seed: 1. Native Grass: a. The Narive Grass Seed Mixture shall be sown by means of a Truax type seed drill, 100 pounds per acre. Seed shall be sown approximaYely 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep and no deeper than'/z inch. The drill shall be calibrated at half the appropriate seeding rate and each area shall be drilled twice to heip ensure an even distribution. All drill seeding shail be done at a right angle to surface drainage. b. The seeded area shall then be dragged with a section of chain link fencvtg and rolled with a Cultipacker. 2. Areas unsuitable for mechanical seeding shall be broadcast seeded by hand at lOQ pounds per acre. Seed mix will be frequently agitated to keep different sized and textured seeds from separating out. Seed shall be broadcast tcvice over each area Yo help ensure an even distriburion. The seeded area shall be hand-raked or dragged with an implement to #he extenY necessary #o cover a majority of the seed with 1/8 to 1/4 inch of soil and rolled with a roller of not less than 100 pounds. D. Mulching. 1. Mulch the seed bed immediately after seed has been applied with Type 1 mulch on seeded areas not receiving erosion control blanket. Mulch shall be applied according to State Standard Specification 2575.3F1. a. Type 1 mulch shall be disc anchored according to State Standazd Specification 2575.3 F3� E. Fertilizing: 1. Apply fertilizer prior to seeding. 196N (ll) b sEEDING � I J �� � 2. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil and prior to roller compaction. 3. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine used to apply seed. 4. Mix thoroughly into upper 2 inches of topsoil. 5. Lightly water to aid the dissipation of fertilizer. 3.3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKEI'S A. Cover seeded slopes with erosion confrol blankets to form a continuous mat. B. Install erosion control blankets and anchor in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Lay blankets smoothly on surface, bury top end of each secrion in 6-inch deep excavated topsoil trench. Provide 12-inch overlap of adjacent rolis and stapie. Backfill trench and rake smooth, level with adjacent soIl. D. Place 1 row of staples along each edge of the blanket. For blanket widths of 3 feet place 1 additional row down the center. For blanket widths of 4 feet to 7 feet equally center 2 addirional rows across the full width of the blanket. Space non-perimeter sYaples along each row at intervals of 5 feet maximum. In adjacent rows, eveniy stagger staples to one another. E. Secure outside edges and overlaps at 36-inch intervals with stakes. F. Lightly dress slopes with topsoii M ensure close contact between fabric and soil. G. At sides of ditches, lay fabric laps in direction of water flow. Lap ends and edges minimum 6 inches. H. For piacement in ditchlines, unroll erosion control blankets parallel to the centerline of the ditch. Blankets unrolled parallel to the centeriine shall extend a minimum of 3 feet up the front and back slopes. Langitudinal joints behveen adjoining blankets shal] not be within 12 inches of the centerline of the ditch. Stagger end joints of adjacent blankets. The placement and stapling of erosion control blankets shail follow application of seed and fertilizer on the same day. However, erosion control blanket piacement and stapling may precede appllcation of seed and fertilizer when the condition of the soil warrants an iminediate erosion control measure. 3.4 pVERLAP A. Seeding and mulching, temporary cover, and erosion control blanket shall overlap adjoining vegetarion by 12 inches. END OF SECIYON 19SJ9 (31) 7 SEEDING