07-560Return copy to: (BJE)
PW/Technical Services — Real Estate
1000 City Hall Annex
1' 7 r1-
Bv: ' �
Presented By
2 WIIEREAS, Larpenteur Estates Aparnnents, LLC ("Petitioner") is seeking to vacate a portion of Huron
3 Street extending 180 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue (see attached E�ibit A) to facilitate a proposed
4 development on Petitioner's property abutting Huron Street to the east; and
6 WHEREAS, in accordance with the City of Saint Paul's ordinance for vacating city streets, (Leg Code, Sec.
7 130.02 (2)), the Petitioner has attempted to secure the support of a majority of abutting property owners for
8 the vacation; and
lo WIIEREAS, the owner of the property abutting Huron Street to the west, whose support is necessary to
11 constitute a majority, will not agree to support the vacation; and
13 WHEREAS, the Petitioner believes that the vacation would not adversely impact the neighboring owner's
14 access to or use of }us property; and
16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Leg. Code, Sea 130.02 (3), the Petitioner believes that a hardship therefore exists
17 and requests that the Saint Paul City Council waive the "majority" requirement; now, therefore be it
19 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul do hereby declare that a hardship exists
20 with respect to the proposed petition to vacate said portion of Huron Street, and that the requirement to
21 obtain support from a majority of abutting property owners is hereby waived.
2 6
Requested by the Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date (]/e/�� �7, c�6D7
Adoption Ce by Co Secretary
By: ///ii�i�/�,v/�Sdr�
Approved by May . Date � .�6
By: `�'1� � %
Councii File #
Green Sheet #
by City
for Submission to Council
G:�Iteal Estate\Vacations�2007\07-2007 — Hurou St (a) Lazpentew (FriscL)\072007.FIrdshpRes.doc
�� s�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartrnenVofficekouncil: Date Initiated:
Pw -�li�wo� �-�Y-07 Green Sheet NO: 3040252
Conqct Person & Phone:
Bruce Ergelbrekt
Must Be on
E-Documerrt Required: Y
DocumentContact: BruceEngelbrek[
Contad Phone: 266-8854
Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approval of resolution declaring a"hardsLip" to sarisfy perition requirements for a proposed vacation of Huron Street south of
Lazpenteur Avenue.
iaauons: npprove (a) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Commiflee
Civil Service Commission
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Gerald Frisch, of Larpenteur Estates Apartments, LLC, would like to vacate a portion of Huron Street extending approximately 180
feet south of Lazpenteur Avenue to provide an ingress/egress driveway for a proposed pazldpg shucture lils property at 1260
Lazpenteur Avenue West. Mr. Frisch is requesting that the City Council grant a hazdship parsuant to Leg. Code Sec. 130.02 (2) to
effectively waive the requirement dtat a majority of proper[y owners abutting a right-of-way to be vacated support the vacarion
perition. There are two property owneis abutting this secrion of unimproved Huron Street — Mr. Frisch on the east and another
owner on the west. The other owner does not support the vacation. Mx. Frisch believes that the vacarion will not hazm the other
property owner's property. ,��„�.. ,��
Advantages If Approved: � u.v�� r �v
The vacation petition wiil be allowed to proceed. � U N 1' 4 Z�O7
Disadvantages IfApproved:
.. ... . ....�
The vacarion petifion will be processed without the support of the property owner abutting the west side of the portion of Huron Sfreet
to be vacated.
� ueoamnenc selrciorerson minawate
0 blic Works Bruce Eo e@re1R 0 D7
Assign 1 bGc Works Tec6 Srvcs M _ f ��0�
Number 2 ubGcWorks De artmentD'uector
Routing 3 ' Attorne Jad Haoson a�
Ofder 4 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant
5 ouncil
6 ' Clerk Cti Clerk
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a wntract for Nis deparlment?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnaliy possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Disadvanqges If NM Approved:
The vacafion petition will not be allowed to proceed and the petitioner will not be able to construct an access driveway to a proposed
pazldng shvcture on his property.
• Trensaction: $
Funding Source:
CostlReveniie Budgeted:" ' �
i4c � ":s :a : -
?�� , :E � A �_ ,�.. �� '� ' .1 � ,:,._� ��,
Fi nancial Information:
JUN 1 5 2007
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May 30, 2007 129 PM Page 1
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SCipIMERThis map is neither a legally rc�corded rrtap nor a survey and is not irttended L
used as one. This map is a comptlation of records, infarmation and data located in various
�, wutrty, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to
used forreference ouroasFS onlv.
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St�eet N�e L.�ts
URCES:Ramsey County (A
200�, The lawrence Gr�
I, the undersigned constituting a majority of the owners (or their iegally
designated representatives) of the ahutting properties, do hereby petition the
Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the property legally
described as fallows:
That part of Huron Street between the south right-of-way line of
Larpenteur Avenue and a line 20.00 feet south of and parallel to
the easterly extension of the north line of Lot 5, Block 3, Che2sea
I request this vacation for the following reasons:
Approximately su� (6) years ago as part of a settlement of a conflict
between City of St. Paul, Lazo Inc., owners of Patrick's Lounge (on-sale liquor
establishment on Lots 1 through 6} and adjoining neighbors, Yhe St. Paul City
Council authorized the barricade of portion of Huron Street adjacent to Lots 1
through 6 to restrict access by bar patrons on the residential properties south
of Lot 6. As a result, said restricted portion of Huron Street adjacent to said
Lots 1 through 6 is unavailable for use by the public as a North - South street.
Accordingly, Pafirick's Lounge has had the sole use and enjoyment of a public
street to the exclusion of neighbors and the publia Currently Public Works
Department of the City of St. Paul has and is installing sewer and other public
utilities in Huron Street. At the present time it appears reasonabie and
appropriate to vacate said portion of Huron Street, which is for all intents and
purposes no longer used as a pubtic street. I,arpenteur Estates Apaztments,
LLC is the owner of adjoining land to the East of said portion of Huron Street
proposed to be vacated and proposes to develop a parking ramp on the East
side of said portion of Huron Street. No construction is proposed on that
portion of Huron Street to be vacated. Laro, Inc. has refused to join in this
Petition to vacate city interest. f.arpenteur Estates Apartrnents, LLC believes
that its request to vacate said portion of Huron Street constitutes a hardship
and does hereby request that the City Council waive the requirement for
signatures of a majority of owners, pursuant to Secdon i30.02(3) o£ the St.
Paul i.egislative Code. �
Certificate of Title
Certificate Number: �OQ732
Document Number. 15Q3926
Book: 374 Page: i20 Dist. Court No.: 8384
Book: 499 Page: 80 Dist Court No.: 10522
Transfer From Certificate Numbers334451
Originaliy registered the 28th day of September, 1955.
Also originaily registered the 26th day of July, 1967.
State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey ss.
This Is to certliy that
Larpenteur Esfates Apartments LLC, 2350 West 7th Street, City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State ot Minnesata is
now the owner ot an esiate in See simpte -_.. -
In the following described land situated in ihe
Parcel 1. `_` ,°="
The West 273 feet of the East 293 feet of LoE E
feet oP said West 273 feet, subject to��art the(e
� ;: -
Parcel2. ,.-.r e'�_,;
�ot A, 8lock 2, Chelsea Heights, e�cept the�2i
Parcel 3. `"
The W sst 71 feei oP the East 364 f�et of Lnt�t e
Parcel 4. ' -�-�
The West 50 feet of the East 70 feeE ttf the�N6n
Subject to an easement of Ramsey G�oUnty for s
Subject to a Reservation by the State at.�ilirU��s
�:' _ . - � F.. � _ _ a • ��h
a . '_= �.
3hicPc2,'Ghelsea Heig�stR��epttfie East 50 feet of fhe North 150
`� ,� "..
� �- ; N :,-
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�.,,c: �:j' .. -
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2, Chefsea HeigY
� e <` t`
Subjecf to me interests shown bythe fal[owing memurialsagct'fQ �e to�lowing rights or ehc7i inbrapees set forth In Minnesota statutes
chapter 5�8, namely: � <', - �`�-=�;' _-_ _ _ - - - �`� r�
1. Liens, claims, or rights arising under the laws or tfie Consfitution 7taHe�Unit'ed Sfiates;,i*itiich the statutes of fbis state cannot
reqWre to appear of record; ' = :; f ; • ; ' : : r, :.': '� i �, '' �
2. Any real property fax or special assessment for which a sale of the'lari'dfi�s not been had at the tlate of the certificate of title;
3. Any lease for a period not exceetling three years, when there is actual occupation of the premises under the lease;
4. AI! righis in public highways upon the land;
5. Such right of appeal or rlght to appear and contestthe appltcation as is ailowed by law;
B. The rigfits of any person in possessian under tleed or conVact for deed from the owner of the certificate of title;
7. Any outstanding meehanics lien rights which may exist untler secfions 574.07 to 514.17.
Page 1 of 2
Dxumenf I pocument I DateofRegistration I
Number � Type Month Day, YearTime pmount (S)
60692 qgreement � Dec 24,5974 71:00 AM I
615'11 License Sep18,797510:t0AM
91849 Petition Mar 28,t990 0300 AM I
918491 Mortgage, Sec. Mar 28,1990 09:0� AM 6,025,000.00
Agmtnt 8� Fix.
Fn. Stmt.
91849 Assignment of Mar 28,1990 0&00 AM ---
Leases and Rents
9184 UCC Mar28,199609:06AM I
1Q797 UCCContinuffiion Jan96,�99550:04AM
1503 Mortgage, Sec. Oct 23,7998 OA:30 PM 5,500,000.00
Agrmnt & Assgn.
of Leases & Rents
150392 Asslgnmentaf Oct23,199804:36PM 5,500,000.00
Leases and ftents
152503 Satisfaction of Feb 28,1999 08:00 AM
Mort a e
1568681 Assignment of Aug 04,199903:00 PM ,�,.�
Assignment of "- _ . -
Rents -+ < -
158648 Assignmentof Dec23J99911:06AMF `�,--'" _ - _---
Assignment of - i'' �'�^�� �
Leases and Rerrts - �� „- �-" _ " � �
�':v . _
158648 Assignmentof I Dec23,1999ll:Qff_AMR-=' `.-� .��=:
Assignmentof :`' � �u%"• �„ -
: ����s
)irectiveof Oct31,2003LlS:OOAM.° a`" ;° .,�
Examiner y _ ���`---
,` i��" Y J - �.•maj
— ' «, �;.� �:,.._ . _.�,,,.,�::
_ » 4 ri>ti''�'';ua.,�+:.;:.:
/_ - ..
"� _
-".'.��'ixvi�;�=: �` '_
_ m'z _
-.;; j "_ ° c -. _
._ .. - .'';s..,. ' ro _
1913431 Mechanics Lien Apr 22,2005 08:00 AM�
7 945264 Mortgage, Assn. �ec 23,2005 04:00 PM
of ReMS, Sec. &
Fix. Fin. A rmnt.
195696 Satisfaction of Mar 312006 OA:00 PM
Running in Favar of
York Life Insurance Company. See Document Covers Parcels 1,
id 3.
ect to License for use of reat estate for benefii of Lot 16, 61ock 2,
sea He'qMS AddHionSee Document. Covers ParceEs "I 2 and 3.
ity of Ramsey vs. Oscar Gottfried, effiI, Condemnation Case No.
i57 COV6IS p21t ot a6DVE P�Opetiy. AISO COV@B ONlef plopOdV
eran Brotherhood, a Minnesota corporation
eran Brotherhood, a Minnesota corporation. Assigns Leases and
eran Bratherhood. U.C.C. no. 9Q-000959
nds time of ll.C.C. document no. 81$493
Reak Estate Investrnents Inc., 12&5 Avenue of the Amencas, Cdy o
� York, Sta3e of New York
document no(s). 91849'I.O, 918492.0
ies Inc.
, as Tri
9tifls"Ine., a Mirinesota corporation. Claims date of last
�qwaSOctobB7Sth 2000.
;"' fk.v�ns of Mi�r;lesota Statutes, Section 508.71 you
ie '�}fi�how by memorial on the above or successor
��'`�'gfriCtions agaanst constructiort of strucYUres, walls,
�-r¢adaaysoreateii�tiy the instrument filed as Doc. No.
�tesi-�y�.k r�cital irrlMe body of said certificate does not
�escribedfn said;cert'rficate pursuanf to: MS. Sect.
should „r�arry forward ihe memoriai of Doc. No. 527890
ive. 'TE�e memQFitij of Doc. No. 527890 should read:
ine�ffior rightaEway over that part of ifie South 20 feet of
; 6Nelsea Hei`yFits running from the East fine of Huran
iRe�oded E tine of Lot 37, Bbck 2, Chelsea Heights, far
�"s.'37 #tirbuph 36, Block 2 Chelsea Heiphts.
M"echapi5al, Ina Claims date of last item of contribution
of Teras
�Satisfies document no(s). 1503927.0 I
1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name
and affixed the seal of my office this 23rd day of October, 1998.
Dorothy McGlung
Registrar of Titles,
In and for the County of Ramsey and SWte of Minnesota.
Certificate Number: 500732
Page 2 of 2
Certi�cate of Title
Certificate Number:385Q41 DocumenfNumber. 1i484rv4
Transfer From Cerfificafe fJumber: 351797
Originalty registered the 9th day oi May, 19t6. Sook: 56 Page: 255 Dist. Court No.: t964
State of Minnesota t REGISTRATION
County of Ramsey f s.s.
This Is to certity that
Laro, lnc., a Minnesota corporafion, 1318 West Larpenter Avenue, City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of
Minnesota is now the owner of an estate in fee simple
in the followirtg tlescfibetl land situated in the Countyof Ramseyana'S'tate'W-Nlinjlg�qta,,to wit
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, Chelsea Heig�,fs:= '..�--' = a���.._= �-" '''� ,�-`, <
_-� a
;��w -�
Subject to restrictions contained in dacume�lt`np.
�>' a� 4> , _ . `" � r .., ,.,' .... ,. °, j , > .�,,,
Subjec[ W the interests shown by fhe following me�5nria{sa�i��_p#�1'p.'-t6UGwfrrg`[gh�s`�[`�ieuay�nce$ set forth in Minnesota statutes
chapter 508, namely: .:.'- ° :,` ;,;_ �,;_:'E;,,�} ; '",�.
�. Liens, daims, or rights aristng under the laws or the CtSn;i)it�etian of the United Slate3;�Yihic'�j the sFat'vtes ot this state canrwt
require to appear of record� : :: ; � ; `°:', ;.'a�'°�. s;,:� -' = :�_.
2. Anyreal properEyta�c or special a5sessment for �h��as�'3�f f�ie'land has not,beEpF��ke date`;oE,the certificate of title;
3. My lease for a period not exceeding #hree years; wheirtt�er�i�acCUa�oectYp�,i�Y�l�,,.��€es�3es uni3�� the I�se;
i .._r-_..._..,_ w ,
4. Atl rights 1n public highways upon the I;nitl; -' ��"- ° 2; `�, =;;�;+=.,.,,=.:,�a�r.�r ;; _=
5. Such right of appeal or right to appear �tp cont�st the appNCtiqc�n;as is allo�ed 4j���Wr<�; ,,�,,, ;; ;�-:
6. The righ3s of any perso� in possession pr�der deed orlantcac� for�deecftfqtn Fhe 4w,iY6�f-_atl,�te certif(c�Y6 of titie; ,
7. My outstantling mechanics Ifen rights which may g�:'uYe'I���ec�n�.;�ug�fxiSo s�l�d.Y7: :
Document Document Date of Registrat
Number Type Month Day, Yeak.l
38883 FinalCertif�cate Apr01,79580220
Easement � IYOv
Easement Nov'16,195909:OOAM
Morigage Feb 08,1972 � 1:30 AM
1�4845 Mortgage,Assn. Mar64,499710:Q0
of Rerrts, Sec. &
Ffx Fln. A rmnt.
316490 Directiveof Sept9,199701:00
75998 Directiveot May01,200072:06
a.• =a
�� �nt
� � �.
'_,,� �,�iuiining in Favor of
:�_ =: ,
��?ds; cuts and fills in ifie gradirtg of alley adjoining
opes, cuts and fills in tBa grading of streaf adjoinin��.
ty of Ramsey vs_ Oscar Gottfried, etal,
emnaGon Case No. 286657
rs Lot 7 of above properry.
covers other propertv.
nuniry National Bank, a Un4ted States corporation
mberance created by the instrument filed as document no. 441348
not affect the tand �fescribed in saitl certYcate and you are aiso
:ed to delete from future certificates of title for said land both ihe
ance to said encumbrance and the memorial of this directive.
mnbrances created by QocumeM no. 566887 are no longer
:ive. Qelete reference to said tlocument and this direcfive on future
cates of title.
ids time of payment of mortgage document no. 1 t48455.
Page 1 of 2
IN W1TfVESS WFfEREOF, i have hereunto subscribed my nams
and affixed the seal of my office #his 4th day of March, 1997.
Registrar of Fitles,
In and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota.
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Certificate Number: 38504t Page 2 of 2