07-553CouncilFileti 07-553
Green Sheet # 3041010
Presented by
WHEREAS, on January 3, 2007, the Saint Paul City Council adopted the Saint Paul Living Wage and Responsible
Public Spending Ordinance (Council File No. 06-1071) ("Living Wage Ordinance"), which ls codified as Chapter 98
to the Administrative Code, for tlie pwpose of establishing Saint Paul's living wage requiremenu; and
WI3EREAS, City sYaff of the Depar[men[s of Office of Financial Services and Planning and Economic
Development have pzoposed and submitted for City Council for its approval joint regulations ("Regulations") to
implement and administer compliance with [he Living Wage Ordinance.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City oF Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows:
Approval is hereby given to the Regulations which shall be followed by the Department of
Planning and Economic Development and the Office of Financial Services to implement and
administer compliance with the Living Wage Ordinance.
Requested by Departmen[ o£
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By: �
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Adopted by Council: Date (/�`/� ,�7 0 `((1�'
Adoption Certified by Coun il Secretary Fo p roved by Ma for Submission to Council
By: ��laa�i� / ni%�'�/�i7 B .
Approved by May . Date t�, 02� OL'
BY ��� G� �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
MO —MayotsOffce
CoMact Person & Phone:
Kris Fredson
Mus[ Be on Councii Agen
EDOCUment Required: Y
Document Contact:
ConWCt Phone:
Green Sheet NO: 3041010
0 �Ytavor's Office I i �_
1 3�3avor'SOfftce { DeDazimentD'uector
2 ity Akorne➢ � �
3 vor's 06ce ' Mavor/Assistant I
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5 ity Clerk City Clerk
7otal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lxations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Ciry Council approval of Living Wage joint regulations.
idauons: v,pprove (q) o� tte�ect (n): rersona� aerv�ce con[racw musc ianswer ine ronowmg uuesuons:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department?
GIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
"Living W age" sabcommittee has completed its work on the regula6ons required by the new Living W age Ordinance. City staff of the
Departrnents of Office of Fi�ancial Services and Planning and Economic Development have proposed and submitted for City Council
for its approval joint regulations ("Regulations") to implement and administer compliance with [he Living Wage Ordinance. Attached
is the proposed packet.
AdvanWges If Approved:
k 5
Disadvantages lf Approved:
i` � 9 � v LEDi!
,.,,, . _. ; ;i . � , �' ` ' . _ .
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Fuading Sauroe:
Financial Intormation;
Activity Num6er:
� �R'�4`gjt;�'• �sR�P
CosVRevenue Budgeted:
June 19, 2007 2:50 PM Page 1
Regularions to Implement and Administer the
City of Saint Paul Living Wage Ordinance
[Adopted by City Council on , 2007]
T`hese regulations are adopted in accordance with Saint Paul Administrative Code §98.04.F.(4) to
implement and administer compliance with the Saint Paul Living Wage and Responsible Public
Spending Ordinance that is codified as Chapter 98 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code
("Ordinance"). These regulations apply to both a City Contract and a City Business Subsidy as
defined in the Ordinance. The Ordinance shall be enforced by the Office of Financial Services
("OFS") with respect to a City Contract and by the Department of Planning and Economic
Development ("PED") with respect to a Ciry Business Subsidy. Terms used in these regulations
aze defined in either the Ordinance or these regulations.
L Inclusion of Livin� Wase Requirement in Bids or Request for Proposals ("RFPs")
for Citv Contracts
A. The Living Wage language set forth in Attachxnent A will be included by the OFS
in all bids or RFPs for City Contracts.
B. Any person responding to a bid or RFP for a City Contract who believes that it is
exempt from the requirements of the Ordinance must provide documentation to
OFS that they meet one of the criteria for exemption under Section 98.04.8. of the
II. Inclusion of Livin¢ Waee Requirements in Citv Contracts and Citv Business
Subsidies; Noti£cation to Emplovees.
A. Each City Contract and City Business Subsidy shall contain language requiring a
City Contractor, City Subcontractor, City Business Subsidy recipient or Tenant to
comply with the Ordinance and these regulations.
B. Every City Contractor, City Subcontractor, City Business Subsidy recipient and
Tenant shall submit a certification that it has complied with the notification
requirements of Secfion 98.04.F.(5) of the Ordinance at the commencement of the
City Contract or City Business Subsidy. For a City Contract the certification must
be sent to the OFS and for a City Business Subsidy the certification must be sent
to PED.
C. Notification of the Ordinance requirements to employees must be contained in the
same posted notices required by the Deparhnent of Human Rights for affirmative
action. Each employee must sign a statement acknowledging receipt of a copy of
the Ordinance.
III. Annual ReportinE, Records.
A. Every City Contractor and subcontractor contracted on behalf of PED, and every
City Business Subsidy recipient and Tenant, shall submit a certification of
norification to employees and payment of living wage to PED for a City Business
Subsidy in the form of Attachment B for the reporting period ending on
December 31of each year of the City Business Subsidy and of the City contract
for PED, and at the end of the contract term. The forms shall be submitted within
ten days after the end of the reporting period. Every City Contractor shall submit
a certification to the OFS that it has complied with the notification requirements
of Saint Paul Administrarive Code §98.04.F. 5 at the commencement of the
contract term, and that it will pay Living Wage to those employees engaged in the
execution of the contract services, in the form of Attachxnent C, which shall be
submitted prior to initiation of any services under the City Contract.
B. Upon request by OFS or PED, every City Contractor, City Subcontractor, City
Business Subsidy recipient and Tenant shall produce documents evidencing
notification to employees of the Ordinance and payment of a living wage to each
affected employee including without limitation the following documents and
Periodic payroll reports for the affected employees;
2. Books and records with respect to payments to the affected employees;
3. Verification of employees' receipt of Basic Health Insurance and/or
verification of the status of the employer's insurance plan; and
4. Quarterly wage detail reports submitted to the State of Minnesota.
IV. Investisation of Complaints �
1. Any complaints by employees or Tenant Subcontractors regarding failure
to receive payment of living wages required by the Ordinance shall be
investigated by OFS with respect to a City Contract and by PEA with
respect to a City Business Subsidy.
2. OFS and PED shall have to the authority to investigate complaints through
any one or more of the following methods: (a) interviews with employees,
employers or other individuals with knowledge of the matter; (b) hearings
to receive testimony; (c) reviewing employer records, and (d) such other
means as the case may require.
If, after invesrigation, the OFS or PED deternunes that there has been no
violation of compliance with the terms of the Ordinance, it shall inform
the complainant and the employer in writing of the results of the
invesrigation. Included with the nofice to the employer sha11 be the
provisions of Section 98.04.F.(2). of the Ordinance with respect to no
retaliation or harassment of the complainant.
4. If a determination is made, after investigation of the complaint, that the
employer has failed to comply with the terms of the Ordinance, the OFS or
PED may pursue the options in Section V hereof.
V. Enforcement
A. If OFS or PED determines that the complaint was founded, it may:
1. Attempt to resolve the complaint between the complainant and the
employer and take no further action if it is successfully resolved; or
2. If no resolution is achieved, or resolution without penalty is not
appropriate, take action authorized in Section 98.04 F. (1) of the
Ordinance which is as follows:
(a) Assure that the employer sha11 not be eligible for a City Business
Subsidy or City Contract in the next contract cycle or the next calendar
year; and (b) Seek repayment to the City of the amount determined as
follows: the entire value of the contract ar subsidy if compliance is less
than 50% of the requirement, one-half of the value of the contract or
subsidy if compliance is 50% or more but less than 80% of the
requirement, and proportionate to the value of the contract or subsidy
if compliance is 80% or more but less than 100% of the requirement.
Factors for deternuning which alternative is appropriate for City
Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, the nature and extent of
the violation, the willingness of the City contractor to remedy the
violation immediately upon it being called to its attention and the
history of any other complaints regarding violations of the ordinance
by the Contractor.
VI. Debarment of Citv Contractor
A. If OFS determines that debarment of the City Contractor for one year is
appropriate, OFS shall inform the Contractor of its intention, and of the hearing
rights set forth in Saint Paul Administrative Code §§ 95.�6 and 95.07.
B. A City Contractor debarred by the OFS shall not be eligible to contract with the
City or any of its agencies during the period of the debarment, nor sha11 it be an
eligible subcontractor.
Attachment A
Living Wage Language for Bid Specifications and RFPs
Living Wage Requirements
Pursuant to Chapter 98 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, any contract(s) that result from
this (Bid) (RFP) will require the contractor and any subcontractors to pay an hourly wage that is
at least a living wage, as defined therein, for the durarion of the contract. Such wages shall be
paid to each employee who is working pursuant to the City contract ar subcontract or who is
employed in the specific location for which the City contract or subcontract is intended to
benefit. Failure to pay a living wage for a City contract or subcontract may result in repayment
of all or a portion of the contract payments and/or debarment from the City contracting process
for up to one yeaz. Any recipient of a City Contract or subcontract shall provide written notice to
its employees that they may be covered by the terms of Chapter 98 and shall also provide its
employees with a written copy of the Chapter. (available at www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/codes�
Annual reporting requarements, as set forth in the Regulations to Chapter 98, must be met for
those City contracts and subcontracts which are processed on behalf of the Department of
Planning and Economic Development.
No contract may be split or subdivided, nor may any employee be paid through a third party or
treated as a subcontractor or independent contractor to avoid payxnent of the living wage.
Potential bidders/proposers are directed to review Appendix A for additional details about the
living wage requirements. Appendix A also contains the Living Wage Compliance Certificate
which must be completed by the successful proposer/bidder and submitted to the Contract and
Analysis Services office.
Appendix _;
(To be included in Bid Specifzcations and RFPs for Services of >$100.00)
Summary of Saint Paul's Living Wage Ordinance
Sec. 98.03. DEFINITIONS.
•`Basic health insurance" means (1) an insurance or self-insured group health plan
including any federally approved self-fixnded plan established under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) as amended where an employer
pays at least seventy-five (75) percent of the premiuxn for individual coverage plus
fifty (50) percent of the premium for family coverage; deductibles and out-of-pocket
maacimums cannot be greater than those allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for
Health Reimbursement Arrangements and plan design must meet the minimum
required by Health Reimbursement Art'angements and State Law (2) a deductible
insurance plan offered by an employer where in-network deductibles do not exceed
twenty-five (25) percent for office visits, inpatient care, outpatient care and/or
urgenUemergency caze, there is a one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) out
of pocket maximum for individual and three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) out of
pocket maximum for family, and any out-of-network deductible plan's out-of-pocket
maacimum does not exceed two thousand dollazs ($2,000.00) for individual and four
thousand dollars ($4,000.00) for family; or (3) an employer offers a health plan not
less in value than that provided to first level supervisory employees provided that the
benefit costs employers a minimum of seventy-five (75) percent of the difference
between one hundred ten (110) percent and one hundred thirty (130) percent of the
federal poverty level for a family of four (4).
•"C�" means the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
•"Citv Coniractor" means a for-profit or not-for-profit entity or person that is a party to
a City Contract.
°Citv ContracY' means a contract for services and any amendments thereto between
the City and City Contractor not covered by Section 82.07 of the Adminish�ative Code
with the City valued in the aggregate at $100,000 or more. A City Contract does not
include (a) a contract whereby the City Contractor manages City owned land and/or
improvements on behalf of the City's parks department and the City Contractor pays
a portion of the revenues to the City or (b) a contract whereby the City Contractor
provides depository and/or financial services to the City, or (c) a contract whereby the
City Contractor provides contract health care benefits to city employees. Nothing is
this Chapter shall abrogate or modify any rights or obligations specified in Chapter 85
of the City's Administrative Code.
•"Citv Subcontract" means a contract for services between a City Contractor and City
U �-553
• Subcontractor valued at $100,000 or more to perform a portion of the services
described in a City Contract.
•"Citv Subcontractor" means a for-profit or not-for-profit entity or person that is a
party to a City Subcontract.
•"Job readiness and training services" means services whose purpose and intent is to
help individuals establish a stable work history by addressing the social and economic
baniers to employability, including training, apprenticeship, and adequate day care.
•"Sole source" means a source of products or services that is the only viable
mazket option for the City.
Citv Contract; Citv Subcontract. Any City Contract, or City Subcontract must require
City Contractors and City Subcontractors to pay an hourly wage that is at least the
living wage for the duration of the contract to each employee who is working
pursuant to the City Contract or City Subcontract or who is employed in the specific
location for which the City Contract or City Subcontract is intended to benefit.
The living wage shall be a wage level equivalent to at least 130 percent of the federal
poverty level for a family of four. ($12.91 for Z00� For employers that provide
employees basic health insurance, the living wage shall be a wage level equivalent to
at least 110 percent of the federal poverty level for a family of four ($10.92 for
200�. The living wage shall be based on the then current federal poverty level and
shall be adjusted within one week after the federal government adjusts the rate.
1. Entities. The following entities are exempt from the living wage requirement:
a. any incorporated entity, organized for profit, that falls within the definition
of a small business under Minnesota Statute 645.445;
b. any 501 (c) entity which falls under the criteria laid out in Minnesota
Statute 645.445, subdivision 2;
c. a recipient of a City Contract, City Business Subsidy or City Subcontract
that contains an express provision that the purpose of the contract or
subsidy is job readiness and training services and that the recipient is
exempt from the living wage requirement;
6 �7-553
d. any recipient of a City Contract, City Business Subsidy or City
Subcontract for whom the City Council deterxnines that application of the
living wage requirement would conflict with a state or federal law or
program requirement;
e. any recipient of a City Contract, City Business Subsidy or City
Subcontract which is bound by a collective bargaining agreement for the
period of the contract or the subsidy;
any recipient that is an intermediary, such as a community development
corporation, community inveshnent group, or community bank, which
serves as a pass-through agency for the granting of assistance;
g. 501 (c) entities that are sole source providers of product or service.
2. Emplovees.
a. A recipient of a City Contract, City Subcontract, or City Business Subsidy and
a Tenant may request and obtain exemptions from the living wage
requirements for the following types of employees:
o Temporary internships or similar positions that are intended to provide career
exposure to new entrants to the workforce, lasting no more than 12
consecutive months;
o Individuals who are placed with the employer as the result of a job readiness
or job training program or who are participants in an employment program
that provides work opportunities for those with serious mental and physical
barriers to employment or similar employer sponsored work opportunity
program for individuals with serious mental and physical barriers to
o Seasonal, part-time ar temporary employees whose employment does not
reduce or offset the work of permanent employees, on the conditions that (a)
no more than ten percent (10%) of such seasonal, part-time or temporary
employees can be exempted, and (b) that the City Contractor, City
Subcontractor or City Business Subsidy Recipient is not intending to utilize
such labor to avoid the requirements of this ordinance.
1. Any recipient of a City ConYract or City Subconh�act that fails to meet the living
wage requirements of this Ordinance at any time during the duration of the
contract, and any City Business Subsidy Recipient that fails to meet the living
wage or wage goals and other requirements of this Ordinance at any time during
the duration of the subsidy, shall
47 �553
(a) not be eligible for a City Business Subsidy or City Contract in the next
contract cycle or the next calendar year; and
(b) sha11 repay to the city an amount detemuned as follows: the entire value of
the coniract or subsidy if compliance is less than 50% of the requirement, one-half
of the value of the contract or subsidy if compliance is 50% or more but less than
80% of the requirement, and proportionate to the value of the contract or subsidy
if compliance is 80% or more but less than 100% of the requirement.
2. No City Contractor, City Subcontractor City Business Subsidy Recipient or
Tenant shall dischazge, demote, hazass, or otherwise take adverse action against
any individual because such individual seeks enforcement of the living wage
requirement or testifies, assists, or participates in any manner in an investigation,
hearing, or other proceeding to enforce this Ordinance.
3. No City Contractor, City Subcontractor City Business Subsidy Recipient or
Tenant shall split or subdivide a contract or subsidy, pay an employee through a
third pariy, or treat an employee as a subcontractor or independent contractor to
avoid payment of a living wage.
4. This Ordinance shall be enforced by the Office of Financial Services or its
successor agency, with respect to a City Contract.
5. Any recipient of a City Contract or City Business Subsidy or City Subcontract or
Tenant shall provide written notice to its employees that they may be covered by
the terms of this Ordinance as specified in section 98.04 (A) and shall also
provide its employees a written copy of this Ordinance.
a�7'S5 �
Instrucrions: Contractor/Consultant shall complete this form and submit to Contract and
Analysis Services [280 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102] within 10 days
of contract awazd.
,(name of company) having entered into an Agreement dated
with the City of St. Paul which is subject to the Living Wage Ordinance, Saint
Paul Administrative Code Chapter 98, hereby certifies as follows:
1. (Contractor) will pay living wages for all employees engaged in performance of
the Agreement with the City of Saint Paul during the term thereof.
2. Contractor is exempt from the provisions of St. Paul Administrative Code Chapter
95 for the following ieason:
Contractor is an incorporated entity, organized for profit, that falls within the
definition of a small business under Minnesota Statute 645.445;
Contractor is a 501 (c) entity which falls under the criteria laid out in Minnesota
Statute 645.445, subdivision 2;
Contractor is a recipient of a City Contract or City Subcontract the express
purpose of which is job readiness and training services.
application of the living wage requirement would conflict with a state or federal
law or program requirement;
Contractor is bound by a collective bazgaining agreement during the term of the
Contractor is a 501 (c) entity which is the sole source provider of the product or
service under this Agreement.
Other (please specify)
Undersigned certifies by penalty ofperjuzy that the information contained in this Certificate is
true and correct.
Company Name
Bid or RFP #
Summary of Saint Paul Living Wage Ordinance
February 27, 2007
The Saint Paul City Council has adopted a new Living Wage Ordinance (File 06-1071). This Ordinance
replaces the Living Wage Resolution passed by the Council in 1997 for contracts executed and subsidies
given after February 14, 2007.
• The Ord'mance applies to the "City" which includes both the City of Saint Paul and the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
• The Ordinance applies to a(a) Citv Contract which means a contract and any amendments for
services not covered by Administrative Code Section 82.07 valued in the aggregate at $100,000
or more. A City Contract does not include certain contracts of the Pazks Department and Office of
Financial Services or contract health caze beneFits.
(b) City Business Subsidv which means financial assistance with a value of $100,000 or more in
any of the following forms: grant; contribution of personal or real property; reduction in interest
rates on a loan which is the present value of the difference in the interest rate given by the City
and that rate commercially available to the recipient; reduction or defenal of any tax, assessment
or fee; guaranty of any loan, lease or other obligation; tas increment fmancing; revenue bonds;
tax credits; or other City participation. Conduit bonds and infrastmcture aze not a City Business
(c) Citv Subcontract which means a contract for services valued at $100,000 or more to perform
a portion of the services described in a City Contract.
(d) Tenant which means the initial for-profit or not-for-profit entity or person that leases from a
City Business Subsidy recipient space in the specific location for which the subsidy was given,
and if there is more than one such initial entity or person, it means the entity or person that leases
the greatest amount of space and any entity or person that leases space of 15,000 or more
square feet.
Reauirements-Pavment of Living Wa¢e
• Any City Contract or City Subcontract must require payment of a living wage for the duration of
a contract to each employee who is working pursuant to the contract or subcontract or who is
employed in the specific location for which the contract or subcontract is intended to benefit.
• Any recipient of a City Business Subsidy and Tenant must pay a living wage to each employee
(and in the case of a Tenant to an independent contractor as well) who is employed 'm the location
for which the subsidy was provided for the longer of the duration of a City Business Subsidy or 3
• A livin¢ wa¢e is 130 percent of the federal poverty level for a family of four ($12.91 for 2007) or
110 percent ($10.92 for 2007) if the employer provides basic health insurance as that term is
defined in the Ordinance.
Exem tn ions:
• Entities- The following entities are exempt from paying a living wage: for-profit entity that
qualifies as a small business under Minn Stat 645.445; 501(c) entity that qualifies under Minn
Stat 645.445, subd. 2; a recipient of ajob readiness and training services contract; a recipient
bound by a collective bargaining a�eement; an intermediary such as a community development
corporation, community investment group or community bank, who serve as a pass-through
agency for the assistance; and 501(c) entities that aze sole source providers of product or service.
a 7-��
Emplovees- A recipient of a City Contract, City Subcontract or City Business
Subsidy and a Tenant may request and obtain from the City Council exemptions from paying a
living wage to the following types of employees: (a) temporary internships intended to provide
cazeer exposure to new entrants to the workforce lasting no more than 12 consecutive months; (b)
individuals placed as a result of a job readiness or job training progam or those persons with
serious mental and physical barriers to employment; and (c) seasonal, part-time or temporary
employees whose employment does not reduce or offset the work of permanent employees
provided that no more than 10 percent of such employees can be exempted and use of such
employees is not intended to avoid the requirements of the Ordinance.
The requirements of the Ordinance may be waived by the City Council or HRA Boazd n�'or to the
execution of a City Contract or City Business Subsidy after a public hearing and a finding of a
compelling public purpose.
A$er the execution of a City Business Subsidy a recipient who can demonstrate it will suffer an
economic hazdship due to the occurrence of significant unforeseen circumstances beyond its
control may request a waiver.
A yearly report on compliance will be required by all recipients for the duration of its
obligation ta pay living wages.
• PED will enforce the Ordinance with respect to a City Business Subsidy and will propose
regulations to the City Council to administer compliance.
• Office of Financial Services will enforce the Ordinance with respect to a City Contract and
will propose regulations to the City Council to administer compliance.
. Any recipient of a City Contract, Ciry Business Subsidy, City Subcontract or Tenant must
provide written notice to its employees of the Ordinance and a copy of the Ordinance.
. Any recipient that fails to meet the living wage requirements of the Ordinance is not eligible
for a City Contract or City Business Subsidy in the next contract cycle or calendar year; and
must repay a portion of the contract or subsidy depending on the level of non compliance.
645.445 Small business; definitions
Subd. 2. Small business. "Small business" means a business entity organized for profit, including but not limited to
any individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, assoaation or cooperative, which entity:
(a) Is not an affiliate or subsidiary of a business dominant in its field of operation; and
(b) Has 20 or fewer full-time employees; or
(c) In the preceding fiscal year has not had more than the equivalent of $ 1,000,000 in annual gross revenues; or
(d) If the business is a technical or professional service, shall not have had more than the equivalent of $
2,500,000 in annual gross revenues in the preceding fiscal year.
Subd. 3. Dominant in field of operation. "Dominant in its field of operation" means having more than 20 full-time
employees and more than $ 1,000,000 in annual gross revenues or $ Z,500,000 in annual gross revenues if a
technical or professional service.
Subd. 4. A�liate or subsidiary of business dominant in field of operation. "Affiliate or subsidiary of a business
dominant in its field of operation" means a business which is at least 20 percent owned by a business dominant in
its field of operation, or by partners, offlcers, dlrecYOrs, majority stockhofders, or their equivalent, of a business
dominant in that field of operation.
U� �553
This Certificate is made pursuant to that certain [Zoan/development agreement[ dated ,
200_ by and between the [City af Saint Paul/Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota] and [name] ("AgreemenY').
This Certificate is for the reporting period beginning , 200 and ending December 31,
200_ [or , the end of the contract term] ("Reporting Period").
The undersigned, a[ City Contractor, City Subcontractor, City Business Subsidy recipient, or
Tenant] ("Company") certifies as foilows:
l. This Certificate is intended to evidence compliance with the Saint Paul Living Wage
Ordinance codified as Chapter 98 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code (`Ordinance") and the
Agreement. All terms used herein are defined in this Certificate, Agreement and/or Ordinance.
2. Each employee who worked for the Company during the Reporting Period was given
written notice that they may be covered by the terms of the Ordinance and a written copy of the
3. A living wage has been paid to each employee, and in the case of a Tenant to each
independent contractor as well of the Company, entitled to receive payment of this living wage
as required in the Agreement and Ordinance for the Reporting Period.
4. As of the end of this Reporting Period there are employees and _ independent
contractors of a Tenant receiving living wages.
5. Upon request by the City/HRA the Company will promptly produce documents
evidencing the written notification to employees of the Ordinance and supporting payment of a
living wage to each person including without limitation quarterly wage detail reports submitted
to the State of Minnesota.
I certify under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this Certificate is true and
correct as of the date this Certificate is executed.
[company name]
Dated: , 200 .