07-551Council File # �7-.,ss/
Green Sheet #3040610
Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 017, of Bargaaning Unit 06, Professional
Employees Association Salary Schedule, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Emergency
Management Specialist be established at the rate set forth in Grade Ol l, of Bargaining Unit 06,
Professional Employees Association Salary Schedule, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Adopted by Council:
r/ F Approved by Office of Financial Services
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Date /0/�
Adoprion Certified by Counc}I Secretary
Approved by May . Date � d �D �
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Fotm App�yed �p tt mey ! �
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Form A ove b ayor r Sub ssion to CouncIl
I�Sysrems Development Sec[�o�\Org Design\CO�ultant-McKeownU.�sas Clazs
Work\Office ofEmergency Managementuteso�ut�ov EA1 Coord and Spec.doc
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classificarion of Emergency Management
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
fjtj HumanResoucces
Contact Person & Phone:
Mgie Nalezny
Must Be on Council Aqen
E•Documenf Required: N
Dacument Contact: Lisa McKeown
ContactPhone: 266-6479
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3040610
0 uman Ruources
1 umanRUOUrces De arhnentDirector � I � �
2 inancis(Services �l �d
3 i Attorne �b�
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6 i Clerk Ci Clerk
This is an Administrative Resolution establishing the rates of pay for Emergency Management Coordinator and Emergency
Management Specialist.
daGOns: Approve (A) or tte)ect (Ft): rersona� service contrecu must Hnswer me ronowmg i.Mesnuns:
Planning Commission 1, Has this person/flrm everworked undera crontractfortfiis depaAmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlFrm possess a skill not normally posseued by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The March 2007 TriData Fire Audit report indicated concem with the state of emergency preparedness in the City. To improve
emergency management, the audit recommended that emergency management become iu own depaxtment that reports directly to the
Mayor. The report indicated stafting may include a full-time director, plaaner, grant writer, and exercise specialisUtrainer.
Advantages If Approved:
Employees can be hired in these two ritles to help the City be effective emergency managers and be prepazed for emergency and
homeland security issues surrounding the Republican National Conference in Saint Paul in 2008.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The state of emeregency management in the City will not be improved.
Funding Source:
Finan cial Information:
CosVRevenue Budgeted: Y
Activity Number:
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JUN 15 2�07
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JUN 1' 4 2007
June 11, 2007 1132 AM Page 1
The City of Saint Paul Class Specification p?-SS/
BU: 06
General Dutv Statement:
Performs advanced-level professional work in coordinaring and integrating the City's emergency and contingency
plamiing efforts. Assists with the development and implementarion of the City's Emergency Operations Plan, Hazard
Mitigation Plan, Continuity of Operarions Plan, and Disaster Recovery Plan. Assists with the coordinarion of the
City's disaster prevenrion, mirigation, planning, prepazedness, response, and recovery programs. Coordinates the
federal, state, and local emergency management and homeland securiTy mandates, program requirements, and grant
progams for City deparhnents. Fosters effective worldng relationships among City departments and local, county,
state, and federal agencies engaged in emergency management and homeland security iniriatives. Coordinates
volunteer programs and emergency preparedness training and testing. Builds partnerships and promotes corporate,
family, and personal disaster preparedness. Performs related duties as required.
Sunervision Received:
Works under the general and technical supervision of a unit supervisor or division manager.
Supervision Exercised:
May provide general guidance and direction to others within the unit and to volunteer groups supporting the Office of
Emergency Management's mission.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the national, state, and regional homeland security laws, rules,
regulations, and protocols. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in assisting with the coordination
and implementafion of comprehensive emergency management and homeland security sirategies and programs.
Demonstrates an advanced lmowledge of national and state homeland security gant programs, City emergency and
contingency plans, planning processes, hazard idenfification, risk assessment process, and an ability to resolve
complex challenges associated with the work.
Demonstrates an understanding of federal, state, and regional emergency management and homeland security
organizations, City organization and services, private and public enfities, their respective capabilities, and how to use
them in disaster srtuafions.
Demonstrates an understanding of current and emerging approaches to improve emergency preparedness capabilities
and how to promote those concepts to others.
Demonstrates an ability to perfonn advanced-level work related to emergency management planning, public
education, grants management, and other administrative duties as assigned.
Demonstrates an ability to proficiently develop, maintain, modify, exercise, and integate emergency operations
plans and other complex projects that may have changing priorities and community-wide impact within negofiated
Demonsh�ates an ability to coordinate a comprehensive, progressive training and exercise program that includes all
responding agencies and organizations in the City.
Demonstrated an ability to plan, coordinate, and guide Citizen Corps volunteer programs and other volunteer and
outreach programs.
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BU: 06
Demonstrates an ability to follow complex oral and written inshvctions. Demonstrates a level of proficiency in
writing, spealdxig, and listening in order to efFecfively communicate in a variety of situarions, writing for a variety of
audiences, including the media and senior local elected officials. Demonstrates an ability to author and update
complex grant proposals and integate emergency and contingency plans, defining protocols, standards, and
measurable results.
Demonstrates an ability to work collaboratively with others to accomplish the mission and vision of the organizarion,
serviug as a liaison with City departments, private and public agencies, news media, and the general public.
Demonshates the ability to build local and regional partnerships with other emergency management and homeland
security professionals, schools, corporarions, and private citizen groups.
Demonstrates proficiency in operating work-related, modem-day office equipment. Demonstrates proficiency in
operating a variety of radio systems, informarion display equipment, installed Emergency Operafions Center
equipment, and state/federal online reporting tools and grant administration softwaze.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the National Incident Management System, the Incident Command
System, and Emergency Operarions Center (EOC) operarional protocols. Demonstrates an ability to assist in
managing the interface beriveen on-scene command activities, the EOC, multi-agency coordination centers, and area
command structutes.
Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for the diversity of residents, customers, co-workers, and supervisors,
including individuals who may be physically or mentally impaired, or whose fust language may be one other than
Demonstrates effecrive work group membership by being self-directed, motivated, and willing to accept the most
complex and difficult assignments, and by completing assigunents within agreed-upon time lines. Demonstrates
initia5ve in providing help, guidance, and trauvng to work group members or assigned personnel.
Demonstrates an ability to promote effective customer and community service through example. Demonstrates an
ability to identify the service needs of intemal and extemal customers and effectively respond to those needs.
This posifion will be expected to work non-business hours during emergencies and will be assigned to a periodic
Emergency Operations Center Team.
A Bachelor's Degree in Emergency Management, Public Safety, Public Administration or a related field and four
years of professional emergency management and homeland security experience worldng at or above the level of
program coordinator or emergency planner. Must have experience developing and delivering training programs.
Must be a state-certified or nationalcertified emergency manager. Within six months after appointment, you must
become a Minnesota state-certified emergency manager. Must maintain required ceriifications.
If applicable and within one yeaz afrer appointment, an incumbent must become a certifred instructor for the
National Incident Management System (NIMS) or Minnesota National Incident Management System (MnIMS).
Inirial and continued employment is contingent upon passing a background check and maintaining the appropriate
security clearance.
Proposed Title of Class:
The City of Saint Paul Class 5pecification
�7- S�"1
CODE: 339B
BU: 06
General Dutv Statement:
Performs professional-level work in designing, coordinating, conducring, and evaluating emergency management
exercises of the Ciry's Emergency Operarions Plan, Hazard Mirigalion Plan, Continuity of Operations Plan, and
Disaster Recovery Plan to ensure timeliness and effectiveness of response. Assists with developing, coordinating, and
integrating the City's emergency and contingency planning efforts. Coordinates and manages grant-funded
programs. Provides public education and assists with the coordination of volunteer programs. Fosters effecrive
worldng relationships among City departments and local, county, state, and federal agencies engaged in emergency
management and homeland security inifiatives. Builds partnerships and promotes corporate, family, and personal
disaster prepazedness with schools, businesses, public and private organizafions, and citizen groups. Performs related
duries as required.
Suuervision Received:
Works under the general and technical supervision of a unit supervisor or division manager.
Supervision Exercised:
May provide general guidance and direction to others within the unit and to volunteer groups supporting the Office of
Emergency Management's mission.
Demonstrates an understanding of the national, state, and regional homeland security laws, rules, regulations, and
protocols. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in assisring with the coordinarion and implementarion
of comprehensive emergency management and homeland security sfrategies and programs and in assisting with
ensuring that the City meets all state and federal planning requirements.
Demonstrates la�owledge of federal and state homeland security grant programs, City emergency and conringency
plans, planning processes, hazard idenfification, risk assessment process, and an ability to resolve challenges
associated with the work.
Demonslrates an understanding of federal, state, and regional emergency management and homeland security
organizations, City arganization and services, private and public entifies, their respective capabilities, and how to use
them in disaster situations.
Demonstrates an ability to perform work related to emergency management planning, exercise coordination, public
education, grants management, and other adminish duries as assigned.
Demonstrates an ability to manage operational activities of the program or project, such as financial management,
record keeping, budget and coniract writing, grant proposal development, and gantor reporting.
Demonstrates an ability to assist with coordinarion of a comprehensive, progressive training and exercise program
that includes all responding agencies and organizarions in the City.
Demonstrated an ability to plan, coordinate, and guide Citizen Corps volunteer programs and other volunteer and
ouh programs.
Demonstrates an ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Demonstrates a level of proficiency in
writing, speaking, and listening in order to effecrively communicate in a variety of situations, including writing for a
variety of audiences. Demonstrates an ability to assist with the crearion or revision of grant proposals and emergency
or contingency plans.
BU: 06
Demonstrates an ability to work coIlaboratively with others to accomplish the mission and vision of the organizarion.
Demonstrates the ability to build local and regional partnerships with other emergency management and homeland
security professionals, schools, corporations, and private citizen groups.
Demonstrates proficiency in operating work-related, modem-day office equipment. Demonstrates proficiency in
operating a variety of radio systems, information display equipment, installed Emergency Operations Center
equipment, and state/federal online reporting tools and grant administration software.
Demonstrates an understanding of the Narional Incident Management System, the Incident Cominand System, and
Emergency Operarions Center (EOC) operafional protocols. Demonstrates an abiliTy to assist in managing the
interface between on-scene comuiand activities, the EOC, mulri-agency coordinarion centers, and area command
Demonstrates an understanding of attd respect for the diversity of residents, customers, co-workers, and supervisors,
incIuding individuals who may be physically or mentaIly impaired, or whose first Ianguage may be one other than
Demonstrates effecfive work group membership by being self-directed, mofivated, and willing to accept complex
assignments, and by completing assigunents within agreed-upon time lines. Demonstrates initiative in providing
help, guidance, and training to work group members and volunteers.
Demonstrates an ability to promote effecrive customer and community service through example. Demonstrates the
abitity to identify the service needs of internal and extemal customers and effecrively respond to those needs.
Incumbents in this position may specialize in emergency management planning, gants management, exercise
coordination, or public education. If applicable and within six months a8er appointment, incumbents must become a
certified instructor for the National Tncident Management System (NIMS) or Minnesota Narional Incident
Management System (MnIMS) and become certified through the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluarion Progam
This posirion will be expected to work non-business hours during emergencies and will be assigned to a periodic
Emergency Operarions Center Team.
A Bachelor's Degree and one yeaz of emergency management and/or homeland security experience or an Associate's
Degree and two yeazs of emergency management and/or homeland securiry experience. Must be a state-certified or
national-certified emergency manager. Within six months after appointment, must become a Minnesota state-
certified emergency manager. Must maintain required certifications.
Incumbents in this position may specialize in emergency management planning, grants mauagement, training and
exercise coordinarion, or public educarion. If applicable and within one yeaz after appointment, an incumbent must
become a certified instructor far the National Incident Management System (NIMS) or Minnesota National Incident
Management System (MnIMS) and become certified through the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program
Inirial and continued employment is contingent upon passing a background check and maintaining the appropriate
security cleazance.
Positions within the new Office of Emergency Management
May 31, 2007
The Mazch 2007 TriData Fire Audit report which can be found at: http://www.ci.stQaul.mn.us/fireaudit/
indicated concem with the state of emergency prepazedness in the City of Saint Paul. It stated on page
twelve: "To improve emergency management we recommend that it become its own deparhnent that
reports directly to the mayor. It should be staffed with a full-rime d'uector, planner, and exercise
specialist." The audit recommended the new department and director posirion since the City is not part of
the Ramsey County Emergency Operation Plan. In April, the Mayor announced that he was appointing
Tim Butler as the Director of Emergency Management.
The report also detailed on page 280 "Recommendation 129: Staff the emergency preparedness
depaMment with personnel who have specialized emergency management experience. Posirions to
consider filling are director, planner, gant writer, and trainer; all of which should have specialized
emergency management experience." This recommendafion is different from the recommendation on
page 12 in that a grant writer posifion is an addirional recommendation. Kim Ketterhagen, State of MN
Metro Coordinator of Emergency Management, discussed with me the importance of this gant writer
position due to the additional funding that could be brought in to provide the emergency management
services the City desires.
Since the City currently does not have the classifications referenced in the TriData Fire Audit and the
Mayor supports the creation of the office as well as staffing the office, the Office of Human Resources
was requested to create the appropriate job classifications. This includes studying the shuchxre of other
emergency management operarions within Minnesota and nationally and conducfing an external and
internal salary survey to assist in determining the salaries.
Job Description
See attached proposed job descriptions for Emergency Management Director, Emergency Management
Coordinator, and Emergency Management Specialist. In the creation of the proposed job descriptions, a
review of emergency management job descriptions in other jurisdictions and City of Saint Paul job
descriptions with similar level competencies occurred.
A fully-staffed Emergency Management Office would include one Emergency Management Director, one
Emergency Management Coordinator, two Emergency Management Specialists (one focuses on grant
administration and the other focuses on training, exercise coordinarion, and public education), and an
Office Assistant III or Accounting Technician. Depending on the position, each will be a state or
nafionally-certified emergency manager before being hired or within a set amount of time of employment.
Eventually, all will be Minnesota State-certified emergency managers. Information about the MN
Homeland Security and Emergency Management Professional Certificarion Training can be found by
clicking on the training link at: http://www.hsem.state.mn.us.
After the job descriprions were created, a QES was conducted to assist with determining the appropriate
bargaining unit and grade.
Classification and Compensafion Comparisons
An internal review and comparison of classificarion and compensarion informarion occurred using
classifications with similar competency levels. Salary data was reviewed from various Compensation
47 �r
Determiaation of appropriate bargaining nniUemployee group
The Non-Represented employee group is the most appropriate allocation for a directar level position such
as the Emergency Management Director.
The Professional Employee Associarion is the most bazgaining unit for the Emergency Management
Coordinator and the Emergency Management Specialist since these classes provide professional-level
leadership work and do not formally supervise others.
It is recommended that an unclassified Emergency Management D'uector be created and allocated to
Grade 29C of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group salary schedule (#17). The current
range is: $73,155 -$99,554. This is the same salary grade as an Assistant to The Mayor V. (This process
includes an ordinance to create an unclassified classification and a resolution to establish the rate of pay.
See City Charter, Chapter 12, Secrion 12.03.2)
It is recommended that an Emergency Management Coordinator be created and allocated to Crrade 17 of
the Professional Employees Associafion salary schedule (#06). The current range is: $51,208 -$69,323
with a 15 yeaz longevity step at $74,101. (This process includes a Twenty-Day notice to establish the
position and a resolution to the City Council to establish the rate of pay.)
It is recommended that an Emergency Management Specialist be created and allocated to Grade 11 of the
Professional Employee Associafion salary schedule (#06). The cnrrent range is: $42,830- 556,333 with a
15-year longevity step at $60,388. (This process includes a Twenty-Day nofice to establish the position and
a resolution to the City Council to establish the rate of pay.)
It is also recommended that the Fire Chief be asked if there are any plans to fill the existing classifications
located in BU 40: Emergency Prepazedness Coordinator, grade 45, and Fire Emergency Management and
Communicarions Chief, grade 46. HR needs to determine if one or both of these titles should be
G:\Shared4SYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SEC1'IO1V�Org. Design\Consultant-Generic\Templates\CLASSIFICATION STLIDY