D001621CITY OF SAffVT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CJ Aaaroved Coqes to: - City Clerk (Origir� - Finance Dept's Axounting Division - Re9�^9 � ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: No: BUDGET RE1/ISION o�: ' � ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Ca�sisterd with the aulhority granted to tlie Maya in Seetion 10.07.4 of tl�e City Charter and based on the reQuest of ihe Direda of OFfice of Fiuman Resources W amend the 1998 budget of Hie Generel Fund Fnance and Maregement Services Department is autl�waed to amend said d�dget in the fdiaving manr�. DEPARTMENT & DMSION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTMTY, OBJECT, PROJECT EuecuFive Adm'mistration Offwe oF Human Resourc� GL 001-00165-0111 GL 001-0Oi65-0857 GL 001-0Oi63-0'219 GL 0 01-001 65-01 32 Futi Time Perrnanent Data Processing Hardware TQI PraFessional Services Not CeAified -TemplSeasonal CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 1.167,917 (30.000) 2,000 30.000 63,500 (828) 0 828 1,233.417 • Prepared by: ' Manager ate 1,137.917 32,000 62.672 828 4 1,233,417 l� w-� 6 l�e-�.� 1 ���!° Approved by: ' ncial S' Director Date �,. � � � nr�nt/„ � , � � - - _-,-� nranxx�vrro�cucnuNCU.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: gnman Resources 10/30l98 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: II�IlIIATNATE PIITfAi/DAT& ianne Rosenthal 266-6491 r�rnxn�,r ����Is1� cn�rrn�cu. V' AS4Cd7ED CTIYATIORNEY 3 CIlYCLPRIC MUSf BE ON COIINCII. AGENDA BY (DATL7 ��$ HOiJiING 2p41pH�7pi,SFpp,vDllt aFINANC7N.SE2vtACCLC ORDE6 MAYORCORASti7J TOTALHOFS[GNATUREPAGES_i (CLIPALLLOCATIOFSFORSIGNATUAL+� acrcox �uESrEn: Approvai of attached Adminish�ative Order-Budget Revision. RH[:OMMFi[IDATCONS: App�ove CA) arR�Jat(R) PERSONALSE2VIC6 CONTRACfSdfflSTAN3WERTAE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: 1. Hast6isPaaoo/firmeverwaitdunderawnt�actt�thisdapaz�rntY PI.ANNiNGCOMbIISSID1N Ym No � � CAM�IITTEB 2 Hn tLispcaoa7'm evabema dtY mry7o�e.c4 CIVII.SEItVICHCObA9isSION Ya No — a. nx. e� pe�dremw� a�u�a�tynm�a br � �e a�y �,a��y«? — Yn No — 4. bthispasod6miategetedvmdot? — Yes No — L�7pLin a➢yn ao.wen oe �epnte �heek �md ottachto greea aheet INl'f7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NITY (Who, W6af, WLa4 �ere WhY). Opportunity m gurcLase a digital nehvork copier/printer for Human Resources Core Consulting Division. Funds W be traz�sFerred from Human Resources 1998 salaries savings to the data processing hazdware account Transfer of funds from the TQI professional seivices account to Human Resources salaries, to cover tlie cost of hiring Ed Vizard and 1 Elakey to conduc[ TQI training in July of 1998. ADVANfAGES IFAPPROVF.D: Human Rewucces will be operating with a state-of-the-art network copier/printer tLat will be used by all staff in Core Consulting, ieplacing a very inefficient and unreliable copier. The addition of this new copier(printer will also relieve printing congestion wlrich is currently a problem for the staff on 4 floor. By transferring funds finm TQI to cover Uie costs in salaries for luring Ed Vi7ard and Cazl Blakey to conduct TQI training in 1998, the budget will reflect the proper dollars spent in 1948 on salaries. DISADVANfAGE9IF APPROVED: ' None. cn r DISADVANTAGFSIFNOTAPPROVED: �[(9 0� � �n9Q AR will be operating less efficiently and effecrively. �te v � t� The budget will not accuretely reflect the actual dollars spent for salaries in 1998. ,�, � ���� �( TOTALAMOUNTOFTltANSACI'IOIY: 530,8Z8 COSf/REVENUEBUDGETED: FUNDINC SOURCE: AGTIVITY NOMBER: 00165 md 00163 FINANG7AL INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIIY)