07-499Council File #� Green Sheet # �nc�oi �n RESOLUTION CITY,OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA y,3 Presented by 2 RESOLUTION APPROVING A WAIVER FROM LIVING WAGE 3 REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 98 OF THE a CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND 5 BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE 6 CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD AND NORTH END COMMUNITY FOUNDATION � PROJECT IN WARD 5 9 WHEREAS, on September 6. 2006, the Saint Paul City Council, by resolution No. 06-805 authorized io a Neighborhood S7AR Program grant up to the amount of $200,000.00 (the "STAR GranY') to the � i Church of St. Bernard and the North End Community Foundation ("Grantee") to be used to undertake iz and complete the St. Bemard's Community Handicap Accessibility Improvement Project (the i3 "ProjecY'); and, 14 is WHEREAS, on January 3, 2007, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Chapter 98 of the Saint �6 Paul Administrative code, more commonly referred to as the Living Wage Ordinance (File 06- t� 1071) for contracts executed and subsid+es given after February 14, 2007; and is �9 WHEREAS, Section 98.07 A. of the City's Administrative Code allows for the City Council to zo waive requirements of Chapter 98 in whole or in part "after a public hearing, consideration of both 2i advantages and disadvantages of a waiver, and upon a finding of compelling public purpose"; zz and 23 za WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested a waiver pursuant to Section 98.07 A. from all of the zs requirements of Chapter 98 as such requirements would otherwise apply to the Project as a z6 consequence of the STAR Grant; and 2� zs WHEREAS, bids for the Project have come in $280,000 over budget, and the Grantee is funding 29 $100,000 of the gap and is requesting an additional $180,000 grant from the City of St. Paul, in so which $80,000 will be dedicated to project upgrades that were previously removed from the si project budget; and 32 s3 WHEREAS, the funding source for this program is the Urban Revitalization Action Program 34 (URAP) Program Income Fund; and 35 36 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after consideration of both the advantages and the 3� disadvantages of the Grantee's request for a waiver pursuant to Section 98.07 A. including all of ss those comments expressed during the public hearing held on this matter on June 6, 2007, the s9 City Council does hereby; 40 a� 1. Find that a waiver from all of the requirements of Chapter 98 of the City's Administrative az Code to the Grant serves a corrrpelling public purpose; and c�7-�f 9 q 2. Authorize and direct the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, or her designee, to waive the application of all of the requirements of Chapter 98 of the City's Administrative Code to ihe Grant and any documents related thereto. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby approve the following amendment to the URAP Program Income Fund: CURRENT BUDGET FINANCING PLAN Use of Fund Balance P6 101-36200-9830-0000 Total $0 $0 CHANGE $180, 000.00 $180,000.00 SPENDING PLAN St. Bernard's Community Handicap Accessibility P6 10136200-0547-61694 $ 0 $180,000.00 Total $ 0 $180,000.00 Net Change $180,000.00 AMENDED BUDGET $180,000.00 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 �7�y� 9 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App May � Requested by Department of: Plannin and Economic Develo ment By: Form Approv d y it A�i# ,r y BY� `.� .�l/ 6�r�'✓"_ � � i� � Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun�� ; By: � ' \ c �� Adopted by Date Council: ��� /p� � b�-�`�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pE `p�aaa�B&EconomicDevelopment ' _25-MAYA7 ConYact Person & Phone: Paul Mordorski . 6-6683 must ne on 06JUN-07 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRqNSAC E-�ncument Required: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: N Assign Number For Routing Order Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3040170 0 lannin &EconomicDereto me Teaml,eader I lannin &Ewnomi<Develo m De arbnentDirector 2 Attorne ' Pete McCtil 3 nauciai Se[vicu �¢ Ftinaneial Services 4 or's Office Ma or/ASSistant 5 omc7 ConaN Member He en 6 ouncil CS Conncil 7 Qerk CS Clerk #�pprpval the Resolution 07-XXX requesting a waiver from living wage requirements of Chapter 98 of the City of Saint Paul�s Administrative Code and a Budget Amendment for [he Church of St. Bemard and Norfh End Community Foundation Project in Ward 5. ioanons: Approve (A) or Planning Commission CIB.Commidee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a eity employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any Current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sAeet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Whery Where, Why): 1'}ie Church of St. Barnard and the North End Community Foundation request a Waiver from Living Wage Requirements and additional funds for the CommunityBandicap Aecessibility Project. � Advantages If Approved: - . The Church of St. Bemazd and the North End Foundation will be able to move forward with this community project Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Project would be abandoned. Transaction: $180,000 CosVRevenue Budgeted: Y Fund�ny source: URAP Program Income Financial Information: (Explain) ncttvity Number: P6-101-36200-� ��L(7� 6 � S �+�e '�T� 5"'e�'y''"°j'f�t,°,.�'tsS� May 25, 2007 11:08 AM Page 1 o�-��� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 6, 2007 REGARDING: REQUEST FOR APPROVING A WAIVER FROM REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 98 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FOR CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD AND NORTH END COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (PUBLIC HEARING) AND ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUEST FOR $180,000 FROM THE URBAN REVITALlZAT10N ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) PRQGRAM tNGOME FUND Background The Church of Saint Bernazd and the North End Community Foundation applied for and were awarded a$200,000 Neighborhood STAR Grant for the Community/Handicap Accessibility Project on September 6, 2006 ("Pro}ecY'). This important Project will consist of a handicap lift and restrooms for the gymnasium and bowling lanes making these buildings ADA compliant. On January 3, 2007, the Saint Paul City Council adopted the new Living Wage Ordinance (File 06-1071) far contracts executed and subsidies given after February 14, 2007. After researching the living wage ordinance requirements, St. Bernard's has determined that 11 part-time and 6 fuli time employees do not earn the living wage as defined in the new living wage ordinance. St. Bernazd's is required to be part of the Archdiocese of St. Paul's Insurance Benefit Program and it cannot contract for health insurance as a separate institution. Because the Archdiocese insurance deductible is higher than the Living Wage Ordinance allows, St. Bernard's can not provide `basic health insurance' as defined in the Ordinance. On May 1, 2007, staff was made awaze of the fact that the Community/Handicap Accessibility Project was $28Q,0�0 over budget. The Church of Saint Bernazd and the North End Communiry Foundation will provide $100,000 of additional matching funds through their fundraising effort, and has requested $180,000 gap financing, in which $80,000 will be dedicated to project upgrades that previously were removed from the project budget. Program Income from Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) funds has been identified to help fund this project shortfall. 1 �1-+-��i� Major Action Approval of the attached resolution: 1) Authorizing a Waiver from Living Wage Requirements for the Project (Public Hearing) and; 2) Approval of a budget amendment of $180,000 of URAP Program Income for the Community/Handicap Accessibility Project. Public Purpose Saint Bernard's has been a vital member of the North End Community for over 116 yeazs. The School and Church campus has utilized 2'/z square blocks of property in the North End since 1890. The St. Bernard's Community Room and Gymnasium aze used by over 50 community groups from St. Paul and its surrounding azeas. It continues to be used on a regular basis for events such as the Rice Street Clean-up, Oktoberfest, neighborhood meetings, tournaments, blood drives, Saint Paul Police Reserve Training and many other events. Additionally, St. Bernud's provides space for youth activities for St. Paul and North End based residents. The following organizations have used one or a11 of these community spaces in the past year: Saint Paul Police Reserve - monthly for training US Judo Association Universiry of Minnesota Humphrey Institute Explorer Post 680 Saint Joseph's Hospital staff Delta Sigma Phi Saint John's the Baptist Youth Group Macalaster Track & Field team Rondo Leaming Center Church of Saint Peter Woodbury Baptist Church 7oy Scouts of St. Rose of Lima Job Corps Como Area Hockey (C squad) House of Hope Presbyterian Church Roseville Hockey (B Bantam) Highland Central Hockey (B Bantam) Bumsville 4 gade youth Roseville Thrashers (hockey) Roseville Wild (hockey) Consumer SurveysBureau of Family Opinion Mid America Youth Basketbal] Konrade Corporation Como Area Hockey (A Bantams) Concordia Academy Faculty Triniry Catholic School (family event) Eastside Family Center Gymnastics level 4-10 group Hoffman Communication Boy Scout uoop 60 Health Partners Center for Women Health Partners Midway Clinic Galilee Lutheran Chwch Roseville Hockey REI Como Area Hockey (Squirt B) Regions Hospital Orthopedic Deparhnent Arlington High School Football team White Bear Lake Hockey Team Vintage Place (boys group home for at risk teens) Fa 0�- �1 �l St. Bemazd's feels that it is imperative to be inclusive with the members of the community who have disabilities by undertaking the Community Handicap Accessibility Improvement Project. This project will go a long way to benefit everyone in the North End and will increase the amount of usage by community groups from the North End, City of Saint Paul and surrounding azeas by making these facilities accessible to everyone. It is the intent that youth gzoups with disabilities wili be able to add to the list of organizations that use the facilities on a regular basis. Advantages The North End community is very limited when it comes to gathering spaces that are handicap accessible. The only other gathering space that is handicap accessible and lazge enough for a community gathering other than Saint Bernard's Pazish Center is the Rice Street Library. This addition of a handicap lift and restrooms would give two more gathening spaces for such meetings and would increase the number of community groups that use these community spaces. It wi11 also compliment the positive reinvestment that is taking place in the North End, which is a revitalization of the entire area. Disadvantages St. Bernard's nearly closed because of financial difficulties in 2003. They operate on a very limited budget, due partly to the fact that 67% of the students attending St. Bernazd's require tuition assistance. If they were required to comply with the Living Wage Ordinance, this would increase their budget by $35,000 on an annual basis and there aze no sources of revenue available to pay for these increases. Or, positions would have to be eliminated, making an increased amount of work for existing employees and this is not feasible. If St. Bernard's was denied a waiver from Living Wage Requirements, they would be forced to abandon the Project, and the Gymnasiuxn and Community Rooms would not be renovated and become handicap accessible. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of a waiver from requirements of Chapter 98 of the City of Saint Paul's Administrative Code and a Budget Amendment approving $180,000 of U12AP Funds for the Church of Saint Bernard and the North End Community Foundation. � V� Sponsored By: Council Member Lee Helgen Staff: Paul Mordorski