07-480COtINCIL FILE It: O 7" �O � GREEN SHEET #: 3038891 Resoluhon City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 19 1 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation's 2007 adopted budget includes spending and financing line items which are 2 based on the reor�anization of iu Recreation Services section; and 3 4 V✓HEREAS, Pazks and Recreation, in conjunction with the Labor/Management Committee on Restructure, has developed 5 revised geo�aphic boundaries for the delivery of Recreation Services and revised job duty statements for Recreation Services' 6 staff; and 7 8 WHEREAS, in the reorganized delivery model, professional level staffmay be assigned to a pro�amming specialty, where 9 previously professional level staff, were for the most part, assi�ed to a Recreation Center building; and 10 1 I WHEREAS, due to the change in the duties of the professional level staff, infrastructure improvements are required to provide 12 appropriate accommodations to allow staff to effectively and efficiently complete their assigned tasks; and 13 14 WHEREAS, as a result of the aforementioned reorganization of the Recreatio� Services section, and the changes in the 15 geographic boundaries of the service delivery areas, there is a need to amend the 2007 adopted budget; and 16 17 WHEREAS, Recreation Services has accumulated a fund balance sufficient to fund the necessary infrastructure improvements 18 required for the success of the service delivery model; and 19 20 WHEREAS, it is the request of Parks and Recreation that $90,000 of Recreation Services Special Fund 391 fund balance be 21 used to allow for the necessary infrastructure improvements; and 22 23 WHEREAS, prior years' history has shown that actua] revenues have exceeded budgeted revenues in Recreation Special 24 Fund 391 in each of the past three years; and 25 26 WHEREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recreation that the Recreation Special Fund 391 be further amended to, based on 27 prior years' history, to reflect revenues and expenditures based on auticipated actual values; and 28 29 WHEREAS, these amended revenue and expenditure levels will be used as the basis from which the 2008 department 30 budget request is drafted for the Recreation Specia] Fund 391; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, does certify that there are 33 available for appropriation, funds of $303,966 in excess of those estimated in the 2007 budget; and 34 35 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2007 budget: 36 37 CURRENT AMENDED 38 FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 39 391 - Recreation Special Fund 40 23181 - Southwesf Corridor (Former SAl) 41 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 10,000 1 Q000 42 23182 - Central Corridor (Former SA2) 43 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 40,000 40,000 44 23185 - Phalen Corridor/West Side (Former SAS) 45 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 20,000 2Q000 46 23190 - Adaptive Programs 47 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 10,000 10,000 48 23191 - Senior Progams G:IFMIQTWirkalResoWhons, AOs, Green SheetslResoNtionslRec. Reorg Resoluhon'07 Final xls Page. 1 of 6 COUNCILFILE#: ��-�p O GREEN SHEET #: 3038891 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 49 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 10,000 10,000 50 0 90,000 90,000 51 SPENDING PLAN: 52 391 - Recreation Special Fund 53 23179 - Rec. Equipment and Repiacement 54 0814 - Office Equipment 0 25,000 25,000 55 0815 - Office Fumiture 0 25,000 25,000 56 0843 - Playground and Rec. Equipment 0 40,000 40,000 57 0 90,000 90,000 58 SPENDING PLAN: 59 001 - General Fund 60 03 ] 60 - Recreation Administration 61 Ol ll- Full Tune Permanent 198,826 (4Q733) 158,093 62 0356 - Safery Supplies 3,000 (34) 2,966 63 0439 - Fringe Benefits 92,214 (12,648) 79,566 64 294,040 (53,415) 240,625 65 03161 - Southwest Corridor (Former SA1) 66 O1 ll- Full Time Permanent 433,298 (61,076) 372,222 67 0121 - Part Time Certified 163,531 (8,699) 154,832 68 0132 - Non-Certified Temp/Seasonal 27,624 (658) 26,966 69 0439 - Fringe Benefits 192,832 (21,654) 171,178 70 817,285 (92,087) 725,198 71 03162 - Central Corzidor (Former SA2) 72 01 I 1- F�ll Time Permanent 413,557 42,053 455,610 73 0121 - PaR Time Certified 155,618 26,862 182,480 74 0132 - Non-Certified Temp/Seasonal 26,309 4,702 31,011 75 0357 - Athletics / Recreation 4,466 34 4,500 76 0439 - Fringe Benefits 183,895 21,985 205,880 77 783,845 95,636 879,481 78 03163 - Northwest Corridar (Former SA3) 79 0111 - Full Time Permanent 447,793 (8,258) 439,535 80 0121 - Part Time Certified 195,182 (29,291) 165,891 81 0132 - Non-Certified Temp/Seasona] 32,886 (4,571) 28,315 82 0439 - Fringe Benefits 207,951 (] 1,818) 196,133 83 883,812 (53,938) 829,874 84 03164 - Phalen Corridor/West Side (Former SA4) 85 0111 - Ful] Time Permanent 411,652 (2,742) 408,910 86 0121 - Part Time Certified 158,256 21,459 179,715 8 J 0132 - Non-Certified Temp/Seasonal 27,624 (658) 26,966 88 0439 - Fringe Benefits 184,218 5,972 190,190 89 781,750 24,031 805,781 90 03165 - East Corridor (Former SAS) 91 011 I- Full Time Permanent 379,439 34,520 413,959 92 0121 - Part Tune Certified 131,880 28,481 160,361 93 0132 - Non-Certified Temp/Seasonal 22,362 4,604 26,966 94 0439 - Fringe Benefits 165,117 20,108 185,225 95 698,798 87,713 786,Sll 96 03166 - Citywide Programs (Former SA6) 97 Ol ] 7- Full Time Permanent 256,018 (22,125) 233,893 98 0121 - Part Time Certified 131,880 ]6,075 147,955 99 0439 - Fringe Benefits 12A,126 (1,890) 122,236 GIFMIQiIWirkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslRec. Reorg ResoluGon'07 Final xls Page. 2 of 6 COUNCIL FILE #: � 7- � �O GREEN SHEET #: 3038891 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 100 101 FINANCING PLAN 102 391 - RecreaTion Special Fund 103 23178 - S'more Fun ] 04 5252 - S'more Fun Class Fee 105 9831 - Contribution To Fund Balance 106 107 23181 - Southwest Corridor (Former SAl) 108 5018 - Concessions - Vending ] 09 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. 110 5223 - Instruction Fees 111 5252 - S'more Fun Class Fee I 12 5417 - Facility Rental ]13 114 23182 - Central Corridor (Former SA2) 115 4399 - Services N.O.C. 116 5018 - Concessions - Vending 117 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. I] 8 5223 - lnstruction Fees ll 9 5252 - S'more �n Class Fee 120 5417 - Facility Rental 121 122 23183 - Northwest Conidor (Former SA3) 123 4398 - Special Project Services 124 5018 - Concessions - Vending 125 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. 126 5223 - Inshuction Fees 127 5252 - S'more Fun Class Fee 128 5417 - Faciliry Rental 129 130 23 t 84 - Phalen Coiridor/West Side (Fomier SA4) 131 4398 - Special Project Services 132 5018 - Concessions - Vending 133 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. 134 5223 - Instruction Fees 135 5252 - S'more Fun Class Fee 136 5477 - Facility Rental 137 6905 - Contributions/DonaYions 138 7499 - Intrafund Transfer ]39 140 23185 - East Corridor (Former SAS) 141 4398 - Special Project Services 142 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. 143 5223 - Instruction Fees ] 44 5252 - S'more Fun Class Fee 145 5417 - Facility Rental 146 7499 - Intrafund Transfer 147 148 23186 - Cityv✓ide Programs (Former SA6) 149 4301 - Normal Services 150 4399 - Services N.O.C. 5]2,024 (7,940) 504,084 480,000 (454,364) 25,636 (66,330) 66,330 0 413,6'70 (3SS,034) 25,636 19,000 1Q000 29,000 25,000 10,000 35,000 85,000 73,500 158,500 0 287,500 287,500 30,000 40,000 70,000 159,000 421,000 580,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 15,000 26,440 5,000 31,440 ]08,560 20,000 128,560 0 80,000 80,000 20,000 3,000 23,000 170,000 115,000 288,000 15,000 (10,000) 5,000 10,000 (5,000) 5,000 40,000 (1Q000) 30,000 is�,000 (s�,000) so,000 0 150,000 150,000 123,000 (80,000) 43,000 325,000 (12,000) 313,000 0 64,000 64,000 5,000 (3,000) 2,000 30,000 (zo,000) io,000 so,000 (ao,000) io,000 0 50,000 50,000 zs,000 ps,000� �o,000 14,000 (1Q000) 4,000 o �o,000 �o,000 122,000 98,000 220,000 111,000 (111,000) 0 5,000 1 Q000 15,000 7,800 20,000 27,800 0 70,000 70,000 25,000 1,000 26,000 0 70,000 70,000 145,800 6Q000 208,800 500 (500) 0 16,000 (16,000) 0 G�IFMIQT1W�rkalResolutions, AOs, Grean SheetslResolutionslRec. Reorg Resolution'07 Final x!s Page. 3 of 6 COUNCIL FILE #: c7 �-��d GREEN SHEET #: 3038891 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 151 5018 - Concessions - Vending 9,000 (9,000) 0 152 5199 - Concessions N.O.C. 15,000 (15,000) 0 153 5223 - Instruction Fees 60,000 (60,000) 0 t�4 >4l7 - Facility Rental 36,500 (36,500) 0 155 5501 - Food Sales 10,000 Q0,000) 0 156 6905 - Contributions/Donations 6,000 (6,000) 0 157 7499 - Intrafund Transfer 0 7Q000 70,000 158 153,000 (83,000) 70,000 159 SPENDING PLAN: 160 391 - Recreation Special Fund 161 23178 - S'more Fun 162 011 1- Full Time Permanent 174,468 (174,468) 0 163 0721-PartTimeCertified 62,014 (62,014) 0 164 0161 - Salary Needs 5,912 (5,912) 0 165 0219 - Fees-Other Profsnl Services ] 00 (100) 0 166 0320 - Fees-Collection Agency 20 (20) 0 167 022] -Postage 100 (100) 0 168 0222 - Telephone - Mo Chazges 600 (600) 0 169 0226 - Telephone - Mo Eqmt Lease 300 (300) 0 170 0228 - Telephone-Cellulaz Phones ]00 (100) 0 171 0234 - Type I- Occsnl (4/Day + 20) 2,000 (2,000) 0 172 0241 - Printing - Outside 200 (200) 0 173 0242 - Printing-River Print 1,000 (1,000) 0 174 0251 - Transportation 6,000 (6,000) 0 175 0252 - Lodging - Meals - Eta 300 (300) 0 176 0253 - Regisffation Fees-0ut Of Town 2,000 (2,000) 0 177 0256 - Registration Fees - Local 3,000 (3,000) 0 178 0275 - Off. Equip Maint. Contract 500 (500) 0 ] 79 0283 - Rental - Vehicles 700 (700) 0 180 0289 - Rental - Misc. 10 (10) 0 181 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 20,000 (20,000) 0 182 0315 - Supplies - Janitor/Househld 3,000 (3,000) 0 183 0321 - Horticulture/Plant Material 200 (200) 0 184 0357 - Athleric/Recreation 10,000 (10,000) 0 185 0359 - Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 6,000 (6,000) 0 186 0368 - Office Supplies-Master Contract 1,000 (I,000) 0 187 0369 - Other - Office Supplies 100 (100) 0 188 0376 - Water Incl Bottle 100 (100) 0 189 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 5,000 (5,000) 0 190 0439 - Fringe Benefits 75,673 (75,673) 0 191 0449 - V✓orkers Comp Expense Credit 7,637 (7,637) 0 192 388,034 (388,034) 0 193 23181 - Southwest Corridor (Former SAl) 194 Ol l l- Full Time Permanent 7,218 55,000 62,218 195 0121 - Part Tune Certified 37,680 83,000 120,680 196 0221 - Postage 9,955 100 10,055 197 0235 - Type II - Reg ($4/Day + 20) 0 500 500 198 0249 - Other - Print,Dupl,Adv,Publ 200 100 300 199 0251 - Transportation 2,000 4,500 6,500 200 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 7,000 44,532 51,532 201 0359 - Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 4,000 1,500 5,500 202 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 8,874 44,768 53,642 203 0439 - Fringe Benefits 14,367 45,000 59,367 GIFMI4ilWirkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutronslRec. Reorg ResoWtion '07 Final.xls Page� 4 of 6 COUNCIL FILE #: �'�7- �p D GREEN SHEET#: 3038891 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 204 0799 - Intrafund Transfer 0 142,000 142,000 205 91,294 421,000 512,294 206 23182 - Central Corridor (Former SA2) 207 0121 - Part Time Certified 38,622 20,000 58,622 208 0299 - Other - Misa Services 9,000 15,000 24,000 209 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 10,000 13,000 23,000 210 0439 - Fringe Benefits 14,669 10,000 24,669 211 0799 - Intrafund Transfer 0 60,000 60,000 212 72,291 118,000 190,291 213 23183 - Northwest Corridor (Former SA3) 214 0121 - Part Time Certified 75,722 10,000 85,722 215 0132 - Not Certified - Temp/Seasnl 42,282 25,000 67,282 216 0219 - Fees-Other Profsnl Services 8,965 (1,000) 7,965 217 0221 - Postage 4,000 100 4,100 218 0228 - Telephone-Cellulaz Phones 300 200 500 219 0235 - Type II- Reg ($4/Day + 20) 0 600 600 220 0242 - Printing-River Print 7,000 (5,000) 2,000 221 0251 - Transportation 8,000 2,500 10,500 222 0255 - Dues 100 50 150 223 0268 - Management & Admin Sevices 8,909 (4,000) 4,909 324 0289 - Rental - Misc 0 250 250 225 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 1Q000 (500) 9,500 226 0349 - Other - Eqmt-Parts-Supplies 4,000 (3,000) 1,000 227 0357-Athletic/Recreation 30,600 (19,200) 1Q800 228 0359 - Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 4,000 3,000 7,000 229 0368 - Office Supplies-Master Contract 7,000 (5,000) 2,000 230 0369 - Other - Office Supplies 5,600 1,500 7,100 231 0380 - Communication Equip & Supplies 100 100 200 232 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 7,000 2,995 9,995 233 0439 - Fringe Benefits 32,351 4,500 36,851 234 0557- Transfer To GeneralFund 33,095 (33,095) 0 235 0799 - Intrafund Transfer 0 8,000 8,000 236 288,424 (12,000) 276,424 237 23184 - Phalen Corridor/West Side (Former SA4) 238 0121 - Part Time Certified 23,236 2Q000 43,236 239 0219 - Fees-Other Profsnl Services 500 500 1,000 240 0251 - Transportation 2,000 2,000 4,000 241 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 12,000 10,000 22,000 242 0357- Athletic/RecreaUon 13,000 10,000 23,000 243 0359 - Other-Spec MaU & Supplies 6,000 5,000 1 I,000 244 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 10,000 11,405 21,405 245 0439 - Fringe Benefits 9,614 6,000 15,614 246 0557- Transfer To GeneralFund 0 33,095 33,095 247 76,350 98,000 174,350 248 23185 - East Corridor (Former SAS) 249 0121 - Part Time Certified 38,622 20,000 58,622 250 0251 - Transportation 200 1,520 1,720 251 0299 - Other - Misa Services 18,193 15,000 33,193 252 0359 - Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 7,000 5,480 12,480 253 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 35,000 15,000 50,000 254 0439 - Fringe Benefits 14,669 3,000 17,669 255 113,684 60,000 173,684 256 23186 - Citywide Programs (Former SA6) G�IFMIQ71WrrkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheefslResolut�onslRec Reorg Resolution'07 F�nal xls Page 5 of 6 COUNCIL FILE #: � � D GREEN SHEET #: 3038891 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 257 0121 - Part Time Certified 38,622 (30,000) 8,622 25S 0219 - Fees-0ther Profsnl Services 6,000 (2,000) 4,000 259 0221 - Posta�e 300 (300) 0 260 0228 - Telephone-Cellular Phones ]00 (100) 0 261 0242 - Printin� River Print 10,000 (5,000) �,000 262 0251-Transportation 100 (100) 0 263 0255- Dues 200 (200) 0 264 0256 - Registration Fees - Local 700 (700) 0 265 0268 - Management & Admin Sevices 10,000 (5,000) 5,000 266 0275 - Off. Equip Maint. Contract 600 (600) 0 267 0289 - Renta] - Misc. 800 (800) 0 268 0299 - Other - Misc. Services 14,000 (6,107) 7,893 269 0315 - Supplies - Janitor/I-Iousehld 100 Q 00) 0 270 0317 - Hardware 200 (200) 0 271 0356 - Safery Supplies 300 (300) 0 272 0357-AthleticBecreation 5,119 (5,119) 0 273 0359 - Other-Spec Matl & Supplies 8,000 (8,000) 0 274 0368 - Office Supplies-Master Contract 2,500 (1,500) 1,000 275 0369 - Other - Office Supplies 500 (500) 0 276 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 200 (200) 0 277 0380 - Communication Equip & Supplies 100 (100) 0 278 0386 - Clothing-Uniforms 100 (100) 0 279 0389 - Other - Misc Supplies 14,474 (6,974) 7,500 280 0439 - Fringe Benefits 14,669 (9,000) 5,669 281 127,684 (83,000) 44,684 282 283 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 284 2007 budget. Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY . � ��� Approval Recor ended y Finan al Services Director. By: G.IFMIQiIWvkalReso/utions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutwnslReu Reorg Resoluhon'07 Final xls Page: 6 of 6 AdopYed by Council: Date: � G Form Approved by City Attorne� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �-ygo � G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR —Parks and Recreation Contact Person & Phone: Jason Wirka 266-6417 Must Be on Council Agenda by Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Jason Wirka 19-APR-07 � Assign Number For Routing Order ConWct Phone: 266-6417 I � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3038891 0 arks and Recrwtion 1, arks and Recreation De artment Direc[or 2 inancial Services ffice Finaocial Services 3 "N Attomev 4 a or's O�ce Mavor/ASSistant 5 ouncil L7 CouncO 6 i Clerk C5N Clerk Approval of attached resolu[ion amending [he 2007 adopted Recreation general fund and special fund budgets to reflect Recreation Services re-organiza[ion. or Reject Contracts Must Answer the Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/flrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Budgetary level of control will be maintained. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Budgets will not coincide with re-organized structure. � 7ransaction: $303,966 Funding Source: FgyS f0� $2NiC0 Financia! Irtformation: (Erzplain) Activity Number: V81'IOUS RECEIVED ?'isa.s ? �i $.4SEi� MAYOR'S OFFICE CostlRevenue Budgeted: rJ � April 19, 2007 8:55 AM Page 1