07-475Council File # 0 �'J Green Sheet # ?y,j�(7 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �� RESOLVED, the Council hereby approves the attached Agreement for Legal Services by and between the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul, and authorizes the proper city officials to execute the same. Requested byDeparhnentof ✓ � ` ��� 1 �' � LYD! 1� � / /� BY: ��� \ Fam � Fom BY: � ��Z/� BY Apprwed by Mayor ate _ � Adopfion Certified by Counci] Secretary �O � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0?-Lf7S C.A �ityAttomey Contact Person & Phone: Jerty Hendridcson 266-8720 Must Be on 06-JUN-07 Doc. Type: RESOLItTION E-0ocument Required: Y Dxume�k Contact Karen Doumany Contact Phone: 266-87'16 18-MAY-07 y Assign Number For Routing Order ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3039890 0 ' Attorn 1 ' Attornev De entD'uector 4 onnN 5 ' Clerk Ci C�erk Adoption of resolution authorizing Agreement for Legal Services for the Public Eiousing Agency of the City of Saint Paul. iaauons: approve �A� or rt Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this deparlment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? • Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why): Since 1977, the Office of the City Attomey (CAO) has provided legal service for the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) under a series of Ageements for Legal Service. The attached agreement is the 2007 update to allow this representation to continue on essentially the same terms as previously. Non-substan6ve admendments aze included. , AdvanWges If Approved: The CAO will continue to provide expert legal advice to the PHA in a cost-effective manner. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The PHA would have to spend more for qualified legal services. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Facplain) Activity Number. �oynci! ��� `n �r �1 9 �ll��l' <QDI CosdRevenue Budgeted: May 18, 2007 11:20 AM Page 1 o�-��� PHA Contract No. 08009 MNI-1 et al AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 15th day of May, 2007, by and between the PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, a public body corporate and poliric, duly created, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "PHA" C:� � 'I CITY OF SAINT PAUL, acting by and through the OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" or "CITY ATTORNEY". WHEREAS, the PHA has need far legal services and the CITY ATTORNEY can provide experienced personnel far these services; and WHEREAS, the CTTY and the PHA desire to enter into an Agreement to allow the CTTY ATTORNEY to provide the PHA with legal services of knowledgeable and experienced staff persons for PHA work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe covenants and the several conditions hereinafter set forth, and subject to the approval of the City Council of the CITY, the PHA Board of Commissioners, the CITY and the PHA do hereby mutually agree as follows: I. Commencement of Apxeement. This Agreement shali commence immediately upon the date of execution and shall remain in effect until ternunated by either party according to the terms of this Agreement. The provisions of Contract No. 98070, shall tezminate upon commencement of this Agreement. II. Le�al Services To Be Pzovided � the CITY ATTORNEY. a. One full time attorney experienced in PHA requirements and a half-time legal assistant or law clerk will be regulazly assigned to provide legal services for the benefit of the PHA under this Agreement. The selection of the attorney to be assigned to this position shall be made jointly by the City Attorney and the Executive Director of the PHA. Page 1 of 6 D7-�7S PHA Contract No. 08009 MNl-1 et al b. At any time during the term of this Agreement that the Execufive Direcfor determines that the attomey assigned to represent the PHA is not performing in a satisfactory manner, the Execufive Director may consult with the City Attorney to begin a new selection process. c. The CITY ATTORNEY retains the right to reassign the attomey assigned to the PHA, in which case another attorney will be selected as provided in section II. a. of this AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES. d. Other attorneys may be assigned on a part-time basis as may be needed, as determined jointly by the CTTY ATTORNEY and the PHA, except that such joint determination shall not be required if in the opSnion of the City Attorney there is a necessity for a part-time assignment due to unforeseen circumstances whereby the regulaziy assigned full time attorney is incapacitated by a prolonged illness ar is otherwise unavailable for an extended period of time. e. ClericaUsecretarial staff services in support of the work of the attorney(s) and legal assistant or law clerk shall be provided by the CITY ATTORNEY. f. Such other technical assistance as may be deemed appropriate by the CITY ATTORNEY and the PHA in order to provide legal services required by the PHA shall be pzovided by the CITY ATTORNEY. g. Whenever engaged in the performance of any work or services on behalf of the PHA under this Agreement, the CITY ATTORNEY employees under this section shall be deemed to be representatives of the PHA. h. Any representation of the PHA by the CITY ATTOIZNEY which the CTTY ATTORNEY detexmines may create a conflict of interest shall be referred to the PFIA for appointment of outside counsel. The deternunafion of such conflict of interest is within the sole discretion of the City Attomey and shall be determined in accordance with applicable Rules of Professional Conduct. Nothing in this pazagraph or eisewhere in this Agreement shall preclude the PHA from employing such other and additional legal counsel as it determines to be necessary and in its best interests. III. Reimbursement for Services. a. For 2007, effective May 15, 2007, and continuing until such time as this Agreement is ternunated or amended, the PHA sha11 pay, upon proper billing by the CITY, for ]egal services as follows: Page 2 of 6 ��-��s PHA Contract No. 08009 MNl-I et al For the full time attorney, an amount equal to the full tnne attomey's full salary and benefits (e.g., FICA, Medical Insurance, Retuement Programs, Workers' Compensafion, Unemployment Compensation, Vacation Leave, Sick L,eave, Holidays, etc.), including any increases in salary or benefits as the full time attorney may be entitled to receive because of union negotiated contractual obligations or raises the attorney may eam. The calculation of the cost of benefits shall be determined by the CITY according to a formula utilized by the Office of Financial Sezvices. The formula is datemuned quarterly by adding all expenditures for employee benefits (other than worker's compensafion and unemployment compensation costs, which are directly billed according to the individual employee), divided by the total amount of salaries paid. This yields a quarterly fringe percentage which is then applied to actual salary costs for the quarter. For the law clerk or legal assistant assigned to perfoxxn services for the benefit of the PHA on a half-time basis, one half (%z) of an amount equal to the law clerk's or legal assistanYs full salary and benefits (e.g., FICA, Medical Tnsurance, Retirement Programs, Workers' Compensation, Unempioyment Compensation, Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, Holidays, etc.), including any increases in salary or benefits as the law clerk or legal assistant may be entitled to receive because of union negotiated contractual obiigations or raises the law clerk or legal assistant may earn, plus an amount equal to the actual cost of mileage paid to the law clerk or legai assistant for PHA-related work. In addition to the amounts in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Section III, an amount equal to 25 per cent of the total of the amounts in paragraphs 1 and 2 to cover overhead costs. Overhead costs inciude secretarial, copying, postage, library, on-line computer legal research services, office rent, equipment, etc. 4. For any attorney on the staff of the CITY ATTORNEY, except the regularly assigned full tune attorney, who performs legal services for the PHA under circumstances provided in Section II of this Agreement, an amount equal to the current billing rate paid to the PHA attomey based on hislher current salary. 5. The cost of any technical assistance referred to in Section II., Paragraph f., shall be billed at the actual cost to the CTTI' ATTORNEY, as evidenced Page 3 of 6 � D �-�7S PHA Contract No. 08009 MNl-1 et al IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PHA and the CTTY ATT'ORNEY have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. PUBLIC HOU5ING AGENCY OF In the Presence Of: THE CTTY OF SAIlVT PAIJL By: Its ontracting O fi er By: /i ,0 �s Exec ' e D rector Tn the Presence Of: CITY OF SAINT PAi7L : � Its Mayor or Designee Its Director of Office of Financial Services By: Its City Attomey or Aesignee Page 6 of 6