209811Original to City Clerk IConncil File No. 209811— Ordinance No. ,, :.330 —By Bernard T. Holland- ordinance ORDIN , ordinance amending Ordinance 250),4 Tntitled: ` o eJ L# A ._1a,Y strai'•i:u ••�dinance'relat- "�,dd' eV�PI�Q� V tp n_' ;=.;0 * 3ureau of the z e.Lr P 9,f i;rJUN� and O. -provin `?sol'gc @�., -D.!Jnns xthere- tit 1. PRESENTED BY -�ti ORDINmA CIS y O. TF An ordinance amending Ordinance. No. 32501, entitled: 1tAn admi.nis.trative ordinance relating to the. Civil Service Bureau of the. City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 2.0, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAtzL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No. 32541, approved August 20, 1914, - as amended, be. and the same. is hereby further amended, by striking out where it appears. in Section 6. in Grade 50. the title 11B.uyer -- Purchasing ]Department![, and by substituting in lien- thereof the title. "Buyer I11. Section 2. That said ordinance, as, amended, be. and the, same is hereby further amended by striking out where it appears, in.5ection 6 in Grade, 54 the title tlSenior Buyer", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Buyer I[". Section 3. This ordinance .shall take effect. and he. in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. _ _Appxoved:—. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Mr 1 resident tVu- minis-) Attest: City Clerk 1M 0-02 X22 Passed by the Council NpV % 0 t6`L Jo In Favor 0 Against NOV �01962 Approved. A0td1ig Mayor /CITY CLERK 209811 �a ,3 3 6 10 An ovdinanto &a*adws Ord4wmtt 14**� S2004 "fifled; Oft admWouadvo ordlawe taUting to Ow C" :So rviep tarot* of ** Oty ot fit Poi. ApIpwWaS. mid adapt bg r4os sad appraVed Aopst 20,o 1914. as AwWWO& council or "M CITIt 00 "T PIAVI# Dogs ORDAwt $$Ott" .1.1 %%vt Otdftwe Ifti 13001s avoro"d Auvat ZCi* 10140 *4 ammoadm bt Ud th'a **M0. to hordby 4#0ft out- vbo.-* it amon" ift sectloa, 6, to OV*Ae $0 00 U40 X)4V0tW.tAVv "d W JWb*dtUMnS 14 U*U,*0r*0f ** M10 -49*Aytr Va ftaba 2, ww''asad. ovatoftows 40 Aftohd*4 bo 040 tho 0=0 to bsr4y hAhOr 4MV464 br strikire out -Wb*vo it Wftvs lo Oecdoift 6 to oil t or th two Jasum U."'. Scatica, 1. VW# OtO 60 CA days 44ar it# UWAco AbUla*w 0 t a4db,o In 2,46 th-Wr p4*tagat *Fpravlo't and, icaflam 'AApra VO& koll q � 1062 2n G Laid over t I •3rd and app ! 1 &opted 2 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss n Mortinson Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Peterson r. Presidenta�ouli Mr Alresident -� 209811 pUBLIsHED l�