209772Orizinal to City Clerk File No. 7 209772 — Ordinance rF 20972 ORDID � ` —By Bernard T. Rolland— E/ �l /� /d ordinance amending Ordinan i07, entitled: ` fl ordinance fixing the duties si.IL FILE NO. zsibilities and the minimum qiy ns for the various classed; / PRESENTED BY Js in the Classified sere " n•INANCE NO. +*1d ';"ebruary ? ;'.)85 as-,>-W An ordinance amending Ordinance. No. 7607, entitled: r- 0 ca k0l, ttpm ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified.Se.rvice of the City, tt approved February 13, 1935, as amdride.d. THL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as, amended, be and the same, is hereby further amended by striking out the titles and specifications. for the following: Assistant Director of Libraries, Cleanup Boy Collector Coordinator of Adult Lducation Services. Director of Plant Maintenance and Operation Director of School Hygiene ,House Drain ,Inspector Secretary to the Fire Chief Supervisor of Budget Accounts. - Se.ction 2. This. ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pas:s.age, approval, and publication. s NOV 15 1962 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Holland Loss 0 Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A Sainst Resen - N0V 15 1962 Mr. President (-Va nn'ic i �2 4 Approved: ` Attest: 'c City Clerk �ctid� Mayor 1M 0-02 X22 /CITY CLERK 299772 7 An orftwmoo -owonftg 0xdtm=cw go. 7407# eatttleat '#A'u ovdiMMOS #XW# tho,dudes ond "d the mintrium 40114cations for tho various iU# *,ot pooldeds *0vbv*d lftbr"ty A, 19SAs *0 amgmdodo TWS COMM OS' T*W 42TV *)P 1 PAUL POE 010AWt $""*A I* 'that drdino ate : Xao 7601*. *00*0"d Pebr"ry, I$* out 'Wt atkos *04 for tho fbuow$bjjh Avoloftut olvotor 4 Ubmwwo motmug'a'Or colbowr , C. oordhwar of at Zdur► tlml p6rvico. aractor -of plant malnumme and opovAgeo Mr,00tor *t Sthool SySisimo socvota to the wire : Mot b)WwA*cw of Auftet Ai;oounts' 5=0602- This- OrOmmuto a t4o effect sad U $0 torge. Okirtr 4 8 44W Ito .P4401qJ0. *pprovals 60d PUM04tion, Nov 15 1962 NOV 151962 t t. 1 2n �I Laid over to 3rd and app- 11 I Ad'opte Yeas Nays Yeas Nays i '----�alglish Dalglish �olland Holland \ - - Loss Loss \�A ortinson Mortinson Peterson 1 Peterson F V n– �41osen- 113r. Pr' esident Vavoulis_%�� 1� rPrreem en �) M . 'tl t ��rvovin3 --C/� 209772 PUBLISHED '� ���