215387orlainal to-CR7 Clerk
.a File No. 215387--Ordinance ornance No. COUNCIL FILE NO.
�S3 — By George J. Vavouiis I �%
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PRESENTED a..(tina.aan- amending Chapter,` ORDINANCE NO.
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An ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, • 5, ,9ctions 74.06 and 74.07, pertaining
to Fair Employment Practice Commission. This is an
emergency ordinance necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 1. That Section 74.06 of the St. Paul Legislative
Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new subdivision
(3) to follow subdivision (2) and reading as follows:
"(3) Notwithstancling the provisions of Section
74.06 (1) relating to the number of members of the
Commission only, the Commission shall consist of a
chairman and six other members to be appointed by the
Mayor and to be confirmed by the "Council. The terms
of the two additional members herein provided for
shall be for five years and until their respective
successors have been appointed and have assumed
office. The current terms of the chairman and the
four other members now serving on the Commission and
the other provisions contained in Section 74.06 (1)
are not hereby affected."
Sec. 2. That Section 74.07 of the St. Paul - Legislative
Code be and the same hereby is amended by striking therefrom the
present subdivision (3) thereof, reading as follows:
"(3) At such times as deemed necessary to appoint
personnel subject to Council approval, and at a salary.
fixed by the Council. The position of executive seet&my shall
• b e; exempt from Civil Service classification in accerdamo with
Section 100 of the charter."
and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following:
"(3) At such times as deemed necessary to appoint
personnel subject to Council approval, and at a salary
fixed by the Council. The positions of executive secretary
and his assistant shall be exempt from Civil Service classifi-
cation'in accordance with Section 100 of the Charter."
'Sec. 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency '
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
health and safety.
-Sec. 4. This ordrinance shall take effect and be in force
from .and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas CouncilmeA " Nays
• 2 Loss
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attest • "
T City Clerk
&Gk-. j1 22
Passed by the "Counci
NOV 2 G 1953 x
Tn Favor
y ' Aroainst
v y
Approved • �% / 7,111V 9. t
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Laid over to
3rd and app � � pted
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Yeas Nays Yeas Nay$
Dalglish - Da}gliah-
Holland Holland
Loss Loss - / n
Mortinson Mortinson
Peterson Peterson e-"7�
Rosen Rosen 5w��
Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis
2,�5387�UBLISI�ED � - D J6--�2